1.Our purchase conditions

  • The purchase periods for Power generation equipment purchase electricity generated under the Feed-in Tariff Scheme for Renewable Energy (FIT Scheme) will expire one after another starting in November 2019.
  • If you wish to continue selling electricity to us, the new Purchase price and other contract terms are as follows.

Purchase price

7.00 yen/kWh (tax included, consumption tax rate 10%)

Contract Period

The contract will run from the day after the "expiration date of the purchase period" to the day before Meter reading date in April of the following year, and thereafter, if there are no objections from either party, the contract will be automatically renewed every year.

Non-fossil value attribution

All rights belong to our company.

(Note) The above Purchase price includes the non-fossil value.

  1. Purchase price is the current Purchase price and may be subject to change. In that case, Purchase price will be the new Purchase price regardless of the above.
  2. If there are any changes to Purchase price, we will notify you via our website.
  3. Other contract terms and conditions are based on the "Contract Terms for Receiving Electricity from Renewable Energy Power generation equipment (Retail Purchase)."

2. Procedures following expiration of purchase period

(1) If you wish to continue selling electricity to us

  • After the purchase period expires, we will continue to purchase at the new unit price based on your current contract, so there is no need to apply to us again.
  • Please see "1. Our Purchase Conditions" for the purchase conditions.

(2) If you wish to sell electricity to a party other than our company

  • Please select the retail electricity supplier to which you wish to sell your electricity, and apply to change Buyback company by following the application method specified by the new Buyback company with which you will enter into a contract.
  • The procedure may take some time, so we recommend that you complete it as early as possible. Please note that if you do not complete the procedure in time, you may not be able to change Buyback company from the date you wish to purchase electricity.

3.Notification of expiration of purchase period

  • Customers whose purchase period is expiring will receive a notice titled "Notice regarding the expiration of the purchase period for surplus electricity from solar Power generation equipment" (Notice of expiration of purchase period) by mail approximately four months prior to the expiration.
  • The purchase period under the FIT scheme is from the date on which you started selling electricity under the FIT scheme (November 1, 2009 for customers who started before November 2009) to the day before Meter reading date in the month in which a period specified by law has passed.
  • You can check the expiration date of the purchase period on the meter reading slip (confirmation of Purchased power amount) or postcard (notification of Purchased power amount) distributed to you each month.

(Meter reading slip: Purchased power amount confirmation slip)


(Postcard: Notification of Purchased power amount)


Information on how to utilize surplus electricity and information on businesses that purchase it is available on the website of the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy.

(You can search the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy website by searching "What should we do about solar?")

[Inquiries] 0570-057-333 (Hours: Weekdays 9:00-18:00, excluding weekends, holidays, and New Year holidays)

  • The envelope containing the notice of the expiration of the purchase period is "blue" and the "current purchase destination" stated on the document is Kyushu Electric Power Transmission and Distribution Co., Ltd.
  • This does not apply to customers who entered into a supply and receiving agreement or a connection agreement (construction cost contribution contract or construction cost contribution claim) before March 31, 2017.

4. Services for customers after the purchase period expires

In addition to the "Purchase Plan" where you pay a monthly fee at a unit price determined by our company according to the amount of surplus electricity you sell to us, we also offer the following plans and services.

  • We have closed new applications for the special offer that allows you to start using "QuUn" at a discount.

5. Q&A regarding expiration of purchase period

  • 買取期間満了後の電気は売電できないの?

    After the purchase period has expired, customers can sell the electricity they generate to a retail electricity supplier of their choice (including our company).

    However, if there is no Buyback company after the purchase period expires, customers with low voltage contracts (power generation output of less than 50kW) will be able to continue generating electricity by connecting to our grid for the time being, but please note that general electricity transmission and distribution companies will not provide compensation (payment of fees).

    Please be aware that there is information about businesses selling storage batteries under false pretenses such as "we will no longer be able to purchase your electricity after the purchase period has expired."

  • I received a notice about the expiration of the purchase period even though it has not yet been 10 (or 20) years since I started selling electricity. Why?

    The purchase period for each Power generation equipment starts from the date Power generation equipment started selling electricity, not from the date the customer started selling electricity. For example, in the case of solar Power generation equipment installed at a place where you have moved, the purchase period includes the period when the previous occupant sold electricity and the period when the property was vacant. Therefore, even if 10 (or 20) years have not passed since the customer started selling electricity, the purchase period will expire when 10 (or 20) years have passed since Power generation equipment started selling electricity.

  • What is the difference between purchases under the FIT system and purchases after the purchase period has expired?

    Under the FIT scheme, purchases were made at a price and for a period set by the government, but after the purchase period expired, purchases would be made under conditions set by each retail electricity business.

  • Can I continue the current purchase price even after the purchase period has expired?

    Under the FIT system, the government set the purchase price taking into consideration the recovery of installation costs for solar Power generation equipment etc. In addition, the purchase cost was borne by all electricity users as a "Renewable Energy Generation Promotion Surcharge."

    Please understand that after the purchase period expires, the item will no longer be subject to these systems and the purchase price will be changed.

  • What does it mean to impute capacity value?

    For contracts that continue with us after the purchase period expires, you will agree to us bidding and entering into contracts as a variable energy source (aggregator) in the capacity market, which is scheduled to begin trading in fiscal year 2024.

Contact Information

Kyushu Electric Power Power Co., Inc. Renewable Energy Special Reception Center

(Address) 2-1-82 Watanabedori, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture, 810-8720


Reception hours: 9:00 - 17:00 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and the New Year holidays)