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Welcome to Shandon's Userzone.

Dirty rotten local politician. That was me.

Hi <insert name here>, thanks for visting my userzone. Thanks to e|m|c for the menu code I sporked. Take the nickel tour, why dontcha. Try not to leave fingerprints on the awards in the trophy room please.

So what's the nick all about? Shandon, from Silverlock by John Myers Myers. NOT Shandon from Isle of the Dead by Roger Zelazny (another fine book). Must be the BA in Business Administration, which I share. Or was it the cynicism?! ('A sunburn on him would cause me no discomfort at all.') Zietgeist.

I used to write, sing, act, cook and do a lot of volunteer work for my city. When I discovered uncyclopedia I was running a metal shop in Vancouver, Canada, but now I'm a corporate sales trainer in North Carolina, USA.

Some hero worshipping: Benjamin Disraeli, Lord Kitchener, John and Bobby Kennedy, Storm Constantine.

This person is on the Board of UnTrustees for donating 20ドル to Uncyclopedia .

Things I've Done In The Real World

The material world has thus far used me as a:

  • recycling plant manager (24/7 operation, 35 staff)
  • garment factory manager (2 shifts, 200 staff)
  • sales & marketing manager for large power generation equipment
  • credit manager
  • metalshop supervisor
  • custom homebuilder / renovator
  • business development manager for a full service IT firm
  • appointed & elected city hall committee chairman, application reviewer for grant monies totaling about 200ドルK annually for three consecutive two-year terms, and drafter of policy papers on density bonusing, health care and recreation centers.

I have written over 40 short stories. Most are about crime and social science. For five years I trained kung fu four or five nights a week.

Favorite tomes:

"Doom was woven in your nerves..." ~Robert Lowell

This user is Canadian
…and actually admits to it!
(List of Canadian Uncyclopedians)
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