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This user has fixed that damn leaky carburator on the Uncyclopedia Pinto by doing more rewrites than any other user during Conservation Week .

We don't have money, so we just gave them the Greasy Mechanic Award for their help. Get your own next time around and help fix up Uncyclopedia.

Bff.png World's Best Friend July 2009

Playwright of the Month badge.png

This user is the

February 2011

Playwright of the Month

Golden Urinal

Der Unwehr Kross
You have received this illustrious medal for your amazing contributions to Der Unwehr
.   Heil!
'2009 Uncyclopedia Fantasy Football League Champion!'

This user was the 2009 UFFL Champ.

Incidentally, he/she is a bit ashamed.

ArticleWhisperAward.png Article Whisperer Participant
This person participated in The Article Whisperer Competition (2011). They did not win but they wrote the article: User:Guildensternenstein/Buffalo, New York
Thanks for making this year's competition a success! (Now, if you'll excuse me, I think there's someone at my door…)
'The 2010 San Diego Chargers Underachievement Award'

This user underachieved the entire 2010 season.

Come playoff time, he/she underachieved the most when it counted.


Poet Lowrate
This person is the winner of the Poo Lit Surprise, which they won for their article: UnScripts:Law & Order: Puritan New England
'The 2011 San Diego Chargers Underachievement Award'

This user underachieved the entire 2010 season.

Come playoff time, he/she underachieved the most when it counted.











And I helped!: Inbox
This person contributed credible material to an article which
went on to become one of the Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia.


Hi. I am Guildensternenstein, which is a combination of the nonsensical names 'Guildenstern' and 'Sternenstein'. So yeah. That's basically it.

Articles I have written[edit | edit source ]

Also me.

Bold = Personal Favorite

Metal Gear[edit | edit source ]

D&D:IRL[edit | edit source ]

Filmmakers[edit | edit source ]

Sports[edit | edit source ]

Bands[edit | edit source ]

Politics, Religion, History, etc.[edit | edit source ]

Actors[edit | edit source ]

Other[edit | edit source ]

Misc.[edit | edit source ]

HowTo's I have written[edit | edit source ]

UnBooks I have authored[edit | edit source ]

UnPoetia I have authored[edit | edit source ]

UnScripts I have authored[edit | edit source ]

UnNews I have written[edit | edit source ]

Pages I'd like to rewrite[edit | edit source ]

Other peoples'[edit | edit source ]

I've taken it upon myself to rewrite all (or at least most of) the articles on great directors here, because I'm an avid film fan, and yeah. Also, the articles on most of these guys totally suck, so yeah.

My own[edit | edit source ]

Usergroups I've founded[edit | edit source ]

Images my IRL friend chopped for me[edit | edit source ]

Audios[edit | edit source ]

Articles I have reviewed[edit | edit source ]

Boxes[edit | edit source ]

Osiris Seal.jpg Dieser Benutzer ist ein offizielles Mitglied Der Unwehr. Wir sind hier zu die Schwachen töten und die Starke bauen. Sieg Heil!
This user is a whore to Microsoft and plays his video games on XboxLive with the GamerTag AkiraKurosawa4E
Clock.gif This user has been on Uncyclopedia for
16 years and 15 days.

This user is constantly PEEING. They apologize for the mess.
The Sacred and Holy crest of ΥΣΣ This user is a Brother of the Upsilon Sigma Sigma Fraternity. Humor, Honor, Hubris. Per Iocus Prudentia!
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