
From Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia
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Nice to put a name to a face. But that's not my name. And this is not my face.

Leverage came to Uncyclopedia in September 2012. He still hasn't left.

All my stuff

Encyclopedia Articles

  • Acute accent - a tribute to the ́ symbol.
  • Bidet Symbol for vote.svg - literally toilet humour.
  • Black Lives Matter Symbol for vote.svg - 2020's second hottest topic.
  • BladeRunnerway Bride Symbol for vote.svg - the Harrison Ford-Julia Roberts dystopian chick-flick.
  • Breaking Bad Wind Symbol for vote.svg - AMC drama about a teacher who learns he has cancer and starts to let rip.
  • Canadian baseball Symbol for vote.svg - the nation's favourite game.
  • George H. W. Bush Symbol for vote.svg - Daddy did not have his own page.
  • Great Pacific Cum Patch Symbol for vote.svg - it's a big mess.
  • Herbert Hoover Symbol for vote.svg - profile on the suckiest president.
  • Inuits vs. Eskimos - Chris (削除) Rock's (削除ここまで) Iceberg's infamous routine.
  • ISIS Symbol for vote.svg - Muslim terrorist group founded by a white separatist in Pennsylvania.
  • Joanna Corey - a bio of the academic who comes up in a lot of my UnNews.
  • John Travolta Symbol for vote.svg - a requested article on the heterosexual star.
  • Jonathan Ross - some r's have been left in on purpose, some haven't.
  • Katy Perry hit generator Symbol for vote.svg - an insight into how today's hits are written.
  • Los Angeles Rams - a potted history of the NFL's least loyal team.
  • Nelson Mandela Symbol for vote.svg - a Jerry Sadowitz inspired tribute.
  • Old White Man Symbol for vote.svg - a profile on the mysterious Native American man from the UnNews template.
  • Pope Francis Symbol for vote.svg - profile of the Argentinian midfielder and pontiff.
  • Pornography Symbol for vote.svg - a rewrite.
  • Robin Williams Symbol for vote.svg - a rewrite about the effect of death.
  • Solar wind Symbol for vote.svg - in outer space, no one can hear you break wind.
  • Wee Kia - a pun on Wikia.
  • Yuri Zhirkov - a pun-based article which would have ideally been written in 2008.

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UnNews Articles

# Name of article Date Featured
449 UnNews:UnNews reviews Ed Sheeran's new album 5 May 2023
448 UnNews:DC announces plan for new bummer Batman films 15 April 2023
447 UnNews:Musk ends Pornhub takeover citing fake stepmom concerns 9 July 2022
446 UnNews:Queen's Coronavirus address in full 5 April 2020 Yes Symbol for vote.svg
445 UnNews:Tips to avoid the coronavirus 1 March 2020
444 UnNews:XFL to launch franchises in pissed off markets 20 February 2020
443 UnNews:Pansexual announces she is Liberal Democrat 8 January 2020
442 UnNews:Joe Biden's five-point plan to help black people‎ 15 September 2019
441 UnNews:Sam Smith's family thank fans 15 September 2019
440 UnNews:Season 8 has put me off the books, says George R.R. Martin 18 May 2019
439 UnNews:Louis CK makes return to masturbating in front of junior staff 28 August 2018
438 UnNews:9 out of 10 IPAs 'are Budweiser' 18 August 2018
437 UnNews:Trump would/wouldn't flip changes US history 22 July 2018
436 UnNews:Flat earthers 'do not exist' 25 June 2018 Yes Symbol for vote.svg
435 UnNews:Man offended at Trump's 'shithole' remark would never visit countries in question 12 January 2018
434 UnNews:Dads want strange for Christmas 18 December 2017
433 UnNews:It's been a sexually inappropriate week in Lake Wobegon 29 November 2017
432 UnNews:Weinstein: I regret getting caught 9 October 2017
431 UnNews:Sexist Newton exposed by racist, exposed by homophobe, exposed by body-shamer 9 October 2017
430 UnNews:Meghan Markle to UK: I deepthroat your Prince 7 September 2017
429 UnNews:Bullies take Prince George's lunch, sceptre 7 September 2017
428 UnNews:Trump warns against 'alt-left' and 'Ctrl+alt+del' groups 16 August 2017
427 UnNews:Trump confusing presidency with The Apprentice 31 July 2017
426 UnNews:BBC publishes banned Doctor Who jokes 18 July 2017
425 UnNews:Trump Jr. to confess slowly over next 4 years 10 July 2017
424 UnNews:May: I want Labour to have NO seats 19 April 2017
423 UnNews:BBC expert saying some shit about Korea 12 March 2017
422 UnNews:Clinton 'did not get head while president' 2 March 2017
421 UnNews:Women happy for Amal Clooney 10 February 2017
420 UnNews:Lady Gaga yet to be tackled 6 February 2017
419 UnNews:Women takes ages to get ready, says slightly musty man 4 February 2017
418 UnNews:Beyonce to show vagina every day after birth 4 February 2017
417 UnNews:Why do men objectify me, asks Ariana Grande 4 February 2017
416 UnNews:Doe scandalizes macaque with sex move 4 February 2017
415 UnNews:People who say 'great' cause of all problems 4 February 2017
414 UnNews:Pro-lifers change mind after seeing this photo 30 January 2017
413 UnNews:Trump opens hardware chain along Mexican border 28 January 2017
412 UnNews:Lucrative trade run by criminals to be stopped by wall 25 January 2017
411 UnNews:JLo cuts through inauguration analysis with bottom 23 January 2017
410 UnNews:10 facts you didn't know about George Michael 27 December 2016
409 UnNews:Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump 9 November 2016
408 UnNews:France to ban traditional tit-kiss 20 October 2016
407 UnNews:Zuckerberg to cure all diseases except narcissism 23 September 2016
406 UnNews:Things wrong with Trump Jr.'s analogy| 21 September 2016
405 UnNews:Trump declares things people already know| 16 September 2016
404 UnNews:Trump/Pence make up for awkward kiss with lovemaking session 21 July 2016
403 UnNews:Melania Trump accused of plagiarising Michelle Obama speech 19 July 2016
402 UnNews:Turkish revolutionaries 'distracted by Pokémon Go' 17 July 2016
401 UnNews:Perverts ruin bull-killing festival for girls 16 July 2016
400 UnNews:Police scared of blacks who are scared of police who are scared of blacks 8 July 2016
399 UnNews:BBC ask Clarkson to return and be racist 5 July 2016
398 UnNews:Farage to become Irish citizen 4 July 2016
397 UnNews:Jon Snow asked to rule UK 30 June 2016
396 UnNews:Guide to the UK referendum 23 June 2016
395 UnNews:Stanford swimming ace in unfortunate sexual assault 6 June 2016
394 UnNews:Zoo official:I was aiming for the black kid 5 June 2016
393 UnNews:Don King sells tickets to Muhammed Ali's funeral 4 June 2016
392 UnNews:Everyone suddenly a fucking gorilla expert 1 June 2016
391 UnNews:McAvoy takes blame for X-Men reviews 28 May 2016
390 UnNews:Taliban name Mike Ditka as new leader 25 May 2016
389 UnNews:GoT fan cannot remember anyone's name 25 April 2016
388 UnNews:Trump leads powerful memorial to 7-11 attacks 19 April 2016
387 UnNews:Czech Republic to vote on new name 19 April 2016
386 UnNews:Still impossible to know if computer is on 15 April 2016
385 UnNews:Still impossible to know if computer is on 17 March 2016
384 UnNews:Bash-bash make brain bad, admits NFL 15 March 2016
383 UnNews:Clump calls for calm in nation 14 March 2016
382 UnNews:Shit stain to force man to use toilet brush 7 March 2016
381 UnNews:Black actors launch plan for next year’s Oscars 5 March 2016
380 UnNews:Failed regulations give porn-makers ideas 21 February 2016
379 UnNews:Shane Warne to open evolution safari park 15 February 2016
378 UnNews:Exclusive interview with Beyonce 13 February 2016
377 UnNews:Ripples from black holes look like boobs 11 February 2016
376 UnNews:Please tell us more about US elections, says world 10 February 2016
375 UnNews:Link found between watching Super Bowl and concussion 7 February 2016 Yes Symbol for vote.svg
374 UnNews:Obama to ban guns on Tuesdays 3 January 2016
373 UnNews:Miss Universe title given to wrong woman 22 December 2015
372 UnNews:Man good at punching not liberal 8 December 2015
371 UnNews:All music now Adele 29 November 2015
370 UnNews:Almost like Trump is doing this on purpose 27 November 2015
369 UnNews:Special needs teacher compliments students every day - except one he hates 24 November 2015
368 UnNews:Whites urged to protest against Trump 21 November 2015
367 UnNews:Sheen caught HIV from tiger blood 17 November 2015
366 UnNews:Prince George ageing software shit 10 November 2015
365 UnNews:Black cops gun down another white youth 7 November 2015
364 UnNews:Redskins become Rhett-skins 18 August 2015
363 UnNews:Cecil the lion: reflections 15 August 2015
362 UnNews:Dick continues to act like dick 9 August 2015
361 UnNews:Calais immigrants to become tube drivers 6 August 2015
360 UnNews:Bin Laden plane curse strikes again 2 August 2015
359 UnNews:Everyone athletic on drugs 2 August 2015
358 UnNews:Mick Jagger dragged away by wild horses 31 July 2015 Yes Symbol for vote.svg
357 UnNews:Buckingham Palace: we were all Nazis back then 18 July 2015
356 UnNews:Pornhub reveals changes in porn tastes 15 July 2015
355 UnNews:Five cut out and keep comments for your social media life 15 July 2015 Yes Symbol for vote.svg
354 UnNews:Cats support Trump presidency bid 14 July 2015
353 UnNews:Steven Gerrard bewilders LA 8 July 2015
352 UnNews:US overwhelmed by gun-toting married homosexuals 28 June 2015
351 UnNews:Beautiful Mind mathematician killed by regular idiot 25 May 2015
350 UnNews:10 Child Stars- SO cute then, not so cute now! 19 May 2015
349 UnNews:Queen takes ceremonial shit on baby princess' face 5 May 2015
348 UnNews:New Zealand PM apologises for pulling waitress' hair 22 April 2015
347 UnNews:Cyrus nut busting in sharp fall 22 April 2015
346 UnNews:Can you solve Cheryl's existential problem? 15 April 2015
345 UnNews:Cameron: Let's all move to Spain 14 April 2015
344 UnNews:83% of people not looking where they are going 14 April 2015
343 UnNews:How Harry Potter lost his virginity 14 April 2015
342 UnNews:US forgives Cuba for 1959 revolution 13 April 2015
341 UnNews:Germanwings takes new security measures 27 March 2015
340 UnNews:Scientists say look at eclipse if you really fucking want to 24 March 2015
339 UnNews:Greece 'should have been invaded by now' 24 March 2015
338 UnNews:Angelina Jolie to have buttocks removed 24 March 2015
337 UnNews:New Modern Family episode 'shows shit side of Apple' 6 March 2015
336 UnNews:Mourinho 'feeds on trophies' 2 March 2015
335 UnNews:Hundreds injured in raining men incident 25 February 2015
334 UnNews:Why don't Muslims like us? asks bacon-scoffing, adulterous infidel 9 February 2015
333 UnNews:Patriots defiant over inflate-gate 26 January 2015
332 UnNews:Charlie Hebdo in defiantly unfunny issue 13 January 2015
331 UnNews:Bill Gates is a fecalpheliac! 11 January 2015
330 UnNews:Evans to force Oldham to sign him 5 January 2015
329 UnNews:The shows to watch in 2015 3 January 2015
328 UnNews:Porn addict can't stop saying 'anal' 30 December 2014
327 UnNews:Queen to burp national anthem 25 December 2014
326 UnNews:Prince George Christmas pictures released 14 December 2014
325 UnNews:Dog whisperer 'just playing dead' 9 December 2014
324 UnNews:Mass breastfeed protest leads to hard nipple record 7 December 2014
323 UnNews:UK porn finally rid of female ejaculation scourge 4 December 2014
322 UnNews:Blairs make Christmas prostate message 3 December 2014
321 UnNews:Obama daughters get Thanksgiving row apology 30 November 2014
320 UnNews:Cosby to host Women Say the Darndest Things 20 November 2014
319 UnNews:Kim Kardashian uses helium-inflated bottom to rescue comet lander 14 November 2014
318 UnNews:World's tallest and smallest men to marry 14 November 2014
317 UnNews:Horse 'never liked dying woman' 8 November 2014
316 UnNews:NFL star apologizes for celebration 29 October 2014
315 UnNews:Goalkeeper killed by shot 27 October 2014
314 UnNews:Queen sends first tweet 24 October 2014
313 UnNews:Renee Zellweger unrecognisable 22 October 2014
312 UnNews:Revealed: why Hitler started breaking bad 13 October 2014
311 UnNews:Top Gear dicks deny acting like Top Gear dicks 11 October 2014
310 UnNews:Students urged to waffle stomp 9 October 2014
309 UnNews:Hot teachers 'will not' screw students in future 5 October 2014
308 UnNews:Clooney marries ugly bitch 3 October 2014
307 UnNews:Riots in Missouri after black man shoots white cop 28 September 2014
306 UnNews:An open letter to Kirsten Dunst 27 September 2014
305 UnNews:Chelsea Clinton names daughter Monica 27 September 2014
304 UnNews:Problem page: I have a bent one 24 September 2014
303 UnNews:I got Queen to fap - Cameron 24 September 2014
302 UnNews:Peterson 'thought son had football' 21 September 2014
301 UnNews:Obama to spend day jacking off 21 September 2014
300 UnNews:Scottish independence vote: aftermath 19 September 2014
299 UnNews:Amy Winehouse statue has drug problem 16 September 2014
298 UnNews:Catalan independence march under threat 11 September 2014
297 UnNews:Ravens: It's worse when you see it 10 September 2014
296 UnNews:Obama to outline IS strategy after consulting Stonehenge gods 7 September 2014 Yes Symbol for vote.svg
295 UnNews:Everyone who hates ice bucket challenge donating money to charity 31 August 2014
294 UnNews:Gay NFL player dropped for being 'all gay and shit' 31 August 2014
293 UnNews:Kate Bush stuns fans with sweary punk set 30 August 2014
292 UnNews:Nine-year-old's uzi shooting class ends in surprising tragedy 27 August 2014
291 UnNews:Cyrus confirms cunt status 26 August 2014
290 UnNews:Lucy movie affects viewers' brains 24 August 2014 Yes Symbol for vote.svg
289 UnNews:Entrepreneur brings meth truck to college campuses 23 August 2014
288 UnNews:Debate on Middle East fruitless as conflict itself 22 August 2014
287 UnNews:25-year-old 'cannot download any more apps' 22 August 2014
286 UnNews:Missouri police: This one OK? 21 August 2014
285 UnNews:Isis rebranding 'cost millions' 20 August 2014
284 UnNews:Man wins Most Oblivious Human award 12 August 2014
283 UnNews:Did 'Patch Adams' article push Williams over the edge? 12 August 2014
282 UnNews:Bolt denies calling WWI 'a bit shit' 4 August 2014
281 UnNews:Confused Russians block access to Algerian crash site 25 July 2014
280 UnNews:Israel: This is going to work 23 July 2014
279 UnNews:Ukraine plane crash story finally has third salient fact 23 July 2014
278 UnNews:Ceremonies mark four year anniversary of Gibson tapes 16 July 2014
277 UnNews:Fifa 2015 set to be most realistic ever 15 July 2014
276 UnNews:World cup meaningless, say Germans 14 July 2014
275 UnNews:Scottish independence debate turns nasty 11 July 2014
274 UnNews:Brazil 1 Germany 7 - UnNews poster 9 July 2014
273 UnNews:Microchip contraceptive developed 8 July 2014
272 UnNews:Harris wobbled me against my will - board 8 July 2014 Yes Symbol for vote.svg
271 UnNews:Whatsapp eggplant emoticon rarely used correctly 7 July 2014
270 UnNews:Cricket has cunt amnesty 6 July 2014
269 UnNews:Guillermo the grasshopper sad at World Cup exit 5 July 2014
268 UnNews:Queen names UK's newest battleship 4 July 2014
267 UnNews:Target bans guns in stores after confusion 2 July 2014
266 UnNews:Football's ten worst sinners 27 June 2014
265 UnNews:Savile 'had sex with everything' 26 June 2014
264 UnNews:Spanish baby-jumping festival leads to twisted ankle 24 June 2014
263 UnNews:Asian trapped in vagina sculpture 24 June 2014
262 UnNews:Bulletproof vest inventor shot in face 21 June 2014
261 UnNews:Obama constipated amid Iraq crisis 19 June 2014
260 UnNews:US thrilled over pleasant execution 18 June 2014 Yes Symbol for vote.svg
259 UnNews:Schumacher crashes after insisting on driving home 17 June 2014
258 UnNews:French to play next game in the nude 17 June 2014
257 UnNews:US closer than ever to caring about World Cup 17 June 2014
256 UnNews:Texting 'improves children's spelling' 13 June 2014
255 UnNews:Patrick Stewart answers all your Days of the Future Past questions 8 June 2014
254 UnNews:Google blunders over D-day doodle 6 June 2014
253 UnNews:Pranksters make Hawking talk about football 6 June 2014
252 UnNews:Should we send Bowe Bergdahl back? 6 June 2014
251 UnNews:Willy Wonka wins Ukraine election 26 May 2014
250 UnNews:Fuck us or we kill you, lunatics tell women 25 May 2014
249 UnNews:Putin compares Prince Charles to Hitler 23 May 2014
248 UnNews:Footballer to quit over wrong cake 20 May 2014
247 UnNews:What Jay Z said to Solange 15 May 2014
246 UnNews:Richard longs to kill Judy 12 May 2014
245 UnNews:Nigerian girls 'hard to sell' 12 May 2014
244 UnNews:Eurovision won by joke drag queen 11 May 2014
243 UnNews:Exclusive! What Dr Dre will spend his 800ドルm on 10 May 2014
242 UnNews:London: Thank fuck for that! 10 May 2014
241 UnNews:Clarkson denies saying N-word during NWA song 7 May 2014
240 UnNews:R&B stars talk nonsense at awards show 2 May 2014
239 UnNews:Toronto voters 'to get help' 1 May 2014
238 UnNews:Tragedy as Big Bang Theory to end after just 72 more episodes 30 April 2014
237 UnNews:Professor X denies sexually abusing young mutants 30 April 2014
236 UnNews:Offensive Uncyclopedia edits 'came from UK government' 30 April 2014
235 UnNews:LA Clippers owner to buy Villarreal 27 April 2014
234 UnNews:UKIP acts fascist, compares others to fascists 24 April 2014
233 UnNews:Pope John Paul II's sainthood in doubt after murder 24 April 2014
232 UnNews:Bizarre craze for 'match' apps 18 April 2014
231 UnNews:Gabriel García Marquez dies 18 April 2014
230 UnNews:Non-massacre in PA is 'argument for gun control' 9 April 2014
229 UnNews:The Dangers of Meth 6 April 2014
228 UnNews:How I Met Your Mother in shock AIDS ending 3 April 2014
227 UnNews:Gwyneth Paltrow's guide to separation 31 March 2014
226 UnNews:Michael Vick predicts Jets season will be 'a dog fight' 31 March 2014
225 UnNews:Even Stevens star Tom Virtue still waiting for Breaking Bad style role 31 March 2014
224 UnNews:How Irish was your St Patrick's? 18 March 2014
223 UnNews:Conspiracy theorist needs media outlet 17 March 2014
222 UnNews:Footballer sacked for resigning 16 March 2014
221 UnNews:Plane crash victims 'may be in interminable TV show' 11 March 2014
220 UnNews:Ruff justice for dog sex man 6 March 2014
219 UnNews:Travolta blames mispronunciation on Thetans 6 March 2014
218 UnNews:Barlow song perfect for self-loathing English 6 March 2014
217 UnNews:Ukraine: World like wildebeests 4 March 2014
216 UnNews:This year's Oscar winners 3 March 2014
215 UnNews:Manchester United lose 2013 title 26 February 2014
214 UnNews:90% of Gmail users don't know this trick 26 February 2014
213 UnNews:Celtics coach denies making gay joke 24 February 2014
212 UnNews:McKellen furious at Uncyclopedia name typo 16 February 2014
211 UnNews:Being gay in the NFL - a debate 11 February 2014
210 UnNews:All kickers and punters gay, says linebacker 10 February 2014
209 UnNews:Danish psycho kills giraffe and feeds it to lions 10 February 2014
208 UnNews:That one I didn't fuck - Woody Allen 8 February 2014
207 UnNews:Winter Olympics all set to be heterosexual 7 February 2014
206 UnNews:Robber arrest after kiss 'most French thing ever' 5 February 2014
205 UnNews:Peyton Manning 'had worse Sunday than Seymour Hoffman' 4 February 2014
204 UnNews:Five foods for a flat stomach 2 February 2014
203 UnNews:Pope Benedict 'defrocked twice as many priests' 19 January 2014
202 UnNews:Britons to fall through bar in Trigger tribute 16 January 2014
201 UnNews:Bemusement over whipping punishment for gay Nigerian 16 January 2014
200 UnNews:Lebouef admits to stealing name 13 January 2014
199 UnNews:Jessica Enis suffers pregnancy injury 10 January 2014
198 UnNews:Confusion in US over 'gay' soccer players 9 January 2014
197 UnNews:Michael Bay's guide to public speaking 8 January 2014 Yes Symbol for vote.svg
196 UnNews:Utah man eats pussy in protest at gay marriage 5 January 2014
195 UnNews:England cricket team set to die in plane crash 5 January 2014
194 UnNews:Predictions for 2014 2 January 2014
193 UnNews:Colarado fine 2 January 2014
192 UnNews:Rodman in third KKK visit 19 December 2013
191 UnNews:Top Google searches show world stupid 17 December 2013
190 UnNews:England get nightmare World Cup draw 7 December 2013
189 UnNews:The Sun attracts 117,000 subscribers 7 December 2013
188 UnNews:Mandela deathbed 'an absolute disgrace' 6 December 2013
187 UnNews:Universal to make profitable Fast and Furious sequel 3 December 2013
186 UnNews:Nets coach fined for spilling seed on court 30 November 2013
185 UnNews:Lostprophets advertise for new singer 29 November 2013
184 UnNews:Drug using Nigella 'ideal woman' 27 November 2013
183 UnNews:UK: no porn and no streaming makes Jack a dull boy 27 November 2013
182 UnNews:BBC admit cum/snot mix up 18 November 2013
181 UnNews:UnNews Play: The Job opportunity 14 November 2013
180 UnNews:US bans trans-fats 11 November 2013
179 UnNews:Shock over new Pakistan Taliban leader 7 November 2013
178 UnNews:What your hallowe'en costume says about you 1 November 2013
177 UnNews:Obama admits to eavesdropping addiction 26 October 2013
176 UnNews:GTA5 makes billion dollars in first week 27 September 2013
175 UnNews:Singer Thicke charged with 172,451 counts of rape 23 September 2013
174 UnNews:Cyrus stopped by 40,000 masturbating old men 23 September 2013
173 girls 'depressing and lifeless' 18 September 2013
172 UnNews:NFL: Washington set to change nickname 16 September 2013 Yes Symbol for vote.svg
171 UnNews:The new craze - HIV porn 12 September 2013
170 UnNews:Catalan human chain broken by human bolt cutter 12 September 2013
169 UnNews:Your questions on Syria answered 5 September 2013
168 UnNews:Castro suicide: 'Being locked up is horrible' 4 September 2013
167 UnNews:Target withdraws lubricant after complaints 26 August 2013
166 UnNews:Manning gender crisis 'no problem in prison' 24 August 2013
165 UnNews:Leather pants found at Newton John home 20 August 2013
164 UnNews:Judge: He's not Messiah, he's a very naughty boy 14 August 2013
163 UnNews:Excitement at digging up dead woman's grave 10 August 2013
162 UnNews:We're not racist, just vile claim Oprah racism shop 10 August 2013
161 UnNews:Dickless cunts choose Doctor fucking Who 5 August 2013
160 UnNews:Snowden depressed by Russian literature 2 August 2013
159 UnNews:Ariel Castro: I mock your concept of God 2 August 2013
158 UnNews:Stuart Hall removed from female young offenders institution 26 July 2013
157 UnNews:THIS is the last time, says Weiner 24 July 2013
156 UnNews:Shock as Princess gives birth to black baby 23 July 2013
155 UnNews:Glee star died of shame 18 July 2013
154 UnNews:Killer Elvis poo to go under hammer 15 July 2013
153 UnNews:Andy Murray offered English nationality 8 July 2013
152 UnNews:Uninformed Westerners unsure who to support in Egypt 5 July 2013
151 UnNews:Concern as Snowden adopts Connery accent 23 June 2013
150 UnNews:Controversial gay admits to Christian feelings 22 June 2013
149 UnNews:Soprano fans complain over 'anti-climatic' ending 20 June 2013
148 UnNews:War on Terror all done, US confirms 18 June 2013
147 UnNews:Uncyclopedians are 'under NSA surveillance' 12 June 2013
146 UnNews:Oldest man in history chokes on ping pong ball 12 June 2013
145 UnNews:Cute Hotmail girl broke guy's heart 10 June 2013
144 UnNews:Zeta Jones hits back in cunnilingus war 9 June 2013
143 UnNews:Intern totally photobombs Korea talks 9 June 2013
142 UnNews:Duke of Edinburgh recovering after racism transfusion 8 June 2013
141 UnNews:Wikileaks suspect Bernard Manning on trial 4 June 2013
140 UnNews:Douglas - eating Zeta-Jones' pussy gave me cancer 3 June 2013
139 UnNews:Bale will listen to Madrid offers but will not understand 29 May 2013
138 UnNews:Muslim kills Muslim in 'protest over Syria' 25 May 2013
137 UnNews:Black man denies liking fried chicken 22 May 2013
136 UnNews:Lord Tebbit to marry son and inseminate queen 22 May 2013
135 UnNews:Hunchback of Notre Dame kills self 22 May 2013
134 UnNews:George Michael denies being Crash pervert 19 May 2013
133 UnNews:BITCH Jennifer Aniston flaunts lovely breasts 15 May 2013
132 UnNews:American fails to understand soccer and highway code 15 May 2013
131 UnNews:US doctor found guilty of 39th week abortions‎ 14 May 2013
130 UnNews:Newspapers respectfully cut Jolie's breasts out of photos 14 May 2013
129 UnNews:UN bullies hungry children into eating insects 13 May 2013
128 UnNews:Abducted Ohio girls check MySpace 8 May 2013 Yes Symbol for vote.svg
127 UnNews:Bostonians demand dead bomber's body be mutilated 4 May 2013
126 UnNews:NZ outlaws shouting 'Lucifer' during anal 3 May 2013
125 UnNews:Should Thanksgiving go cannibal? 1 May 2013
124 UnNews:George W. Bush Children's Library opened 26 April 2013
123 UnNews:Obama plays down Michelle's 'white mother' gaffe 25 April 2013
122 UnNews:Mother has FB page removed from favorites 25 April 2013
121 UnNews:Luis Suarez's good food guide 21 April 2013
120 UnNews:London runners get through minute's silence in 30 seconds 21 April 2013
119 UnNews:NRA calls for castor oil to be banned 20 April 2013
118 UnNews:Interview with jealous Iraqi bomber 20 April 2013
117 UnNews:Rolf Harris in 'extra leg' inquiry 19 April 2013
116 UnNews:Runners used explosion as excuse not to finish marathon 16 April 2013
115 UnNews:Geordie horse wants rematch 15 April 2013
114 UnNews:Interview with Nicolas Maduro 15 April 2013 Yes Symbol for vote.svg
113 UnNews:Venice bans motorboating 14 April 2013
112 UnNews:Mali apologises to Hollande for eating 'delicious' camel 10 April 2013
111 UnNews:Margaret Thatcher tragically dies 30 years too late 8 April 2013 Yes Symbol for vote.svg
110 UnNews:Was 9/11 an outside job? 5 April 2013 Yes Symbol for vote.svg
109 UnNews:British class survey 'a bit shit' 4 April 2013
108 UnNews:Suspicions over Armstrong motorized testicle 4 April 2013
107 UnNews:Di Canio begins reign of fascism 3 April 2013
106 UnNews:Death penalty for Joker killer is 'only fair, really' 2 April 2013
105 UnNews:The town that gave up on apostrophes 28 March 2013
104 UnNews:David Miliband goes into the wild 27 March 2013
103 UnNews:Nintendo Puu to be released 25 March 2013 Yes Symbol for vote.svg
102 UnNews:Raikkonen admits F1 is 'a bit gay' 23 March 2013
101 UnNews:Abortion debate leads to first ever change of opinion 23 March 2013
100 UnNews:Cypriot government to occupy one bedroom of all large houses 22 March 2013
99 UnNews:Concerns as Pacino opts to keep Spector haircut 17 March 2013
98 UnNews:Pope moves into rundown studio flat 17 March 2013
97 UnNews:SA sugar daddies add AIDS twist 15 March 2013
96 UnNews:Did the Time Warp wreck Canadian's Pope chances? 14 March 2013
95 UnNews:Falkland Islanders vote for Queen over penguins 12 March 2013
94 UnNews:Malik Obama loses election amid passport row 12 March 2013
93 UnNews:International Women's Day - a plea 8 March 2013
92 UnNews:Ferguson fumes over Chavez dismissal 6 March 2013
91 UnNews:Girl's NY Jets trial ends hilariously 4 March 2013
90 UnNews:Uncyclopedia sues Amazon for 1500ドル 4 March 2013
89 UnNews:Florida sinkhole man discovers Atlantis 3 March 2013
88 UnNews:Harlem Shake is al Qaeda recruitment song 28 February 2013
87 UnNews:Day Lewis: THIS is why I WON 25 February 2013
86 UnNews:Relief as stolen Banksy returned 24 February 2013
85 UnNews:Cameron takes One Direction handjob for Africa 21 February 2013
84 UnNews:Police spokespeople apologise for being prick teases 15 February 2013
83 UnNews:Oscar Pistorius 'was legless' when he shot girlfriend 14 February 2013
82 UnNews:Pope 'too old to attract altar boys' 11 February 2013
81 UnNews:Hilarious mix-up over rapist twins' DNA 10 February 2013
80 UnNews:German plagiarism minister makes odd resignation speech 9 February 2013
79 UnNews:Kerry teased over intermediate level of French 9 February 2013
78 UnNews:House star denies he is Richard III 5 February 2013
77 UnNews:4chan users fix Budweiser horse naming poll 4 February 2013
76 UnNews:Sandy Hook school choir accused of miming 4 February 2013
75 UnNews:American Sniper's death is 'what he would have wanted' 3 February 2013
74 UnNews:Bush blames Barney for Iraq war decision 2 February 2013 Yes Symbol for vote.svg
73 UnNews:A foreigner's guide to the Super Bowl 2 February 2013
72 UnNews:Zimbabwe 'was going to blow last 217ドル on coke and hooker' 30 January 2013
71 UnNews:Iran makes monkey jump from space 28 January 2013
70 UnNews:Joanna Lumley's guide to avoiding rape 28 January 2013
69 UnNews:Obama and Clinton finally speak about affair 28 January 2013
68 UnNews:Problem Page - my girl farts in her sleep 26 January 2013
67 UnNews:Net wars over - Badminton surrenders to Tennis 25 January 2013
66 UnNews:Did Obama lip-sync oath? 23 January 2013
65 UnNews:Cameron denied 'shake it all about' option 23 January 2013
64 UnNews:Controversy over Nigga Teen Patches 23 January 2013
63 UnNews:Tarantino denies Django makes viewers act like Southern gents 22 January 2013
62 UnNews:Manti Te’o 'does not exist' 20 January 2013
61 UnNews:Australian nugget man has 'magpie's concept of gold' 19 January 2013
60 UnNews:Hawking admits to faking disability 18 January 2013
59 UnNews:Tesco deny horse-burgers had mad horse disease 17 January 2013
58 UnNews:Indian bus drivers forced to declare rape intentions 15 January 2013
57 UnNews:Ellen DeGeneres shot by Foster maniac 14 January 2013
56 UnNews:Man confirms time 13 January 2013
55 UnNews:Kate Middleton portrait gets mixed reaction 12 January 2013
54 UnNews:Microsoft iPad burglary 'like not being raped' 9 January 2013
53 UnNews:The new looks sweeping the Muslim world 7 January 2013
52 UnNews:Hand transplant man masturbates for first time 5 January 2013 Yes Symbol for vote.svg
51 UnNews:British porn industry booms due to lax attitude on condoms 5 January 2013
50 UnNews:Physical Cliff: the name that's sweeping the stripper industry 3 January 2013
49 UnNews:Mancini-Balotelli bust up featured 'incomprehensible gestures' 3 January 2013
48 UnNews:New Year Honours List 2013 2 January 2013
47 UnNews:Heavily bearded relative feels snubbed at party 25 December 2012
46 UnNews:Thatcher's second heart to lead her to re-election? 24 December 2012
45 UnNews:UK and Argentina hopeful over new pointless conflict 22 December 2012
44 UnNews:Man realises he holds penis with left hand 21 December 2012
43 UnNews:Brooks begs Cameron to leave wife 19 December 2012
42 UnNews:Adults quietly vote to keep internet porn 15 December 2012
41 UnNews:Media celebrates Connecticut mass murder 14 December 2012
40 UnNews:Man's nipples fall right off 11 December 2012 Yes Symbol for vote.svg
39 UnNews:Ferdinand hurts own face with shirt 9 December 2012
38 UnNews:Shock as Kate hoax DJ's commit suicide 8 December 2012
37 UnNews:What happened to Italian cocks? 5 December 2012 Yes Symbol for vote.svg
36 UnNews:Kate vows to sit on arse for entire pregnancy 4 December 2012
35 UnNews:Hunter Moore struggling to find something worse than revenge porn 4 December 2012
34 UnNews:Concern as entire Chinese race disappears for a minute 3 December 2012
33 UnNews:Former Last FM chairman launches controversial sexual assault site 1 December 2012 Yes Symbol for vote.svg
32 UnNews:Two and a Half Men also shit - Cryer 27 November 2012
31 UnNews:Hutchence 'now second worst asphyxiation death' 26 November 2012
30 UnNews:A guide to Pope Benedict's updated Christmas story 23 November 2012
29 UnNews:Obama team blames Burma kiss on 'fatigue' 20 November 2012
28 UnNews:Remembrance day remembered 12 November 2012
27 UnNews:The day the whole world came 11 November 2012
26 UnNews:US to consider Coptic Pope method for 2016 election 4 November 2012
25 UnNews:BBC DJ's warned over possible Savile Pranksters 29 October 2012
24 UnNews:Catholic Church set to remove Jimmy Savile's papal knighthood 27 October 2012
23 UnNews:Clark Kent finds sustainable online journalism business model 26 October 2012
22 UnNews:TaTu to reunite after Pussy Riot prison camp decision 22 October 2012
21 UnNews:Homosexual comic characters 'giving geeks ideas' 20 October 2012
20 UnNews:Obama wins debate with Fresh Prince rap 17 October 2012
19 UnNews:An American's guide to Scottish Independence 16 October 2012
18 UnNews:Baumgartner skydive 'was bachelor party prank' 15 October 2012
17 UnNews:Lance Armstrong: My Moped Shame 11 October 2012
16 UnNews:FaceBook comments arrest terrifies trolls 9 October 2012
15 UnNews:Number of gay TV characters "still far behind number of gay actors and producers" 8 October 2012
14 UnNews:Chavez plays down "crush you all" comment 8 October 2012
13 UnNews:100m Americans watch West Indies win cricket final 7 October 2012 Yes Symbol for vote.svg
12 UnNews:Pete Best gets hammered as Love Me Do turns 50 5 October 2012
11 UnNews:California passes law banning blood-to-crip therapy 5 October 2012
10 UnNews:Complacent Obama beats wife during economic debate 4 October 2012
9 UnNews:The Onion's business plan undone by Esc button 3 October 2012
8 UnNews:Tom Cruise: 'I have heterosexual feelings' 3 October 2012
7 UnNews:UN establishes worldwide ban on anal sex 2 October 2012
6 UnNews:An American's guide to Jimmy Savile 2 October 2012
5 UnNews:Jeremy Forrest's colleagues make first uneasy jokes 1 October 2012
4 UnNews:Afghanistan death toll closing in on 9/11 target 30 September 2012 Yes Symbol for vote.svg
3 UnNews:Ignorance not bliss, new study finds 26 September 2012 Yes Symbol for vote.svg
2 UnNews:Abu Hamza 'devastated' over Queen revelation 25 September 2012 Yes Symbol for vote.svg
1 UnNews:Adverts to help Pakistanis distinguish 'several Americans' and 'America' 21 September 2012

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Collabs and tinkerings

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Templates I play with

  • YouTube code:

<div class="thumb tright"><div class="thumbinner"><youtube>PASTE_LAST_BIT_OF_ADDRESS_HERE</youtube><div class="thumbcaption">PUT_YOUR_FUNNY_CAPTION_HERE.</div></div></div>

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Guides I wrote or rewrote

What I sound like

  • A Frenchman
  • An African
  • Daniel Day Lewis
  • A Northern Englishman
  • A Southerner
  • A confused American/Valley Girl
  • A posh Englishman
  • A Welshman

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