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Fundraising 2007/comments/2007-12-13

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  • Wikipedia supplants the FAQs and avoids vendor $$ hype—John Pope
  • better than nothing—David Faulkner
  • Keep it up!!!—Todd Tibbetts
  • Please join me in contributing to this great resource—Jim Handelman
  • tante grazie . . . merci . . . gracias . . . dank u . . . obrigado . . .
  • Uniquely, knowledge comes when followed—Jonathan Hogg
  • love you wiki—Anonymous
  • A treasure for now and ages to come.—Leo Tohill
  • Happy birthday Elin!—Karen Drayne
  • To satisgying curiosity—Anonymous
  • w00t!—Anonymous
  • Teachers ban wikipedia, but I still use it!—Patrick Hamid
  • Thanks!—Ron Buckles
  • disabled on a pension, good work Wiki—Anonymous
  • You are a most positive paragon for our evolving culture.—Craig Foster
  • take these 10 dollers and use it for the good of humanaty—Anonymous
  • Wiki is "The Way" to Know.—Anonymous
  • Proxy Xmas gift, more useful than socks and jocks...—Susan Alexander
  • love as a form of information, make love not war—Jinsub Moon
  • As a programmer the DMCA killed 5 of my best entrepreneurial ideas, may
  • thank you! I wonder if Al Gore ever imagined that a resource as invaluab
  • help them—Anonymous
  • Muchas gracias por todo.—Anonymous
  • Keep rocking!—Anonymous
  • Thank you Wikipedia. You guys have helped me through 2 undergraduate de
  • Keep the good work!—Anonymous
  • A wonderful resource for everyone!—Anonymous
  • A worthy resource that I am happy to support—Anonymous
  • I realized, "What if there were no more Wikipedia?"—Anonymous
  • Thank you for advancing the truley sacred cause of human knowledge.
  • Wikipedia continues to amaze me... and my teenage daughters couldn't go
  • I love Wikipedia because it makes me smarter every day—Simon Candy
  • Think at how much you've learned and saved time all so easily through h
  • Innovative Thinking, Inc.—Carrie James
  • It's not much, but it's the best I can do right now.—Juanita Sullivan
  • One of the few sites living up to the dream of what the Web would become
  • I's not much, but im just a german pupil. You wont have much money when
  • the quintessence of interactive information- well done!!
  • i grew up in featIt was nice to see the city ured as the daily article.
  • Great Effort! Looking forward for Wiki's growth in Everyone's Mother Ton
  • Yes hello—Benjamin Paul
  • The World Needs To Wake Up—Evan Spaet
  • Another world is possible, but moeny is still the means of exchange in t
  • Please continue the best collection of human knowledge of all time.
  • Information should always be free to the masses—Tomasz Finc
  • Stay Gold Wikipedia.—Anonymous
  • Wikipedia is probably why internet is worth—Anonymous
  • wikipedia 4 ever—Anonymous
  • everyone should donate to this wonderful cause!—Eva Carrigan
  • EXTREMELY helpful...—Anonymous
  • Grazie!—Anonymous
  • I use this website atleast (often much more than) once a day—Anonymous
  • My drop to the ocean—Anonymous
  • THANK YOU WIKI—Anonymous
  • wikioedia! what great idea!!—Franz Bauer
  • Großartig! Eine kleine spende eines kleinen Studenten, Manos
  • Education is the truest form of emancipation.—Anonymous
  • Wiki is the best!—Patrick Rederer
  • ...il mare è l'unione di infinite gocce!—Salvatore Boi
  • I use it, never had time to contribute, so the least I can do is show my
  • What a richness of knowledge - I feel gratefull—Anonymous
  • Fantastic source of reliable info, in many languages—Anonymous
  • keep on doing!—cristina zamfir
  • Merci, Continuez.—Anonymous
  • Soumick—Swapan Chatterjee
  • Free information is the most amazing thing ever happen before, everybody
  • worth every dollar, your mobile phone website is awesome—Jay Goomany
  • Wikipedia is important for this World—Adrian Ottiker
  • C'est ça l'avenir—Anonymous
  • This had better be worth it.—Anonymous
  • This had better be worth it!—Robin Janssens
  • Sabio es aquel que sabe donde encontrar lo que no sabe!—Marco Klipfel
  • Eskerrik asko!—Anonymous
  • Полезность этого ресурса невозможно ср
  • The gap is purely knowledge!—Anonymous
  • thanks for such a splindid page on Frank Zappa—Anonymous
  • the most complete database of informations.—domenico silvestro scavone
  • Thanx a lot :) Wikipedia is improving soo much! That's nice!—Anonymous
  • Thank you Wikipedia for coming to my life. You have given me so much, I
  • Thank you!!!!!—Anonymous
  • More knowledge helps having higher life quality.—Eric Medvet
  • Grazie!—Anonymous
  • indispensable—Anonymous
  • Thank God for Wikipedia!!!—Victoria Wiley
  • WP = 50% Mist, 50% Wissen. Und für die zweiten 50% lohnt es sich zu spe
  • Aufklärung statt Religion—Lothar Siegel
  • Donation by THIBB & Thomas der Grosszügige. Thanks for the great work!
  • Information is power. Power to the people.—Janet Edens
  • We love you wiki!—Shaun Hayes
  • Lieber etwas für Wikipedia spenden, als teuere Lexika kaufen
  • Thank you Wikimedia - Our whole family use you all the time for learing
  • A great, worldwide effort.—David Britton-Ohl
  • Mam wielkie uznanie do zasobow Wikipedii.—Zbigniew Michalski
  • Change the World—Anonymous
  • Thanks for creating one of the most enjoyable system of learning
  • Long live Wikipedia.—Anonymous
  • Immer wieder gerne ein kleiner Beitrag für freies Wissen!!—Anonymous
  • Thank you for serving and sacrificing for our country.—Anonymous
  • Wikipedia is great: it's the one-stop shop for any query we have
  • Thank you wikimedia / wikipedia for this gift of easily accessible and f
  • You are worth every cent—Anonymous
  • Merry Christmas—Derek Latimer
  • Freedom is Information is Freedom—Karen Wilson
  • Thank you for helping me to learn div, curl, grad and various calculus t
  • Thank you for keeping Wikipedia free!—Melissa Robdrup
  • Not a day goes by when I don't use wikipedia atleast 10 times
  • I have been very impressed by the accuracy of articles related to my are
  • singularity beckons—Anonymous
  • oxalide.com—Maxime Kurkdjian
  • Whenever I need to know something, wikipedia comes to my aid. Very good
  • believe myself—Anonymous
  • In memory of Fabrizio and his greatest love... Knowledge - www.bizio.inf
  • Denentzat dena—Anonymous
  • it is a great cause it represents—Anonymous
  • Colas Bregnon—Anonymous
  • Amazing amount of accurate information, with a friendly format at your f
  • Wiki makes the world go 'round.—Anonymous
  • bad wolf—Anonymous
  • Though I don't have much money - this project is SO ESSENTIAL, I use it
  • Brad <3 's wiki—Bradley Folster
  • Thanks for the service—Anonymous
  • Thank you Wikipedia—Reha Demirer
  • A great source of information! Keep up the good work!—Anonymous
  • Ve li siete meritati...—Anonymous
  • Rick Lightburn/LHL Partners need Wikipedia to survive—Rick Lightburn
  • Studying medicine is really hard, but without Wikipedia it would be much
  • GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!—Rafael Lara
  • Keep up the good work!—Edward Wollmann
  • I looooooooooooove WikiPedia! :-)—Alessandro Pupin
  • yes.—Jennifer Lonack
  • Information, like love, is something that increases rather than decrease
  • Wikipedia ist toll - macht so weiter!!!—Anonymous
  • please continue—Burkhard Dettmar
  • I linked up to wikipedia thru babylon5 to discover all i ever needed to
  • Ich bin dabei !!!—Oliver Funk
  • Micko—Michael Kolkmann
  • what the heck, the money's got to come from somewhere.—john mckeon
  • Wikipedia has helped me numerous times to answer both general and techni
  • Knowledge of the World—Robert Begic
  • Wikipedia FTW!—Nicholas Hislop
  • Wikis for world peace!—Andrew Todd
  • Incredible resource! Let it continue! Latviešu Vikipēdija – sarauj!
  • for spreading knowledge to the world!—Rajan Bansal
  • Keep up the good work—Anonymous
  • google and wikipedia are two main sources of info for me—Anonymous
  • If the internet is the greatest invention of the my lifetime (mobiles co

CJK Quotes

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  • 今の管理者が全員居なくなれば、Wikipediaは素晴らしく
  • 希望可以看到多一些中文赞助赠言.—Anonymous

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