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Fundraising 2007/comments/2007-12-23

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  • Meh - so it's not-so-instant karma. It still goes around eventually.
  • Thank You—Anonymous
  • Keep up the good work!—Benjamin Isler
  • Dank voor uw hartverwarmende initiatief—AC Gietelink
  • Down with the queen !!—sam rivers
  • Great sites!—Anonymous
  • Wikipedia es una magnifica idea y un inapreciable servicio. Gracias.
  • Would like Wikipedia to remain viable—Anonymous
  • I Love Wiki!!!—jose arguelles
  • While discussing the wonders of technology, including Wikipedia, my son,
  • Thank you for your great work.—Barbara Hirsch
  • wiki rules- matt brooks—Anonymous
  • Wiki is awesome - support it!—Amy Renz
  • Fantastic Public Utility—Anonymous
  • Wishing to be a helping hand to Wiki's activities.—Kishimoto Koichi
  • wish you get bigger and bigger..—Anonymous
  • Thanks Wiki !! Ignorance is no longer a bliss.—Prijit Debnath
  • on behalf of www.LupusMCTD.com—Kathy Walters
  • I will donate 5ドル.00 every two weeks. I wish I could do more but, we have
  • Learning is our greatest gift to others—Jack Fulton
  • thx—Anonymous
  • Thanks for excellent info. But we need standards.—David Post
  • It's a fantastic source. Keep up the good work!—Matt Kibblewhite
  • this is important—Darren Caulfield
  • mullac.wordpress.org owes it to Wikipedia for the research!
  • Keep doing the good work—Gustavo Coindreau
  • You represent all that is good about knowledge.—Matthew Von Der Heyde
  • Check your sources—Anonymous
  • Para la Wikipedia española que tanto me ayuda a conocer las raíces de
  • what would we do without you guys!!—Anonymous
  • Keep it real.—Anonymous
  • C'est un beau projet à soutenir absolument!...—Gérard ALBOUY
  • Winkipedia needs us—Anonymous
  • Merry X-mas Wikipedia! (Til Turid og Hanna)—thomas mo willig
  • un rêve qui se réalise jour après jour : tous nos savoirs, pour tous,
  • Keep up the good work and spread the knowledge! Thanks!—Anonymous
  • Wissen ist die mächtigste Waffe.—Stefano Drescher
  • Wikipedia hilft mir die wirren Gedanken meines Mathematik Professors nac
  • Thank you for educating the world!—Antonis Stavropoulos Kalinoglou
  • trovo utilissimo il vostro impegno, e lo uso fiducioso della qualità es
  • Keep up the good work!! - Satheesh.net -—Satheesh Varadharajan
  • Das Beste im Internet—Siegfried Seckler
  • One of my favourite sites of all—Tomislav Knezevic
  • merry xmas—Walter Hoff
  • Knowledge is power. Power needs to be used carefully.—Anonymous
  • for the future of know—Anonymous
  • Let us speak the truth—Anonymous
  • This is gift on behalf of my son, Bryce Healy—David J Healy
  • In dovere—Anonymous
  • Bringing the world together with knowledge—Liz Champagne
  • Thanks for this wonderful work.—Marilia Costa
  • I use Wikipedia everyday, Mahalo Nui Loa (Thanks so much!) for making th
  • Se io dò una moneta a te e tu ne dai una a me, ognuno di noi avrà una
  • Alles Scheven—Anonymous
  • Alles Scheven—Anonymous
  • Dr. Mike Abrams—Dr Mike Abrams
  • Wikipedia is a blessing of the technological age! v hastings
  • Wikipedia may help free the world - a great resource!—Tim Gladney
  • Wikipedia gave me so much, hope this can help a little...—Anonymous
  • Thank you for a great contribution to humanity.—Kieran Sweeney
  • Thank you for a wonderful resource - here's a small amount to keep you g
  • Merry Xmas Wiki, I'll be back to donate soon. One Santa's past
  • let the information reach everyone—Anonymous
  • Jeder dem Wikipedia Tag für Tag soviel nutzt sollte doch eine kleine Sp
  • Wikipédia, j'y crois—Anonymous
  • Go Wikipedia!—Muhammad Jamal
  • Google and wikipedia... the best thing happend to internet...
  • I can think of no endeavor more honorable than enshrining knowledge as a
  • Merry Xmas!!—Fumiaki Katou
  • Thank you for providing users the opportunity to create an extensive and
  • Creighton Burke—Creighton Burke
  • donating to keep wikipedia alive. thanks—Anonymous
  • Buon Natale ragazzi!—Antonio Poppi
  • Thx Wiki !—Mihai Lucian Radovicescu
  • Learn to change—Anonymous
  • Wikipedia is a revolution!—Michael Brook
  • Excellent Service to Information Accessibility—Mack Ward
  • Just a small pay back for a large gift received.—Anonymous
  • Small Inaam for running such a useful service. Munish Goyal
  • Solidarity in the pursuit of knowledge.—Anonymous
  • Thanks Wiki- Knowledge is power—Anonymous
  • Keep going!!—Anonymous
  • Bravo . nu am bani multi in cont , important e gestul .

Turturika din

  • Merci wiki, pour moi, mais surtout pour mes étudiants -et mes enfants
  • One of the most valuable resources on the web.—Anonymous
  • -><- Everything you know is wrong! -><-—Jason Cisnero
  • not much but i think site is great—Anonymous
  • Pour la connaissance libre!—Fabien Villeneuve
  • impagabile risorsa di studio libero—Massimiliano Carli
  • Knowledge is Power—Christian Tutte
  • Mónica Martins—Mónica Martins
  • Share the knowledge! Thanks for the platform...—R Pradeep Chandran
  • David Acton—David Acton
  • Thanks for an amazing site!—Andy Crane
  • Wissen ist Macht—Joris Joseph
  • Allah said in Quran "read" encouraging us to study, it was the first wor
  • Merci et encore merci!—Sven Luther
  • Merry Christmas, Paul!—Anonymous
  • Keep up the good work!!—Anonymous
  • Merry Christmas Matt!—Anonymous
  • thank you WIKIPEDIA—Anonymous
  • A great work for humanity!—Anonymous

CJK Quotes

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  • 知識の集積と共有が世界を変えていくよう願っていま
  • 知識の共有と、人類の底上げを—Anonymous
  • 情報を馬鹿にするなぁ!!—ムネユキ クサカ

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