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Cupcake dog flashback.gif

Optimuschris[edit | edit source ]

Optimuschris does not transform into anything. He is not interested in saving the planet from giant robots. He does not want to see your fanfic. He does however have a penchant for not wearing pants.

This is not Optimuschris
This however...



Uncyclopedia:Imperial Colonization

Colonization Workshop

Things I've peed on.


Work in Progress

More Work in Progress

UnNews desk


UN:At a glance

some .js or other

UnNews (TalkContribs (del)Block (rem-lst-all)WhoisCityProxy?WP Edits Checkuser ) was so impressed with me, he wrote this in my honor! Obviously the Philistines around here had to delete it immediately, vanity they said. I saved a copy though because my ego demands it.


So I don't forget.[edit | edit source ]

HowTo:Featured, {{HowTo:TotD}} and HowTo:Recent

These things make me laugh.[edit | edit source ]

Then again, so does video of dudes getting kicked in the nuts. Meh. You decide.

Random Shit[edit | edit source ]

Some good articles

UnNews:God declares Fargo a test area for disasters as blizzard hits

User:RAHB/Fantastic Jokes and Other Reverted Humor

The Cruise

this thing

User:Optimuschris/21days thanks

User:Optimuschris/Nazi thanks


Be Quiet and Shut the Fuck Up


Template-Impersonal thanks.


Good Boy!

I are teh writer what is good with words and stuff[edit | edit source ]

Potatohead.png Featured Article: HowTo:Become Stupid in 21 days‎
This person wrote an article which became one of the
Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?!
Potatohead.png Featured Article: 21st Century Nazis
This person wrote an article which became one of the
Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?!

IC Feature(s) that I had nothing to do with but share credit for anyways[edit | edit source ]

Featured Colonization: Al Gore

This person contributed to a Colonization which became one of the Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia.

Featured Colonization: Great Britain

This entity contributed to a Colonization which became one of the Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia.

Featured Colonization: Michael Jackson

This person contributed to a Colonization which became one of the Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia.

Featured Colonization: Jew

This person contributed to a Colonization which became one of the Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia.

Featured Colonization: God

This person contributed to a Colonization which became one of the Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia.

IC Articles I contributed to causing them to not be featured[edit | edit source ]

Ic bead.svg Colonization: Barack Obama
This entity contributed to a Colonization, successfully eliminating
the natives and furthering the goal of the empire.
Ic bead.svg Colonization: Wikipedia
This entity contributed to a Colonization, successfully eliminating
the natives and furthering the goal of the empire.
Ic bead.svg Colonization: Singapore
This entity contributed to a Colonization, successfully eliminating
the natives and furthering the goal of the empire.
Ic bead.svg Colonization: You
This entity contributed to a Colonization, successfully eliminating
the natives and furthering the goal of the empire.

Also this crap[edit | edit source ]

Why?:Can't Anybody Drive in this Town?

UnNews:Optimus Prime Murdered

These things[edit | edit source ]

Clock.gif This user has been on Uncyclopedia for
17 years and 22 days.

This user has graduated from the adoption program! Kudos! from MrN9000.
The Newspaper That Openly Admits Its Liberal And Conservative Biases!
This user is constantly PEEING. They apologize for the mess.
This user is a member of the SysRq Fanclub Society, and therefore refreshes his talk page obsessively.
This user is a member of Imperial Colonization.
This user is a member of the
Society for Misspelling Philantropy
Because a silent "H" is a silent killer…

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