Rate Plan for shops and offices
You can choose Rate Plan that best suits your usage.
If you would like to know the recommended Rate Plan that best suits your needs, please use the "Price Simulation" below.
For high-volume customers
A flat rate is set regardless of time of day or amount of usage.
[Gas set]
For customers who have signed a contract with our gas company
A flat rate is set regardless of time of day or amount of usage.
(Eligible customers)
Customers who use city gas in the Saibu Gas city gas supply area of Fukuoka Prefecture
For standard users
Tiered pricing based on usage regardless of time of day
For customers who use it efficiently and in large quantities
Daytime rates are higher and nighttime rates are lower, with daytime rates varying depending on the season
Standard Rate Plan for customers who use power
Prices vary depending on the season
For customers who use a lot of power at night
Daytime rates are higher and nighttime rates are lower, with daytime rates varying depending on the season