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This user is an Apprentice in the Potatochoppers' Guild , and has earned a modest amount of respect.
This user is a Registered User and they can upload images and move pages, whoopdie freakin doo.
This user is American
…and unabashedly proud of it!
(List of American Uncyclopedians)
UnNews Logo Potato.png This user is a reporter for UnNews because they couldn't get a job at a real newspaper.
This user is hereby nominated an HONORARY JEW, and is entitled to all honors and persecutions as such.

I accept full blame for these articles:[edit | edit source ]

Two! Two monks! Ah ah ah.

As well as these UnNews stories:[edit | edit source ]

Diogenes is happy to see people feature UnNews. Seriously. He doesn't look like it, but he's jumping for joy on the inside.
UnNews:John Mark Karr confesses to Lindbergh baby kidnapping

I accept 99.9 percent of the blame for:[edit | edit source ]

I accept 75 percent of the blame for:[edit | edit source ]

I accept blame for the top half of:[edit | edit source ]

I made inconsequential changes to:[edit | edit source ]

I urge you to read:[edit | edit source ]

Arr, get ye to the Blackbeard Catering Company fer lifelong memories!
Strive to increase the double entendres for Glorious Chairwoman Mae Zedong!

Awards that keep me going through the chill, lonely night [edit | edit source ]

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