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Fundraising 2007/comments/2007-11-17

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All quotes except CJK

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  • Gonzybe—Gonzalo Moreno H
  • Ambition of this nature shouldn't go unrecognized.—Anonymous
  • am i really useful for the world ? No, but my money maybe. without cultu
  • continuate..lo spero—andrea sinicatti
  • Education is the most powerfull weapon against fundamentalism, radicalis
  • I do what I can when I can do it..—Bradley Bothun
  • I read Wikipedia while eating dinner.—Anonymous
  • My little grain of sand for one of the best idea on the web!
  • Go further
  • You've always been there for me, Wikipedia—Anonymous
  • Immer wieder was tolles dabei!—Sebastian Ammermueller
  • Mabuhay Wikipedia!!!—ferdinand calma
  • Vamos fazer parte do mundo!—Anonymous
  • Sorry for being cheap. Hope this helps!—Norbert Ursu
  • none—John Atwood
  • A great resource.—Anonymous
  • Love you Wiki. Consult you at least 2-3 times a week. Save me time in
  • Wikipedia rocks!—Anonymous
  • Wikipedia Rocks!—John Tyrone
  • Thank you Wikipedia!—Stephen Romero
  • Ein kleiner Beitrag für eine großartige Ansammlung von Wissen.
  • Kaaaaatschinnnnngggggggg—Franz-Josef Dieckmann
  • It's worth helping projects based on basic brain needs. Culture!
  • I can appreciate brilliance when I see it.—Joshua Ramey
  • Viva la Wikipedia! - Evert-Jelle—Anonymous
  • My source for all non-political truth—Andrew Carey
  • good staff.—tazawa shigetaka
  • carsi—Hasan Cihan
  • I refer to Wikipedia more than any reference book for purposes ranging f
  • Great Work!!—Anonymous
  • Worth more than researching through a million books & webpages. Continue
  • I LOVE WIKI!—Anonymous
  • Wikipedia is getting better and better and I hope my small donation can
  • I love it!—Thomaz Franzese
  • Knowledge is power and you have empowered millions—Anonymous
  • If Wikipedia was caught up in it's own bureaucratic nonsense I'd conside
  • Great resource; want to make sure it stays around.—K John Russell
  • Thank you. Wonderful tool.—Alain Joaris
  • Libera diffusione della conoscenza!!!!—Matteo Setti
  • Wikipedia is great when your bored or want info weird things. THANKS WIK
  • dencar123—Dennis Carroll
  • Cool!—Anonymous
  • Knowledge makes our world become better!—YEN SU
  • Best of luck—Aditya Laghate
  • wikipedia is a visionary instrument. It is a ready door to the world an
  • I donate with my respects for Wiki—Anonymous
  • Wikipedia is great, but now let's get behind Wikimapia!
  • I depend a lot on Wikipedia, sometimes to the point of addiction. Thank
  • Wikipedia should get people drunk cause it makes them dontate
  • I am a miser. So when I donate it has to be for a very good cause.
  • I just read everything there is to know about Castlevania. Magnificent.
  • The best resource online!—Anonymous
  • Thanks for a great knowlege-base. Money well spent ;)—William Calkins
  • Etwas vom Besten was das Internet zu bieten hat—Oswald Kofler
  • Supporting global free speech and true democracy.—Melissa K Perrow
  • Trying to help in my own small way! :)—Anonymous
  • I would not have been able to do any school workwithout wikipedia!
  • Wikipedia is the internet... almost...!!—Thiagu Goundan
  • More of what you want to know!—Anonymous
  • Great Job ! I am glad I can help you.—Grzegorz Jaczewski
  • I Wuv Wikipedia—Gil Megidish
  • Most useful and interesting site on the Internet; thank you
  • Cool project!—Anonymous
  • Wikipedia is the most important and interesting site in the world.
  • Damit Wissen die Welt schöner macht.—Oleg Löwen
  • If Wikipedia did not exists, we would have to create it!—Anonymous
  • Grazie wikipedia per la divulgazione dell'informazione GRATUITA!!!
  • I believe that this project will not be closed and give the information
  • Wikipedia is not only a force for making knowledge free it is an expansi
  • the knowledge is the way of life!—Anonymous
  • Wikipedia - love it!—Anonymous
  • This is a simply amazing effort!—Ullasa Kodandaramaiah
  • Contribuisco perché mi piace molto questo progetto; mi auguro che sia p
  • Danke für die Inpiration und den roten Faden ins Web—Anonymous
  • Sorry to pay you less than your value to me and the world—Anonymous
  • Une ressource simplement universelle. Bravo!—Anonymous
  • Jeder kann und sollte spenden, auch ich als Schüler—Nils Riel
  • <3—Anonymous
  • Spende—Karl-Hermann Klügel
  • Knowledge is the key to a better future.—Anonymous
  • Merci Wikipédia!—jérémie lagravière
  • I can donate you 3000 yen. I want you to continu this project.
  • It's all i can spare! :(—Nathan Pember
  • well done, keep suppling knowledge—Anonymous
  • thanks wiki for everything.. your my source of love—Lee Nguyen
  • Hardly a day goes by without using Wikipedia and it's getting better eve
  • man hilft wo man kann—Anonymous
  • Thanks a zillion for such a wonderful source of knowledge
  • Wissen ist Macht!—Peter Niemann
  • Fair play—Anonymous
  • Un piccolo contributo per un sapere libero e una cultura libera
  • Soy estudiante universitario y esto es todo lo que puedo dar. Wikipedia
  • Es solo la primera contribución. Vendrán más! Gracia Wikipedia
  • A free society needs free information - for everyone—Jason Spratt
  • Cooles Medium für den täglichen Gebrauch.—René Morszeck
  • Knowledge is the begining of a real revolution based on understanding ot
  • Por el mejor proyecto de la humanidad :-)—Anonymous
  • Wikipedia rules—Anonymous
  • Wiki's yer only man. Dublin, Ireland—Anonymous
  • knowledge......—Ibrahim Waheed
  • Wikipedia is the greatest source of information the world has ever known
  • Knowledge is wealth and we all have to share the expenses.
  • Every dollar counts! - LH—Anonymous
  • Thanks for keeping up the internet ́s original spirit
  • Ignorance leads to misunderstandings and fear, knowledge creates toleran
  • una piccolo dono a Wikipedia, in grado di fermare la sete di sapere di c
  • Wikipedia has changed the world. Thanks to the founders, you have made t
  • Ich grüße meine Familie und den Matthias—Dominik Campanella
  • Wikipedia ftw!—Mikael Pozzi
  • A proud donor of Wikipedia, will donate more in the future. Keep it up!
  • No site is more interesting or enjoyable than Wikipedia—Huw Williams
  • Wikipedia променя света към по-добро!
  • Wiki made the internet useful.—Anonymous
  • Es mi regalo de cumpleaños para Fito y Ata—Jose Galisteo Ruiz
  • thanks wiki—Gabriele Bisacco
  • The people are free when information is free—Larry Lee
  • Keep the knowledge revolution going—Rahul Vasanth
  • Padania libera dalla dominazione italo-mafiosa!—Anonymous
  • this project will save the world—Anonymous
  • RUN WIKIPEDIA RUN!—Anonymous
  • Papoulka—Roxton Baker
  • I am so grateful for you, I have & will never used any other source!!!
  • Thank you all!—Anonymous
  • Gran Bel Lavoro!! La uso in ufficio per i problemi tecnici e a casa per
  • Als Dank für ein tolles Projekt—Anonymous
  • after a while it'll all gather together inside and it'll be me.
  • Wikipedia is the best thing on the web!—Anonymous
  • Great resource—Anonymous
  • Grazie a tutti coloro che collaborano a questo progetto in qualunque mod
  • Thanks—Anonymous
  • I can't imagine Wikipedia not being there... THANK YOU SO MUCH.
  • Making knowledge avialable to everyone is the big task of the 21st centu
  • Great concept/initiative which has led to a wealth of knowledge...keep u
  • weiter so—Boris Boehm
  • Knowledge is Power—Mallikarjun Mudagall
  • One of the greatest enabling tools of the 21st Century so far
  • La conoscenza vi renderà liberi - Knowledge will set you free
  • Education will set the world free and ultimately end all wars...
  • Professionnellement, je gagne du temps gràce à wikipedia chaque jour.
  • I appreciate it avery day.—Thomas Gehrmann
  • Macht weiter so!!—Jens Krüger
  • Joseph Dubin—Joseph Dubin
  • knowledge for all for free—Piotr Jastrząbek
  • Wikipedia is great.It affirms the notion that knowledge belongs to all a
  • If EVERYONE would donate just 1,ドル look how much that could be.... Here's
  • I wish wikipedia reaches all the world and spread knowledge to third wor
  • Thanks, keep it running !—Anonymous
  • Wikipedia, I really love it—Rupert Lanzenberger
  • Nice idea—Michael Buckingham
  • Wikipedia hat mich bei meiner Matura unterstützt und wird mich während
  • One of the biggest gift to humanity !—Bruno Bazzani
  • breakfast cereal packet reading for angels—Anonymous
  • An essential tool in my everyday work.—Anonymous
  • Wikipedia is better than any other books!—Guofu Chen
  • You guys rock!!!!—Anonymous
  • huzzah!—MICHAEL CUTLIP
  • Good work—Anonymous
  • When I reach solvency I will donate more to this incredibly valuable pro
  • Thank you.—Anonymous
  • A great service to all people—Anonymous
  • For the knowledge gained—Anonymous
  • Wiki Woks!—Russell Ybarra
  • I use it a lot.—Robert Ross
  • DESCULPA DOAR POUCO—mauricio junior
  • I would have donated more if I had more moeny because wikipedia is great
  • Fabulous Information Treasure—Joseph Jean Pierre
  • Thank you to those who contribute their knowladge.—Anonymous
  • I love you wikipedia. I use you everyday.—Gilles Dezeustre
  • I always used wikipedia, It has helped me, so now is my turn.
  • Wikipedia is the tie that binds America's students together.
  • because your giving so much—zoran drvenkar
  • You know you've used wiki to write school papers. Don't be a cheap bast
  • Wikipedia is great! Thank you.—Michael Jost
  • A great concept that has become a pillar of the web.—J Gatens
  • This is the greatest web project I have ever had the pleasure of using.
  • Es muy útil—Anonymous
  • Keep up the good work.—maher Albayyat
  • Thank you so much. WIKI is my best friend.—Aly Ramji
  • Knowledge is freedom, keep on working on it—Anonymous
  • Good luck, guys !—Agasiev Ruslan
  • unity through multiplicity—Anonymous
  • Great work - keep it up my kids are countin' on ya!—James Neville
  • Ich spende gerne für die ständige Hilfe im Alltag... auch als Schüler
  • Thanks for doing this—Kirk Keeter
  • Google is for searching, wikipedia is for knowing—Anonymous
  • the math related articles in particular; thanks a lot!—Anonymous
  • Tomcats forever—Anonymous
  • Wikipedia: global knowledge on the tip of your (left-click) finger!
  • This is Web 2.0, we need to continue adding more articles, especially ge
  • speriamo che poi i potenti non censurino

o facciano pagare per acced

  • Wikipedia has made my life much better—Torbjørn Thorsen
  • Jone Eide—Jone Eide
  • Our family uses Wikipedia a lot. Thanks much, and good luck!
  • Forefront defenders against the war on information.—Anonymous
  • Not much. But happy to help—Christian Malmin
  • Go Wiki Go.... vrooom—Anonymous
  • Learn you something!—Anonymous
  • Best wishes, keep up the good work.—Alexandre Campo
  • The world needs Wikipedia.—Anonymous
  • Knowledge is power. Let's share the power!—Abtin Rahimian
  • I don't have much to spare but What I can I will spare for the benifit o
  • Love Wikipedia! It's so useful!—Megan K Cosby
  • aiutare la conoscenza è un dovere—serafino ferroni
  • Trati owns u all—Anonymous
  • thanks—francesco loro
  • Thanks for the website...—Anonymous
  • It is not much, but I hope that it helps someone out somehow.
  • Editing power to the people!—Patrick Hall
  • Tom Wright—Tom Wright
  • Greatest database in history!—Robin Scott
  • Wikipedia is amazing!—Anonymous
  • Where would we be without you, keep up the great work!—Helen Crawford
  • I allways look things up on Wikipedia. I want to make sure I can continu
  • Collaboration at its best! Frank Richter—Anonymous
  • I'd like to see Wikipedia thrive as it shows us all at our collaborative
  • Grows my brain!—Vitaliy Mikhaylov
  • Do your best.—Tanimoto Junsuke
  • Danke Wikipedia!—Frederic Hahn
  • most important site on the web—David Ohayon
  • Wikipedia has helped me so incredibly much. Please keep this amazing ex
  • iki stiki wiki wiki—Anonymous
  • wiki rocks!—Anonymous
  • 1 euro symbolique—karim karmous
  • Thank you!—Dmitri Soloviev
  • Thanks!—Anonymous
  • I use it every day!—J Trevor Woodhams
  • Thank you. This is a good resource.—Anonymous
  • I truly love Wikipedia. I spend way too much time around here and I love
  • I like Wikipedia.—Anonymous
  • Thanks! I use your site every day.—Anne Arnold
  • Excellent stuff!—Harry Brelsford
  • In honor of Roshni on her 16th birthday. Good luck to her and all of her
  • Wiki has made me the smart guy!—Anonymous
  • I use wiki alot and have the greatest respect for all the kind souls tha
  • I am happey to give to the one web site that keeps on giving. Keep up t
  • Than you for the excellent entries in Wikipedia!—Sungchul Ji
  • Wikipedia is worth more than all my textbooks!—Peter Carbonetto

CJK quotes

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  • いつも使っているので、これからもよろしく—Anonymous
  • Wikipediaの世話になってます—Anonymous
  • 便利に使わせてもらってます—takasho kazuhiro

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