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This user has been inactive on Uncyclopedia for more than one year.

Some content has been removed from their userpage to help keep Uncyclopedia tidy.

If this is your userpage, please feel free to restore that content and remove this template.

Bare-bones for the time being.

My Games (3 so far)[edit | edit source ]

  • Abyss (my baby!)
  • (削除) Abyss 2 (my illegitimate, slightly retarded child) (削除ここまで)
  • Grueslayer (my idea, but Trar created the page) (please help!)

My Articles (featured in bold) (19 so far)[edit | edit source ]

My Templates (4 so far)[edit | edit source ]

My UnTunes (featured in bold) (5 so far)[edit | edit source ]

My UnNews (3 so far, more that I can't remember)[edit | edit source ]

My Userboxes (a lot so far)[edit | edit source ]

This user is Canadian
…and actually admits to it!
(List of Canadian Uncyclopedians)
This user has joined The Grue Army
to help Uncyclopedia kill vandals, and help users. Please join today!
Che santoru.png This user celebrates the recent unbanning of ∩int∑ndorul∑z. Now that he is longer banned, let us hope he will come home.
This user wishes they were an admin. Please grant them their wish.
This user believes the Mozilla Firefox could easily defeat Godzilla.
This user loves to play the drums , and usually hangs out with musicians.
This user is a member of DiZ's
inner circle. Fear them.
This user has survived the wretched dark place we call The Abyss.
This user is a member of the League of Benson, and therefore admits that Benson is better than themselves.
This user contributes using DOS .
Just because I think everyone is trying to kill me doesn't mean they aren't. You know what I mean ?
This user is a Ninja , with dominion over everything totally sweet.
Counter-Strike retail box This user is addicted to Counter-strike, and would like to blow your face off with an AK-47. id2
This user gots a shovel.
Yes they does.
rh -N
This user is a native speaker of Random Humour .
rh -N
enr -N
This user is a native speaker of Engrish .
enr -N
17 -N
This user is a native speaker of 1337 .
17 -N
ca -N
This user is a native speaker of Canadian .
ca -N
gb -4
This user speaks Gibberish at a near-native level.
gb -4
gbs -4
This user speaks Galactic Basic Standard at a near-native level.
gbs -4
du -3
This user is able to contribute with an advanced level of Dumbass .
du -3
us -3
This user is able to contribute with an advanced level of American English .
us -3
mor -2
This user is able to contribute with an intermediate level of -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . .
mor -2
ac -1
This user is able to contribute with a basic level of those African clicky noises .
ac -1
fh -1
This user is able to contribute with a basic level of Fuckhead .
fh -1
tx -0
This user does not understand Texan (or understands it with considerable difficulties).
tx -0
Yah meeht nawt beh abble tew undersvand zis usehr behkuz zey zpeek MediaWiki whif und estreemleh theuck akzent .
il -X
This user only speaks Igpay Atinlay enough to seduce native Igpay Atinlay speakers .
il -X
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