Payment by direct debit
This is a method whereby payments are made automatically every month from your deposit account.
The payment will be automatically debited through a collection agency.
Customers can also specify the date on which their electricity charges will be debited from their accounts.
- Gas charges will be transferred on the 23rd of the following month and cannot be specified.
By credit card
This is a payment method in which your credit card company pays your electricity and gas bills to Kyushu Electric Power, Inc., and then the credit card company bills you. Please note that you will be required to make a single payment.
Payment via SMS
This method allows you to pay by credit card, d Payment, au PAY, PayPay, or at a convenience store via SMS (Short Message Service) sent by our company.
- This service is available on smartphones. It is not available on feature phones or landlines.
Payment by bank transfer slip
With this method, you will make a payment using the designated transfer slip we send you at the "payment window" (financial institution, convenience store, etc.) listed on the back of the transfer slip.
If customers under certain Rate Plan wish to have a transfer slip issued, a paper issuance fee of 220 yen/sheet (tax included) will be charged in addition to the electricity fee. For details, please see Setting the Paper Issuance Fee.
*If you would like to pay by bank transfer slip instead of other payment methods, you will need to apply by phone.
Late payment interest system
We would like to explain the late payment interest system.