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Fundraising 2007/comments/2008-01-03

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  • Wikipedia... it has changed the world!—James Myer
  • High Five!—Kyle Johnston
  • A wikipedia grows more diverse it becomes a better source for informatio
  • Knowlege brings enlightenment, enlightenment brings tolerance. Embrace k
  • Affinchè possiate liberare il mondo dall'ignoranza—Cosimo Guccione
  • 支持維基百科! 繼續努力—KingCheung Chan
  • Great Wikipedia—Anonymous
  • Laat je horen!—Anonymous
  • Thank you Wikipedia for making such vast amounts of information so readi
  • Wikipedia is important.—Sheila Heti
  • è bello sentirsi parte di tutto questo—Anonymous
  • Funding my addiction—Anonymous
  • BUGIE—bugie
  • Many thanks!—Anonymous
  • Kudos for having created the single most useful website on the internet!
  • This donation does not cover all you've given me—John L Scarlett
  • Love, Meg—Meg Wolff
  • 10 norwegian kroner for each Wikipedia article I used today.—Anonymous
  • I donating 10$ every month, qoz wiki is one of best friends in internet.
  • Thanks a lot!—Markus Walther
  • You guys are helping advance society. Keep doing what you do.
  • So much information!!!—Anonymous
  • Because the knowledge is the way to the future
  • A benchmark of civilization.—Mark Prairie
  • flipkick—Anonymous
  • Contribuyo a la difusión del conocimiento—Mario Nava Sevilla
  • Keep spreading the knowledge—Anonymous
  • shoulda done this earlier—Archie Paulson
  • Wikipedia - saves me from dusty text books—James Thompson
  • i love wikipedia—Anonymous
  • This is a wonderful resource and I use it all the time. Thank you to th
  • Wikipedia always help me to solve my academic problems—Anonymous
  • I'm not going to try and sound profound about this; Wikipedia is a great
  • Thank you for your service—Anonymous
  • "...free access to the sum of Human knowledge." J. Wale's idea is wonde
  • The pen is mighter than the sword, and a whole lot easier to write with
  • Free knowledge—Mark Wilson
  • Long live freedom of speech and freedom of information!—Anonymous
  • Thanks so much for your dream to make our world so much bigger! Much app
  • Wikipedia is wonderful. Keep up the good work, you guys!—Michael Chong
  • Il n' est de richesses que d'hommes (Jean Bodin - vivait en France au te
  • RAEP!!! AM ONA BUST YO ASS!!!!—Anonymous
  • Thanks Jimi! Saints! Capitalism rules: it's the way for global peace and
  • This is a bad time for me to part with my money—Jason Minshull
  • Knowledge is power. I've donated because you are empowering local commun
  • This is great stuff!—Erling Handal
  • Wikipediaはなくてはならない存在です。—Anonymous
  • "Together we stand, divided we fall"—Anonymous
  • Wikipedia ist die beste Internet-Seite überhaupt - weiter so !!!
  • Information is freedom—Bharat Mediratta
  • 自らの可能性をウィキペディアと共に高めます。
  • My small contibution is not enough to match what I have got from Wikiped
  • Knowledge is public, no private. Wikipedia is making this possible.
  • Wikipedia is the reason the Internet was invented.—Daniel Maher
  • Tack för Wikipedia, en av de bästa sajterna på nätet!
  • Keep up the good work!—Miklos Koncsek
  • helped with my BA—oliver Tree
  • A gift to humanity.—Anonymous
  • Donating has been a privilege—Paolo Manni
  • Ja dekuji!—Karel Simek
  • Thanx for the best encyclopedia ever!—Anonymous
  • An unsolved problems wiki, anyone can add to the prize fund, a responsab
  • Brede jobber ikke...—Anonymous
  • continuate così per favore—Anonymous
  • It is a wonderful project—Anonymous
  • Wikipedia is a wonderful and deserves the support of everyone.
  • Grazie per tutte le informazioni che ci donate liberamente
  • wissen verleiht flügel—robert schoen
  • mooi man!—Anonymous
  • Continuez votre site est enrichissant .Merci—Anonymous
  • Fallo anche tu!!!—Anonymous
  • Internet is the greatest invention of man, and Wikipedia its best part.
  • Grazie!—Anonymous
  • Spende für Wikipedia—Anonymous
  • It is a pleasure to Donate to Wiki, as this site helps everyone, keep up
  • Een van de makkelijkste encyclopedien ter wereld, ook al zijn de bronnen
  • un arbre de connaissance—Anonymous
  • You are undoubtly one of the best things that happened to internet and
  • weiter so!—Markus Bolt
  • Happy Newyear!—Gerhard Nevenzel
  • an idea whose time has come—B. Woods Mattingley
  • A maior e melhor revolução já disponivel na internet. Parabens ao tim
  • Carpe Diem, Carpe Horum—Anonymous
  • Great source of information! Keep up the good work—Anonymous
  • Knowledge wants to be free!—Anonymous
  • Matthew Ashtiani—Matthew Ashtiani
  • high quality information - good job—Wolfgang Feist
  • Danke!—Anonymous
  • si no eres capaz de ayudar, tu vida se verá muy empobrecida
  • Grazie Gruppo Wikimedia per l'aiuto che mi date giornalemente.
  • Mein kleiner Beitrag—Anonymous
  • Ersetzt zwar nicht Papa, aber manchmal schon—Ansgar Arbeiter
  • Krishna rao—krishna rao rao
  • http://bloggen.bewellup.com—Anonymous
  • eine Idee, die es verdient....—Anonymous
  • Vaste et noble entreprise que celle de diffuser tous les savoirs à tous
  • La lumière pour et par tous !—Xavier Decoster
  • 知のネットワークをすべての人へ—Anonymous
  • parce que le savoir est le début de la sagesse—Frédéric Leclaire
  • I love it.—Nejc Skoberne
  • il mare è fatto da tante piccole goccie—Anonymous
  • http://www.iwantu-too.com—Anonymous
  • Weiter so !! :-)—Udo Ernst
  • keep it coming!—Anonymous
  • Phantastischer Informationsgehalt sammelt sich besonders zu den Themen,
  • Wikipedia ist unentbehrlich. Danke allen und den Gründern.
  • Thanks to all originators and supporters of wikimedia.—harold Redd
  • The greatest place to "check it out".—Anonymous
  • Wikipedia has been invaluable for me in medical school. Pass it forward
  • It is better to give than to receive—Anonymous
  • Open knowledge -- open society.—alexander.orlov
  • Absolutely tremendous site! Great effort to help bring knowledge to the
  • Longue et belle route à vous—Anonymous
  • Instead of xmas cards this year my money goes to Wiki (and Oxfam)
  • Wiki rulezz...—Anonymous
  • un piccolo contributo per un grande scopo!—Giuseppe Pugliese
  • Michał Szymczak—Michał Szymczak
  • It's just one euro I have on my useless paypal account, but wikipedia de
  • check your facts!—Anonymous
  • いつもとてもお世話になっています!—Anonymous
  • Acquiring and Spreading education is compulsory on every man and woman.
  • Alexander Sharovarov—Anonymous
  • Wikipedia soffia nel vento!—Anonymous
  • I support the educational and democratic distribution of information tha
  • I support your philosophy. Way to go!—Anonymous
  • Weil die Wiki es mir wert ist..—Michael Wayand
  • Mabuhay!—Roberto Congmon
  • Wikipedia isch voll easy!—Samuel Thoma
  • definitely worth it—Benno Thieme
  • lohnt sich das zu unterstützen—Robert Lehmann
  • Comprueba tu inteligencia—Cayetano Fuentes Ayala
  • Keep up the good work!—Hugo Fernandes
  • Karthik Muthuraman—karthik muthuraman
  • genehmigt!—Anonymous
  • Thank you Wikipedia for always being there, my number one source for inf
  • Hooray Wikipedia.—Anonymous
  • Manoj Jagatap—Manoj Jagatap
  • linux rulex - Tux—Anonymous
  • I use it all the time to look up medical terms for our public health lab
  • Wikipedia is my favorite website for information, peroid.—Anonymous
  • donate, poco o tanto, ma donate !!!—colangeli gianna
  • Thanks to Wikipedia, I found a new intellectual hobby.—TAKU OSHINO
  • I think I would be a tenth as productive if it weren't for Wikipedia.
  • Vielen Dank für all die hilfreichen Informationen!—Anonymous
  • Petit geste de remerciement - mmt29—Anonymous
  • Merci pour l'aide que vous m'apportez.—Anonymous
  • wiva wiki—Fernando Caligaris
  • Knowledge is Power, Wikipedia Power to the People—Daniel de nieuwe
  • Keep Up the Good Work! I use Wikipedia almost daily.—Anonymous
  • 希望中国政府早日解除对维基百科的封锁。防民之口,
  • 3 Cheers to Free access to Knowledge—Anonymous
  • Gracias y mucha salud para todos—Anonymous
  • Thank You!—Markus Suing
  • priceless...—Anonymous
  • Egal wer Du bist, man kann mit Wissen mehr glänzen als mit allem Gold d
  • non ho molte possibilità economiche e mi dispiace molto perchè questo
  • Wikipedia is a great example of what the Internet can contribute to soci
  • Eine Investition in Wissen bringt immer noch die besten Zinsen!
  • Thank you—Krisrine Ulnits
  • Keep up the good work—Robert Schipper
  • this is a great resource for all and thus deserves to be supported
  • thank you!—Anonymous
  • A GREAT service/website well worth the donation!—Deborah Brandt
  • Thank you!—Izidro Queiroz
  • Merci Wikipedia !—Nicole Nitot
  • THANKS!!! I wish it could be more and there will be more in the future.
  • A Universal library,feed me knowledge,knowledgeand more knowledge.
  • Thank you Wiki !—Jarosław Skałka
  • Great resource I use 2-3 times per week. If beats many pay-for services
  • Sergio Fernandez Villar - España—Sergio Fernandez Villar
  • Thank you!!!—Anonymous
  • Bravo pour cette merveilleuse invention qu'est le wiki, mélange si extr
  • I hope it will stay free and independent!—Dominic Luethi
  • Angel Berlanas—Angel Berlanas
  • The up-to-date information on Wikipedia helped point me to promising new
  • Kai Sören Kotzian—KAI KOTZIAN
  • Articles, such as the one on Astrolabe, are clearly for those in the kno
  • Grab this chance! Your donation today will be twice as valuable!
  • Glenn Seaton—Glenn Seaton
  • Thank you to the anonymous 50,000ドル 'match' donor!!!—Anonymous
  • Pedrinho - Fortaleza - Ceará - Brasil—Anonymous
  • Siete grandi!—Anonymous
  • to help others help you—Bo LI
  • Don't give me money. Don't give power. Give me knowledge, and I'll have
  • Thank you !—Masaaki Ueno
  • Wicked Wicked (Pedia), Jungle Is Massive—florent lassalle
  • ¡viva la wikipedia!—Anonymous
  • I had a dream... but wikipedia made it a real thing.—Eddy Collart
  • Grande Sito della libera conoscenza—Marco Armonioso
  • Best wishes for wiki from pdluke and Kaizy, you have our graditude.
  • حسن مصطفى المـُـثــَـنـّى الـحـَـسـَـ�
  • Karel de Grote, spijsverteringsprobleem maar kilo's vlees! Leve Wikipedi
  • Keep up the good work.—Sarpreet Basi

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