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Events/Sales Offices
List of offices
Oita Prefecture
Oita Prefecture
Moving and other procedures
Contracts and other procedures
Change payment method
Payment by direct debit
Payment by credit card
Payment via SMS
Payment by bank transfer slip
Late payment interest system
Check charges and usage records
Confirm in writing
How to check "Electricity usage notification"
How to check your contract type
Rate Plan for households
Smart Family Plan
Smart Family Plan [Gas Set]
All Electric Nighttime Select
Residential lighting B
JAL Denki B, JAL Denki C
Ohisama Lunch Special Plan
Lighting by Season & Time-of- Use
Lighting by Time Slot
Lighting in Peak Shifts
Late Night Power A/B
Second Late Night Power
[Additional Contract] Baby Growth Plan
[Additional Contract] IJU-turn Support Plan
[Additional contract] Whole renewable energy plan
[Additional Contract] Let's Grow the Forest of the Future Plan
[Additional Contract] Avispa Fukuoka Support Plan
[Additional Contract] Fukuoka SoftBank Hawks Support Plan
[Additional contract] Renewable energy storage service
[Additional contract] IH purchase support plan
[Additional Contract] U-NEXT for Kyushu Electric Power Plan
Rate Plan for shops and offices
Smart Business Plan
Smart Business Plan [Gas Set]
Residential lighting C
High-Load Lighting Plan
Low- Voltage Power
Low- Voltage Seasonal Power Plan
Other Rate Plan
Residential lighting A
Flat rate lighting
Public Street Lighting Plan
Temporary Lighting Plan /electricity
Agriculture Power Plan A and B, agricultural lighting
Contract and fee simulation
How electricity rates work
How to calculate your electricity bill
Setting of paper issuing fee
Regarding Power transmission consignment charge
Calculation results of the fiscal year 2023 departmental income and expenditure
Our power source mix, non-fossil fuel certificate usage status, and CO2 emission coefficient [retail supply]
Our power source mix, non-fossil certificate usage status, and CO2 emission coefficient [retail supply] (FY2022 results)
Our power source mix, non-fossil certificate usage status, and CO2 emission coefficient [retail supply] (FY2021 results)
Our power source mix, non-fossil certificate usage status, and CO2 emission coefficient [retail supply] (FY2020 results)
Our power source mix and CO2 emission coefficient (FY2019 results)
Fuel cost adjustment system
Past Fuel, etc. adjustment unit price
Past Fuel adjustment unit price
Fuel adjustment unit price (low pressure supply, February 2025)
Fuel adjustment unit price (low pressure supply March 2025)
Fuel adjustment unit price (low pressure supply April 2025)
Past Remote island universal service adjustment unit price
Remote island universal service adjustment unit price (Low Voltage Supply, February 2025)
Remote island universal service adjustment unit price (Low Voltage Supply, March 2025)
Remote island universal service adjustment unit price (Low Voltage Supply, April 2025)
Download the specific retail supply terms and conditions
Download supply terms and conditions and optional terms and conditions (past versions)
Download Terms and Conditions of Electricity Supply, Terms and Conditions of Supply and Demand Contract etc.
Downloads of Terms and Conditions of Electricity Supply, Terms and Conditions of Supply and Demand Contract etc. (past data)
Various notifications, etc.
Ampere Simulation
Purchasing electricity from renewable energy sources/Purchasing under the Feed-in Tariff (FIT) system
I want to know about the Feed-in Tariff Scheme
Purchases after the expiration of the purchase period under the Feed-in Tariff (FIT) scheme
Customers who wish to sell electricity to us for the first time
Contract Procedures
Documents related to your application to our company
Important Notice for Renewable Energy Power Generation Companies
Notice of assignment of claims, etc.
Renewable Energy Generation Promotion Surcharge
Convenient and safe use of electricity
Electricity Knowledge Book
Introducing useful information for saving energy and electricity
When the electricity goes out
To all electrical contractors
Application for low voltage construction (Raku-Raku Net)
Request for early submission of electricity usage application form
Contents of the Kyushu Electric Power Power Application Handbook (booklet)
How to fill out the "Electricity Use Application Form and Customer Equipment Construction Design Drawing (Completion Notification) and Construction Certificate"
Unit prices for various construction and temporary construction work
Current limiting for reverse power flow in smart meters with current limiting function
Notice regarding future inquiries regarding the discontinuation of new and additional reception at the counter
What is all-electric?
Induction cooking heater
The benefits of all-electric
Rate Plan for all-electric homes
All-electric construction
Testimonials from customers who have adopted all-electric homes
All-electric renovation
What is Kyuden Gas?
Supply area, track record and system
Gas Rate Plan
Raw material cost adjustment system
Past Raw material adjustment unit price
Steps to signing a contract
Customers with existing Kyuden Gas contracts
In case of a gas emergency
Kyuden Gas Appliance Support
Information on leasing alarm devices
Lifestyle Services
Kyushu Electric Power Group Anshinwari
Kyuden Group Anshinwari Rate Discount Simulation
Kyuden Anshin Support
Childcare support
Electricity Support
Vacant house support
Grave support
Life Support
Kyuden Smart Lease
What is Kyuden Smart Lease?
I want to go all-electric
I want to boil water economically
Ten years have passed since the installation of the solar power generation system, but we want to use the generated electricity effectively.
I want to reduce my monthly electricity bill
Q Pico
Kyuden eco app
Recruiting Kyuden eco app participants
Events/Sales Offices
Event search
Kyuden e-living
Kyuden e-Home Fukuoka
Kyuden e-Housing Kitakyushu
List of offices
Fukuoka Prefecture (Fukuoka area)
Fukuma Sales Office
Fukuoka East Sales Office
Fukuoka Sales Office
Fukuoka West Sales Office
Fukuoka Minami Sales Office
Amagi Sales Office
Kurume Sales Office
Yame Sales Office
Omuta Sales Office
Fukuoka Prefecture (Kitakyushu area)
Kokura Sales Office
Yawata Sales Office
Yukuhashi Sales Office
Iizuka Sales Office
Tagawa Sales Office
Saga Prefecture
Karatsu Sales Office
Tosu Sales Office
Saga Sales Office
Takeo Sales Office
Nagasaki Prefecture
Hirado Sales Office
Sasebo Sales Office
Omura Sales Office
Shimabara Sales Office
Nagasaki Sales Office
Goto Sales Office
Current location:
Oita Prefecture
Nakatsu Sales Office
Hita Sales Office
Beppu Sales Office
Oita Sales Office
Mie Sales Office
Saeki Sales Office
Kumamoto Prefecture
Tamana Sales Office
Otsu Sales Office
Kumamoto West Sales Office
Kumamoto East Sales Office
Uki Sales Office
Yatsushiro Sales Office
Amakusa Sales Office
Hitoyoshi Sales Office
Miyazaki Prefecture
Nobeoka Sales Office
Hyuga Sales Office
Takanabe Sales Office
Miyazaki Sales Office
Miyakonojo Sales Office
Nichinan Sales Office
Kagoshima Prefecture
Izumi Sales Office
Kawauchi Sales Office
Kirishima Sales Office
Kagoshima Sales Office
Kaseda Sales Office
Kanoya Sales Office
Fax reception for customers with hearing or speech disabilities
List of main contact points when we contact you
Campaign List
All-electric campaign
Smart Lease Campaign
Site Policy
Site Search
Oita Prefecture
List of offices
Nakatsu Sales Office
Hita Sales Office
Beppu Sales Office
Oita Sales Office
Mie Sales Office
Saeki Sales Office
November 28, 2024
We will be reviewing electricity rates for some low-voltage customers (mainly customers with the old all-electric plan)
November 7, 2024
Please be careful of solicitations and scams made by people posing as our associates.