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Fundraising 2007/comments/2007-11-29

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  • Free the word!—Anonymous
  • disseminate knowledge, eliminate ignorance and falacy—Jing Jia
  • Wikipedia is the modern times most important undertaking.—Anonymous
  • a virtual cornucopia of information. Thanks.—Kim E. St.Dennis Jr.
  • For being really, really helpful—Dinara Abilova
  • I just lost The Game.—Anonymous
  • Thank you Wikipedia!—Anonymous
  • Creds! ;)—Anonymous
  • A small contribution for the many hours of education and entertainment y
  • Wikipedia's coherence single handedly doubles the utility of the interne
  • A great resource—Anonymous
  • Best invention since bluejeans!—Anonymous
  • Great reference source!!—Anonymous
  • Per la divulgazione del sapere,libero, e per tutti.
  • آتمنى لكم مزيد من التقدم—FHAD S ALSMHAN
  • wissen ist macht - danke an alle die wikipedia ermöglichen!—Anonymous
  • Small price to pay for a great idea that has help millions.—J Rioux
  • WP has questionable ethics (still many are "oh, don't mind Essjay's lies
  • Wikipedia Organica - my primary source for information - Thank you!
  • I use the Wiki constantly. Thank you, all.—Anonymous
  • Keep it ad free!—Anonymous
  • This is a site we can't afford to lose—Siow Wee Fei
  • I don't really understand how Wikipedia works, but I do understand how m
  • Life would be considerably harder without you. Many thanks!—Anonymous
  • As a scientist, I can attest to the generally very high standards of the
  • so much can be learned jumping from page to page ...—Debbie Richman
  • Thank you for demystifying the world.—Elana Kritikos
  • My Computer Hero—William Conner
  • Ultimate research assistant—Hyun Choi
  • please donate for a good cause—asit kumar
  • Thanks! Invaluable service that is changing the world.—Anonymous
  • Thank you for your priceless diligence in maintaining the stability and
  • Proliferation of Information Will Save the Human Race—Mike Britton
  • Wiki Rules --halson--—Halson Miao
  • Knowledge is good.—Mark Renfro
  • WOO HOO—Karine Hagopian
  • Wiki rulez!—Mateusz Jagoda
  • ALIZIER СПАСИБО—Vitali Ivanou
  • Wikipedia helps me to find exactly the information I am looking for 99%
  • Wiki is a great site, but i only have 31c in my paypal lol :D
  • thanks—Anonymous
  • "Spread knowledge throughout the whole world in seconds."
  • The direct-line descendent of campfire-based verbal folklore.
  • merci—Anonymous
  • Thank you.—Gurpreet Singh
  • Keep up the good work!—John Vanek
  • Long live Arliss Howard & Debra Winger for Big Bad Love—Anonymous
  • After years of searching I found the words of Nabucco, the Prisoner's Ch
  • Gracias por todo lo que representa la wikipedia.—Joan Salichs Fradera
  • Keep doing good to the world..—Praveen Viswanath
  • It's education, entertainment and the spreading of knowledge all rolled
  • I try to help :D—Diego Vizcarra
  • Thanks for all the info!—Troels S Jensen
  • good luck—Anonymous
  • Wikipedia makes even the most boring days interesting...—Anonymous
  • way to go wiki—rayan alballaa
  • This is the way forward—Anonymous
  • Very helpful—Anonymous
  • Sid needs a white man's job!!!!!—Jade Truong
  • The most amazing think ever, and we have only just scratched the surface
  • weiter so!—Stefan Kärst
  • bektas cam—Anonymous
  • Cowabunga! :D—Anonymous
  • 50p for you!!!! I love you wikipedia!!!!!!!—Anonymous
  • Please give so that you may receive—douglas a stewart
  • Thanks—Anonymous
  • Great Resource Thank You—Kevin McCarthy
  • Keep up the good work. Go, Wiki people!—Yihan Sun
  • Easy and simple access to anything we would want to know about !! Keep t
  • to keep a great project going on—Oliver Kurmis
  • The best thing to happen to information since the printing press.
  • Muchas gracias—Anonymous
  • Acces to knowledge is the true saviour—Simon Bressendorff
  • Wikinomics is the future, and we should embrace it.—Greg Fisher
  • okay, i like you all—Anonymous
  • more, more, MORE...—Kirk Richard Holz
  • ho pochi soldi ora ma .... grazie!!!—Anonymous
  • Still the best thing on the net—Stuart Orford
  • Als Benutzer spendet man, ist Ehrensache!!—Anonymous
  • weiter so—Robert Nagel
  • I use Wikipedia everyday and everywhere,... thx.—Primoz Hmeljak
  • very useful info for everybody—vijay dixit
  • Wikipedia FTW!—Andrew Perucho
  • Freies Wissen fuer alle—Anonymous
  • Parabéns Wikipedia! Scientia Vinces!—Fernando Nunes
  • [alm-ore] A kindness is never lost—Anonymous
  • Software Development, Web Development, Domain Hosting click www.vertical
  • the best on-line resource i have ever found!—Oleg Star
  • Merci à WIKI, à ceux qui l écrivent et à ceux qui le lisent
  • Combattre l'ignorance—Anonymous
  • the quality of the images is excellent—george hlinka
  • Vai wikipedia, continua così—Anonymous
  • Thanks for being there.—Calum Mac Leod
  • I believe in Wikipedia—Anonymous
  • Wolna od reklam i naciskow Wikimedia - wesprzyj ja tyle ile mozesz. pozd
  • Thank you Wiki—Anonymous
  • ebeninkii—Nehar Kesan
  • Conoscenza libera e gratuita per tutti!—Andrea Paoli
  • Wissen muss frei sein!—Robert Breunung
  • I love philosophy of the wiki project.—Yoshihiro INAGAKI
  • Wikipedia muss gefördert werden!—Anonymous
  • You should donate, too! What a service!—brenda allen
  • J Chufar—John Chufar
  • -—Anonymous
  • Thanks to all of you. I can only imagine what the wikipedia will be in 2
  • I printed several pages to go with a gift.—Mildred Mooney
  • Wkpd ci serve...—Anonymous
  • Knowledge and independent information belong to the columns for building
  • Se você deseja adquirir conhecimento o primeiro passo e ama-lo com toda
  • O conhecimento deve ser universal e de livre acesso para todos.
  • Für das Wissen dieser Welt—Daniel Haase
  • Great resource—Anonymous
  • Invaluable Service for Internet Students—Matthew Sneddon
  • Thank you for this and thanks to all Open Source—Anonymous
  • Danke an alle die an ALLE!—Anonymous
  • for expanding the Common Knowledge!—Anonymous
  • 'cause Wiki is Wiki—Anonymous
  • Megan rocks my world!—Anonymous
  • Hello my name a borat, high 5, great successs—Philip Barrett
  • Grandi..—Lorenzo Gontrani
  • good for you—Anonymous
  • My Freinds call me the Denizen of Wikipedia - my favourite place to read
  • Twice a year I donate my monthly reading budget to Wikipedia---a real ba
  • As an Engineer I find your website very useful indeed.—Anonymous
  • it is always a good start - often more—Tobias Bahr
  • for creating an excellent reference—Anonymous
  • You are appreciated.—Anonymous
  • free the knowledge to everybody!—Holm Hänsel
  • Thanks you very much for all Information on everything—rolly bhasin
  • Freie Information für alle! - http://www.czettel.com
  • Keep up the good work—Anonymous
  • Weiter so!—Anonymous
  • Thank you for a lot of knowledge. Wikipedia is a campus for me. I believ
  • WIkipedia is part of my day life, It has become my first source of knowl
  • thanks—Anonymous
  • Wikipawned!—Andree Große
  • It doesn't take any quantity of altruism to donate to Wikimedia. Only wa
  • first time, found it useful—Anonymous
  • -—Anonymous
  • Great work Wikipedia!!!—Edgar A Rodriguez Q
  • i love you wikipedia—Anonymous
  • this is good stuff—Anonymous
  • I love wikipedia! What would we do without you, and all the contributors
  • Vital resource for all; important addtion to modern democratic dialogue;
  • The world will never be the same again (for those with internet access..
  • Keep up the good work of democratizing knowledge!—Benjamin Sibelman
  • Information should be a human right!—Rikard Lindström
  • keep up the great work—Hannes Röst
  • It's me again.—Byoungsoo Cho
  • Without Wikipedia, We'd Wither!—Anonymous
  • Wikipedia *RULES*!!!—Steve Lane
  • The people's power!—Yuen Chi Lian
  • il sapere è un bene universale.. che viene usato troppo spesso per scop
  • Wikipedia - Einfach Genial für Arbeit und Privat - Bitte weiter so!!! o
  • live with responsible choice, do not judge and forgive always
  • I love wikipedia—Anonymous
  • Thank you. Please spend the money on providing more content, not the ot
  • Because knowledge, like software, is a dish best served free-as-in-"free
  • Por la democratizacion del conocimiento...adelante Wikipedia...Adrian
  • a light against cynicism—Anonymous
  • Simply a wonderful resource for free information—Anonymous
  • thank you for making information free for everyone—Anonymous
  • Very useful ! Thanks to everybody for contibuting !—Anonymous
  • Nicolas Jardry—Nicolas Jardry
  • great service, use it all the time. thanks—chris babcock
  • I mänsklighetens tjänst—Anonymous
  • Conoscenza è coscienza—Anonymous
  • Wikipedia - my allday competence friend to ask!—Stefan Göhring
  • God bless everyone - you all deserve it richly!—Anonymous
  • Que vive le savoir et la connaissance!—Francois Ascani
  • If you use it, why not pay for it ?—Anonymous
  • Keep up the good work!—Paul Ruganis
  • Free information that is credible and satisfyingly extensive!
  • Working as intended—Anonymous
  • Thanks everybody for sharing our shared treasure: knowledge.
  • This site is an AWESOME help for HOMESCHOOLERS!—Davina Shildt
  • Thanks for all this free information, it has been useful to all members
  • Keep it going—Anonymous
  • We love you Wikipedia—Anonymous
  • Many thanks to Wikipedia.—William Schonlau
  • Thank you Wikipedia!—Nora Cary
  • A very sincere "thank you."—Anonymous
  • I use Wikipedia almost every day and I'm very thankful for all the info
  • thank you—mattia bassi
  • خدا قوت بده—Anonymous
  • One of the best uses of the Internet.—Anonymous
  • Thank you for the great job you are doing!—Nadejda Shvab
  • wiki, un idéal de démocratie et d'altruisme. Merciii !!!—Anonymous
  • The balance of last years gift card to a good cause—Anonymous
  • Jeder Beitrag zählt :)—Anonymous
  • Ein riesen Danke an alle!—Emanuel Clapasson
  • Go for it !—Christian Sue
  • I'm not rich and it's all I have on PayPal account. Grow big WikiPedia!
  • The best way to cover holes in my physics knowledge -even though I am a
  • I'm Chuck Norris, and I support Wikipedia.—Anonymous
  • Wikipedia is knowledge. Knowledge is the light of the world.
  • Il Vostro progetto è magnifico, spero migliori sempre
  • Geben und Nehmen—Anonymous
  • Thanks!!!—Luca Rigano
  • peace on earth—Jörg Sahlmann
  • my compliments to the chef.—Anonymous
  • Danke!—Anonymous
  • do ut des—Jan Kolebski
  • Go Wikimedia—S Page
  • Great work guys !!!!—Saurabh Dikshit
  • sorry it`s not aot but only have limited funds best wishes to wikimedia
  • Merci—Anonymous
  • knowledge is freedom—Anonymous
  • "Keep rowing"—Anonymous
  • cooles Projekt, bin dabei—Stefan Schroeder
  • Everyone that uses Wikipedia ought to give at least a few dollars. Think
  • Wikipedia would be the 'Killer App' of the Internet, were one needed...
  • knowledge is free—Karen Donnelly
  • I like Wikipedia. It's nice!—Ayman Ahmad
  • Let God be with you!—Anonymous
  • Thanks!—Anonymous
  • Thanks Wikipedia for helping me with all my courseworks ever!
  • Wikipedia run tings... tings no run we—Nicolas Elias

CJK Quotes

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  • がんばれ—komachi shoichiro
  • ありがとうWikipedia。みんなの財産です。—Akira Okitsu
  • わずかですが役立ててください—Anonymous
  • 末永く存続していただくことを期待します—Anonymous
  • いつも有難う!みんなも協力する!—Anonymous
  • 役立ててください—FUNAKI MASAKI

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