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Fundraising 2007/comments/2007-10-29

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
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All quotes

[edit ]
  • a great resource—Christopher J Locke
  • Knowledge brings strength.—Adam Mitchell
  • I love this online resource. I'm a film maker and it has helped clarify
  • I'm sure most people have no idea just how many times they've used Wikip
  • Ohne Wissen gibt es keine Kultur.—Oscar Dustmann
  • Keep up the good work!—Ingolfur Tryggvason
  • wikipedia helps me a lot, thanks!!!—Anonymous
  • El derecho al conocimiento es universal! Wikipedia queda con su filosof�
  • Penance for 2 copies of Windows Vista.—Terry Robinson
  • Worth every penny and more...—Anonymous
  • go for it!—Anonymous
  • Thanks!—Marius Seritan
  • great site—Anonymous
  • knowledge is powerful; share the responsibility; one people, one planet
  • WIKI!!!!!!!!!!!—Anonymous
  • Thanks WIKI !—Stylianos Sinanastassis
  • I expected this enterprise to fail. I am amazed at its growth rate and
  • Yeah Wiki!—Joseph Kozachek
  • Wikipedia saved my life—Anonymous
  • You helped me, now I'm helping you.—Eliezer Posner
  • Wiki ftw!—Lars Erik Karlsen
  • Wikipedia is the greatest research time-saver since broadband.
  • The most important function of the internet is the dissemination of fact
  • Thank you for bringing value to the internet.—Anonymous
  • Merci de faire ce que vous faites!! Continuez dans cette voie !
  • Gracias—Anonymous
  • I'm proud to give the gift of knowledge. Go Wiki!—Stuart Wattssm
  • Go for it! Wikipedia is fun. No diving.—Anonymous
  • お金があまり無いので少ししかおくれませんが、いつ
  • wiki rocks—Chih-Kuo Yin
  • wish to use my Visa card.—Anonymous
  • Here is a monetary contribution. I promise to contribute to some article
  • I'd be lost without you, Wikipedia. Don't ever change.—Jeff Rubin
  • This is my thanks to wikipedia for providing me with an immense knowledg
  • Best info source on the web—Jacqueline Aldridge
  • Small amounts building up to an infinity of knowledge.—Paolo Miriello
  • Keep up the great work! I make it a habit to donate each time I use Wik
  • Just want to express my thanks to this wonderful ads-free knowledge site
  • El Conocimiento nos hara hombres libres—Arturo Gomez Sepulveda
  • A fountain of information!—John Siket
  • Ayudemos, wikipedia me a ayudado—Anonymous
  • Wikipedia kills ignorance—Anonymous
  • Wikipedia could be the best thing the internet has to offer.—Anonymous
  • This is a wonderful project and helps to create a new vision of the worl
  • Dup!—Anonymous
  • i will donate more hopefully—mohamed ali
  • I am from Brazil and I want to help Wikimedia Foundation—Anonymous
  • Showing some love for the wiki!!!!—Jennifer Davis
  • Wonderful project—CyruSoft Solutions
  • SPICE MUST FLOW!—Anonymous
  • A great resource for knowledge.—Anonymous
  • Zac Krislov—Zac Krislov
  • Tous pour un, un pour tous. It's like BOOOOM HEADSHOT. Wiki wins.
  • Wikipedia is the first site I go to to begin learning about a topic.
  • Wikipedia is a public good--it belongs to all of us. We all need to tak
  • "Wikipedia is informational oxygen for me; can't imagine a life without
  • For one of the greatest sites on the internet.—Dustin Martin
  • Most of the time, even Google can't find anything better than Wikipedia.
  • To compensate for my ~100 million page views—Anonymous
  • Every time I visit this site it makes me smarter. I thank you for the gi
  • Indispensable !—Romain DE LA MOTTE
  • Keep up the good work, do good not evil.—Andreas Oeye
  • Free information for all. This is a significant evolutionary step.
  • Wikipedia - one of the seven wonders—Anonymous
  • Ein Hoch auf Wikipedia!—Anonymous
  • Keep growing!—Anonymous
  • Thanks for such an educational expericane.—Jacob Miller
  • I'm normally a free-rider, but you've saved me a couple times at work!
  • I use Wikipedia for everything - it's only fair I pay my share.
  • 情報の自由に賛成します!!—MIKA NAGAMATSU
  • Everytime I use wikipedia, i yell "Eureka"—Saket Sharma
  • Thanks!—Anonymous
  • There has always been too much emphasis on power; we need to spread the
  • Gute Arbeit, macht weiter so—Björn Kuhlen
  • I don't have money this time otherwise I would have donated much. All th
  • Freedom of Information FTW!—Nathaniel Welch
  • Yay. Good intellectual work—Ben Mullen
  • Keep up the good work, you rock—Anonymous
  • Bildung für jeden—Anonymous
  • I could never afford the amount of knowlege this website has given me!
  • Please, don't let Africa down—Anonymous
  • Light the lamp of knowledge to banish the darkness of ignorance and oppr
  • Bene, bravi, bello. Ancora!—Anonymous
  • unverzichtbar.—Wolfgang Odendahl
  • Wikipedia is important - knowledge must be free.—Kasper Edwards
  • freedom of information—Benjamin Spencer
  • I did it for the lulz—Isaac Yang
  • Much use lah!—Anonymous
  • Ein Klasse System, mein Rückgrat beim Lernen—Ronald Baumann
  • Danke!—Alexander Hutzler
  • I rawk!—Anonymous
  • Thank you very much—Juan Gonzalez Gomez
  • Muchos granos de arena hacen una preciosa playa—Anonymous
  • Great work!—Anonymous
  • Dherai dherai dhanyabad, Wikipedia!! (Nepal)—Anonymous
  • viel Erfolg—Michael Loy
  • Knowledge for everyone—Anonymous
  • AuthSMTP.com - keep up the good work!—David Priest
  • Great Internet Service ! Thank you.—Anonymous
  • I support activites of Wkimedia, until I die!—Aihara Yoto
  • thank you—Brad Nickoloff
  • Information on the house.—Kristian Gunstone
  • keep wiki alive—Anonymous
  • knowledge is most important, says warpbird)—Anonymous
  • What a great and awesome resource, I applaud you for taking it to develo
  • Lets Help to Share Knowledge—SALEH AL SHABAAN
  • L'ignoranza non è una scusa...—Riccardo Favero
  • Eskerrikasko euskerari lekua egiteagatik—Anonymous
  • education makes a difference!—Evelyn Kühn
  • Thank you for your great work.—Mehrdad Davachi
  • RPK—Robert Krecke
  • You do a great service to humanity—Michael Dimitriou
  • how much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood ?
  • Merci pour tout se savoir, et "Keep going on"!—Anonymous
  • Viva la LIBERTA'!—angelo cignarelli
  • Thanks for delivering knoweldge to the whole globe
  • it's great!—Anonymous
  • Wikipedia is an important new development for humanity. Heck, this is th
  • Vielen Dank—Anonymous
  • Donation for worldwide knowledge base!—Anonymous
  • Such a small contribution for vast amount of knowledge—Anonymous
  • Gratz Wikipedia—Anonymous
  • Keep up the great job—Anonymous
  • My favorite Web-site/Mein wissenschaftlicher Freund / —zimmeran
  • Compartir el conocimiento libre y altruistamente: eso es solidaridad.
  • Good luck Wikimaniacs :)—extreme-dh
  • Keep up the good work—Anonymous
  • Keep up the good work!—Anonymous
  • I am greatly benefited by Wiki*—Bob Barnum
  • Wikipedia rules!—Marco Salvatore Nobile
  • Date un grande contributo a tutta l'umanità—Anonymous
  • yohann cordelle—cordelle yohann
  • I'd rather pay than have to see ads, what an amazing resource.
  • Where would we be without Wikipedia?—Fabian Uebersax
  • keep open minded the greatest revolution we're having. Access to informa
  • Small donation for a huge project—Romain KEIRSEBILCK
  • Keep up the good work.—johan hogsander
  • great job—Markus Wiesiollek
  • il mondo si salva attraverso la conoscenza—Andrea Garavaglia
  • Knowledge is power and power should be shared.—Benjamin Littenberg
  • Lukas Rox—Łukasz Poźniak
  • wiki libera ...—Gianluca Noce
  • In this information age, Wikipedia is our best resource for useful infor
  • best internet project !—Stefan Nissen
  • 1—Silvio Dell'Acqua
  • I cannot overestimate the importance of Wikipedia in my learning process
  • Thx to wikimedia foundation—Hubert Taler
  • O Brasil ama a Wikipedia!—Anonymous
  • over 460 billions $ for the Iraq war but only 0 $ for knowledge, our dec
  • over 460 billions $ for the Iraq war but only 0 $ for knowledge, our dec
  • спасибо за полезный проект—Anonymous
  • auguri—Anonymous
  • Long live Wikipedia!—Pablo Villanueva Maranon
  • いつも勉強をさせてもらっています—Anonymous
  • Wikipedia me permite enrear con mucha más facilidad.—Anonymous
  • 人類の英知を共有しよう!—Inoue Ko
  • Wikipedia means progress—Asbjørn Syverhuset
  • Ich finde immer wieder nützliche Informationen, die mir im Privaten wie
  • Ánimo con vuestra labor, prueba de que conseguir lo ideal a veces tambi
  • Wish everyone could get equal access to education...—Chirs Kim
  • 维基百科-每天必上网站之一—刘 之琪
  • Enough for a beer—Grzegorz Chrupala
  • Wikipedia and the free information movement is the culmination of what a
  • My favorite site!—Anonymous
  • fürn guten zweck—Anonymous
  • I use the site almost daily. Please keep up the amazing work!
  • great work! spread the knowledge in the dev world!—Anonymous
  • thnks for the info—Anonymous
  • Rock On—tarrant.neil
  • Ich danke allen Ehrenamtlichen bei Wikipedia .Eine Informationsquelle oh
  • You have the imagination, Wikipedia offers the knowledge.—Lars Mork
  • Schön das es Wikipedia gibt.—Anonymous
  • Great Project. Free knowledge for everybody.—Matthias Ongyerth
  • Great Project—Daniel Angel Muñoz Trejo
  • I love wikipedia!—Michelangelo Partipilo
  • I find myself using Wikipedia for a term I am not too familiar with. It
  • Merci de partager les connaissances du monde—parm SOOLAL
  • A true treasure of knowledge—Anonymous
  • 頑張ってください。—Tadaaki Obuchi
  • Ein großartiges Projekt, dass aus prinzipiellen Erwägungen Unterstütz
  • Grazie wikipedia—Anonymous
  • Großartige Arbeit—Jutta Anders
  • Good job!—Flavio Cannistrà
  • ^L^—Anonymous
  • thanks... keep it up!—Anonymous
  • Спасибо большое за организацию и реали�
  • Good work, good information—Anonymous
  • complimenti—roberto rinaldi
  • Tolle Arbeit weiter so...—Thomas Gruber
  • Divulgar Sabedoria Gratuita é de se louvar!!!!—Wander Cardoso Jr
  • :D—Anonymous
  • Wikipedia äger. Fett mycket.—Anonymous
  • Keep on with the good work.—Anonymous
  • Grazie per tutto l'aiuto che date alla mia conoscenza—Anonymous
  • I use Wikipedia every day! Many warm thanks to all editors!
  • Wikimedia is an invaluable resource for me—Alan Sherry
  • Free knowledge for a free world—Anonymous
  • Knowledge changes the world. Thank you!—Anonymous
  • Thank you for the web's best—Anonymous
  • Go ahead!—Anonymous
  • Keep doing an excelent work—Carlos Bracho
  • for a wikiworld!—Sebastian Arnoldt
  • La connaissance est un pouvoir !—Grégory BRISMEUR
  • WOOOOOHOOO!!!! WIKIPEDIA!!!!!!!—Patrick Aubin
  • For united world—OLEG USHAKOV
  • I love Wikipedia.—Anonymous
  • This is one of the greatest resources in the world.All power to Wikipedi
  • Spread the knowledge.—Anonymous
  • Your actions say more than words themselves—Syriac Mathews
  • The donation I offer pales to the knowledge I've gained from Wikipedia.
  • 今後も平等、公正、中立な役割を続けられますように
  • Sorry I couldn't give more to a site that's given me so much—Anonymous
  • It's the first place I go to for answers.—Bik Sidhu
  • Thanks for getting me through school - now get knowledge to the people w
  • 維基百科,讓我們站在巨人的肩膀上—Anonymous
  • Keep Wikimedia alive. This source has revolutionized information sharin
  • Information for all—Anonymous
  • Imagine a world without wikipedia? NO WAY!—Anonymous
  • wikiがあるからnetが知識になる—Kumasaka Satoru
  • This is the greatest website ever.—Jose Mendoza
  • Best Site on the Net Ever!—Christoffer Hansson
  • Let there be Slack.—Steven Edwards
  • Long Live Free Education - Well done to all who make Wikipedia the best
  • For the amount I use it, I feel like I'm a thief for not paying before n
  • Wiki is for everyone as the human knoledge!—Federico Di Iorio
  • I love Wikipedia!—Nino Marchetti
  • Ohne Wikipedia hätte ich schlechte Noten!—Vladimir Hof
  • share what we have learned—Anonymous
  • iForem is Perpetual Peace of Mind. iForem supports Wikipedia and the pe
  • Wikipedia is. Thanx to Wiki the world's awareness is growing rapidly. Wo
  • Indispensable—ghewson
  • Long live wikipedia... For ABH—Anonymous
  • Could this thing grow up to be like the Library of Alexandria?
  • For free access to information.—Anonymous
  • This is really one of the best sites I have ever seen—Anonymous
  • For free use of the modern-day Library of Alexandria—Konrad Roeder
  • Wikipidea is the google of knowlede and information !—Shreyas Desai
  • we want to give back a TINY fraction of what Wiki has done for us.
  • Le savoir est universel, l'éducation est le meilleur moyen de lutter co
  • No 1 quick resource spot on the web!—Kane Glendenning
  • I challenge all users to match my family's gift of 200ドル!—Frank Jungman
  • fFor tripling the number of Elephants in Africa!—Anonymous
  • My humble contribution—Jen Choong Wong
  • Thank you—Fiachra Glynn
  • WikiTime!!- With Love, from CeCe—CeCe Rehn
  • good luck—Anonymous
  • Wiki's what the web was made for.—Anonymous
  • Kind of glad there's no donor swag offering.—Zeke Sikelianos
  • Spero si ampli sempre di più. Grazie wiki. Dado—Davide Gianferrari
  • succes—Anonymous
  • Danke Danke—Anonymous
  • On behalf of the NDL at the University of Utah. Thanks for a resource w
  • Siete grandissimi!—Enrico Pandian
  • simply truly amazing work - wish I could give more!—Anonymous
  • Pour que le savoir soit universel et se transmette.—Jean-David DERSY
  • Wikipedia has literally improved my quality of life.—Anonymous
  • Go Jordan Elbridge Marching Eagles—Anonymous
  • I use Wikipedia every day, so there is no question that I donate some mo
  • Pour que le savoir soit se partage.—Frederic Monet
  • The spread of knowledge draws the world closer to peace.—Justin Marks
  • long life to Wikipedia, share the knowledge, share ideas, share the life
  • è poco ma è quel che posso darvi—Giuseppe Puncioni
  • If Wikipedia is the Future, the Future is bright.—Anonymous
  • Thank you. It is a wonderful Web-site.—Anonymous
  • because knowledge counts—Michael Schütz
  • Die Welt braucht noch viel mehr Wikipedia—Felix Feustel
  • bonne continuation—Patrick Fox
  • So much knowledge!—Stephen Wolstenholme
  • thanks, wiki!—jackson hedrick
  • Longue vie a la Wikipedia!—Julien Orange
  • I will donate 1ドル for every time i hear a person say it—Anonymous
  • Work it out!—Anonymous
  • I only really donated 1p—Chris Platt
  • I question the value of preserving outlying languages. I'm not a native
  • Good luck—Anonymous
  • For job, for entertainment. Very usefull.—Petr Schejbal
  • Knowledge is key factor in our self-realization, It makes us human bein
  • Un petit don pour wikimedia, un grand savoir pour la communauté
  • Wikipedia Rocks!!—Rob Devon
  • Ich brauche Wikipedia fuer die Schule und es hilft mir bei den Aufgaben
  • Thanks!—Marcin Bogacz
  • Bhe, che dire...."Free Access To All Human Knowledge"....eh già
  • My healthy addiction.—Peter Lunshof
  • Super! Weiter so—ricardo
  • Give me Wikip or give me dearth!—Anonymous
  • 'doing a great job—michele chiodo
  • I think Wikipedia is a wonderful institution and I am glad to support it
  • Wikipedia represents THE new model of how information should be gathered
  • Worthy, indeed!—Mark Foster
  • Element Energy Alternating Directly—Andrew Fullerton
  • I appreciate this tool of knowledge—Miguel de la Madrid C
  • Wikipedia is great!—Michael Peter Prechtl
  • w1k1p3d14 4 l1f3 !!!1111one—Kevin Driscoll
  • Very handy and helpful.—Qiufeng Song
  • Knowledge Without Borders—Beiheng Chen
  • Will give more as I get my bonus hopefully ;-)—Anonymous
  • Wikipedia is the embodiment of the best qualities of the Internet. --St
  • Keep up the good work—Martin Cleaver
  • good work.—Anonymous
  • za jutrzejszego kolosa z linuxa—Anonymous
  • Wissen ist Macht!—Julius Firl
  • Complimenti, continuate così. Massimiliano Loi, Ilbono, Sardegna
  • I'm using it, so it's fair, if you guys get something for it...
  • Wikimedia rox! Greetings from Denmark :D—Stefan Micheelsen
  • Long live world knowledge :-)—Kris Lauria
  • machen.de—Michael Leibrecht
  • Wikipedia - The best of human nature—Anonymous
  • Information have to be independent and free, keep on.—Anonymous
  • Dzięki za dobrą robotę.—Dariusz Bukowski
  • Víc nemám :)—Astro Newsmann
  • Give what you can to a worthy cause.—Anonymous
  • I'm tired.—Daniel Williams
  • Merci a wikipedia, formidale outil de développement des connaissance !
  • Wisdom, Liberty and readiness to make sacrifices—Manuel Oellers
  • simbólico—alberto rodriguez amenedo
  • Let's learn and grow emotionally, spiritually, physically, and financial
  • Wikipedia 2007—Rien Vesseur
  • great idea, great results, here is UFO LONDON web design support
  • I love wikipedia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D—R Hora
  • Αξίζει!—Anonymous
  • wikipedia è un progetto del cavolo e la versione italiana è proprio ri
  • keep wikipedia ad-free!—Evan Biddulph
  • Great site. Very useful. Thanks!—Anonymous
  • never without it—Anonymous
  • Thanks so much! Go wikipedia!—Anonymous
  • what it dew—Anonymous
  • Good donation ad. Only 8000 contributors to date. Yikes. That is sad.
  • longue vie a vous,a nous!—Anonymous
  • Indispensable—Anonymous
  • Weil Wikipedia mein Wissen täglich erweitert...—Markus Janning
  • klasse - da spende ich gern—Anonymous
  • Uso Wikipedia tutti i giorni in almeno 4 lingue!!—Costanza Signorini
  • Wikipedia est le fer de lance de la culture libre.—Julien Duponchelle
  • Por el conocimiento libre y gratuito ^^—Pablo Perez Aguilo
  • Long live the Open Forum of information!—Michael Himes
  • I love wiki. Here's me covering my personal bandwidth costs. - thecoold
  • Danke.—Anonymous
  • Wikipedia is the human kind memory. Keeping it free is a must.
  • I love Wikipedia!—Steven Lynch
  • free knowledge—Anonymous
  • I owe you this, I suppose.—Anonymous
  • Absolutely!—Michael Gerard
  • Unverzichtbar!—Stefan Schuster
  • Wikimedia - Helping students procratinate since 2000—Anonymous
  • The Straight Edge still lives!—Anonymous
  • wiki is the best example of a posible world joint effort.
  • Whenever you need answers, turn to Wikipedia—Carlos Mari
  • This si to help spread knowledge around the wold. Once more people are e
  • money is the root of all evil! just kidding—Anonymous
  • enjoy my life savings—Anonymous
  • Thank you for my passing grades!—Anonymous
  • wiki is the shiz.. wikipedia saved my life.....thankyou xoxox
  • Wikipedia rocks my socks—Simon Hung
  • YO WASSUP GEE—David Hiskett
  • In support of your fantastic Foundation—Anonymous
  • Knowledge is power—Alexander Heinlein
  • Thankyou Paypal—Anonymous
  • Free Knowledge!—tom mou
  • Well deserved.—Joshua Trampier
  • Knowledge empowers. Free knowledge for everyone.—Savyasachi Singh
  • Keep it up!—Louis Roy
  • We all love it!!!—Yuri Khazin
  • Thank you.—Anonymous
  • because http://xkcd.com/333/—Anonymous
  • The Real Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy—Anonymous
  • Wikipedia is a journalist's tool.—Lauren Grover
  • a start...—James Field
  • very good works... fellows!—Anonymous
  • Somewhere in the developing world, a future Ramanujan is browsing the ma
  • Understanding the past we will hopefully be able to repeat it less.
  • Que esta pequeña donacion se incremente
  • My share for a good cause..—Anonymous
  • Ungefiltertes Wissen für die ganze Welt, damit nie wieder ein Krieg mit
  • Keep the info coming! The Wikipedia is the ultimate source of informatio
  • Wikipedia is f-ing amazing.—Duncan Carroll
  • http://www.mastellatiodio.blogspot.com/—Anonymous
  • Worth so much more than I can give!—Andrew Leat

non English quotes

[edit ]
  • Ohne Wissen gibt es keine Kultur.—Oscar Dustmann
  • El derecho al conocimiento es universal! Wikipedia queda con su filosof�
  • Merci de faire ce que vous faites!! Continuez dans cette voie !
  • Gracias—Anonymous
  • El Conocimiento nos hara hombres libres—Arturo Gomez Sepulveda
  • Ayudemos, wikipedia me a ayudado—Anonymous
  • Ein Hoch auf Wikipedia!—Anonymous
  • Gute Arbeit, macht weiter so—Björn Kuhlen
  • Bildung für jeden—Anonymous
  • Bene, bravi, bello. Ancora!—Anonymous
  • unverzichtbar.—Wolfgang Odendahl
  • Much use lah!—Anonymous
  • Ein Klasse System, mein Rückgrat beim Lernen—Ronald Baumann
  • Danke!—Alexander Hutzler
  • Muchos granos de arena hacen una preciosa playa—Anonymous
  • Dherai dherai dhanyabad, Wikipedia!! (Nepal)—Anonymous
  • viel Erfolg—Michael Loy
  • I support activites of Wkimedia, until I die!—Aihara Yoto
  • L'ignoranza non è una scusa...—Riccardo Favero
  • Eskerrikasko euskerari lekua egiteagatik—Anonymous
  • Merci pour tout se savoir, et "Keep going on"!—Anonymous
  • Viva la LIBERTA'!—angelo cignarelli
  • Vielen Dank—Anonymous
  • Gratz Wikipedia—Anonymous
  • Compartir el conocimiento libre y altruistamente: eso es solidaridad.
  • Date un grande contributo a tutta l'umanità—Anonymous
  • il mondo si salva attraverso la conoscenza—Andrea Garavaglia
  • wiki libera ...—Gianluca Noce
  • спасибо за полезный проект—Anonymous
  • auguri—Anonymous
  • Wikipedia me permite enrear con mucha más facilidad.—Anonymous
  • Ich finde immer wieder nützliche Informationen, die mir im Privaten wie
  • Ánimo con vuestra labor, prueba de que conseguir lo ideal a veces tambi
  • fürn guten zweck—Anonymous
  • Ich danke allen Ehrenamtlichen bei Wikipedia .Eine Informationsquelle oh
  • Schön das es Wikipedia gibt.—Anonymous
  • Merci de partager les connaissances du monde—parm SOOLAL
  • Ein großartiges Projekt, dass aus prinzipiellen Erwägungen Unterstütz
  • Grazie wikipedia—Anonymous
  • Großartige Arbeit—Jutta Anders
  • Спасибо большое за организацию и реали�
  • complimenti—roberto rinaldi
  • Tolle Arbeit weiter so...—Thomas Gruber
  • Divulgar Sabedoria Gratuita é de se louvar!!!!—Wander Cardoso Jr
  • Grazie per tutto l'aiuto che date alla mia conoscenza—Anonymous
  • Ohne Wikipedia hätte ich schlechte Noten!—Vladimir Hof
  • Le savoir est universel, l'éducation est le meilleur moyen de lutter co
  • Spero si ampli sempre di più. Grazie wiki. Dado—Davide Gianferrari
  • Danke Danke—Anonymous
  • Siete grandissimi!—Enrico Pandian
  • Pour que le savoir soit universel et se transmette.—Jean-David DERSY
  • Pour que le savoir soit se partage.—Frederic Monet
  • Que esta pequeña donacion se incremente

CJK quotes

[edit ]
  • 情報の自由に賛成します!!—MIKA NAGAMATSU
  • お金があまり無いので少ししかおくれませんが、いつ
  • 维基百科-每天必上网站之一—刘 之琪
  • いつも勉強をさせてもらっています—Anonymous
  • 人類の英知を共有しよう!—Inoue Ko
  • 頑張ってください。—Tadaaki Obuchi
  • 今後も平等、公正、中立な役割を続けられますように
  • 維基百科,讓我們站在巨人的肩膀上—Anonymous
  • wikiがあるからnetが知識になる—Kumasaka Satoru

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