UnNews:Lebouef admits to stealing name

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13 January 2014

UnNews reporters go to extraordinary lengths to bring you photos of stars being fellated.

Hollywood actor Shia Leboeuf has admitted that his stage name was not of his own invention as he had previously claimed, but rather inspired by his grandfather's flatulence.

"He was in the bath. This was years ago, I must have been 10 or something," said the 27-year-old, "and he just let rip, and the sound was incredible.

"There was this sibilant beginning - what later became dubbed the 'shia' - and then there was a deep ululation like a 'le'. Finally, that fart hit the surface with the rich, unmistakable tone of a 'bouef', and I knew I had found my name."

The admission caps a series of odd actions and statements made by the star of Nymphomaniac and Even Stevens, who was accused of ripping off a graphic novelist, and then making a mock apology or something.

Joanna Corey, the Hollywood showbiz blogger, told us, "I feel vindicated. I always thought that Shia Lebouef's name sounded like a fart in a bathtub, and I have been proven right."

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