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Wikimedia Meta-Wiki

Fundraising 2007/comments/group 11

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
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af - ar - ca - cs - cy - da - de - el - en - es - et - fa - fi - fo - fr - ga - gl - he - hr - hsb - hi - hu - id - it - ja - ko - la - lt - nl - no - pl - pt - ro - ru - sl - sv - tr - zh


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  • مجهود جبار يستحق التشجيع ، بالتوفيق إن شاء الله


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  • skromne díky za poskytnuté služby


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  • Tak for gode artikler og information, hilsen fra DK


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  • ..es ist vielleicht ein kleiner beitrag aber viele kleine beiträge haben Wikipedia erst zum Lexikon gemacht
  • Hoch Lebe die Wikipedia !
  • Vilen Dank
  • Ich bedanke mich zwar mit einem bescheidenen Betrag aber auch mit 100%er geistiger Unterstützung. Macht weiter!
  • zap zerap
  • Danke für das Wissen.
  • Ich verwende sehr oft Informationen von Wiki und bin sehr dankbar darüber, dass es diese Organisation und damit dieses Sammeln von Wissen überhaupt gibt. Danke
  • Die besten Info's im Web
  • Etwas was sich lohnt zu unterstützen!
  • Ich nutze Wikipedia schon lange. Danke sehr für die ungeheurte Informationsflut.
  • Vielen Dank für alles, macht weiter so!!
  • SPRIGGAN san ganbatte kudasai!!!
  • wikipedia ist geil! wikipedia muss leben!
  • Kein Studium ohne Wiki :)
  • Für die Freiheit der Information!
  • macht weiter so, keep on going!
  • Wissen ist Macht!
  • Wikipedia hat mir schon oft ein teures Lexikon gespart. Danke!
  • Unbezahlbar.
  • Danke! Und: weiter so!!
  • Ich nutze es so offt, ich habe fast ein schlechtes Gewissen =)
  • Danke Wikipedia
  • Gern geschehen
  • Danke schoen!
  • Vielen Dank an alle Beteiligten!
  • nutze wiki oft und gerne und finde deshalb, dass es die spende verdient hat
  • Die Wikipedia ist einfach super, danke.
  • Auf Informationen basiert der zukünftige Fortschritt. sowohl wissenschaftlich, als auch gesellschaftlich und politisch
  • Danke, dass es Wiki gibt! Tolle Seite!!
  • Weil ich wirklich oft auf Wikipedia zugreife.
  • danke!
  • Ich möchte mich für diese grossartige Idee und Umsetzung von Wikipedia herzlich bedanken. Bitte machen sie weiter. Vielen Dank !
  • Trotz der vielen Kritik, ich mag Wikipedia!
  • Etwas Gutes wie Wikipedia sollte von uns allen unterstützt werden!
  • Habe nicht viel Geld, hoffe ich konnte trotzdem helfen! Habt mir sehr bei Mathe geholfen!
  • Nicht viel, aber besser als Nichts.
  • Wissen ist Macht, weiter so!
  • Wissen ist Macht - also macht weiter so!
  • macht weiter so
  • weil ihr ja doch stinkt
  • Damit dieses Stueck freie Information frei bleibt!
  • Wissen für Alle !!!
  • Es lebe Wikipedia!!!
  • Diese Spende kam von Matthias Hirschnitz, der berühmtesten Persönlichkeit aus Elsterwerda!
  • weiter so!
  • Wikipedia eine der höchsten menschlichen Errungenschaften die es zu schützen gilt.
  • Danke für alle Informationen.
  • macht so weiter
  • Mehr Wissen für alle!!!!
  • spenden ist geil!
  • Großartiges Projekt! Autoren sollten sich registrieren müssen.
  • Geniale Seite, alles Gute und weiter so, Edgard LOIBL, Wien
  • Macht bitte Weiter !
  • einfach sehr sehr hilfreich


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  • Με την πεποίθηση ότι η μόρφωση θα βοηθήσει να εξαλειφθεί ο ρατσισμός ενάντια στην Ομοφυλοφιλία.


[edit ]
  • Por que la cultura y esta enciclopedia nos parece algo que debe de ser libre único y es fascinante. José Mascaró y Magdalena Albaladejo y porque nos queremos mucho ;)
  • Por un conocimiento libre
  • felicidades, continuen!
  • Un contributo per la diffusione della conoscenza
  • Gracias por dar tan buenos servicios!
  • Por una fuente de conocimiento de libre acceso y gratuíta
  • muchas gracias y enhorabuena
  • Super Sache! Es lebe OpenSource!
  • e ayudais mucho
  • Gracias por conocimiento de la ayuda
  • Más importante que saberlo, saber donde encontrarlo. Gracias Wikipedia
  • Porque la Wikipedia es el proyecto más grande y más útil de Internet http://vacasueca.blogspot.com/
  • Publicamente Y Ante el mundo declaro a Jesucristo como el Salvador de mi alma ojala que el me declare delante del padre el dia del juicio Ho Dios tu santo nombre exaltare!!!!
  • Un donativo para mi diccionario principal en internet
  • Un proyecto como es la Wikipedia se merece el apoyo de todos los que hacen uso de ella cada día.
  • Gracias por aporte que hacen por el conocimiento Humano.
  • Ánimo!
  • Por toda la ayuda ofrecida, GRACIAS, DMM, JAMM, SVP
  • Es lo mejor que le podia pasar a la cultura mundial


[edit ]
  • Wiki est une mine inépuisable et utile au plus haut point.
  • Un contribution goutte d'eau mais je reviendrai ;-)
  • Le meilleur site pour références sérieuses et agréables à lire. Merci
  • Bonne continuation au projet
  • Pour une meilleur conaissance Ensemble
  • Il ne se passe pas une journée sans que je consulte un article, c'est le rêve ultime de tous les curieux!!! Longue Vie Wikipédia
  • Une aventure humaine indispensable !
  • un grand avenir à wikipedia
  • Longue vie!
  • VIve Wikipédia Dédicasse Ecole Pascal
  • Bravo, contiuez!
  • pour ne pas voir disparaitre WIKIpédia, très utile pour nos enfants
  • Je suis votre consultant et ce don vient remercier et aider, même modestement, le travail effectué. Merci
  • Merci à tous !
  • Bravo et bonne continuation.
  • Pourquoi pas ?
  • Bon courage
  • merci et continuez d'etre gratuit
  • Votre site est d'utilité publique - merci d'en laisser l'accès gratuit en faisant appel aux dons.
  • Merci
  • Une petite goute d'eau, dans l'océan de wikipédia... si tout le monde pouvait faire pareil, ce serait géant ! Non à la fermeture de wikipédia !!!
  • tout travail ne peut etre gratuit
  • félicitations pour tout le travail accompli et bonne continuation
  • Sauver Wikipedia ? J'hésite pas une seconde !
  • Merci !
  • Parce qu'un tel projet de coopération internationale au nom du savoir mérite d'être appuyé. Songez à contribuer vous aussi! Thank you, Wikipedia.


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  • A Wikipedia az internet egyik leghasznosabb oldala.


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  • Continuate così
  • Grazie a tutti! Spero di trovare il tempo di contribuire anch'io!
  • siete forti
  • Continuate così
  • l'unica fonte vera di informazione
  • Grazie dei vostri sforzi...
  • grazie di esistere
  • Viva a Wikipedia!!!
  • grazie per questo bel progetto
  • Wikipedia è il futuro. Io credo così.
  • Grazie
  • A causa di spese mie, per ora posso solo questo...
  • mi siete spesso di aiuto!!!
  • mettete un po' di banner Google AdSense...
  • Continuate così
  • \Il sapere umano appartiene all'umanità!\""
  • Non chiudete, non vendete!
  • Spero possa servire
  • troppo utile
  • Grazie per tutto. Da studente non posso donare molto, ma l'importante è il gesto!
  • Sono contento di aver donato questi soldi per la libera informazione e contro l'ignoranza della gente.
  • Evviva gli uomini di buona volontà!!


[edit ]
  • 消えちゃいやん。
  • 知をありがとう!
  • 金額の多寡は問題ではないと思います。今後このプロジェクトは人類共通の貴重で偉大な財産になりうると思います
  • 1/100000の寄付です
  • いつもお世話になっています。
  • がんばって
  • 便所飯?
  • すばらしいサービス。今後もがんばってほしい。
  • これだけお世話になっているのだから
  • 頑張れ
  • いつも利用させてもらってます。
  • ほんとお世話になってます&WEBの希望のために
  • 俺の仕事時間を返せ〜!!
  • いつも利用させていただいています。 更なる発展を願って。
  • いつも利用させてもらってます
  • ワタシノツマガシキュウタイガンノカノウセイガタカイトシンダンサレマシタ。23ニチニCT、26ニチニMRIノケンサヲウケルヨテイデス。ヒ
  • ν速からきますた
  • いつもお世話になっております
  • いつも利用させてもらっています。運営頑張ってください。
  • ウィキペディアがないと困ります
  • ありがとう
  • 大変勉強なります。ありがとうございます。
  • とても便利に使わせていただいております
  • アスガルド戦闘ギルド「xAresx」
  • アスガルド戦闘ギルドxAresx
  • よく利用しています
  • この仕事にはいつも感心します。
  • いつも見てます。うまく経営されてると感心致します。
  • いつも利用させてもらっています。
  • 頼りにしてます
  • Wikipedia超がんがれ!
  • みんなの財産、みんなで守ろう
  • わずかですが支援。
  • 正しい発展を望んでおります。
  • 知的財産の公正さを目指して欲しい。


[edit ]
  • Wikipedia ga zo door!!!!!!!
  • ReijnenAudio


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  • Stå på folkens!!!
  • Skeptisk til Google, Microsoft, Bush og andre maktorganer og personer men ellers positiv særs Wikipedia world i denne sammenhengen.
  • Ikke mye, men litt fra meg til alle oss


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  • robicie dobrą robotę
  • Niech wikipedia trwa wiecznie
  • Wiedza jest nam potrzebna. Wikipedia nie raz okazała się dla mnie pomocna, cieszę sie, że mogę się zrewanżować,
  • Dobrze wydane 50 zeta.
  • ifirma.pl pozdrawia!
  • Dzieki! Thanks!


[edit ]
  • Parabéns pela maravilhoso trabalho de socializar o conhecimento.
  • Parabens para excelente informação que é prestada e valiosa em determinadas alturas. Obrigado.
  • Eu sei que é uma pequena contribuição, mas pequenas contribuições podem mudar o mundo quando são feitas por muita, muita gente.
  • A comunidade Linux brasileira apóia a continuidade da Wikipedia.
  • Uma pequena contribuição


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  • Спасибо за проект


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  • Za prosto znanje


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  • 就没有中国人捐款吗?
  • 愛 love 愛
  • 为了你们追求真理和自由的精神,我愿意作出我的贡献. 我在WIKI受益良多,甚至把它作为平时的阅读网站. 作为学生,捐款不多,谨此表示感谢.


[edit ]
  • Rock on, Wikipedia
  • Excellent site, great concept
  • best independent information source
  • I eat pie! Sunshine moocow.
  • Excellent job. Please keep it up!
  • Thanks!
  • Alf Bae
  • Go Wikipedia!
  • Teach the controversy... the Benzene controversy
  • Wikipedia is SO NICE for the time when the lady wants sexy good time!
  • simply supberb
  • One Dollar from me, cause I love Wikis. :-) Just keep it up. Oh, and I got a Wiki too. lol. http://www.gratis-wiki.com/Zothos
  • The New Renaissance: Citizens of the World in their heightened level of awareness making knowledge free and universal. If you want to be a rebel be kind. Human-kind, be both.
  • a little of what i owe you
  • Great effort; some entries weak , others excellent. I hope to contribute in the future.
  • great website!!
  • Very helpful in my university studies! Deserves the respect of donation
  • I wish every university professor in the world becomes a contributor.
  • Best invention ever!!
  • knowledge is power...
  • Great to see the spirit of the internet alive and well. Free access and spreading the knowledge-wealth. Long live Wikimedia!
  • THX
  • I will donate more once I will have more money. I love Wikipedia. Cheers!!! http://www.kajalsinha.com
  • your service is wonderful!
  • None
  • Keep up and stay free!! Thanks a lot wikimedia
  • Absolutely wonderful service. Thanks!
  • Excellent project
  • Superb resource.
  • Thanks!
  • On behalf of my brother Paul
  • You are awesome...Keep DEMOCRACY STRONG!!
  • what a wonderful thing
  • The amount says it all who needs 42 when one has 23?
  • Wiki makes me feel better about humanity
  • Wikipedia helps the world becoming better.
  • great website
  • This concept is phenominal, with unlimited potential. Please support.
  • In future, I would like to see Indian Rupee in the list of currencies;
  • WIKIPEDIA is one of the coolest projects in this world. Keep it goin'! Greetings, www.drogentest.de
  • Great knowledge Source
  • The article on the content \The server cannot be maintained from the financial deficit, and \"Wikipedia\" might be closed. \" is found and contributed."
  • Live Free or Die!
  • A big thank you to all who contribute - I use wikipedia almost every day.
  • Good work guys...
  • long live wikipedia! a small contribution from an Indian wikipedian
  • Just a small something in return for the much value I've derived from Wikipedia. I wish I could give more - and will when I'm able!
  • 1$ closer to your goal
  • BXN2-1 Cloppenburg - \"Für die Bildung!\"
  • Thanks guys.
  • fight!
  • Money is being donated on behalf of Miss Tamia Jones.
  • this is the path to noosphere
  • Thank you for doing what you do!
  • Thank you.
  • Wikipedia is amazing. It gives power to the little guy. A chance for a better world.
  • Good work wiki !!! for my friend-> \"Baba ke jai ho\"
  • Wikipedia is a peaceful tool to make the world better.
  • keep up the great work
  • Thank you for an unbiased source of information. Please guard this rare quality.
  • An excellent resource for the entire planet.
  • Care of http://www.gimpshop.com
  • indispensable !
  • Great reference site!
  • Wikistartpage
  • Thanks for the knowledge.
  • Every little helps. Thanks wikki, I will give more next time when will have better job
  • This project is the realization of Jeffersonian ideals. True democracy can can only exist with universal education. Bravo!
  • 10ドル to wiki is better than 20ドル for drugs
  • It always reminds me that I don't know that I don't know. And I can see daily progress – how I know less and less...
  • Fantastic.
  • keep going!
  • The most wonderful job!
  • Thank you for a great service!
  • said me two bucks worth
  • Go...Wiki!
  • Very good, i can donate only this
  • Thank you for all that you do
  • A great self-education tool.
  • The least we should do.
  • Thanks for hours of entertainment
  • Thank You Wikipedia.
  • wikipedia = how did i get throught this long without this
  • Thanks everyone for your great articles!
  • I'm happy to know that Wikipedia may be included in OLPC (One Laptop Per Child) Project
  • Thankyou
  • Wikipedia kicks ass!
  • Love Wikipedia! Can't live without it!
  • Keep it up!
  • Thaks for making so much knowledge freely available. A wonderful project for humanity.
  • Your one of the best information sources in the world!
  • One of the few websites that lives up to the potential of the internet.
  • From the SNL Vis Group: We love wikipedia!
  • As a student I love being able to find information when ever I need it.
  • Thanks guys for all your work ! long life to wikipedia !
  • A tiny contribution for a great cause. That's all I have available in my CC :(
  • Keep up the good work !
  • Let's keep Wikipedia free and ad-free for everyone!
  • Very useful!!!
  • A great resource for learning. Hope it will be getting even better!
  • my no.1 source for all the information I need
  • Wikipedia has helped me a lot in preparing exams for my students... :-)
  • great site, very useful for my university research
  • Wikipedia is one of the greatest web site databases on the web, I get many information from the free encyclopedia. Keep up the good work and here is my appreciation for providing me great information.
  • Sorry, I'd love to donate but I'm saving money these days.
  • Thank you!
  • Friedman said: "There's no such thing as a free lunch". Wikipedia's proposition: "Pitch in according to your means", I believe, is a better idea.
  • D
  • Money well spent
  • Wikipedia is a commendable creation
  • Keep it up!
  • merci
  • VI VERI VENIVERSUM VIVUS VICI (By the power of Truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe)
  • Keep up the great work!
  • Saw the article in New Scientist. Very admirable work. Looking forward to Wiki Search
  • Great sites; thanks for all your hard work! Keep it up and continue to make information accessible to all :).
  • hwan.com salutes you for fighting the good fight
  • Built inthe tradition of what the Internet was supposed to be (beyound a way to check eBay even after a nuclear strike), Wikipedia is the peer-reviewed journal of ourselves.
  • JMJ
  • Knowledge means power and knowledge should be free!!
  • Keep the information free, available and precise
  • I probably use this site once a day. Thanks, wish I could give more.
  • I passed a coarse in religion 274 at the University of Alberta using only info from wikipedia!!! thanks.
  • I wish I knew how to quit you
  • Wikipedia means what Internet was meant for.
  • Thank you Wikimedia !
  • I love wikipedia! Wahoo!
  • Wikipedia is the worlds library
  • A daily used resource
  • This is possibly the best foundation i have ever known and Wikipedia is the best online resource i've ever used. I'm glad that i can give my support in this small way.
  • Towards free and open education for everyone, wherever and whoever they are.
  • ha ha another donation another fun day
  • LOLLERCOASTER!!1!!one!!^__________^
  • Marele secret al Internet-ului este ca ne putem ajuta unii pe altii !
  • Greate Service
  • Wikiedia ROXS
  • if everyone will give just a little - all of us will benefit! please do so. you don't have to donate your life-time sdavings - just whatever you can. Alex from Israel
  • your style is very straight-forward and based on veritable sources. keep up the good work!
  • Got my student loan, here's your share.>:3 Open source, open knowledge.
  • Thanks for keeping the superb work
  • Thanks to the Cyber Oracle
  • Thanks for all you do!
  • Great resource!
  • What the Internet is supposed to be.
  • Enjoying \"retirement\" from 30 years of teaching arts in the public schools. The power of creativity and the freedom of expression in the classroom My son introduced me to Wikipedia WOW!!
  • Because you are always there when I'm doing my homework!
  • Fantastic work
  • Keep up the good work. I like independend information.
  • Wikipedia is one of the most important nonprofit international educational efforts in modern history. I wish it the best!!!
  • wow!
  • thommears
  • wow you know everything! Solved many random issues discussed sunday morning hung over in bed using wikipedia!!
  • For great justice!
  • Keep up the good work!
  • thank you all!
  • My family uses Wikipedia more and more often. It is truly a knowledge creating tool for the globe. Bravo!!
  • Rock on!
  • Up the Dubs!
  • hope your web will be a non-profit organnization forever
  • keep up good work
  • great!
  • Andy ace20male \"Knowledge is Power.Wikipedia is a great asset but only for those who know ; )\"
  • Very well run and helpful site
  • For Tracy and her happiness
  • Keep up the great work!
  • Thank you all.
  • AvanPad.com
  • A small contribution towards a fantastic treasure
  • Shine on!
  • The best things in life are free!
  • For the people, by the people. Awesome project!
  • This is my 5th time donating to wikipedia this week, I encourage others to do the same and donate generously such as i do.
  • Well done wikipedia for doing such a good job
  • on behalf of zittware.com customers
  • Please don't close, you're one of the best thing on the Internet!
  • Wikipedia is the greatest invention - Z. Leonowicz - Poland
  • Its payback time :)
  • babatunde!
  • Great idea, great encyclopedia!
  • Now you must take on the likes of LexisNexis and other data rapists, give everyone access to the law, to medicine information, tax, and the rest of the so called and professed professions.
  • This online encyclopedia already helped me a lot.
  • Global knowledge... perfect project!
  • Keep up the great work!
  • Wikipedia ist ein Vorbild für das w3 der Zukunft!
  • User Rapotter is happy to contribute and put his money where his mouth is!
  • Go wiki Go !
  • Wikipedia is wonderful!
  • I have gained so much from Wikipedia. I wish I could give more.
  • Go Wiki!
  • We need to keep that raft afloat
  • Love the site
  • My little share, i've used wikipedia for a while, So Its time for me to pay back. :)
  • Thanks guys, keep up the good work.
  • phpGrid.com - Keep up with the good work!
  • hi from france
  • Thank you.
  • Hooray for decentralized self-regulating free institutions like Wikipedia.
    1. 38 Sprintcar
  • thanks to wiki, keep up the good work
  • Thank you for a great public service
  • A big thanks to EVERYONE involved in making this site work.
  • Keep up the good work
  • wiki wiki
  • Thank You
  • Great job
  • Thanks
  • net at nite made me want to donate
  • This is a Fidelity check
  • Thsi is a contribution from India, for the greatest compiled resource of human knowledge...hope that it grows and continues to serve mankind without any commercial interests.
  • What a great resource. You can find anything !
  • The next best thing to knowing something is knowing where to find it. - Samuel Johnson
  • I have some money on moneybookers, and though wikipedia must have some propper use for it
  • excellent source of learning
  • Thanks for understanding my stupid questions and searchs!
  • Wiki for ever
  • wikipedia is probably the most useful website in existance, in my humble opinion
  • Peace
  • Continue the great work
  • Give a little
  • An invaluable resource. Keep up the good work.
  • Wonderful. Thank you.
  • I haxed yew fridge
  • I use it every day. Thank you wikipedia.
  • A valuable and useful resource for democracy.
  • up there with google as the most useful site on the net
  • Thanks to all who work on Wikipedia.
  • This site is a nearly perfect use of the high ideals of internet technology.
  • I would give more but I would like to see that only the registered can edit Wikipedia and end vandalism!
  • up the wikipedia
  • I can't afford to give much, but this is my way of saying thank you for existing, Wikipedia!
  • Here's a few quid for all of the answers I've found here!
  • long live to vincent!
  • Wikipedia is nothing less than the defender of the free world; without freedom of information, no other freedoms can exist. Thank you.
  • free culture
  • Wikipedia -- better than a birthday
  • You make me smart.
  • keep up the good work.
  • Your right ! Thank you very much.
  • This site is the best on the internet.
  • Thank you for encouraing me to learn
  • Thanks to all who work behind the scenes at Wikimedia. You are a role model for internet content. -- Michael Hicks - Wesdata LLC
  • gutes Projekt, weiter so !
  • Thanks
  • Wikipedia: keep up with the good job!
  • A good information resource
  • Very good service. Thankyou
  • Thank you for open knowledge
  • Keep up the good work!
  • Wikipedia is super
  • this database helps a lot!
  • go go go
  • Let's go ahead !
  • That's one of my favorite sites and I want to keep it running!
  • One day all human's knowledge will be that free...
  • Keep on the good work! - Regards from Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
  • Wikipedia has been remarkably consistent in providing the information I need and is typically my first point of call when researching. Well done.
  • Best thing on the internet.
  • wikipedia is my homepage, its my springboard to the world wide web!
  • Great tool of information and knoeledge!!
  • Go Wikipedia!
  • A tremendous resource.
  • A great source of information backed by an impressive body of knowledge.
  • \"Pointing to another world will never stop vice among us; shedding light over this world can alone help us.\" -Walt Whitman. Thank you for the free knowledge you provide - one day it won't be so rare.
  • The people are voting with their feet. Thank you for the service you provide and the ideals that encompass this site. Your worth can never be quantifiable.
  • Congratulations. Keep up good work. My most precious online resource.
  • I use Wikipedia many times daily, it has changed the way I view information, I daresay
  • Please don't leave me.
  • Keep up the good work!
  • What a great service....
  • none
  • great job
  • Pierre Mavro
  • A student for the free knowledge. Viva el conocimiento libre!!!.
  • Jijesh Devan
  • Go Wikipedia!
  • Would send more, but very broke right now. Visit every day, keep it up!
  • Many thanks for this very useful facility. Perhaps one day it will be possible for there to be a 'translate' facility for some of the entries and thus make information more widely available.
  • coin
  • Go Wiki. We love you. Soon when people need to know something they'll say, \"hang on, I'll Wiki it!\"
  • Keep up the good work!
  • Thank You!!!
  • Great Project!
  • I keep thinking \"how great Wikipedia is\", so why not help?
  • All hail thy global Encyclowikipedia.
  • Donation for a friend.
  • We in Mexico believe and support Wikipedia. Thanks to all the great people behind this. This promotes the global information society.
  • keep it up!
  • "Touche!" - Ignorance
  • Thanks for a wonderful resource!
  • lodamercy
  • Wikimedia rox
  • Keep up the good work. Wiki is a great resource, and I do believe in your goal of providing knowledge to everyone for free.
  • bitte
  • This deserves it
  • Love your work !!
  • Kirk Boyd Thank you. We can learn through Wiki and reach an agreement to live together through an International Convention on Human Rights
  • appreciate
  • Keep on with your nice work guys!
  • Ad-free sites of that quality should be supported by all users!!
  • Paying for value makes sense!
  • thanks
  • Thanks for helping me answer my 6-year-old's questions!
  • Thank you to all the dedicated contributors
  • to those that dont know, it is perfectly legal to wear bullet proof vest in canada; however, there are current proposals to the legislation to prohibit it's use during a criminal offence.
  • Thanks for sharing knowledge!
  • Thanks Wikipedia, always a wonderful resource
  • pluimar + agarsab: gay-er proyect 4 ever!
  • There are priorities...TRUTH before all else.
  • sorry for vandalism I'll do it right next time and site my sources and what not
  • I wish you all good luck. You are the future
  • Thank you for the best Internet resource ever. Keep up the good work in promoting the right to free information online!
  • Wikilove
  • Thanks! Wikipedia has been a wonderful resource for a chapter I'm working on.
  • Great project, great achievments !
  • onward and upward
  • Wikimedia projects are true examples of Humanity and Civilization at its best. May it continue to change lives as it has changed mine.
  • ESP
  • WIKI!!!!!!
  • Great work so long, thank you.
  • Thank you all for all your hard work, it's very much appreciated!
  • Thank you so very much for the great job.
  • Great job Wikipedia !
  • I luv wikipedia
  • Thank you Wikipedia!
  • The source of all knowledge.
  • Keep growing Wikipedia!, become a free beacon of knowledge for all....
  • Thank you, Wikipedia.
  • You have my support
  • Keep up the good work
  • Merci !
  • Richard W.Davis
  • Wikipedia is the definition of the internet.
  • Awesome resource, I use it daily
  • From succession lists to CSS to charts and figures, Wikipedia, you have become my home away from home.
  • Absolutely love this site. It's wonderful. Many thanks!
  • Pretending youre going under to solicit donations is lame.
  • This is one of the greatest assets out there. Thanks
  • A world made by everybody to everybody - Um mundo feito por todos para todos - Paz, amor e liberdade
  • Keep up the great work. This arguably is THE most important site on the internet.
  • Best 5ドル I have ever spent!
  • My little stone to the universe (MagikS)
  • Thanks for the knowledge
  • Thank You
  • Wiki's a great source of knowledge. It has to live!
  • I like spending hours just reading interesting articles on wikipedia.
  • For putting the ipple in BPEL
  • Thank you, Wiki. Live Free or Die.
  • thanks to all contributors
  • does anyone know where i can go to donate to the sisterhood? I have friends there (u know who u are) and would like to donate to thier cause.
  • Thanks you!
  • I'll donate more later, I'm still a student and short in cash. Wikipedia has helped me in nearly every aspect of my life and studies. Continue the good work.
  • Thanks for your magnificent contribution. Clearly my first resource for information!
  • Wikipedia has provided me with information for every one of my academic classes. Five dollars is the least I can give.
  • NoahMcD, future wiki subject
  • I've learned a lot from Wiki..! Thanks..!
  • This project will be one of the century + This kind of project lets us think there is still hopes in our world ...
  • Wikipedia is one of the greatest things to have happened on the internet. I hope it continues to prosper and improve. I cant even count how many times Wikipedia has helped me in course assignments.
  • You guys deserve it...
  • Let's keep wikipedia working...
  • Wikipedia wastes too much of my time
  • save wikipedia!
  • Wikipedian of the World Unite!
  • This donation was made possible by Theodore Hsu and tara Sharkey The Hsu Family Capital Charitable Fund
  • Peter and Melanie Zschau
  • I've used Wikipedia so many times I now feel that I must donate. Keep up the good work!
  • Mariana Vargas-Caballero
  • You are a truly brilliant example of what the Internet was meant to be. A million thanks.
  • Thanks!
  • Rikard Östling, Sweden. Keep on the good work!
  • for helpping me get though my degree and my masters
  • Keep the wikipedia alive.
  • I elevate my knowledge and life with this tool of life
  • please remember to donate to other worthy causes such as PETA and GREENPEACE. We need to work together to save the animals and the environment!!!
  • woof woof
  • A drop in the ocean, but a tribute to the good wishes of a poor student !
  • KT Chan
  • Great Work!
  • Outstanding contribution to the Internet - Keep it up!
  • I donate it with happy. just something i do not understand. how come you guys realize it you are in distress so late? you should have 5$ mandatory long time ago
  • Wikipedia is great help in my academic work. I use it almost everyday.
  • I only wish I had more to give.
  • Towards misinformation reduction...
  • thank you so much!!!
  • Symic
  • hikka mikka bodikka
  • I love Wikipedia... I use it everyday in Chiropractic College... THANKS.
  • please keyword: \bulletproof vest\" to find out legality in canada and view my intellectual contributions to wikipedia."
  • This is my favorite go to site for info!
  • Keep up the good work
  • Thanks much!!
  • Awesomely useful. Ranks among my top web tools for school, work and even mere pleasure.
  • Thank you for creating this fantastic resource for all of humanity (and medical students)
  • I will gladly give what I can to contribute to the freedom of knowledge. Wikipedia is one of the best things that has happened to the internet.
  • keep it up
  • We need wikipedia
  • I hope this site goes on forever.
  • Wonderful resource! Thank you!
  • I use this site so much, how could I not donate.
  • Thank you making the ideology a reality - the wisdom and knowledge of the mankind should be free accessable for everyone.
  • the best website.
  • An amazing project, and one that I was sure would never, *could* never work. How could loosely organized volunteers put together a resource of this size and quality?
  • Nice interface, useful information, great tool, Jos Deuling, Affidata
  • Keep it up !!!
  • Thanks for your free info
  • i owe you much more, wikipedia; this is all i have to offer at this time.
  • In Loving Memory of Ethan Jackson
  • thanks
  • Good to see something decent on the net for a change
  • Wikipedia jest super:)
  • With gratitude and amazement
  • Jim Werling
  • Superb!
  • keep up the good work!
  • Once again Wikipedia has saved me money! so i donate!
  • Don't go spending it all in one place.
  • Free information = free society
  • I couldn't do my job without you, you're the best thing on the web, please don't stop!
  • Thanks Wikipedia :)
  • Keep up the good work
  • Greatconcept
  • Great Place For Info
  • keep it up wikipedia!
  • wikiwikiwikiwikiiiiiii!!!
  • Thanks Wiki for my convenience
  • Wikipedia is my first stop whenever I have to look up anything. It's really invaluable!
  • Thanks very useful website
  • Wiki - simply the best
  • For the best source.
  • A wiki a day, keeps ignorance away!
  • i thank all the people that works at this project! free the knowledge and the information!
  • A great resource used often thank you
  • This website is getting me through med school
  • From the Barrueta Familiy, USA, In Loving Memory of Enrique Barrueta & Rene Barrueta
  • To Knowledge
  • I am overwhelmed by the diversity and incredible depth of the knowledge here. I am grateful on behalf of mankind for a wonderful creation.
  • THE best website for people that appreciate information. Thank you!!! Tom Vegors & Amber (my one true love)
  • Thanks for everything: miguel83.wordpress.com
  • with appreciation from Snortyville
  • keepup the good work and thank you.
  • Wikipedia ist genial !!!!!
  • I LOVE Wikipedia. Results seem very comprehensive and well managed for accuracy, and you have information on almost every topic I've ever searched for. Thank you!
  • Thank you
  • Great work! Go on!
  • The Best website ever!!
  • It's really simple - few bucks from everyone and that's it...
  • Thank you.
  • You should tell everyone you're in trouble financially - people would not want Wiki to disappear
  • Small input to the great resource
  • You're making this contribution a bit difficult. It's not obvious what I'm supposed to click to pay with a card. Tried clickin PayPal/Credit Card; didn't work. Hmm. Am I supposed to click donate?
  • I think that the \financial resources for only 3 or 4 months\" is just a little bit exagerate ... but, who knows ... :D"
  • Yes! You rock!
  • Keep the info world free
  • Wikipedia is the best!
  • Long Life to the Wikipedia!
  • I Love Wikipedia
  • Amazing free resource worth paying for!
  • Very useful thank you
  • For a person with widespread interests from hard core science to history, wikipedia is an invaluable resource.
  • Jonathan Harris
  • This is the most amazing resourse on the internet. Long live the wiki!
  • To support the spread of free knowledge
  • keep up the good work!
  • Kill KRT tnx
  • Wiki, we luv u!
  • Thank you.
  • Forrester Taylor
  • Thanks for this great resource
  • wikipedia is ace! much better than the rubbish microsoft make you pay for
  • keep up the good work - find a way to stabilize well settled articles..
  • An essential site not just for information but to demonstrate solidarity, contribution and to finally show the world what the internet is meant to be.
  • Thanks
  • Keep up the good work. This is what the Internet should be
  • The DePinto Family, New Jersey, USA
  • A heroic enterprise
  • God Bless Wikipedia!!!!
  • Wiki Rocks!
  • Cheers !
  • Just a symbolic beer to all the one who are building Wikipedia and to Duesentrieb for the coding help
  • good website
  • Thanks once again for all the times I've succeeded in looking up an obscure myth or needed the atomic weight of Tungsten. :)
  • i would gladly donate a dollar from ny tax refund to wikipedia
  • Keep up the great work! I like the little or no advertisising, but I am hoping this will stay unbias and not get commercial funding bias information.
  • TAB is awsome and shall dominate the world!!!
  • As far as I am concerned, you are the most valuable site of the internet. Thank you. Keep up the good work.
  • wikipedia is a brilliant vision, it has come far and it has a long way to go
  • One should support any such organization in order to make information and wisdom available to everyone for free.
  • Keep up the good work!
  • Thanks - Love Wikipedia
  • The last resort of free access to information! Stay tight and all our gods may bless you
  • I would like to thank Wikipedia for providing a college student with a \one stop\" destination for information. You have saved me from countless trips to the library and are truly invaluabe."
  • Excellent and most useful site.
  • Thanks!!!
  • Awesome site! Keep up the great work.
  • WIkipedia, changing the information age... one article at a time.
  • My work as a writer would be impossible without the existence of Wkipedia. This is the least I can do ... and I will do more in future.
  • Thank you!
  • ValueWiki 100ドル/day Contest
  • Wikipedia rocks !!!!!
  • We need to pay to keep you going!
  • wikipedia is the source.
  • This is the future. The most important site on the entire internet and exactly what the internet was meant to be.
  • Keep wikipedia ad-free and international!
  • Keep running, please! =)
  • Wikipedia is the future.
  • Great Site. I will never leave this site for my homework!
  • Continue --
  • Please continue this brilliant project!
  • Wish I could do more...
  • Great site! Great resource!
  • It's all I can afford
  • Perche' ci tengo
  • Let's keep this glorious tradition going
  • What would we do without Wikipedia?!
  • Because any group run by a guy named "Jimbo" deserves my cash.
  • Great site!
  • here are my 2 cents for human information
  • Please donate for this very important project!
  • a shining example of human cooperation there is today.
  • use it most every day.
  • jesus love me bunny for a boy
  • No Comments
  • best thing since sliced bread.
  • Let not the high value of Wikipedia's contribution to my education be reflected by the small amount of my donation. Thank you!
  • Amazing resource...well worth supporting
  • thanks for a great website and service
  • The Greatest encyclopedia EVER!!
  • Wikipedia is the BEST source of information that I've ever seen. I cannot go away... We all must find a way of saving and continuing to grow this awesome resource. Please join me in helping to fund Wi
  • as a keepsake
  • Floccinaucinihilipilification
  • Thank you!!!!!!!!
  • Thanks.
  • Thanks! To me this is what internet is all about
  • wikipedia is priceless...
  • Thanks for your project !
  • Ironic that donations are required in order for information to be free... so dig deep and ante up! :)
  • I really like wikimedia,because I learned a lot from you and I plan to donate once a year
  • Thank you
  • To knowledge as Godly, to the Open Source as Democratic, and the Foundation as Empowering.
  • Keep information free and available to everyone.
  • A great weath of knowledge for everyone to share
  • Go Wikimedia!
  • I haxed Kyle's fridge!
  • Wikipedia Rawks
  • thanks!
  • for u
  • Support wiki.....spread knowledge!
  • a weeny bit more
  • get free knowledge.
  • Give a little, read a little ...
  • Thank you for making knowledge public and free!
  • You are DA BEST! Wish I could give more now... but will later. I promise. :-)
  • without google and wikipedia, the internet would suck!
  • I really appreciate your site,THE BEST
  • Thank you wikipedia for a great ressource
  • Wiki FTW
  • Wiki is helping this poor medical student through Medical School
  • Knowledge is Power
  • An extraordinry service. Thank you.
  • It's the least I can do.
  • Dang. I lost my one cent. thanks to wikipedia for telling me everything and alll those people who edit wikipedia and are doing and will do. hurray for wikipedia and yay also. Love you wikipedia! bye
  • Happy to help
  • Thank you for all of the information.
  • I could not live without Wikipedia and all it's information. Thank you so much!
  • I don't contribute much information-wise...might as well drop some cash for a service I use so much.
  • David Uchenik MD
  • Thanks and keep up the great work - Beanstalk-Inc.com
  • Wikipedia keep on going!
  • The best thing that have happened the internet for a long time :-)
  • Terrific! Thank you.
  • This is the most incredible site on the entire internet and is absolutely essential for researching anything on the web. KEEP IT UP AND RUNNING PEOPLE!!!
  • Keep up the good work!!
  • Aqu
  • one of the greatest entities the information age ever spawned
  • A great tool for everyone!
  • Wikipedia guys move our world forward! Keep it going! =)
  • Keep up the good work.
  • Knowledge, our greatest resource, is conserved and replenished only to the extent that it is shared and used. To build and spread knowledge is our highest calling and our deepest obligation.
  • I love you Wikipedia- stay true to your self
  • for graet justice!
  • Keep going, wiki!
  • Noone should let Wikipedia Die
  • wiki <3
  • eternally thankful, with love and gratitude.
  • Thank you!
  • Clearing out one of my old gift cards.
  • Because I used you sometimes.
  • Thanks for the lowdown on....everything!
  • good work
  • We donate because we want to keep this extremely useful resource running!
  • go!
  • Thank you everyone who works on this wonderful project!
  • I guess every little bit helps. Thanks for everything, Wikipedia!
  • Larry Allan Dahle
  • This is one of the more omportant sites on the world wide web. Keep it up!
  • Everyone In The World Learn More With Wikimedia!
  • Wikipedia is one of the greatest things to happen in the 21st century.
  • Donated more than I had. Now I gotta make a trip to Wachovia before overdraft hits me, OMG :(
  • great service
  • Thanks for the information and continue sharing it with the world!
  • Because I am a hero
  • I love Wikipedia.
  • Thank you
  • 682HR
  • thank you for all the help in my studies
  • Keep going!
  • Possibly the greatest wealth of information in the world, Thank You.
  • Very useful. My first source for non-biased information.
  • keep up the good thing
  • Nicholas Palvesky fund
  • I started using wiki more often than Google as a search start.
  • Everyone needs to give a little
  • All too often vast amounts of knowledge are not properlydisseminated to the public, Wikipedia changes this.
  • I wish that the donation helps you to keep the quality of information. I really appreciate your great work!
  • thank you for putting up such a wonderful web page. helps in alot of research. cheers
  • I use wiki every day.
  • Wikipedia - super rzecz! Tak trzymać!
  • Keep knowledge free
  • I am growing accustomed to your efficient, in-depth and extremely well cross-referenced (link) online knowledge treasure. THANK YOU !
  • Thanks for sharing knowledge
  • Thank you for guarding your money-free policy. I am 76 and live on 16,000ドル a year.
  • What a great resource
  • uh yeah well uh giggity giggity goo
  • little change
  • Keep up the good work
  • My number one site. Keep it up and keep it free!
  • Great idea, great contribution, greatly appreciated. Muchas gracias. Cefaro
  • Keep up the good work of sharing knowledge!
  • Most useful site on the Web! Bless all the volunteers!!
  • I cannot imagine going even a day without looking something up on Wikipedia; keep it up and keep it free!
  • wikipedia must not disappear!
  • I use wikipedia a lot.
  • Free knowledge is not free without our donation
  • Knowledge is priceless!
  • This is technology put to use for the good of the people. Finally...
  • Thank you all for a fantastic and inclusive resource. I will aim to start contributing in 2007
  • msn: wickedjoint@hotmail.com thx all wikipedia
  • It's a great source!!!
  • Thanks for providing such a useful and worth while website.
  • Great starting point for getting an overview of a topic. Thanks for all your efforts!
  • Best information on the Web
  • keep it up!!!
  • Keep up the great work!
  • Keep the Party Going!!
  • Happy Birthday Lindsey!
  • Thank you for using always Wikipedia !
  • In Honor of the Rifkin Family
  • Thank you for all the great stuff you achieved!
  • on behalf of YDJ
  • You have helped me greatly in finding the right profession through free investigation. A thousand thank-yous!
  • A small thanks to a great community.
  • So long, and thanks for all the fish!
  • Keep it free!
  • Thanks for providing this one-of-a-kind interactive resource!
  • An amazing cause, well worth supporting. Here's my support!
  • yay for free knowledge!!!
  • Excellent job. Thank you.
  • A wonderful, addictive www resource! Thank you so much for the enjoyment and knowledge that you !
  • I don't agree with everything about it, but I feel it is importnat and probably evolutionary. Mark
  • wikipedia is great-online vandals are not
  • Try you best to protect the freedom of knowlege
  • Weiter so!
  • Wikipedia is great!!
  • pip go kill yrself
  • From the readers of And Shine Heaven Now (hellsing.comicgen.com)
  • The Anaesthetic Department at Torbay Hospital decided not to send each other cards last Christmas and instead put the money to better use, therefore, please accept our donation of 120ドル.
  • thanks for making my searching easier
  • Best site for knowledge base
  • i wanted a wii for christmas, but all i got was 50 bucks to make a change... so here! :)
  • The firs donation I enjoy. Good work peopels !!!
  • Brilliant site - very useful!
  • Wiki Rocks!!!
  • Keep going
  • For the best place in the net, the place where knowledge grows.
  • Hi,I'd like to play a request for all the dogs in the universe.This next track here is for you dear friends.This is the song that started it all for me.(groan)(,円)
  • May we all live in Wiki Boztopia some day!
  • I am very happy to help wikipedia.
  • Jan Zimmermann and Nils Bodenbinder, Germany
  • This site has taught us a lot
  • a revolutionary invention.
  • In memory of Thomas Carus, father & mentor
  • Let's keep the best display of the free world up and running :)
  • Thank you for the service.
  • wiki is great!
  • Open access to knowledge is a fundamental human right.
  • Happy Birthday Brady! We pretty much love wikipedia! P.S. Hooray for missionaries!!
  • Thank you and keep going!
  • Thank you for con
  • It's not much, but being a college student you can't spare much even for yourself
  • My number one go to source of information.
  • Long live the Wiki!
  • Thank You
  • Thank you guys for your work!
  • In honor of Michael jervis
  • Just a small donation to a worthy cause. Through reseach using wikipedia, I've passed a number of english essays! Thanx wikipedia :)
  • Where were you guys when I was in High School?
  • Fantastic site for all the family.
  • Great content in mathematics for the non-specialist!
  • Inarguably the best site on the Internet! It has information of EVERYTHING!
  • Great Website
  • Wikipedia is the best thing to come out of the Web!!!
  • Keep up your excellent concept!
  • wikipedia r0x
  • Great great project. Everybod should donate a small amount.
  • May be less gay than Britannica. So, may be more serious.
  • wikipedia is deep good
  • Thanks!!!
  • Wikipedia has helped me in a lot of ways. This is to say Thanks.
  • keep go on.
  • we need places like this
  • every little helps
  • Great for Students
  • Francesco Lisi - God save Wikipedia
  • 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 All good childeren go to heaven
  • I've used you 3 times tonight for personal research. The least I can do is contribute a little. Sorry it is so little but it's all I have to offer.
  • Wikipedia is what the Internet should always have been - the concentration of all essential information.
  • Thanks
  • Wikipedia Is The Best Information Site On The Internet.
  • Wiki rulez!
  • Let the world come together
  • Wikipedia helps me every day
  • thanks for saving me when it comes time for research papers!
  • I am a constant user of Wikipedia, mostly through answers.com. I have gain a lot of knowledge form wiki. Thanks!
  • Wikipedia is very useful!
  • ...because you're #1
  • Donation made possible by Spencer Backus
  • Thank You very much for this very useful website!
  • (wp's logo royalty, representation for by Japanese Publisher MAX Corp., deduct Japan govt tax.
  • a bargin
  • For a returning college student, Wiki is indespensible! Keep it going, keep it free, thank you!!!
  • add more articles in gujarati and hindi
  • You have changed the internet, thanks!
  • hope to give more later this year!
  • One small click for me, one giant leap for mankind!
  • For the conitnued sharing of knowledge
  • viva wiki. don't let it slip into the grubby mits of commercialism
  • because today is my 25th birthday and this site is actually a big part of my daily life. thank you for your efforts.
  • thanks!
  • get out of work actors to sponsor their own resumes - my two cents
  • I know wiki for a long time. This is a chance i ve got to relate with wiki.
  • what a great service! I can donate my hardback encyclopedias now!
  • There goes my lunch :D I've leeched a lot off this site so its ok
  • To MOMtrepreneurs, future and current women and mom entrepreneurs who continue as 'MOMs Tripping On Manure on the Road to Success'
  • Enjoy Learning Everyday
  • thanks for the service
  • May you continue your great work.
  • Open database that wil become more and more like the one in the Star Trek Universe.
  • Great job !!!!
  • The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. (Proverbs 9:10)
  • Wima is a gift to those that use their minds to observe, listen & learn. Their values include universal awareness, the use of accurate & reliable data & lifelong education. Thanks, Dave
  • www.bluewatermedicine.com supports wikipedia
    ) Keep up the good work everyone!
  • Please try to find a way to recruit professionals.
  • join james jokes
  • thank you
  • Thank you.
  • in memory of Jim Holman
  • a great service, a harbinger of the unitary world to come
  • This website is so helpful..I'm a graduate student and I use it to refreshed my memory on things that I forget or to get information on things that I may not know...you're great
  • We want people to be informed and prepared at all times. Wikipedia is a great place. Courtesy of www.SurvivalKitsOnline.com
  • for the free knowledge
  • Let's keep the WIKI online!!!
  • One of the best people can do for people
  • wicked info on leet speak 4 ma coursework...nice 1
  • Information is Power
  • From User: Dalf - Bounty_board#Any_country - For Turky and Germany making FA status
  • Knowledge should be free! Pass it on!
  • I wish I could give more
  • Thanks for a great site!
  • Thanks Wiki. Fantasy Sports - www.ziguana.com
  • I wish you to remain.
  • Thank you and good luck
  • Tane@2ch
  • Wiki 4EVR
  • What did we do before Wikipedia? It's the first place when beginning research.
  • I found Wikipedia a great, helpful, and very useful project in many ways. Thank all of you, administrators, for your contribution into the world enlightenment.
  • Connect our minds, the brain cells of Gaia :)
  • I need you
  • a very useful community work!
  • Great Website, i use it often
  • thanks for this great resource
  • Thanks to all contributors!
  • no world war
  • thanks for everything
  • Greg Friedlander
  • Tks, Wiki
  • wikipedia has more information on muslims and of their contributions in science than most of the muslim websites...thanks
  • Best dictionary
  • This is what the internet is all about. Everyone needs to play a part. Agree or disagree, this is true freedom and it leads to . . .
  • Thanks for this great service. Greetings from Croatia
  • Go Wikimedia team! We in NJ love you!
  • Thank you!!
  • Greatest Internet Application Ever
  • Thank you all
  • Keep up all the hard work. Thanks!
  • Sometimes you realise that all your searches lead to Wikipedia....only then do you realise that you have to!!
  • This is from zh-Wikipedians' contribute!
  • Wikipedia is wonderful. I can think of no other web resource that could have so much benefit to the human race globally. Long live wikipedia.org!
  • Love this website.
  • A public good, heard that funds were needed. Hope this little helps
  • Wikipedia Rules the World!!!!
  • Keep up the good work!
  • Surprisingly useful service
  • Umut Tezduyar
  • Reality has become a comodity - maybe, but I always check Wikipedia for a second opinion. Keep up the awesome work.
  • nice to use u.
  • Never stop!
  • Merci pour toutes l'information!!
  • Use this site daily, love it!
  • Keep up the good work!

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