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"The first appearance of the name of the article in the article is always in bold God Damn It!"

~ Prettiestpretty on The Importance of Being Pretty

Dear Friends,

Hello, Darlings! How is you, as we say here in the Midwest. We is fine. Nothing new here. Write when you find work,

Miss you all madly,

Penny, aka Prettiestpretty

Mrs. Edwin Standish of Shaker Heights Ohio just loves the writings of Prettiestpretty because "of their good taste, non-controversial topics and how they eschew obfuscation."
My mother, taken during the 1958 Shaker Heights PTA Follies in which she recited "The Boy Stood on the Burning Deck" ("his feet were filled with blisters"). Even though she won rave reviews for that performance, and for her recurring, and most challenging role as the room mother for Mrs. Smiley's first grade class in room 4, she eventually returned to Burlesque - it was the only thing that Mother truly loved.
Prettiestpretty (aka Little Egypt) presents her major awards
Leaving Damian Lewis was the single biggest mistake of my life
They sing the songs of your life their way

Articles written by Prettiestpretty
Images by Prettiestpretty

Potatohead.png Featured Article: Fanny_Cradock
This person wrote an article which became one of the
Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?!
Potatohead.png Featured Article: Queen Victoria
This person wrote an article which became one of the
Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?!
Potatohead.png Featured Article: The Fat Girl
This person wrote an article which became one of the
Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?!
EdgarAllanPo.jpg Featured Image: EdgarAllanPo.jpg
This person created an image which became one of the

Featured Images on Uncyclopedia.

Potatohead.png Featured Article: UnNews:Spector leaves Republican Party: They're not who I am anymore
This person wrote an article which became one of the
Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?!
Potatohead.png Featured Article: Brothel
This person wrote an article which became one of the
Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?!
Potatohead.png Featured Article: Jesus Christ, who brought that guitar?
This person wrote an article which became one of the
Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?!
Ipodchristcrx.png Featured Image: Ipodchristcrx.png
This person created an image which became one of the

Featured Images on Uncyclopedia.

Potatohead.png Featured Article: Snuggie
This person wrote an article which became one of the
Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?!
Potatohead.png Featured Article: Romance novel
This person wrote an article which became one of the
Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?!
Thelastbachelorparty.jpg Featured Image: Thelastbachelorparty.jpg
This person created an image which became one of the

Featured Images on Uncyclopedia.

And I helped!: Lewd Acts of the Apostles
This person contributed credible material to an article which
went on to become one of the Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia.
Potatohead.png Featured Article: Goldilocks and the Three Bears
This person wrote an article which became one of the
Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?!
Potatohead.png Featured Article: UnBooks:Gone With d' Wind
This person wrote an article which became one of the
Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?!
Potatohead.png Featured Article: Why?:Have Humongous Breasts
This person wrote an article which became one of the
Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?!
Potatohead.png Featured Article: Little boy who lives down the street
This person wrote an article which became one of the
Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?!

Potatohead.png Featured Article: HowTo:Throw a temper tantrum
This person wrote an article which became one of the
Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?!

Potatohead.png Featured Article: UnNews:Homeland Security administration declares new "Gut Feeling" threat level
This person wrote an article which became one of the
Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?!

Potatohead.png Featured Article: Old hippie chick who's always collecting money
This person wrote an article which became one of the
Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?!

Potatohead.png Featured Article: UnBooks:Now That You Are Almost a Woman
This person wrote an article which became one of the
Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?!

Potatohead.png Featured Article: 1846 Uncyclopedia Convention at Aurora New York
This person wrote an article which became one of the
Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?!

Potatohead.png Featured Article: UnBooks:See Dick
This person wrote an article which became one of the
Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?!

Potatohead.png Featured Article: Colossus of Barbie
This person wrote an article which became one of the
Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?!

ColossusofBarbie.jpg Featured Image: ColossusofBarbie.jpg
This person created an image which became one of the

Featured Images on Uncyclopedia.

Potatohead.png Featured Article: That old woman next door
This person wrote an article which became one of the
Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?!

Huntingwithdick.jpg Featured Image: Huntingwithdick.jpg
This person created an image which became one of the

Featured Images on Uncyclopedia.

Potatohead.png Featured Article: Rocky Mountain Oysters
This person wrote an article which became one of the
Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?!

This user is a Master in the Potatochoppers' Guild , and has earned the respect and admiration of all for outstanding work.

Aristocrat en Regalia
This person is a winner of the Aristocrat's Ball, which they won for their article: User:Prettiestpretty/The Aristocrats Christmastime Special

Aristocrat en Regalia
This person is a winner of the Aristocrat's Ball, which they won for their article: :Image:Ipodchristcrx.png

Poet Lowrate
This person is the winner of the Poo Lit Surprise , which they won for their article: Queef

For June, 2007
Goatse Ninjastar
For the outrageously distasteful yet highly amusing Anal glandsCodeine

On your knees, worthy one! The Right Reverend Major Sir Zim_ulator blesses you.

Your blessings are increasing exponentially. In the name of Sophia, the Church of Uncyclopedia and the Universal Church Triumphant of the Apathetic Agnostic , kneel and receive the melding of Zim's holy axe and your wetware. Now go write me a good UnNews article. Cheers! Zimbuddha.jpg Rev. Zim_ulator (Talk) I am the dirt under your rollers 03:48, March 15, 2010 (UTC)

This user suffers from PMS
Run, duck & cover

You have been cited in Uncyclopedian Bios.
Apparently you are "notable". Don't ask me why; I think you're lame.
Clock.gif This user has been on Uncyclopedia for
19 years, 2 months and 22 days.

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