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Active[edit | edit source ]

  1. Mhaille
  2. Zombiebaron - contacted by TKF
  3. Modusoperandi
  4. Hotadmin4u69
  5. Pentium5dot1
  6. Zana Dark
  7. PF4Eva
  1. Matt lobster
  2. Kip the Dip
  3. RAHB
  4. Jack Phoenix
  5. Colin "All your base" Heaney
  6. Gerrycheevers
  7. MrN9000
  8. Simsilikesims
  9. Hyperbole
  10. Joe9320
  11. The Woodburninator
  12. Sockpuppet of an unregistered user
  13. Funnybony
  14. Romartus
  1. Nikau
  2. Aleister
  3. Lyrithya
  4. Scofield
  5. Shabidoo
  6. Shandon
  7. Mimo&maxus
  8. Frosty
  9. Cat the Colourful - contacted by TKF
  1. Sir Peasewhizz
  2. Mr-ex777
  3. NoNamesLeft
  4. Mattsnow
  5. Y
  6. Xamralco
  7. Bizzeebeever
  8. Qzekrom
  9. Leverage
  10. MagicBus
  11. IFYMB!
  12. Anton199 - contacted by TKF
  13. Figgycity50
  14. Snarglefoop
  15. Banzaikitten
  16. Everyotherusernamewastaken - contacted by Anton199
  17. GrammarFegelein - contacted by Anton199

Inactive[edit | edit source ]

Inactive/retired but still registered after the move. It may be possible to contact though their talk pages.

  1. AmericanBastard
  2. Andorin Kato
  3. Black flamingo11
  4. Bonner
  5. Bradaphraser
  6. Carlb
  7. ChiefjusticeDS
  8. Claudius Prime
  9. Dawg
  10. Dexter111344, also has a Twitter account
  11. DJ Irreverent
  12. Dr. Skullthumper, also has a blog (inactive), Scribd, and Twitter account
  13. Doyoureallywanttohurtme
  14. DWIII
  15. El Zoof
  16. Ethine
  17. 15Mickey20
  18. Finnius
  19. Fishalishalish
  20. GlobalTourniquet
  21. Hindleyite, also edits on Illogicopedia
  22. Hrodulf
  23. Iwillkillyou333
  24. JackOfSpades
  25. Jocke Pirat
  26. Kingkitty
  27. Knucmo2
  28. MeepStarLives
  29. MoneySign
  30. Monika
  31. Mordillo, may have a website
  32. Mrthejazz
  33. Multiliteralist
  34. Naughtyned
  35. Orian57, also has a blog and Twitter account
  36. PantsMacKenzie
  37. Ptok-Bentoniczny
  38. RabbiTechno
  39. Rataube, also edits on Wikipedia
  40. Roman Dog Bird
  41. Saberwolf116
  42. Savethemooses
  43. Sikon
  44. Smuggler
  45. Sog1970
  46. Some user
  47. Sonje
  48. So So
  49. Sycamore
  50. Syndrome
  52. TheSlyFox
  53. Tom mayfair
  54. Under user
  55. Weebils
  56. YouKnowWhatTheMusicMeans
  57. Zarbag
  58. Zim ulator
  1. CandidToaster
  2. TheHumbucker
  3. Llwy-ar-lawr
  4. RedHot

E-mail available (private)[edit | edit source ]

Check Special:Emailuser

  1. Famine - ask Mordillo
  2. Prettiestpretty - ask Mhaille
  3. Todd Lyons - ask Mhaille
  4. Tompkins - ask Mhaille

E-mail available (public)[edit | edit source ]

  1. Chronarion (Website founder)
  2. Dimario
  3. Insertwackynamehere - also has a website
  4. Matthlock - see also: Forum:A decade of fun and other things
  5. Nerd42
  6. One-eyed Jack
  7. PuppyOnTheRadio

Available on other wikis[edit | edit source ]

  1. Stillwaters (Co-founder) currently edits on Wikipedia
  2. InMooseWeTrust currently edits on Wikipedia
  3. Manticore currently edits on Wikipedia
  4. AAA! currently edits on Wikipedia
  5. Ye Olde Luke currently edits on Wikipedia
  6. Ashibaka currently edits on Wikipedia
  7. DiZ currently edits on Wikipedia
  8. Simsilikesims currently edits on Wikipedia
Foreign Uncyclopedias
  1. Gert5 founder of the Estonian Uncyclopedia
  2. Radioactive afikomen administrator on RationalWiki
  3. NaturalBornKieler editor on the German Uncyclopedia
  4. Sinner George editor on the Greek Uncyclopedia
  5. WiiKend administrator on the French Uncyclopedia

Available on social media[edit | edit source ]

  1. Codeine has a Facebook account (as of 2008)
  2. Hinoa has a Facebook and Twitter account
  3. Insineratehymn, has a blog and Wikipedia account
  4. Lord Fluffy who rains fire from the heavens has a Facebook account (as of 2008) - ask Ethine
  5. Flammable has a Facebook account (as of 2008) - ask Codeine
  6. Finntastic has a MySpace and MSN account (as of 2008) - ask Bonner and RabbiTechno
  7. Ljlego has a Facebook account (as of 2008) - ask THEDUDEMAN and TheLedBalloon
  8. Rcmurphy has a Flickr account
  9. SysRq has a blog (inactive), Facebook and Skype account - ask Ethine, Dr. Skullthumper, and 15Mickey20
  10. Ticklethekeys has a Facebook account
  11. Simsilikesims has 3 Facebook accounts, a Twitter account that she largely ignores most of the time, and a Skype account - ask Simsilikesims for details. Note: Friending this user on Facebook will likely result in Facebook game requests.

Other[edit | edit source ]

  1. Darkdan has a website (as of March 2007)
  2. Isra1337 has a blog (as of January 2008)
  3. UtarEmpire has a website (as of August 2009)
  4. HerrDoktor (and possibly FoxyBabe) has a blog
  5. Sikon has a blog
  6. Epynephrin has a blog
  7. David Gerard has a website
  8. RadicalX has a website
  9. Orion Blastar has a website
  10. Mandaliet has a website
  11. Miley Spears has a website
  12. Kenvalyi has a Twitter account?
  13. LeeHarveyKennedy, contributor to
  14. The Thinker, also has a Facebook and Twitter account; contributor to
  15. ۞, contributor to

MIA[edit | edit source ]

  1. Acid Ammo
  2. Acrolo
  3. Administrator
  4. AE
  5. Alksub
  6. Algorithm
  7. An Ape that Only Exists on Thursdays
  8. Armando
  9. Asahatter
  10. BobBobBob
  11. Bonalaw
  12. Boomer
  13. Braydie
  14. Cainad
  15. Cajek
  16. Cap'n Ben
  17. Carlos the Mean
  18. Ceridwyn
  19. Charitwo
  20. Cheapinitreal
  21. CheddarBBQ
  22. Clorox
  23. Composure1
  24. Contestant
  25. Count of Monkey Crisco
  26. CrabPope
  27. Cs1987
  28. CScott
  29. Doug
  30. DJ Mixerr
  31. DrAwesome
  32. Dr. Fenwick
  33. DrStrange
  34. Elvis
  35. Emmzee
  36. ENeGMA
  37. Enzo Aquarius
  38. EvilZak
  39. Flyingfeline
  40. Fonchezzz
  41. Fnoodle
  42. Frankenberry Grr
  43. Freebasser
  44. George VI
  45. Ghelae
  46. Gneomi
  47. GopherKiller
  48. Guildensternenstein
  49. Gwax
  50. Happytimes
  51. Hardwick Fundlebuggy
  52. Hawthorn Peebles
  53. Heerenveen
  54. High Gen. Grue
  55. IMBJR
  56. ImNotASunbeam
  57. Imrealized
  58. Iritscen
  59. IronLung
  60. Jack mort
  61. Jamtrousers
  62. Jedravent
  63. Jim Groovester
  64. Jordanus
  65. Kaizer the Bjorn
  66. Keitei
  67. King In Yellow
  68. KP
  69. Kwakerjak
  70. Leoispotter
  71. LongLiverh3
  72. Lugiatm
  73. Luvvy
  74. MacMania
  75. Mahm00shA
  76. Maniac1075
  77. Marcos Malo
  78. Matfen
  79. Mellomeh
  80. Metaphysical
  81. Mindspillage
  82. Mnbvcxz
  83. Moneke
  84. Monthenor
  85. Mrmonkey72
  86. Nachlader
  87. Nameable
  88. Narf, the Wonder Puppy
  89. Ndansmith
  90. Necropaxx
  91. NeoEva88
  92. NeoZidane
  93. Not A Good Username360
  94. Nydas
  95. Nytrospawn
  96. Ogopogo
  97. Olipro
  98. Optimuschris
  99. Padddy5
  100. Paulgb
  101. Pottsm
  102. Procopius
  103. Rei
  104. Roger The Bum
  105. Sbluen
  106. Seeker
  107. Sequence
  108. Severian
  109. Siddhartha-Wolf
  110. SimulacrumCaputosis
  111. SirIsaac
  112. Sir Cornbread
  113. Skinfan13
  114. Slackerboy
  115. Sliferjam
  116. Sonic80
  117. Spintherism
  118. Splaka
  119. Squiggle
  120. Stejinz
  121. Strange but untrue
  122. THE
  123. The Humbled Master
  124. The Number-One ALF Fan
  125. TheTris
  126. The UnIdiot
  127. Uncle J
  128. UnTalented
  129. Villahj Ideeut
  130. Volte
  131. Weri long wang
  132. Why do I need to provide this?
  133. Whywhywhy
  134. Wild Weasel
  135. Winstanley1
  136. Witt E,
  137. Xiao Li
  138. YesTimeToEdit, also has a blog (inactive)
  139. YouFang
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