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Articles I have written for UnNews[edit | edit source ]
JULY, 2011
- 213. Christian Radio's "Carmageddon" prediction fails to materialize
- 212. Obama proposes monetization of peas to pay off national debt
- 211. Casey Anthony wins prestigious OJ Simpson award
- 210. Strauss-Kahn charges reduced from rape to douchebaggery
MAY, 2009
- 208. Nuclear blast fails to settle Kim Jong Il's hair
APRIL, 2009
- 207. U.S. Government sends Chris Redfield to battle swine flu in Mexico
- 206. Obama called anti-American for selecting Portuguese water dog
- 205. Obama vows to hunt down Easter Bunny ; find eggs
MARCH, 2009
- 204. God declares Fargo a test area for disasters as blizzard hits
- 203. Obama's speech reassures Americans about NCAA brackets
- 202. Space Shuttle launches after duct tape fix
- 201. Obama overturns Bush stem cell policy; plans clone of himself
- 200. Recession now affecting time itself ; one hour lost Sunday
- 199. Weather Service Issues Hannah Montana warning for the southeastern US
JUNE, 2008
- 198. Playground pals Bill & Barack on speaking terms again
- 197. Zimbabwe's Mugabe claims to have won the Euro 2008 championship
- 196. Federal Reserve holds interest rates low until chairman pays off loans
- 195. Supreme Court approves death penalty for jaywalking
- 194. Zimbabwe's Mugabe declares the Netherlands "archenemy number one"
- 193. Anthropologists encounter America's only Euro soccer fan
MARCH, 2008
- 192. Bush disappointed South America no longer on brink of war
- 191. Medvedev feigns surprise after election victory in Russia
- 190. Nader decides to spoil the elections again
- 189. Fidel Castro finally admits he is dead
- 188. Bush travels to Africa in search of country to invade
- 187. Government confirms existence of "Area 7" for aliens in Guantanamo
- 186. Journalists discover Republican Alan Keyes is running for president
- 185. CNN's Situation Room overwhelmed on Super Tuesday ; Blitzer hospitalized
- 184. UnNews officially endorses Mike Gravel for president
- 183. Microsoft to buy Yoohoo chocolate drink company
- 182. Edwards quit campaign just to watch season premiere of Lost
- 181. Giuliani declares victory in Florida despite huge loss
- 180. Mexican delegation sent to Gaza for border-crossing study
- 179. Giuliani revamps strategy to focus just on Miami-Dade County
- 178. Tearful Hillary Clinton loses Miss South Carolina pageant
- 177. Federal Reserve burns Vegas casino money in emergency move
- 176. CNN wins New Hampshire Primary , narrowly beating Fox News
- 175. CNN apologizes for allowing debate question from Giuliani in drag
- 174. Kasparov jailed for beating Putin at chess
- 173. White shoppers turned away from Black Friday deals
- 172. Bush breaks tradition, doesn't pardon Thanksgiving turkey
- 171. Media rekindles Natalee Holloway investigation
- 170. Simpson proclaims innocence , vows to find "the real burglar"
- 169. Putin's surprise nomination shocks Indonesia
- 168. Osama bin Laden to release next video exclusively on Blu-ray DVD
- 167. Subprime mortgage woes hit Wikipedia , article count drops below 1 million
- 166. Senator Larry Craig changes mind about resignation, sexual orientation
- 165. Study finds that Bush failed to meet 11 of 18 mental development benchmarks
- 164. Osama Bin Laden makes surprise visit to the United States
AUGUST, 2007
- 163. Thompson to announce press conference about another press conference
- 162. Dean Hurricane threatens rowdy frat boys in Cancun
- 161. Giuliani supports Barack Obama for President
- 160. Minneapolis bridge collapse foils terrorist plan to blow up same bridge
JULY, 2007
- 159. Soccer victory proves Iraq strategy is working , says Bush
JUNE, 2007
MAY, 2007
- 157. Dr. Kevorkian to be released from prison , sent to help Iraqi suicide bombers
- 156. Thinking the "T" stand for "tree", Bush gives NATO chief a ranch tour
- 155. Fat president is Iraq's last unresolved problem
- 154. Rapture! Rev. Jerry Falwell taken to heaven, everyone else left behind
- 153. White Star steamer Empress of the North sinks
- 152. Bush confused at 400th anniversary of Jamestown founding
- 151. Cheney visits Hell to shore up support for Iraq war
- 150. President Bush hosts Texas-style barbecue for British Queen
- 149. Chavez threatens to take over Venezuelans' living rooms
- 148. Vetoing Congressional funding bill, Bush launches telethon to raise money for Iraq
APRIL, 2007
- 147. Al Qaeda trying to recruit truck driver from California highway collapse
- 146. McCain announces bid to become the next American Idol
- 145. Mogadishu now tops list of "Best Cities to Live in for Warlords"
- 144. Vodka industry in turmoil following Yeltsin's death
- 143. Americans have high hopes for Sunni Ghetto in Baghdad
- 142. New Jersey Governor's car crash caused by 88mph time-travel attempt
MARCH, 2007
- 141. Bush awards Presidential Medal of Freedom to Scooter Libby
- 140. Vice President Dick Cheney personally experiences Walter Reed problems
- 139. Bush declares martial law after interpreting lunar eclipse as bad omen
- 138. World War III begins as Switzerland invades Liechtenstein; US Army Secretary resigns
- 137. Epic film "Anna Nicole's Trials" makes Oscar sweep with nine wins
- 136. Al Gore poised to win Oscar for "Best Vice President in a Movie"
- 135. Britney Spears desperately tries to take media spotlight away from Anna Nicole
- 134. Three climbers and dog rescued from stranded JetBlue plane
- 133. DNA tests reveal that I am Anna Nicole's baby's father
- 132. Hackers briefly overwhelm three key porn servers
- 131. Grizzly bear mauls colt in post-Superbowl revenge killing
- 130. Senator Biden regrets calling Obama "clean," now refers to him as "dirty"
- 129. Chavez makes yet another beyond-the-grave visit to Castro
- 128. John Kerry euthanized after political setbacks
- 127. President Bush plans to hire Jack Bauer for terrorism fight
- 126. Obama launches campaign for President of Cuba
- 125. House increases maximum wage from 515 to 725 million dollars per year
- 124. Apple unveils new device - the "rotary phone"
- 123. Bush takes cue from Chavez; vows to nationalize media
- 122. Saddam's tomb found empty after 3 days; resurrected leader appears to followers
- 121. World nervously awaits impact of Y2.007K computer problem
- 120. James Brown's body mistakenly switched for Gerald Ford's at Apollo Viewing
- 119. World's oldest man, Jesus Christ, celebrates 2009th birthday
- 118. UN Security Council imposes sanctions on North Pole
- 117. Bush to send more troops to St. Helens in effort to appease Volcano God
- 116. NBA violence at highest level as new Defense Secretary sworn in
- 115. Brain surgery turns Senator Johnson from Democrat to Republican
- 114. Iran holds conference to debate the existence of women
- 113. Litvinenko investigators find polonium at North Pole; Santa implicated
- 112. Reports from NASA, Iraq study group, get mixed up
- 111. DefSec nominee Gates says America losing the War on Christmas
- 110. Castro misses military parade due to his death
- 109. UnNews unveils video news broadcasts
- 108. Iraqi PM postpones meeting with Bush to watch TV show
- 107. Xenu disappointed over Cruise-Holmes wedding
- 106. PS3 fans eagerly await OJ Simpson's new game "If You Did It"
- 105. Nancy Pelosi elected as first mute Speaker of the House
- 104. UnNews to merge with UN News
- 103. NASA chief Michael Griffin resigns over handling of Saturn hurricane
- 102. Laura Bush jealous of President's lunch date with Nancy Pelosi
- 101. Nominated Secretary of Defense, Gates vows to use Windows for victory in Iraq
- 100. Britney divorce filing gives Republicans last-minute boost on election day
- 99. Leader of National Gay Alliance dismissed for heterosexual activity
- 98. Verdict looms in Saddam's trial for murder of Nicole Brown Simpson
- 97. Bush stops campaigning after realizing upcoming election is not for President
- 96. Recruiters frustrated they can't hire Cheney, Rumsfeld
- 95. Bush mistakes military hospital for Halloween haunted house
- 94. US terror alert raised to orange after extra hour is smuggled into country
- 93. After Cheney-administered water boarding, Iraqi PM backs timetable
- 92. Bush holds press conference on deteriorating situation in New Jersey
- 91. US Border Patrol ready to catch 300 millionth immigrant
- 90. Bush declares war on Yankees after pitcher flies plane into building
- 89. Kim Jong Il's suspected Duke Nukem deathmatch was actually in Quake
- 88. John Mark Karr confesses to hacking Foley's screenname, IMing pages
- 87. Al-Qaida Inc. expanding, now recruiting scientists
- 86. Investigators zero in on Osama Bin Spinach
- 85. US to allow Coca-Cola on planes after deal with company, terrorists
- 84. US sends Venezuelan Foreign Minister to Guantanamo
- 83. Cosmonaut's flatulence sparks alarm on space station
- 82. Popeye in critical condition from E. coli in spinach
- 81. Pope slanders Jews to appease Muslims after call for Crusade
- 80. Bobby Brown goes on Montreal shooting rampage after Houston divorce filing
- 79. September 12 jealous of September 11's fame
- 78. Senate report concludes Saddam had no al-Gayda links after all
- 77. Bush acknowledges secret CIA prisons, low IQ level
- 76. Bush picks Samuel L. Jackson as new transportation secretary
- 75. Transfer of Abu Ghraib prison to Iraqis starts "New Era of Torture"
AUGUST, 2006
- 74. Stolen copy of Craven's "Scream" film recovered by police
- 73. John Mark Karr wins Emmy for best actor in a crime drama
- 72. "Ernest Goes to Haiti" to be released in theatres this week
- 71. Iran defies IAU, maintains that Pluto is a planet
- 70. Paramount drops Tom Cruise after actor's confession
- 69. Iran agrees to have "talk" with girlfriend America
- 68. Bush admits Iraq war is straining nation's psychics
- 67. JonBenet suspect rates airline food
- 66. Sharon In Stable Condition After Dip In Copperfield's Fountain of Youth
- 65. Venezuela's Hugo Chavez Enjoys Weekend at Fidel's
- 64. NewTextCompressionAlgorithmInvented
- 63. Snakes Banned From Carry-On Luggage on Planes
- 62. Middle East "World of War" Server to Undergo Maintenance at 7am Monday
- 61. Britain Foils Toothpaste Smuggling Terrorist Plot
- 60. Halliburton Shuts Down Pipeline in Bush's Brain
- 59. AOL Discloses Searches Of All Two Subscribers
JUNE, 2006
- 58. Hamas Pays Palestinian Workers With Monopoly Money
- 57. God Disappointed in Jesus' Father's Day Gift
- 56. Baghdad Overwhelmed with Flowers for Liberators
- 55. Bush Makes Surprise Visit To White House
- 54. US Develops Vaccine For World Cup Fever
- 53. "Slashdotted," Crashing Servers
- 52. Campaigns For al-Qaida Presidential Elections Heat Up
- 51. Iran Vows To "Wipe Mexico Off The Map" After Soccer Defeat
- 50. National Gay Marriage Threat Level Raised to "Flamboyant"
- 49. EU Secret Prison Investigators Sent to Secret European Prisons
MAY, 2006
- 48. Iraqi WMDs Hidden With Hoffa's Body , Government Claims
- 47. Barbaro Walters Emerges From Full Day of Surgery
- 46. New Orleans Election To Decide City Flavor: Vanilla or Chocolate
- 45. "Fray at Gitmo Bay" Boxing Match Declared A Huge Success
- 44. TV Networks To Cancel "President Bush's Speeches" After This Season
- 43. Bush to Deploy National Guard at Canadian Border
- 42. Orphans Across the Country Mark a Somber Mother's Day
- 41. Stavros Niarchos Checks Out Of Paris Hilton Hotel
- 40. Millions of Immigrants Celebrate New Month's
- 39. Rebels Reject Darfur Peace Deal; Sudanese Empire Threatens With Death Starve
APRIL, 2006
- 38. Amtrak Future Uncertain ; Could Be Replaced by Steam Engines
- 37. Phil Spector's Murder Trial Delayed For Haircut
- 36. Fox News To Replace White House Press Secretary
- 35. Bush's Approval Rating Falls Below Zero
- 34. Latest Bin Laden Tape Depicts Perverted Acts
- 33. John Kerry Debating Himself On Whether To Run In 2008
- 32. Duke Nukem Forever Delay Postpones Iraqi Parliament Session
- 31. Bush Confused As To Who is Visiting White House
- 30. U.S. May Ask IKEA to Sanction Iran
- 29. Bubonic Plague Strikes LA, Wikis; Bush Cuts Vacation Short
- 28. McClellan Dodges Questions on McClellan Resignation
- 27. Katie Holmes Gives Birth to Reincarnation of L. Ron Hubbard
- 26. Google Admits to Censoring Uncyclopedia
- 25. San Francisco Marks Godzilla Attack Centennial
- 24. Times-Picayune, Sun Herald, UnNews Win Pulitzer
- 23. Buddy Holly's Watch, Grillz, Sold At Auction
- 22. Tragedy At Easter Egg Hunt As Cheney Shoots Easter Bunny
- 21. You Are Reading This Headline; About To Click On It
- 20. New Suspect, Known Only as "V" Arrested in Holloway Case
- 19. Easter Bunny Celebrates 1976th Birthday
- 18. UnNews Announces Morse Code RSS Feed
- 17. Palestinians Storm Hamas HQ, Demand Hummus
- 16. NYC Rat Finally Rescued After 14 Days
- 15. Pope Gets Lost at Way of the Cross Procession
- 14. Last Minute Tax Tips From UnNews
- 13. Bonds' Steroids Turn Jury Into Grand Jury
- 12. Scientists Release New Venus Images; Serena pics coming soon
- 11. Danube River at Record Levels; Dykes, Gays Still Holding
- 10. Delta pilots picnic outside headquarters as strike looms
- 9. Mystery Speaker to Convene Iraqi Parliament
- 8. General Pace, Captain Morgan defend Rumsfeld
- 7. 10th planet larger than Pluto, but smaller than Lassie
- 6. Man wins 9ドル million Vioxx lottery
- 5. Iran enriches uranium, impoverishes carbon
- 4. Emigrant rally draws 3 people
- 3. Enron's Skilling bribes jury - claims wallet doesn't fit
- 2. Governator declares emergency ;vows to go back in time to stop flood, girly-men
- 1. Italian election too close to call as Florida tally disputed
Articles I have written for Uncyclopedia[edit | edit source ]
- 7. The Watch Men
- 6. Moose-Robot War of 1819
- 5. UnBooks:Lil Red Ridin in da Hood
- 4. Franz Ferdinand
- 3. Benson's 4-D House Of Pancakes
- 2. Please delete this page
- 1. Jesus Christos
Awards[edit | edit source ]
May 2007