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Iz high.

Articles I Wrote

UnMovie Reviews I Wrote

UnScripts I Wrote

UnNews I Wrote (because I couldn't be bothered to put the effort into a real article)

Articles I Rewrote, (assuming no-one who liked the senseless bullshit before, reverts it.)

See Awards

Potatohead.png Featured Article: Christian Bale
This person wrote an article which became one of the
Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?!
Potatohead.png Featured Article: Alec Baldwin
This person wrote an article which became one of the
Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?!
Potatohead.png Featured Article: The Fast and the Furious (film series)
This person wrote an article which became one of the
Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?!
Potatohead.png Featured Article: Keanu Reeves
This person wrote an article which became one of the
Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?!
Potatohead.png Featured Article: Chris Rock
This person wrote an article which became one of the
Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?!
Potatohead.png Featured Article: Obi-Wan Kenobi
This person wrote an article which became one of the
Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?!
Potatohead.png Featured Article: Kyle MacLachlan
This person wrote an article which became one of the
Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?!
Potatohead.png Featured Article: John Connor
This person wrote an article which became one of the
Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?!
Featured ΥΣΣ Collaboration: Tim Burton
This person was a principal contributor to the April 2010 ΥΣΣ Collaboration, helping Upsilon Sigma Sigma create Top 50 Requested content.
ArticleWhisperAwardGold.png Article Whisperer Winner
This person is a Grand Prize winner of The Article Whisperer Competition (2010), which they won for their article: Uncyclopedia:Let's talk about something important in the {{{2}}} category.

ArticleWhisperAwardGold.png Article Whisperer Winner
This person is a Grand Prize winner of The Article Whisperer Competition (2010), which they won for their article: John Connor in the {{{2}}} category.
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