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Fundraising 2007/comments/en

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Group 10

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  • A small donation for a man...
  • I'd be lost without Wiki!
  • Information should always be free !!!
  • Share the knoledge with other people of the world, share the world.
  • Robotperson enthusiastically endorses this fine digital product.
  • Information should be free
  • Best knowledge to dollar ratio on the Internet.
  • Wikipedia is one of the greatest contributions of the 21st Century.
  • The Best information source ever!!!
  • Long Live the Revolution!!
  • Wikipedia is a great tool for us all.
  • I found many Wikipedia to be useful many many times. It's an awesome resource!
  • The beginning of a completely free world.
  • This effort is exactly the kind of liberating effect the internet was supposed to deliver...Thank You!
  • Keep up the good work Wikipeople!
  • Without this site the internet would be a much worse place. Keep up the good work!
  • For knowledge is limited, and wikipedia embraces the entire world and all we will ever know!
  • The value of knowledge is priceless.
  • Wikipedia allows us hope that free knowledge for everyone will someday be real. This hope is worth a lot more than this.
  • Whenever I need info on esoteric topics I can count on Wikipedia. You rock!
  • Can't survive without Wiki, keep up the good work and love you guys!
  • Thank you for helping to change the world.
  • Thank You! Knowledge is Divine
  • You've been so helpful. I plan to donate 10% of my first year's income after I graduate.
  • Thanks for your great work! Wikipedia is very useful.
  • I could not LIVE without Wikipedia, small donation but I hope EVERY little helps? :D
  • Knowledge is power... and you make us all very, very powerful. Thanks
  • I am happy that atleast someone is taking up the initaitive of helping educate people.
  • No more barrier to learning
  • Wiki rocks, make it a enterprise knowledge management service
  • Thanks for the great Wikipedia! Now let us make it even better!
  • wikiwikiwikiwikiwikiwikiwikiwikiwikiwikiwiki Mushroom MUSHROOM!
  • wikipedia is changing the way we learn
  • I use Wikipedia DAILY - I feel obliged to pay!
  • I use th wiki so muh, I owe it (and do a lot o other people) to them to donate
  • Math is Tasty.
  • You are getting me through medical school
  • Thank you WikiMedia, and a bigger thank you to all the writers and editors!
  • Wikipedia is the best source of knowledge to start diving into. OpenKnowledge!
  • Wikipedia is a fantastic resource that we've come to rely upon and celebrate daily. Thank you, Wiksters! Molly Bain and J Michalek
  • I use you everyday and I wish I had more to give!
  • Knowledge to the people!
  • knowledge turned to wisdom. Go
  • You iz da most best guy, all Hungarian people love you! :)
  • Super wikipedia, j'adore ! Merci à tous les contributeurs pour le contenu ! Renaud from Brussels
  • Wikipedia is one of the best thing that could emerge from the net!
  • An incredible resource spreading knowldege to all.
  • Wikipedia has always helped SOOO much I feel they deserve it
  • I pity those who lived before Wiki and feel sorry for my first 30 years for the same reason.
  • This is a phenomenal place for information and worthy of some investment by those who use it
  • Without Wiki a lot of people wouldn't know the truth about 9/11 or where to go. Thank you Wiki I wish I had more to give.
  • An Amazing Source of reference - Well done top all involved
  • This is amazing stuff. Keep it up.
  • Found out about my former boss in the 6o's thanks to you! i
  • I have barely scratched the surface of what Wikipedia offers and I love it! Keep up the good work!
  • Keep up the good work. Wikipedia is becoming a worldly asset.
  • From a Ross University Medical School student: Thanks Wiki!!
  • Free information for everyone. Thank you so much.
  • No longer will tyrants control history.
  • Wikipedia makes the world a better place
  • In this decade of erosion of free speech in federal politics, it is fantastic to have wikipedia to help compensate. I believe wikipedia is a revolution in information distribution.
  • thank you for helping me with all my school projects
  • I use Wikipedia all the time -- thanks for the service
  • keep going. the entire world thanks!
  • As long as wikipedia remains unaffected by political influence and corruption, THIS is the tool that will keep the world of knowledge free
  • As a poor student, I wish I could give more. I rarely go more than a day without looking something up on Wikipedia. Thanks again.
  • This website helped me through uni! Keep up the good work
  • Wikipedia always helps me with homework and researches so I wanted to thank everyone that made this possible. Andrea Marchini.
  • Thanks for making lunch so fun.
  • I've learned more about things I'd never know about thanks to you!
  • Knowledge is a natural resource and should be free
  • Public Knowledge rulez. Force to the people!. Keep it up.
  • Thank you. Keep up the good work. -Alan
  • I've learned a lot from wikipedia.... heres a cheap 1ドル because someones going to embezzle it anyway. -Brian Artusio
  • This is your share of the bets you have settled for me. Thanks Wikimedia!
  • I donate these money in my father's name to honor my father.
  • Sorry about the low donation
  • Thanks, from a Wikipedia devotee.
  • Great Foundation!!!
  • Great site. Hope it ́ll continue to work and serve millions of knowledge searchers. Great fountain of knowledge
  • I tell everyone I think of about this great resource
  • knowledge shines through the mind, the courage to change goes through the heart.
  • I'm proud to be able to support this wikibook thing.
  • I'm proud to be publicly associated with this project, Maimonides notwithstanding...
  • Please keep on doing this.
  • King Umbubu says "Oh my gosh, there is an old african saying you know!"
  • True power of the Internet! Keep up the great work.
  • find myself frequently going to wikipedia for reliable answers
  • Thanks for all those times i've gone "Ah, i'll wikipedia that.." and just done it.
  • Nothing yet can compete with the Wiki-community. Thank you for changing the world of information retrieval - for better or worse!
  • Wikipedia is the first place I go when I need information about any person, place, or thing. Thanks for helping me keep the appearance that I know what I’m talking about.
  • This could be the start of something truly spectacular
  • Thanks for giving me something to do at work
  • This campaign would be much more effective if Sally Struthers were involved. Much, much more effective.
  • Barbara Giannotta Thank you very much Wiki for all your hard work. Keep up :-)
  • This is one of the best things to happen to humanity: Communal knowledge at your fingertips.
  • Wikipedia often was the key to success in my exams... thanks a lot!

Group 10a

[edit ]
  • The wikipedia is a fantastic resource and one of the best examples of the good that can come from cooperative applications and a community of involved users. Thanks!
  • I really appreciate the knowledge center wikipedia is providing me and my child. I use all of it daily. It's amazing and I appreciate this centralized seeminly endless source of knowledge. Thank you
  • Wikipedia takes me back to the time when the Internet was for sharing information and not self-promotion. Thank you for setting and sticking to high standards.
  • The best source for knowledge on the Internet. Please keep it neutral, free of ads and some awesome reading. Thanks Wikipedia!
  • 10ドル usd for the world ́s knlowdege. Gracias! Danke! Thanks! Merci!
  • Keep up the good work, at this rate who needs the good old library
  • Thanks You VERY MUCH for such great work for all the children of ALL THE WORLD, free education the best that We could give. Keep the good work and You Know that not are alone. Muchas Gracias!
  • Knowledge is Power.Keep up the Good Work.
  • A valuable resource for English Teachers like myself
  • Wikipedia, knowledge should always be free!
  • "No man is your enemy, no man is your friend; everyman is your teacher" Anon
  • I am happy to support the Wikimedia Foundation. I really believe this is a contribution for humanity. I wish and hope for more effords like this one. Thanks!
  • Wikipedia is an amazing communal resource. Donation from college student!
  • WIKI is much better than all encyclopedias combined!
  • Keep up the good work! Everyone who uses this website should donate monthly.
  • Thank god I am a college student in the era of wikipedia.
  • Thank you for offering such quantity and quality of Knowledge in such ease.
  • Great Site! Kep up the good work of making these immense ammounts of information and knowledge free and accessible for everyone.
  • Information wants to be free
  • An incredible resource spreading knowldege to all.
  • Thank you so much for this incredible wealth of knowledge
  • i'm a college student and i wish i had more to give. you entertain and educate me daily
  • Thanks for the gift of knowledge
  • A wonderful resource. Keep up the good work!
  • It's the least I can do for this smashing site.
  • Best Site on the Internet, Thank you very much
  • My kids and I use it all the time. Great concept!
  • My hope is that WIKI will help usher in a new age of information and cultural potential throughout the world.
  • You ́re the supreme oracle of our era!
  • Indeed. A Global Village. Thats What IT Is
  • here you are, but don't forget - big money spoils! :) naw, thanks, really
  • Thanks for providing this invaluable service.
  • Wikipedia is the best thing to ever happen to the Internet. Stay open, advertisement free, and keep up the good work.
  • i have 6ドル.10 left in my bank account. You are getting half of it. I luff wikipedia. mwah!
  • I wish I could give more, long live Wikipedia.
  • Thank you for the up to date knowledge.
  • It's not much, but I want to contribute something!
  • wikimedia website is the best source of knowledge to me. I would like to be a part of it in any way possible.
  • yay wikipedia!!! one of the best things to materialize on the internet.
  • How boring internet would be without WIKI...
  • Over 90% of my problems can get answered by this great service - I also enjoy contributing myself! Best luck to you in the future! Just work on your article tolerance especially in the ENG-version
  • You're worth SO MUCH more than anything I could give! Will continue to donate. Many thanks, Miki.
  • Fantastic idea! Great resource!
  • I will always have it in my status bar
  • The best thing that the internet has produced is Wikipedia. The egalitarian society that creates such a thing would be utterly destroyed by people who seek profit from it. Keep the commons Free!
  • For all the good, organized, advertisement-free information you provide!
  • thank you. use this often and look for it when ever i need answers. thank you so much.
  • The revolution is near and Wikipedia is helping to pave the way!
  • Scaling way up on a shoestring budget. I'll support that.
  • Thank you for all the great stuff!
  • Has helped me as much as google in the past year
  • My husband is addicted to wikipedia. THANKS!
  • Thanks for all the hard work.
  • I vandalised you last week and wanted to say sorry!!
  • Wikipedia is a great example of how the internet has changed the world, and is truely the new Great Library. Thank -you.
  • As my knowledge and income grows, so shall my contributions to Wikipedia! Kudos!
  • Serious, community-based, ad-free information and a commitment to continue...I hope we have Wikipedia for years to come!
  • Wikipedia is such a great source of knowledge, it is a goldmine for mankind.
  • I use it, so I support it. Keep up the good job. Wiki is a triumph of democratic knowledge.
  • This is a holy and beautiful human construct...
  • Go Wikepedia! Go! Help me with my PhD! :D
  • To my first source of refernce. Wikipedia is ahead of google for me now!!
  • Outstanding site. I use it constantly. Thanks to all who work on keeping it up.
  • Free knowledge for the world.
  • If every user of Wiki gave 1ドル you would have many tens of millions. What would I do without Wiki?
  • Everybody who uses this resource should give something
  • Even though you keep reverting my edits on the Penis page, you do a wonderful job and deserve the cash.
  • Wikipedia is an important step toward the Borg-like common consciousness.
  • I think Wikipedia is one of the greatest websites in the world. I love the way it contains almost every topic, but this donation could just take it that little bit further, you can dontate too! Thanks

Group 10b

[edit ]
  • Thanks a lot for Wikipedia. Makes always fun to get through all those articles.
  • One of the best places on the net for the future.
  • Going into the third year of making the Internet not suck.
  • Good job! Great job! Huge job! Thanks you.
  • Wikipedia is a fantastic resource and must be expanded and maintained
  • I can afford 10$ for this much info!
  • Power of knowledge is the best investment. This is the only cause I give to.
  • Knowledge should be available to everyone, everywhere. Thanks to every Wikipedia contributor.
  • Merci à tous et longue vie à Wikipedia/Thanks all and best whishes to Wikipedia
  • Wikipedia is the most fascinating website I have ever used (and probably the worst thing for procrastinators). Thanks for all you provide.
  • Society needs cooperation and competition to thrive. Wiki is a fine example where ideas compete on merit within a fraework of cooperation.
  • Wikipedia is empowering: "Information is Power"
  • Wikipedia is a community property of a very wonderful human race. If I become the power even a little, I think it is honored.
  • It does more than sere information - it's a wonderful social commentary
  • It is amazing to have such a great online reference able to offer information on almost any area of interest. Thank you!
  • It is truly a great community work. Thankyou
  • Amazing. Thank you. Easy as 123 to enjoy.
  • Thank you all for amazing work!
  • your article on pressure cookers has saved me money time and the environment, woth every penny
  • Thanks for the info, Knowledge is power. Keep up the great work!
  • I wish I could afford to give more. Thanks Wiki, and good luck! :) Shari in California
  • It's the most enriching website on the net. Thanks !
  • Maybe a drop in the water but hope everybody is giving
  • With equal passion I have sought knowledge. I have wished to understand the hearts of men [and women]. I have wished to know why the stars shine. Bertrand Russel. One out of three ain't bad Wikipedia!
  • Brilliant website for reserch.
  • You make acquiring knowledge efficient and attractive
  • Thank you for providing a database of free knowldege!
  • This is the best infomation resource that has ever been created.
  • Keep up the EXCELLENT work!!
  • Knowledge sets you free
  • no so much, i'm a poor Russian univeristy student :) using wiki frequently
  • Let's keep Wikipedia ad-free and great!
  • One of the public beacons of grace, dignity and humanity, which is intention to learn and grow, there are fewer and fewer of them in the world... Fight back!
  • Rock on, Wikipeople :)
  • Thank you for your hard work
  • Who needs liars like CNN, BBC with Wiki!
  • We are all on a voyage of discovery - with limited time. I hope wikipedia will always be at hand to speed me on the path
  • Wiki knows all there is to know, Sam Harris knows all the rest.
  • a tool for all to use and share
  • Patriots FTW
  • Contributions made by Jason Hart, Carl Schluter, Stephen Franklin,Michael Paisner.
  • Keep Up the good work. Hope my little bit helps
  • Thought I would pitch in my bit because I use this site all the time!
  • more fun than drugs!
  • knowledge deserves to be free
  • Because Wikipedia is such a tremendous contribution to the world
  • Thank you for the information you provide and it's clean presentation (no popups or advertising).
  • Wiki is my best cure from boredom
  • A small donation in hopes of keeping your company away from Wall Street.
  • Spend a lot of time on here broadening my mind
  • Here, take this. But don't spend it all at once.
  • Mankind's great achievement of the 21st century.
  • Thnx from Femke and Martin!
  • Here's to everyone on this planet, having free access to all this knowledge and information!
  • It's not much but I do love to Wiki!
  • Use Wikipedia constantly - keep up the good work!
  • Wikipedia is the single greatest human achievement. It is a shining beacon of hope that cooperation can trump competition.
  • A great source of public knowlege to students everywhere
  • Wonderful resource. First place I ever go for research.
  • Please keep improving Wikipedia, one of the most useful sites on the Internet. RP
  • Thank you very much, for this splendid wikipedia
  • I love wikipedia! I use it everyday. Thank you for making knowledge free.
  • It has changed the lives of those who are willing to look further, to know more... Thank you
  • This is exactly what the Internet is supposed to be about. I will gladly assist in keeping the ads out of these tubes.
  • Congratulations for 5 years 1/15/06 !-)
  • Information you cannot google up does not exist, whatever knowledge cannot be found on wikipedia does not exist either.
  • Wikipedia - The public dictionary. I love the concept and I belive the firm as a leader in the entire web 2.0 and related technologies. More innovation and qulity articles will make the life easier
  • Great website, full of very good information!!!
  • Thank you for this invaluable source of free and impartial knowledge. :)
  • Wikipedia is amazing! I will never purchase another encyclopedia in my life ever again.
  • Time is money – so thanks to all those that have given their time so freely to improving this great project. Money is also money, so here is some -->
  • It's a beautiful world! I just wanted to give back something in return.
  • Knowledge is the key to human existance, without it, the world will never evolve.
  • I guess it would be too expensive but Wikipedia on occasion needs some moderating by qualified personnel.
  • This site is a great help to university students. It quickly and easily helps to explain something that would otherwise take longer to look up in a book. Thanks
  • Just a little money to show my thanks for your serving the humanity.
  • monument of the information age: knowledge for all, from all
  • Thanks for all your good work, and for providing answers to countless questions..
  • Wonderful site and a useful framework - powers our corporate LAN wiki too!!
  • It is the tabernacle, the crystal sphere of all knowledge. Word out to the study of psychology.
  • A salute to social production. Rock on wiki-goodness!
  • I hope eventually all other educators will acknowledge the reliability of this amazing work and encourage, rather than discourage its use by their students.
  • I wounder what an evil artificial intelligence missing? -- An online knowledge source
  • Thanks for the service and information you provide!
  • Wikipedia represents a notable advance for humanity's benifit. I love it!
  • This is one of the most important and helpful website on the internet. KEEP IT UP!!!
  • Hope this small fund will invite more donations
  • Thanks for making knowledge available to the public. Keep up the good work.
  • Wikipedia is likely the most important website on the Internet. Let's keep it going.
  • Happy B-day Boo! (no one loves wiki more!!)
  • I consult Wikipedia daily; and sometimes correct the spelling and grammar! Love it.
  • Your site has taught me more than my two degrees combined!!
  • Keep on with this great job, guys, Wikipedia is the best and most useful website ever.
  • God bless Jimbo and Larry for their insight and drive that now manifests itself as a lexicon of information that rivals that of Alexandria...Thanks!
  • Knowledege should be free to all both reading and editing. Support this site!!
  • This is the best source of free information on the net. Keep it going
  • I agree with someone else: this is the best thing on Internet since ... ever.
  • Thank You - from an anonymous Wiki fan and user in Norway

Group 10c

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  • "Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire." --- William Yeats
  • Enjoying seeing Wikipedia grow in popularity.
  • 1 of r objectives should b 2 learn about this world, your site is definitely 1 of the engines that drives this learning
  • Man, What am I gonna do with so much knowledge and info :)
  • Keep it up. It's agreat human endeavour.
  • The best source of knowledge ever!
  • Wikipedia is the best thing to hit the Internet - ever.
  • The best online information portal on the galaxy... yet.
  • Rarely does something come along that freely provides an amazingly valuable commodity to the world due to its ability to harness the goodwill of ALL human beings. Wikipedia is truly a wonderful thing.
  • I had to participate to this wonderful website! It's done with this euro!
  • Keep on bettering,Wiki folks,mostly the Italian field :-).
  • Without Wikipedia, most of my silly questions go unanswered! Thank you!
  • Money makes the wiki go around ...
  • You saved me from an assignment in Psychology, and I use the site to look-up things every day.
  • The Wikimedia Foundation has done a great service to humanity; a good work worth nearly any price.
  • Wikipedia is a true gift to human civilization. Let's keep it strong.
  • I Use the Wiki every day. Thank you for this wonderful collaborative and informative gift of knowledge, and for puting something on the internet that IS actually worth something.
  • Hoping to leave a better world for my daughter.
  • Wikipedia is great! I've learned a lot from it - keep up the good work.
  • Thank you to all who contribute. I especially value Wikipedia's overview of current events and technologies.
  • teach a fish to read and he will never go hungry
  • i use wikipedia ever day, small price to pay for no adverts!
  • This effort is as historically important as Diderot's. Maybe more.
  • Wikipedia has revolutionalized the 'encyclopedia' and has given access to anyone with a connection to the net. thank you wikipedia team!
  • One of the best sites on the web, and worthy of our support. - Jim & Ming M.
  • Amazingly comprehensive and cross referenced, Good work!
  • I'm buzzing hard at the moment. You told me what I needed to know. Respect. pinnaclepressurepower@hotmail.co.uk please email me to say thanks. seriously, a personal thanks would be appreciated here.
  • Excellent resource - I use it regularly - thanks
  • I use your website regularly and treasure its contribution!
  • Wiki pedia and other wiki based systems are the first step in a community based revolution in the disemination of community based information. Thanks!
  • If it weren't for Wikipedia, I would've Failed European History
  • I'm still absolutely stunned that something as incredible as Wikipedia actually exists. Every time I use the site I feel an irrepressible surge of wonder and gratitude. We are lucky to have Wiki!
  • Thank your Wiki for letting us organize, share and learn our knowledge.
  • Wikipedia is my go to resource for nearly EVERYTHING!
  • Its not much, I'm a student and I can't afford to pay much more than that, but I thought about it, and if i had to pay a penny for everytime i used wikipedia, you would be millionairs. thanks so much
  • Wikipedia, your the source of all my knowledge .... you're awesome!
  • I can't believe I'm donating online.
  • Information is the greatest gift of humankind.....keep it free & plentiful for eternity!!!
  • ...and knowlege shall make you free.
  • The Internet wouldn't be the same without Wikimedia.
  • I use Wikipedia quite a bit. Although I don't contribute in writing, hopefully this helps just as much.
  • It's a pleasure to give to a "useful" bunch
  • Thank you Wiki, thank you man kind!
  • Every day I go to look something on wikipedia !
  • Keep the Wild West alive!
  • Oh yes, the Wikipedia is cool. I use it for learning.
  • Excellent resource and great concept!
  • Ignorance shall perish! Wikipedia ftw!
  • I can't give much, but I thank, thank you very much for best thing in the Internet since... ever!
  • Keep up the good work liberating the world's knowledge!
  • As long as the content is truthful, this website has the potential to be great.
  • Best wishes! This can be the world's greatest resource for knowledge and information provided we pledge to keep private agendas out of the Wikispace.
  • Wikipedia has become my new Google but more useful. You can find most anything here! If it isn't ADD IT!
  • undeniably one of the best sites on the net and my personal favourite!
  • Because this was the whole point of the Internet in the first place ...
  • You are the best- Expanding the mind. I can't wait until they give us all a Wikipedia chip implanted in our brains. We will be the Borg!;)
  • I use Wikipedia daily, so I want to show some love back. Thank you all for everything that you do!
  • Congratulations to the Wikipedia on being one of the best Search Engine Optimized websites. Keep up the good work and see you at the next Wikimania. From Adverted Internet Advertising Agency.
  • Thanks to Wiki being very good source of all kind of knowlege... Petri Kurki, Salo, Finland
  • You have taught me so much. Thank you.
  • I believe Wikimedia is an incredible resource and believe in supporting their foundation. It has been very useful to my www.treadmill-world.com website!
  • I am addicted to learning! This si a must see site!
  • A gift to humanity - thank you Wikipedia !
  • It's not much, but I'll put more periodically
  • Thanks for providing the best alternative to public education. A government could never accomplish something like this.
  • Thanks for creating this incredible valueless jewel.
  • This is to compensate for me not editing as many articles I as ought to!
  • You have settled many a debate between my girlfriend and I, and made us both smarter in the process - thank you wikipedia community
  • In God We Trust, Everything else we check, in Wikipedia.
  • Hands down, one of the most useful tools ever on the internet. Sorry my donation can't be more. Thank you!
  • Surely a wonder of the modern world?

Group 11

[edit ]
  • best independent information source
  • I eat pie! Sunshine moocow.
  • Excellent job. Please keep it up!
  • Teach the controversy... the Benzene controversy
  • Wikipedia is SO NICE for the time when the lady wants sexy good time!
  • The New Renaissance: Citizens of the World in their heightened level of awareness making knowledge free and universal. If you want to be a rebel be kind. Human-kind, be both.
  • Great effort; some entries weak , others excellent. I hope to contribute in the future.
  • Very helpful in my university studies! Deserves the respect of donation
  • I wish every university professor in the world becomes a contributor.
  • Great to see the spirit of the internet alive and well. Free access and spreading the knowledge-wealth. Long live Wikimedia!
  • I will donate more once I will have more money. I love Wikipedia. Cheers!!! h
  • You are awesome...Keep DEMOCRACY STRONG!!
  • The amount says it all who needs 42 when one has 23?
  • This concept is phenominal, with unlimited potential. Please support.
  • In future, I would like to see Indian Rupee in the list of currencies;
  • WIKIPEDIA is one of the coolest projects in this world. Keep it goin'!
  • Great knowledge Source
  • The article on the content "The server cannot be maintained from the financial deficit, and "Wikipedia" might be closed. " is found and contributed.
  • A big thank you to all who contribute - I use wikipedia almost every day.
  • long live wikipedia! a small contribution from an Indian wikipedian
  • Just a small something in return for the much value I've derived from Wikipedia. I wish I could give more - and will when I'm able!
  • Money is being donated on behalf of Miss Tamia Jones.
  • Wikipedia is amazing. It gives power to the little guy. A chance for a better world.
  • Good work wiki !!! for my friend-> "Baba ke jai ho"
  • Wikipedia is a peaceful tool to make the world better.
  • Thank you for an unbiased source of information. Please guard this rare quality.
  • Every little helps. Thanks wikki, I will give more next time when will have better job
  • This project is the realization of Jeffersonian ideals. True democracy can can only exist with universal education. Bravo!
  • 10ドル to wiki is better than 20ドル for drugs
  • It always reminds me that I don't know that I don't know. And I can see daily progress – how I know less and less...
  • wikipedia = how did i get throught this long without this
  • Thanks everyone for your great articles!
  • I'm happy to know that Wikipedia may be included in OLPC (One Laptop Per Child) Project
  • Thaks for making so much knowledge freely available. A wonderful project for humanity.
  • Your one of the best information sources in the world!
  • One of the few websites that lives up to the potential of the internet.
  • From the SNL Vis Group: We love wikipedia!
  • As a student I love being able to find information when ever I need it.
  • Thanks guys for all your work ! long life to wikipedia !
  • A tiny contribution for a great cause. That's all I have available in my CC :(
  • Let's keep Wikipedia free and ad-free for everyone!
  • A great resource for learning. Hope it will be getting even better!
  • my no.1 source for all the information I need
  • Wikipedia has helped me a lot in preparing exams for my students... :-)
  • great site, very useful for my university research
  • Wikipedia is one of the greatest web site databases on the web, I get many information from the free encyclopedia. Keep up the good work and here is my appreciation for providing me great information.
  • Friedman said: "There's no such thing as a free lunch". Wikipedia's proposition: "Pitch in according to your means", I believe, is a better idea.
  • Saw the article in New Scientist. Very admirable work. Looking forward to Wiki Search
  • Great sites; thanks for all your hard work! Keep it up and continue to make information accessible to all :).
  • Built inthe tradition of what the Internet was supposed to be (beyound a way to check eBay even after a nuclear strike), Wikipedia is the peer-reviewed journal of ourselves.
  • I probably use this site once a day. Thanks, wish I could give more.
  • I passed a coarse in religion 274 at the University of Alberta using only info from wikipedia!!! thanks.
  • This is possibly the best foundation i have ever known and Wikipedia is the best online resource i've ever used. I'm glad that i can give my support in this small way.
  • Towards free and open education for everyone, wherever and whoever they are.
  • your style is very straight-forward and based on veritable sources. keep up the good work!
  • Got my student loan, here's your share.>:3 Open source, open knowledge.
  • Enjoying "retirement" from 30 years of teaching arts in the public schools. The power of creativity and the freedom of expression in the classroom My son introduced me to Wikipedia WOW!!
  • Because you are always there when I'm doing my homework!
  • Keep up the good work. I like independend information.
  • Wikipedia is one of the most important nonprofit international educational efforts in modern history. I wish it the best!!!
  • wow you know everything! Solved many random issues discussed sunday morning hung over in bed using wikipedia!!
  • My family uses Wikipedia more and more often. It is truly a knowledge creating tool for the globe. Bravo!!
  • A small contribution towards a fantastic treasure
  • The best things in life are free!
  • For the people, by the people. Awesome project!
  • This is my 5th time donating to wikipedia this week, I encourage others to do the same and donate generously such as i do.
  • Now you must take on the likes of LexisNexis and other data rapists, give everyone access to the law, to medicine information, tax, and the rest of the so called and professed professions.
  • User Rapotter is happy to contribute and put his money where his mouth is!
  • My little share, i've used wikipedia for a while, So Its time for me to pay back. :)
  • Hooray for decentralized self-regulating free institutions like Wikipedia.
  • A big thanks to EVERYONE involved in making this site work.

Group 11a

[edit ]
  • Thsi is a contribution from India, for the greatest compiled resource of human knowledge...hope that it grows and continues to serve mankind without any commercial interests.
  • What a great resource. You can find anything !
  • The next best thing to knowing something is knowing where to find it. - Samuel Johnson
  • I have some money on moneybookers, and though wikipedia must have some propper use for it
  • Thanks for understanding my stupid questions and searchs!
  • wikipedia is probably the most useful website in existance, in my humble opinion
  • An invaluable resource. Keep up the good work.
  • A valuable and useful resource for democracy.
  • up there with google as the most useful site on the net
  • This site is a nearly perfect use of the high ideals of internet technology.
  • I would give more but I would like to see that only the registered can edit Wikipedia and end vandalism!
  • I can't afford to give much, but this is my way of saying thank you for existing, Wikipedia!
  • Here's a few quid for all of the answers I've found here!
  • Wikipedia is nothing less than the defender of the free world; without freedom of information, no other freedoms can exist. Thank you.
  • Thanks to all who work behind the scenes at Wikimedia. You are a role model for internet content. -- Michael Hicks - Wesdata LLC
  • That's one of my favorite sites and I want to keep it running!
  • One day all human's knowledge will be that free...
  • Keep on the good work! - Regards from Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
  • Wikipedia has been remarkably consistent in providing the information I need and is typically my first point of call when researching. Well done.
  • wikipedia is my homepage, its my springboard to the world wide web!
  • A tremendous resource.
  • A great source of information backed by an impressive body of knowledge.
  • "Pointing to another world will never stop vice among us; shedding light over this world can alone help us." -Walt Whitman. Thank you for the free knowledge you provide - one day it won't be so rare.
  • The people are voting with their feet. Thank you for the service you provide and the ideals that encompass this site. Your worth can never be quantifiable.
  • Congratulations. Keep up good work. My most precious online resource.
  • I use Wikipedia many times daily, it has changed the way I view information, I daresay
  • A student for the free knowledge. Viva el conocimiento libre!!!.
  • Would send more, but very broke right now. Visit every day, keep it up!
  • Many thanks for this very useful facility. Perhaps one day it will be possible for there to be a 'translate' facility for some of the entries and thus make information more widely available.
  • Go Wiki. We love you. Soon when people need to know something they'll say, \"hang on, I'll Wiki it!\"
  • I keep thinking "how great Wikipedia is", so why not help?
  • We in Mexico believe and support Wikipedia. Thanks to all the great people behind this. This promotes the global information society.
  • "Touche!" - Ignorance
  • Keep up the good work. Wiki is a great resource, and I do believe in your goal of providing knowledge to everyone for free.
  • Kirk Boyd Thank you. We can learn through Wiki and reach an agreement to live together through an International Convention on Human Rights
  • Keep on with your nice work guys!
  • Ad-free sites of that quality should be supported by all users!!
  • Paying for value makes sense!
  • Thanks for helping me answer my 6-year-old's questions!
  • Thank you to all the dedicated contributors
  • Thank you for the best Internet resource ever. Keep up the good work in promoting the right to free information online!
  • Thanks! Wikipedia has been a wonderful resource for a chapter I'm working on.
  • Wikimedia projects are true examples of Humanity and Civilization at its best. May it continue to change lives as it has changed mine.
  • Thank you all for all your hard work, it's very much appreciated!
  • Keep growing Wikipedia!, become a free beacon of knowledge for all....
  • Wikipedia is the definition of the internet.
  • From succession lists to CSS to charts and figures, Wikipedia, you have become my home away from home.
  • Absolutely love this site. It's wonderful. Many thanks!
  • A world made by everybody to everybody - Um mundo feito por todos para todos - Paz, amor e liberdade
  • Keep up the great work. This arguably is THE most important site on the internet.
  • I like spending hours just reading interesting articles on wikipedia.
  • I'll donate more later, I'm still a student and short in cash. Wikipedia has helped me in nearly every aspect of my life and studies. Continue the good work.
  • Thanks for your magnificent contribution. Clearly my first resource for information!
  • Wikipedia has provided me with information for every one of my academic classes. Five dollars is the least I can give.
  • This project will be one of the century + This kind of project lets us think there is still hopes in our world ...
  • Wikipedia is one of the greatest things to have happened on the internet. I hope it continues to prosper and improve. I cant even count how many times Wikipedia has helped me in course assignments.
  • I've used Wikipedia so many times I now feel that I must donate. Keep up the good work!
  • You are a truly brilliant example of what the Internet was meant to be. A million thanks.
  • for helpping me get though my degree and my masters
  • I elevate my knowledge and life with this tool of life
  • please remember to donate to other worthy causes such as PETA and GREENPEACE. We need to work together to save the animals and the environment!!!
  • A drop in the ocean, but a tribute to the good wishes of a poor student !
  • I donate it with happy. just something i do not understand. how come you guys realize it you are in distress so late? you should have 5$ mandatory long time ago
  • Wikipedia is great help in my academic work. I use it almost everyday.
  • I love Wikipedia... I use it everyday in Chiropractic College... THANKS.
  • Awesomely useful. Ranks among my top web tools for school, work and even mere pleasure.
  • Thank you for creating this fantastic resource for all of humanity (and medical students)
  • I will gladly give what I can to contribute to the freedom of knowledge. Wikipedia is one of the best things that has happened to the internet.
  • Thank you making the ideology a reality - the wisdom and knowledge of the mankind should be free accessable for everyone.
  • the best website.
  • An amazing project, and one that I was sure would never, *could* never work. How could loosely organized volunteers put together a resource of this size and quality?
  • i owe you much more, wikipedia; this is all i have to offer at this time.

Group 11b

[edit ]
  • Good to see something decent on the net for a change
  • Once again Wikipedia has saved me money! so i donate!
  • I couldn't do my job without you, you're the best thing on the web, please don't stop!
  • Thanks Wiki for my convenience
  • Wikipedia is my first stop whenever I have to look up anything. It's really invaluable!
  • i thank all the people that works at this project! free the knowledge and the information!
  • This website is getting me through med school
  • I am overwhelmed by the diversity and incredible depth of the knowledge here. I am grateful on behalf of mankind for a wonderful creation.
  • with appreciation from Snortyville
  • I LOVE Wikipedia. Results seem very comprehensive and well managed for accuracy, and you have information on almost every topic I've ever searched for. Thank you!
  • It's really simple - few bucks from everyone and that's it...
  • For a person with widespread interests from hard core science to history, wikipedia is an invaluable resource.
  • This is the most amazing resourse on the internet. Long live the wiki!
  • wikipedia is ace! much better than the rubbish microsoft make you pay for
  • keep up the good work - find a way to stabilize well settled articles..
  • An essential site not just for information but to demonstrate solidarity, contribution and to finally show the world what the internet is meant to be.
  • Just a symbolic beer to all the one who are building Wikipedia and to Duesentrieb for the coding help
  • Thanks once again for all the times I've succeeded in looking up an obscure myth or needed the atomic weight of Tungsten. :)
  • i would gladly donate a dollar from ny tax refund to wikipedia
  • Keep up the great work! I like the little or no advertisising, but I am hoping this will stay unbias and not get commercial funding bias information.
  • As far as I am concerned, you are the most valuable site of the internet. Thank you. Keep up the good work.
  • wikipedia is a brilliant vision, it has come far and it has a long way to go
  • One should support any such organization in order to make information and wisdom available to everyone for free.
  • The last resort of free access to information! Stay tight and all our gods may bless you
  • I would like to thank Wikipedia for providing a college student with a \one stop\" destination for information. You have saved me from countless trips to the library and are truly invaluabe."
  • WIkipedia, changing the information age... one article at a time.
  • My work as a writer would be impossible without the existence of Wkipedia. This is the least I can do ... and I will do more in future.
  • This is the future. The most important site on the entire internet and exactly what the internet was meant to be.
  • Keep wikipedia ad-free and international!
  • Great Site. I will never leave this site for my homework!
  • Let's keep this glorious tradition going
  • What would we do without Wikipedia?!
  • here are my 2 cents for human information
  • Please donate for this very important project!
  • a shining example of human cooperation there is today.
  • Let not the high value of Wikipedia's contribution to my education be reflected by the small amount of my donation. Thank you!
  • Wikipedia is the BEST source of information that I've ever seen. I cannot go away... We all must find a way of saving and continuing to grow this awesome resource. Please join me in helping to fund Wi
  • Ironic that donations are required in order for information to be free... so dig deep and ante up! :)
  • I really like wikimedia,because I learned a lot from you and I plan to donate once a year
  • To knowledge as Godly, to the Open Source as Democratic, and the Foundation as Empowering.
  • You are DA BEST! Wish I could give more now... but will later. I promise. :-)
  • without google and wikipedia, the internet would suck!
  • Wiki is helping this poor medical student through Medical School
  • Dang. I lost my one cent. thanks to wikipedia for telling me everything and alll those people who edit wikipedia and are doing and will do. hurray for wikipedia and yay also. Love you wikipedia! bye
  • I could not live without Wikipedia and all it's information. Thank you so much!
  • I don't contribute much information-wise...might as well drop some cash for a service I use so much.
  • This is the most incredible site on the entire internet and is absolutely essential for researching anything on the web. KEEP IT UP AND RUNNING PEOPLE!!!
  • Knowledge, our greatest resource, is conserved and replenished only to the extent that it is shared and used. To build and spread knowledge is our highest calling and our deepest obligation.
  • We donate because we want to keep this extremely useful resource running!
  • Thank you everyone who works on this wonderful project!
  • I guess every little bit helps. Thanks for everything, Wikipedia!
  • This is one of the more omportant sites on the world wide web. Keep it up!
  • Everyone In The World Learn More With Wikimedia!
  • Wikipedia is one of the greatest things to happen in the 21st century.
  • Thanks for the information and continue sharing it with the world!
  • Possibly the greatest wealth of information in the world, Thank You.
  • Very useful. My first source for non-biased information.

Group 11c

[edit ]
  • I started using wiki more often than Google as a search start.
  • All too often vast amounts of knowledge are not properlydisseminated to the public, Wikipedia changes this.
  • I wish that the donation helps you to keep the quality of information. I really appreciate your great work!
  • thank you for putting up such a wonderful web page. helps in alot of research. cheers
  • Wikipedia - super rzecz! Tak trzymać!
  • I am growing accustomed to your efficient, in-depth and extremely well cross-referenced (link) online knowledge treasure. THANK YOU !
  • Thank you for guarding your money-free policy. I am 76 and live on 16,000ドル a year.
  • uh yeah well uh giggity giggity goo
  • My number one site. Keep it up and keep it free!
  • Great idea, great contribution, greatly appreciated. Muchas gracias. Cefaro
  • Keep up the good work of sharing knowledge!
  • Most useful site on the Web! Bless all the volunteers!!
  • I cannot imagine going even a day without looking something up on Wikipedia; keep it up and keep it free!
  • Free knowledge is not free without our donation
  • This is technology put to use for the good of the people. Finally...
  • Thank you all for a fantastic and inclusive resource. I will aim to start contributing in 2007
  • Thanks for providing such a useful and worth while website.
  • Great starting point for getting an overview of a topic. Thanks for all your efforts!
  • You have helped me greatly in finding the right profession through free investigation. A thousand thank-yous!
  • A small thanks to a great community.
  • Thanks for providing this one-of-a-kind interactive resource!
  • An amazing cause, well worth supporting. Here's my support!
  • A wonderful, addictive www resource! Thank you so much for the enjoyment and knowledge that you !
  • I don't agree with everything about it, but I feel it is importnat and probably evolutionary. Mark
  • From the readers of And Shine Heaven Now (hellsing.comicgen.com)
  • The Anaesthetic Department at Torbay Hospital decided not to send each other cards last Christmas and instead put the money to better use, therefore, please accept our donation of 120ドル.
  • i wanted a wii for christmas, but all i got was 50 bucks to make a change... so here! :)
  • The firs donation I enjoy. Good work peopels !!!
  • For the best place in the net, the place where knowledge grows.
  • Hi,I'd like to play a request for all the dogs in the universe.This next track here is for you dear friends.This is the song that started it all for me.(groan)(,円)
  • May we all live in Wiki Boztopia some day!
  • I am very happy to help wikipedia.
  • This site has taught us a lot

Let's keep the best display of the free world up and running :)

  • Open access to knowledge is a fundamental human right.
  • It's not much, but being a college student you can't spare much even for yourself
  • My number one go to source of information.
  • Just a small donation to a worthy cause. Through reseach using wikipedia, I've passed a number of english essays! Thanx wikipedia :)
  • Where were you guys when I was in High School?
  • Fantastic site for all the family.
  • Great content in mathematics for the non-specialist!
  • Inarguably the best site on the Internet! It has information of EVERYTHING!
  • Wikipedia is the best thing to come out of the Web!!!
  • Great great project. Everybody should donate a small amount.
  • I've used you 3 times tonight for personal research. The least I can do is contribute a little. Sorry it is so little but it's all I have to offer.
  • Wikipedia is what the Internet should always have been - the concentration of all essential information.
  • Let the world come together
  • Wikipedia helps me every day
  • thanks for saving me when it comes time for research papers!
  • Thank You very much for this very useful website!
  • For a returning college student, Wiki is indespensible! Keep it going, keep it free, thank you!!!
  • One small click for me, one giant leap for mankind!
  • viva wiki. don't let it slip into the grubby mits of commercialism
  • because today is my 25th birthday and this site is actually a big part of my daily life. thank you for your efforts.
  • get out of work actors to sponsor their own resumes - my two cents
  • I know wiki for a long time. This is a chance i ve got to relate with wiki.
  • what a great service! I can donate my hardback encyclopedias now!
  • There goes my lunch :D I've leeched a lot off this site so its ok
  • To MOMtrepreneurs, future and current women and mom entrepreneurs who continue as 'MOMs Tripping On Manure on the Road to Success'
  • Open database that wil become more and more like the one in the Star Trek Universe.
  • Wima is a gift to those that use their minds to observe, listen & learn. Their values include universal awareness, the use of accurate & reliable data & lifelong education. Thanks, Dave
  • a great service, a harbinger of the unitary world to come
  • This website is so helpful..I'm a graduate student and I use it to refreshed my memory on things that I forget or to get information on things that I may not know...you're great
  • One of the best people can do for people
  • wicked info on leet speak 4 ma coursework...nice 1
  • Knowledge should be free! Pass it on!
  • What did we do before Wikipedia? It's the first place when beginning research.
  • I found Wikipedia a great, helpful, and very useful project in many ways. Thank all of you, administrators, for your contribution into the world enlightenment.
  • Connect our minds, the brain cells of Gaia :)
  • a very useful community work!
  • wikipedia has more information on muslims and of their contributions in science than most of the muslim websites...thanks
  • This is what the internet is all about. Everyone needs to play a part. Agree or disagree, this is true freedom and it leads to . . .
  • Thanks for this great service. Greetings from Croatia
  • Sometimes you realise that all your searches lead to Wikipedia....only then do you realise that you have to!!
  • This is from zh-Wikipedians' contribute!
  • Wikipedia is wonderful. I can think of no other web resource that could have so much benefit to the human race globally. Long live wikipedia.org!
  • A public good, heard that funds were needed. Hope this little helps
  • Reality has become a comodity - maybe, but I always check Wikipedia for a second opinion. Keep up the awesome work.
  • Merci pour toutes l'information!!
  • Use this site daily, love it!
  • Keep up the good work!

Group 12

[edit ]
  • Wikipedia is the best... use it every time i need to find research a topic!
  • Thanks Wikipedia, it is one of the most useful website
  • You are doing a great service for humanity. Thank you.
  • Gerr... being a student makes me donate so little
  • wikipedia has changed the world. period.
  • Best ever knowledge base I have ever seen.
  • Marvelous Site; just joined up and know I will be a very happy member.
  • Thanks for this increbile resource. I will encourage all my friends to contribute to your operation. Again many thanks.
  • This is an excellent resource, I use it all the time and have contributed occasionally.
  • This is an amazing resource and so up-to-date. Thank You Folks for all of your hard work in making this resource available.
  • Really very educational and informative. Well done
  • Wikipedia is a wonderful initiative which deserves support
  • This page is awesome. Whenever I have something to ask about things I come here to find the new facts that I can read about.
  • Just thought my homework would be boring, wtihout WikiPedia :)
  • I use it a lot, I want to keep it alive.
  • Thanks for your valuable knowledge tank
  • An informed majority acts more responsibly
  • I use your website whenever I need historical Information, From the Spartans to old US Navy ships
  • I realize that I am using this site as my big-daddy info source a lot of the time, and I'm grateful!
  • You can get anything you want on the internet, and usually Wikipedia is all you need.
  • I am in the shopautodotca seocontest and I hope you were not spammed. Proud supporter of Wikipedia.
  • I find wikipedia a most useful and interactive platform for learning and contributing
  • Wikipedia is a resource I use daily that provides me with a very quick, easy and reliable way of learning - both at work and at home. Furthermore, it is a noble example of open collaboration. Thanks!
  • Great source of knowledge!Thank you.
  • I have used your site so repeatedly that I feel guilty! I thank you for the breadth of information on your site! Please keep up with the clinical science updates, clinical trials etc...
  • Wikipedia and the whole idea of freedom of knowledge has given me much to think!
  • The Library of Alexandria on my desktop is priceless
  • A resource this great should not be free.
  • I use wikipedia every day, so it's only fair I help to fund it.
  • Whom so ever spent their time to make wiki what it is today. Without your Help wiki would be nothing. I cannot say thank you enough for all the knowledge that you have given me to explore
  • Here's what I would have spent on reference books. Faster, easier. Thanks
  • valuable resource.
  • College would be 1000x more difficult without this invaluable resource. Thank you.
  • To be matched by my employer, General Re
  • Won 3ドル in an online lottery for the second time. So, again giving it back to society as i did the last time around.
  • Glad to contribute. Please keep going, advert free if possible!
  • A little contribution. Great Job!
  • Wikipedia is the best thing that has happened to the web since its inception.
  • Homework would be impossible without Wilkipedia!
  • I like the Wikipedia mission that knowledge means power and knowlegde should be free (to make the world a better place)
  • I'm not wealthy, but had to support this wonderful resource: Long may it thrive!
  • Thank you for the resource, seems to get better the more we use it, - Ping Ping
  • Great site, a life saver for idiots like me.
  • Will donate more when I can, thanks for a great resource!
  • Another notch in the belt of the Internet allowing information dissemination
  • I give what I can but the use I get from wiki demands my donation.
  • Thanks lot for a lot of useful buisiness information.
  • This site has helped me so much in my studies and saved me a lot of money in books
  • Wikipedia has always been an amazing website, and should stay around for a while.
  • the most beautiful idea in the Internet
  • tout commence par un tout petit geste
  • The world can only become a better place with the service you proide. Thank you.
  • impressed by the improvement in a year in math and physics, great cause and very useful for self learner : right balance between informal and formal.thank you
  • The wealth of information on this website and its simplicity never seizes of amaze me. Keep it up !
  • A student and can't pay much but I'd like to at least show my gratefulness to the site I check the most for homeworks.
  • I can't imagine not having Wikipedia! Wish I could give more
  • Enlightenment is man's emergence from self imposed immaturity
  • Keep up the good work, you've halped me out many times!
  • Wikipedia is great, thanks to everyone who makes it go!
  • Thank you for the vast network of free information you supply to millions of people everyday. Wikipedia is the most useful reference guide on the internet today!
  • Since I know Wiki,it become my best friend and teacher. Whenever i get a question, Wiki is always my first choise. Thanks for your free, and please keeps free.
  • Helping to give the gift of knowledge. Thanks wiki!
  • Thank you for all! From Russia with love.
  • Keep up the good work guys!
  • Where else can I find out about quantum computing and douche bags all in one place?
  • Keep information free. It advances us as a society. If you can, do your part.
  • How do we know what we know?
  • Thanks for helping me pass my exams!
  • Thanks for making the world a better (and more entertaining) place.
  • In India, I always wanted to buy a copy Encyclopedia but I could not afford it. WIKIPEIDIA is arming so many people with powerful, information - Please do not commercialize this foundation
  • I know it is not much but i do support the site
  • excellent site, my most frequently used favorite
  • Thanks for best idea and info - Sergios Kotanidis (CyprusPictures.net)
  • Thanks a lot - I get concrete use out of Wiki everyday. I can't wait for open source text books to really gain momentum - esp in developing countries.
  • Thanks this great initiative! Culture available for everyone and free!
  • I'm a poor college student, but Wikipedia can't die.
  • thank you for all the help prepping for job interviews.
  • I feel like I just got hit up by a street bum
  • Thank you for being THE best source of complete information on the Web...while Google may provide multiple hits, it does not offer truly definitive explanations - thanks much.
  • I can't give you anything but a small donation
  • The first place I would visit when I need some information
  • The world citzens need too much the Wikipédia. We don't let this end, never.

Group 12a

[edit ]

*May the power of knowledge free us from ignorance. *Excellent resource for almost everything I want to know. THanks

  • The constant improvement will make all the nay-sayers wrong one day!
  • This is a small donation but as a scholar I hope it helps.
  • Thank you! I visit Wikipedia every day.
  • wikipedia is a NECESSARY testament to the need and value of peer to peer information and invaluable to the photopreneur.
  • for our neverending studying
  • Keep up the good work! The new era of information has started with you!
  • Wikipedia is the best encyclopedia ever. Let's keep it up and running.

*Knowledge is an important ingredient in the recipe for self actualization. And I hope one day all children know about all other cultures, so that we can ultimately all unite as one.

  • Where would we be without Wiki! ........sounds like a slogan for Wiki!

*In a wild, wild web, you are a beacon of reliability.

  • we believe in a better world where \sharing\" is the key!"
  • A little donation from a devoted user and big fan of the wiki-idea.
  • No one breaks history down better, thank you
  • This is one of the great sites on the internet, lets keep it going.
  • Excellent content, and I'm also downloading your entire archive for offline use

*I was just reading the article on General Zod and thinking "Hah, Encyclopedia Britannica doesn't have an article on General Zod, take that librarians!" You're doing great work [needs citation]" *This is not only the best online resource, it is also a brilliant statement for a global knowledge philosophy!

  • Love the site and want to keep it going!
  • I use Wikipedia at least daily, Invaluable to me
  • How amazing that you have no ads! I keep donating to make it stay that way.
  • well done, you've grown on me and are now my first point of reference; you make me hopeful about the future of the Web.
  • Best reference source ever, I feel very fortunate to have access to it.
  • Wikipedia is where I go first for most of my questions online. Lets keep it going.
  • Wikipedia is brilliant. Never stop it. I still don't understand how you can keep the information factual, as anyone can edit it.
  • I am happy to donate to a great social innovation !
  • Thanks, the articles about philosophy just helped me alot
  • Just to say thank you - I rely heavily on Wik and find it accurate and always helpful!
  • Wikipedia is a great resource for a whole ton of information!
  • The best and most informative site on the internet. The fact that it is also available in so many languages also means that humans are able to understand each other better. Thank u for your creation.
  • I love it. Thanks for the good work
  • Thank you for keeping this ad free!

*Keep up the good work. Without you guys, my cellphone and me would be much less smarter then I appear today. Thanks.

  • I heard of news of tight budgets and realised I'm glad you're there.
  • You've made Wikipedia the best reference site out there. Thank you!
  • Hello, I am one heavy user of Wikipedia. I am constantly using for business and personal use. I really thank to Wikipedia foundation and please continue this project.
  • your efforts and results are truly inspiring!
  • Possibly the greatest contribution to global distribution of knowledge ever.
  • Wikipedia is great. Many of my internet searches end there with good info.
  • While being critical of Wikipedia in the beginning, in the end I recognised its importance and I would like to acknowledge the work of Jimmy Wales and Wikimedia Foundation with my donation.
  • The foundation is doing great job, a very small token from my side is contributed..
  • Wikepedia has done a lot for me,though as a poor african student this is all i can afford and decided to donate it for the advancement of knowledge for the good of humanity.
  • I hope wikipedia turns into something a million times bigger, I know its not much, but I felt good about contributing to this cause.

*thanks for one of wiki writers help me to improve with my English. *We are making a better world for ourselves, and our coming generations. Let's keep faith, and keep up the good work! My heartiest wishes and congratulations!

  • Keep up the good work.... from the Linux development team at Cekor Technologies
  • please continue to be the best resource for knowledge
  • Keep up the good work people. This is a wonderful project!
  • Wikipedia is the most exciting informational source available today. It is self-cleansing and has much information that other sources do not have. Thank you so much for making the world richer!
  • Thanks for excellent articles on bandgaps & hafnium
  • The breadth of knowledge contained therein is amazing! A resource base for all.
  • WIKIPEDIA is one of mankinds best moves
  • Truth = The mind in conformity with reality.

*This is by far one of the best things that the world wide web has to offer. The wealth of knowledge on this site is priceless. Keep up the great work!

  • An excellent resource that deserves continuing support!
  • This Organization deserves the help of everybody

Group 12b

[edit ]

*I'll donate more after I get my next job

  • A small contribution to help keep it ad free
  • An incredible wealth of useful information. Great work.
  • The best online encyclopedia in the world.
  • I am just constantly amazed at how often I use Wikipedia... Bravo!!!
  • I appreciate all your effort. Thanks!
  • Keep up the good work! Thanks!
  • Wiki good time natural feeling for you
  • Use your site often, but mostly for trivia. Today I had to confirm what I already knew.
  • I rely on Wikipedia every day, both as a student and as a professional editor. It's my first source. I very much appreciate that it is not filled with ads and annoyances, too. Keep up the great work!
  • This is one of the best sources of information for everyone in the world! It is truly amazing - and should be considering one of the new wonders of the world.
  • Thanks a lot for wikipedia, I do hope you'll get the wiki search engine up an running soon
  • Great reference for mathematics and biographies from the world of science and technology!
  • worth it. highly helpful. grateful it can be obtained free & if everybody donated similar amounts (although I know it seems small) it would no doubt be useful.
  • Thanks to everyone who helps Wikipedia to exist. It's a great source of information.
  • great site i only hope everyone donates at some point and does not take advantage of such an excellent source for information
  • Great website with great knowledge & structure. Would Appreciate if there would be more articles translated in Persian for those Persian speaking who cannot speak English. Thank you again
  • Wikipedia helped me very much in my final tests! Thank you very much and go on with it!
  • I've found the site just too useful way too often to assume it will always be there, here's my contribution to keep Wikipedia free.
  • thank you for the greatest first tier portal into research. whenever my interests get sparked, wiki has an answer. i love this project and wish for its independence to continue.

*Thank you for ease, candor and breadth of subjects.

  • This is a good cause!
  • Trip planning three years ago without Wikipedia or Google Earth was insanity.
  • How can I not, probably 30 of my last 100 searches have yielded the Wiki result as the best.
  • Wikipedia is a fine public service. Brave! Keep it up!
  • "wikipedia is a great quick reference guide. I use it quite often to gather information before starting on an illustration "
  • Browsed info on ocular mysathenia. Only Wikimedia gives the most relevant directly.
  • This website is of tremendous help for me over the last few years.
  • Wikipedia saved my marriage.

*Knowledge is power, let's make everyone as powerful as we can

  • Destination -- Best World(Monde meilleur) -- v allons-y -- Why not --A+ kms ++
  • The ultimate source of information. Thank to all contributors!
  • When depth of search must come first, temper it with breadth.
  • The question is - What does Wikipedia NOT have?
  • I really love your project. Please Go Ahead allways. Exitos ! Ernesto (Bs.As)
  • My 12yr son is also learning a lot from your work, thank you for your contributions.

*You are one of the best things that ever happens to me

  • Few things can be said to be the best thing since sliced bread. Wikipedia is one of them.
  • Thank-you so much for your excellent resource!
  • Thank you Wikipedia from Digital Cinema Filmmaker's Training Course and Rush Hamden
  • Langston Hughes article fabulous and so appreciated!
  • I have learnt so much from Wikipedia ! Kudos to the creators and contributors !
  • Never let this site die, it is perhaps the single most wholesome resource the Internet has to offer!
  • What would we do without you? You make such a difference in the quest for knowledge. I visit often.
  • The best resource on the net. Will keep donating when I can.
  • Please do not take Wikipedia off the web, even if a competitor is created. Knowledge should be open to dispute by anyone.
  • Wikipedia is the ideal of what an internet site can be. How can I not support it?
  • I rely on Wikipedia almost daily and wonder how I managed to research topics before I stumbled across this wonderful resource !! Tom Gardner Orinda California USA
  • Wikipedia is becoming my one stop shop for knowledge. Who would have thought. Apparently not everything has to be corporate money machine! thanks.
  • Wikipedia is the best thing that the WWW has to offer, i use it all the time.
  • One of the best sources of information!
  • one of the greatest advancements humankind has ever made, thanks so much
  • OK - I reference it a bit - might as well give back some.
  • I love WIKIPEDIA one of the best on the WEB!
  • just to say i find chris gardners life story a true inspiration
  • What a wonderful resource! So glad to donate; wish I could do more.
  • Knowledge is not individual possession.

*This site has helped me so much with my law degree! There is usually a concise explanation of a subject and even some of the major cases which is more user friendly than my textbooks *Wikimedia is one of man's brilliant insights in how to harness the human mind to do good things

  • Thank you wiki, i wish i had more cash to donate.
  • An excellent source for information! It covers everything possible that can be imagined. It can be used for academic research as well as for personal pleasure.
  • Thank you wikipedia for your great site. Thanks to everyone who writes articals
  • Thank you for bringing this veyr helpful website to earth
  • thanks - wikipedia is a fantastic reality
  • This is Great! I wish this website was around durring my first attempt at college.
  • Education is the only way that lead human being to a better life and happiness.

*Please keep up this invaluable service and project

  • Keep wikipedia free!

Group 12c

[edit ]
  • Thanks to Wikipedia and the effort of the people behind it. It is replacing google.
  • Great site! I use it for my scool a lot!
  • wikipedia is one of my favorite sites i love it :D
  • Excellent, extensive and reliable information source
  • You're doing great work. Keep it up!
  • It's my first time donation. Hope it helps
  • Great Service - I have added to it myself!
  • You do a wonderful job. Thank you
  • Wikipedia is an excellent source of knowledge and often even more detailed than my textbooks. Love it!
  • I am very impressed with Wikipedia, and very greatful to its originators. Real in-depth information on almost any subject, unbiased, free to all. Fantastic. Power to the people!
  • Wikipedia is an excellent organisation. I use your website a lot of times to find information.
  • absolutely great site - has been very helpful with my son's school projects. very easy to search and use. thank you!
  • I surely will change the homepage of my browser from google to wikipedia :)
  • Wikipedia is the most profound website on the internet, in my opinion. A vast database of human knowledge, all free, at your fingertips. www.blackshaman.com
  • Keep up the good work and try to keep this is long as possible advert-free
  • Great scope and depth. Best on Internet, increased success to your efforts.
  • I could not believe that such a tremendous thing like Wikipedia would ever exist !
  • I save MUCH more than this amount by not buying and borrowing books I don't need because of Wiki ...
  • A fantastic idea which deserves your support. Donate cheerfully!!
  • Thank you for your pioneering work!
  • I hope you will be arround for many years to come.
  • Read you all the way from Camp Liberty Iraq. You make night shift go by.
  • Thanks for helping make knowledge interactive and readily available to the whole planet!
  • I was so delighted to see my country's culture portrayed in such well organized manner.Hope this continues and be useful to our children and there children
  • I support a non-advertisement system. I believe is it possible to keep this alive and healthy without membership dues or ads if the people truly believe in it.
  • I'm a retired Boeing janitor working on a novel set in 17th century Trier and you're a great help.
  • thanks. you are the first place i now go for info i can trust and build on thru quality links.
  • Hmmm ... there are a lot of other worthy causes. Wonder why I'm donating here ?
  • Great resources like these deserve support from those who use them.
  • without you I'd be clueless and the world would be poorer of common knowledge.
  • Thanks Wiki
  • I really think this project is one of the most valued in the world of information.
  • Thank you Wikipedia
  • Wikipedia's Guantanamo detainee coverage is a testament to the democratizing power of the internet. Thank you.
  • It is the best invetion of the last years!
  • Thank you for the wonderful job... knowledge is the power of sophisticated people for people who want to be sophisticated...
  • The Best Encyclopedia in the known Universe
  • Wikipedia got me into grad school!!
  • most useful site of whole WWW!
  • I love you, Wikipedia
  • The best things in life are and must stay free: Software, Knowledge, Wisdom
  • Thank you for providing this educational service. It is nice to be able to get resources off the internet for free!
  • Wikipedia is a testimony to the wonderful generosity of the human spirit.
  • Because it's the right thing to do.
  • I use Wikipedia continually in my job as science editor.
  • Small token of my appreciation.
  • A truly excellent project; Free of political influence and properly managed, this wealth of public knowledge will educate and inform us, and future generations: I wish I could give more
  • This donor advised that she doesn't want to be sent any sort of thank you.
  • Yeah!!! Go Wikipedia! I've just determined that I could sit here all day reading through the Wiki's vast troves of knowledge. Praises :)
  • If you use it you should pay for it.
  • thankyou. this site has truely put the worlds store of knowledge at my fingertips. thankyou
  • Wikipedia changes the Knowledge, changes the World!!!

Group 13

[edit ]
  • Thank you for creating Wikipedia. It is a gift to all humans. Peace, Respect and Knowledge to all.
  • User contributed, Ad free limitless information accessible all the time! What more can we ask for :)
  • One of the most useful sites on the net!
  • Awesome site. I salute the people who maintains the site.
  • great continuation of the Enlightenment
  • One link alone is why I am happy to donate to the effort: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries
  • We visit your site all the time for work, school, and leisure reading. Thank you.
  • A tiny contribution for the upkeep of the gold mine. Thanks wikipedia.I am an addict.
  • Thank You all for making the internet a better place to gather information on a variety of subjects.I hope my son who is only 2 yrs now will find this site very helpful in future.
  • Supporting the great work for the people, my son is benfited for the education
  • Because I use wikipedia almost everyday
  • You rock Wikipedia. I only wish I could give more.
  • simply great! your friend from www.travelyourlife.com
  • Wikipedia-a fantastic idea
  • Thanks for the world's best collection of knowledge.
  • Thank you so much for giving me so much information on G.I. Joe. You reminded me of things I forgot about the series and taught me so much more. I've now written a G.I. Joe screenplay.Thanks a million
  • Thanks for the great contribution to human knowledge
  • wikipedia, the most valuable gift to humanity
  • best resource ..keep making it better n better
  • Thanks for all you do - I use Wikipedia almost every day
  • A dollar goes a long way. Wikipedia all the way! :D
  • So very helpful..more money to come,with pleasure :-)
  • I never cease to be impressed at the speed of update and the quality of info. First Class!!!
  • Incredible asset to mankind! Thank you all so much!!! I am speaking as a freedom-loving citizen and a teacher!!
  • I can't afford much, but please keep Wikipedia coming. It's extremely helpful
  • Wikipedia is one of the greatest ideas ever implemented
  • Half of my knowledge comes from randomly browsing through Wikipedia. Thanks!
  • Everyone who uses WIKIPEDIA please DONATE. It would be a shame if WIKIPEDIA disappeared.
  • It is a very noble cause. everyone should support it. The more donations of any denominations will prove its universal acceptance.
  • I'd like to give my wholehearted support to Wiki's projects.
  • i think wikipedia is a very interesting applications of cooperative work thtough internet, worth it to donate
  • "knowledge should be free" Excellent site, well worthy of keeping alive for free accurate information with links to other helpful resources. This evening my visit to wikimedia was for "Cosmic Or
  • Wikimedia has been very helpful to me. I hope to be able to give more in time.
  • Thank you Wiki for everything, I wish I could contribute more to my favorite website.
  • Thanks for all of the wonderful information!
  • Only wish I had enough money to contribute commensurate with the value received
  • Wikipedia is a wealth a knowledge empowering human kind with knowledge & fostering sharing for the wellbeing of community as a whole.
  • Thank you for your time and for the qulity your service provides to the whole community.
  • We downloaded a Wikipedia snapshot for a research project, and we thought Wikimedia should not have to pay for the traffic we caused.
  • Best service ever: www.relakks.com - Get secure Swedish IP and keep on shari'n!
  • I'm doing this to help. If you agree or disagree with what I've said, please feel free to contact me via email or IM.
  • Thanx so much to the entire Wikipedia community. May this forum for the free interchange of ideas and information continue to light our way with the beacon of knowledge.
  • Thank you for helping me graduate uni!
  • I wish I could send more but thank you.
  • I love Wikipedia. Whenever i question something, i can find that information just a click or two away.
  • Thanks for keeping it honest and uncensored!
  • to build a pyramid for the ultimate truth
  • Wonderful site...utilize the gift to continue the sharing of the human spirit of accurate sharing!
  • I can spend hours to gain almost any information I want to, in any language. I can learn history, biology, someon'e biography and etc. very easily. I LOVE wekipedia!
  • More helpful for my exam studying than I thought possible - Therefore, I owe you this...
  • my favorite source for information
  • Wikipedia is a great place to hang out.
  • It's not much but it's a fantastic project so I'll give what I can!
  • Thank you so much for making information availavle to all!
  • Thank you, this is the main idea of a successful civilization.
  • Thanks wikipedia for making my school researches much easier!!!
  • Best resource on the Internet - keep it up.
  • I felt bad using your great site, without some gesture of gratitude
  • Wikipedia is an amazing and wonderful service
  • in honor of my father who LOVES knowing more than everyone else in the room
  • Great service and many thanks for allowing upload.
  • I wish sincerely to express my gratitude to the construction of this profitable
  • WIkipedia is an important counterpoint to the environmental disaster we have created through greed. We here evolve through generosity.
  • wikipedia: a treasure for home schoolers!
  • I use your site all the time. Glad to be able to help support it.
  • Thank you for saving my sanity, perhaps it is a poor reflection on that aforementioned sanity that it is only worth 20ドル :o(
  • Definitely a good investment!!
  • This is the greatest idea - kudos to you for offering this service! Everyone who uses it should donate!
  • i use Wikipedia just about everyday. thank you for helping teaching us facts.
  • Thank you again for your time and energy to keep Wikipedia going.
  • The One Good Company on the Internet !
  • My small share to a wonderful storehouse of knowledge.
  • forgive me for so much being taken yet so little being given
  • True example of how a community working together can do almost anything!
  • Don't know what I would do without Wikipedia...
  • wikipedia is a wonderful concept.. my part to keep it running
  • Thanks for this invaluable resource!
  • TY for job help! I often use a math, etc. stubs to help assign library subject headings for unfamiliar topics; Science theses are so full of jargon the abstracts are hard to decipher.
  • This is an excellent source of information. I use it often.
  • thank you for this very informative tool that always cont inues to amaze me
  • What would I do without Wikipedia to entertain me?
  • Thanks for knowledge everytime, everywhere
  • Every one who uses wikipedia should donate a small amount of money regulareley.
  • Thanks! Wikipedia is part of my life (and that of my boys researching anything). Keep up the good work,
  • thank you for such a valuable, progressive service
  • great job for making information easily accessible

Group 13a

[edit ]
  • an extraordinary, essential reference site
  • I think it is time to give something back for that loads of information that Wiki gives.
  • It was great finding all the info I needed in one place.
  • Much thanks to Wikipedia contents.
  • You have helped me so much, thanks for having such a great breadth of science coverage
  • Thanks!
  • More than I even learned at school...
  • Gontinue the great work. I use it wiki daily AND it helps my kids with homework!
  • Thank you for what you do! :-)
  • Wikipedia has helped me alot with my schoolwork.
  • Thank you for all your work. This is now my main point of reference.
  • Great foresight. I use the website often... and see the progress. Wikipedia brings expert information to individuals in our average daily life seeking non-commercial driven fact!
  • I live by the information from this organization. I am an enthusiast o old movies, TV, and all those associated.
  • Just a small token to thank you for providing such a great resource of information!
  • Your services are fully appreciated.
  • Wikimedia, like Wikipedia, just keeps getting better and better. It's becoming my "go to" place for information.
  • This is the best website ever!!!!!
  • Wikipedia will still be around 200 years from now :-)
  • At the moment I can donate only a minimum:-(, but I am hugely indebted to Wikipedia, because it is the best global knowledge resource.

*Information is but potential knowledge. Access to potential is everything. Will support this potential more as I can, in the future. America is beautiful AND we GIVE!!!

  • Wikipedia: an island of goodness in the otherwise so commercial web
  • Wikipedia opened a world of learning for me. I am very grateful
  • Long Live Wikipedia! This project has to power to unite the whole world around a common knowledge! Let’s embrace Science and reject superstitions! - Longue Vie à Wikipedia!!!
  • Wikipedia is wonderful. I hope to be able to donate much more as time goes on.
  • I would want to donate more frequently and contribute towards making your mission successful
  • At last I've managed how to donate. Stepan.
  • I wish I could donate more. You are doing a fabulous job. Thanks to all contributors, writers, etc.
  • A meager start but, hopefully, every little bit helps!
  • I am amazed at how how much math one can find in wikipedia, e.g. Hilbert's irreducibility theorem.
  • Thanks for information on the Urantia Book.
  • In support of providing free knowledge to all who seek.
  • Dedicated to my super intelligent sweety =)
  • In a world of ad-fund, subscriptions, cross-selling, up-selling ... this is such a refreshingly different experience :)
  • Wikipedia - we just need it!
  • This website has expanded my knowledge to limits I have never imagined. This is by far the best website on the internet. Thank you so much.
  • Thank you for a great service to humanity!
  • With all the use I've had from wikis I'd be a heel not to give something back!
  • Thank you for changing the world for the better.
  • "Trust, but verify." This is the greatest site online, to start you research or to verify information, but always check the source.
  • Brilliant Resource - Contains a world of information.....literally
  • A Great Site. I am usually a scrooge, but I have gotten a large amount of information from Wiki and hope my few penny's keep it strong.
  • The finest example of the true meaning of the internet - Wikipedia.
  • What a great resource - thanks to all!
  • Compliments of Authentic Health Fitness Australia
  • Thanks to everyone who contributes to this great site.

*This is like paying for intelligence. Thanks WikiBrain!

  • A small one to start with - but a big thanks for the resource
  • Thank you for the time and energy it takes to keep wikipedia going.
  • A treasure trove of information - thanks!
  • Thanks so Much for Everything!
  • Thank you for making valuable information available for free!
  • I believe this is a great resource and greater efforts should be made by the academic communities to legitimize wikipedia. Now even some of the most remote parts of the world can have information.
  • Keep it accurate. I live on Wikipedia!!
  • Many thanks to all those who contribute to the grewth of Wikipedia. It helps me a lot.
  • Invaluable source of information with well written and researched articles
  • well done and thanks for all the useful information to which I often resort.
  • fantastic, i really appreciate what you guys do
  • ...the only thing on the web as important as Google.
  • A fantastic site, and not just for my kids. I have learned volumes from the information gathered here. I just regret not being smart enough to contribute.
  • always helpful for school; great links
  • Great source! I use it all the time!
  • its a small price to pay for what i've gained from wikipedia
  • Don't know what I would do without you!

*Sites like this provide a better public service than any Government department!!

  • I have used WIKI for work, personal research, my kids research, everything. Thank you for creating such a wonderful, robust and affordable source for knowledge.
  • An absolutely wonderful resource.
  • thanks for "fractional reserve banking" article
  • Great resource - i appreciate the work people put into this even though i dont contribute directly myself.
  • You guys really do a good job. I'm a member of the KofC's and the Wiki on us was done very well. Thank you.
  • Wikipedia is the first place i look for information. My donation may not be that large, but I hope that it will contribute in its way into keeping wikipedia the great website it is today.
  • Wikimedia is excellant. It is very educational
  • Wikipwedia is wonderful. Instant access to goo information like never before.
  • You guys are the reason the Web was invented -- with Google, you're the Oracle of Thebes
  • Big (aka Main Stream) Media – Slave to Wall Street and too afraid to take on the Government – Wiki is one of the few sources of unbiased information available today.
  • Keep up the independency! Great resources, I even use it on my cell phone
  • Wikipedia is one of the most innovative websites ever created
  • It will be more, when I win the lottary.Thanks for everything.
  • The Wikimedia Foundation gets my cash back from PayPal
  • One of my favourite places on the web and one of the best resources ever! Keep up the good work.
  • Thank you for hours of Entertainment
  • Thanks for your help Wikipedia. I will give what I can.
  • Excellent source of information, keep up the great work!
  • Your site is an invaluable resource. Keep up the great work.
  • wiki is the best thing internet has ever come up with.
  • In the past when I listened to and supported public radio, I found myself using Wikipedia more and more. This will be my first donation.
  • I wish that I could afford more - but cannot. I trust wikipedia, even in its crazy way of doing things. Saw the founder on the download from the TED conference. GREAT STUFF
  • I have used Wikipedia for a long time and it has tought me many things over the years.
  • I love Wikipedia and use it all the time - this has nothing to do with the fact that my book is referenced several times!
  • Wisdom is the knowing that you know nothing.
  • very useful website
  • Wikipedia has just about everything that my old encyclopedia set couldn't offer
  • Thank you for serving my continued addiction to my neverending quest for knowledge
  • I wish I could donate more. But this is probably one of the most important websites that I look at daily

Group 13b

[edit ]
  • Well written & up-to-date. A great boost to spreading the truth in any cause.
  • Wikipedia has been much more valuable to me than many services I am billed for!
  • I've bee owe very much to Wiki for my works.
  • I've learned so much from this website over the past years, it'd be a crime not to donate!
  • please keep adding food to the database people.
  • Shared knowlege is powerful! Glad to be able to support.
  • I appreciate all the great work you do.
  • Rightly said !! Knowledge means power and that knowledge should be free.
  • I stareted to use WIkipedia regularly and am grateful that it exists. What a reat source of information. Thank you.
  • Donation made by Anne Peticolas
  • Continue making the world a better place, open for all, please.
  • Uplifting stuff !
  • "Free cheese to the People!", Mao the Mouse
  • the best website never imagined!
  • Wikipedia is what Internet is all about.
  • Thank you for the best site on the net.
  • Who needs TV when you've got Wikipedia?
  • I have used Wikipedia often and benefitted tremendously from this convenient and reliable resource. I am grateful to the founder and the people working on it since. Thank you!
  • Thanks for pickiup up the pieces from the AOL takeover of former Spinner.com
  • Wiki - making the world an easier place to understand
  • Wikimedia is th future in information and technology transfer. Please support!
  • Powerhouse of information. Keep it up.
  • Found Wikipedia surprisingly useful several times!
  • Keep up the good work. This donation is for my girlfriend who has benefited big time from your site
  • I use you very often, so I feel the need to support you. Good work!
  • One of the most wonderful sites on the internet!
  • I am very happy to see so much metirial in Telugu through this WIKIMEDIA.
  • Keep up the good work Wikimedia! You're changing the world forever!
  • Wikipedia has helped me greatly and this is what all i can give in return.
  • thank you for all the support!!
  • Good luck to Wikipedia and keep going!
  • One of the greatest innovation in information technology history.
  • thank you for the book of everything!
  • The best way to get some action!
  • It's hard to imagine not having Wikipedia
  • This is the best project on internet
  • thank goodness for wikipedia!
  • My Best Wishes for everlasting Improvements in the Knowledge Bank
  • wonderful powerful enlightened
  • Congratulations on everything you have accomplished, keep it up!
  • Being a man of many interests, Wikipedia is the best thing on the web ever having been presented to me.
  • wikipedia, man, i love you guys, I'm on every day!!!! Our world is so vastly full of mystery, ya'll make me feel more at home!
  • wikipedia is awesome i use it for all my school work and research thanks for helping educate people around the world!
  • I wish I could give more nothing can pay the wonderful work you are doing!!! keep it good, keep it free! THANKS!
  • I love wikipedia. I use for everything!
  • Knowledge, together with love, are the greatest gifts. Thanks to all who contribute to Wikipaedia!
  • You're doing a fantastic job in providing information quick and fast.
  • I can answer my many questions quickly. I am at peace. Thanks you! Dana
  • wikipedia = happiness <3
  • I decided to donate because Wikipedia is a resource I use so often. A truly rmemarkable compendium of knowledge!
  • wikipedia is what the internet was designed for
  • Wiki has been helpful in more ways than I can possibly name here. Thanks
  • Hoping to help out those who need a place to stay near their babies.
  • This has helped me enormously with my astronomy study. i am eternally grateful!!
  • Wikipedia is very worthy of donor support. It's a great project.
  • I use Wikipedia in my work as a freelance medical writer. I rely on Wkik for up-to-date information on the new genomics and medical technologies that are such an important part of my work.
  • One of the best sites on the Internet. May it never cease to exist.
  • keep spreading the awareness of everything and this is how we will save the world
  • Wikipedia is the library of the web. It's free, and yet nothing in life is truly free, right? Therefore I am happy to show my support.
  • Sharing of knowledge benefits all people of the world. Wikipedia is the embodiment of such sharing.
  • I would like to learn more about how I can support this project
  • I think if everyone that uses this site donates 5 bucks then it will be enough.
  • the whole family uses Wikipedia constantly and with great success. Time to cough-up.
  • Keep up the good work -- You are appreciated.!
  • For an amazingly valuable online resource
  • Essential service for children and adults alike. Funded through voluntary donations is the way the benefits of the net should be used. Wikipedia is wicked!
  • It's about time I gave some back!
  • Very informative site, I wish I could donate more!
  • Thank you so much for a first class service !
  • thank you for this great service. the end of all knowledge is service, and Wikipedia speeds us to that end --the relief and succor of all Life.
  • You are the 8th Wonder of the World
  • Even gives me the full listing of all Family Guy episodes, gotto love it!
  • donation made by money order
  • Great project! A lot of useful information!
  • This site is so useful. Keep up the good work
  • wish i could give more. i am a student who uses your website a lot. thank you!!
  • This project needs to be sustained for the betterment of humanity.
  • Gutenberg would be proud of it.
  • Wikipedia should keep doing what it is doing! Free information for everyone!
  • Thank you,. I have come to appreciate this great resource.
  • Wikimedia you are doing a great job in helping today to create the knowledgeable person that tomorrow desperately needs!
  • Great site. Didn't realize had so much information. Thanks.
  • This is the best online service I know of and I'm proud to give a donation to help keep it running.
  • Absolutely brilliant ! Everything's just there.
  • Thanks for making so much good information so easy to find! Keep up the good work.
  • it is in information managment that our future survival lies
  • I use Wikipedia articles as a starting point for in-depth travel planning.--What a great resource!
  • My small donation to keep you update to update the World
  • Wikipedia is such a great resource!
  • Wikipedia is true, open, unbiased sharing of information between people!

Group 13c

[edit ]
  • You are such a time saver, not to mention life saver! Use Wikipedia to stop grey hair :-)
  • keep up the good work of providing info to people around the world!
  • Thanks to all those who contribute to Wikipedia
  • Keep up the GREAT work
  • I love Wikipedia and couldn't work without it.
  • thank you to all you do WIKIMEDIA
  • Excellent resource. Who needs proprietary information?
  • Fueling my addiction of acquiring knowledge.
  • I can't think of any media I use more often or value more highly than Wikipedia!
  • A great reference that I consult regularly. Great layouts, photos and cross-referencing. Thanks!
  • Because he approved of your purpose, Mr. Eitaro Koyama asked me to donate 5,000yen to you instead of him. So please record his name into the name list if possible.
  • I've used this site enough times to realise how useful & enlightening it is. Thank you.
  • Shared knowledge is shared power, shared power is shared wealth, shared wealth is shared freedom
  • Much love to you guys at Wikipedia. You have changed my life. I study now. You are my source. I could write a book about how you have grown my intelligence. More money from me when I can. Love
  • Thanks for being the saving grace on many a procrastinate term paper, and more than that for all the random, fascinating knowledge gleaned from hyperlinking around while doing those papers.
  • Your site is very helpful and I use it for reference a lot -it was time to donate to your worthy efforts to inform!
  • Helping to keep this awesome resource going!
  • Your site is simply amazing
  • Wikipedia can be included in the wonders of the world list.
  • Thank you - a superb demonstration of what cooperation can achieve: the world's most comprehensive, continuously updated encyclopedia, produced outside academia's confines by people across the planet.
  • Please continue to carry out your outstanding service.
  • Wikipedia has been helping educate myself much! :)
  • Wikipedia--our priceless common resource and responsibility
  • Your work is extraordinary and we can't afford to see it go away!!!
  • Wikipedia has single-handely helped me become the person I am today.
  • No Word or Name of significance is missed here
  • "Loose Change". Google it.
  • Thanks for the effort and I learned a lot from the sites.
  • This is a great and noble aspiration.
  • Great resource, with a grain of salt...
  • Thank you for all your excellent efforst and keep up the good work!
  • wikipedia is genius and breathtaking. thank you so much.
  • Thanks for being there for me, Wikipedia!
  • Yeah, I have to admit as a medical student I am constantly using wikipedia instead of my reference books...go wiki!
  • Thank you for the wonderful resource
  • Best source of information on the web.
  • I love Wikipedia!
  • Essential and necessary, great Encyclopedia
  • Thank you Wikipedia for allowing everybody to have access to a wealth of knowledge available in the past to a select few ones. Thank you!
  • I use Wikipedia all the time. It's a pleasure to help support it.
  • useful for work and private life
  • First time user on this website usefull to me there will be few more to follow and will continue to contribute as possible which is only fair for your assistance.
  • Keep it accurate, impartial and away from historical revisionists.
  • Whenever the problems of this planet get me down, I just think of the kind of human spirit that created Wikipedia and keeps it spinning.
  • I have been a great fan of Wiki collaborative effort to provide a service to people form all walks of life to add to the human knowledge pool. It good to see the effort maturing. Great work!
  • I love Wikipedia and it is an extremely useful service. I love the ability to contribute myself.
  • It's like having the Great Library of Alexandria on a computer!
  • this is a great resource and i'd like to contribute a small sum monthly to help in my small way to keep this great movement going on.
  • wish i could donate 2ドルm
  • As a grad student, I rely upon research to write papers. Wikipedia has always provided a wealth of information and is extremely reliable. Thanks!
  • The free availability of information is one of the most valuable assets of our society, and Wikipedia is one of the best examples of this.
  • I'm very impressed with the information on your site!
  • thanks to everyone who collaborates with this project.
  • Without doubt the most informative website on the net. A truly great source of information and a tribute to those who give their time and knowledge for the benefit of everyone.
  • I was on the edge, Wikipedia brought me back...
  • wikipedia is a wonderful resource. long live wikipedia!
  • An enormously useful resource for both work and general interest, which I am delighted to support.
  • Wikipedia is one of the wonders of the modern world.
  • Thanks for the everyman newspaper
  • The most awesome and useful website on the internet!!
  • I haven't used it much, but when I have, it has always been helpful
  • Thank you for all your help and entertainment.
  • Young Minds - Real Facts - The World Discovered.
  • You guys do great work, making the internet into what it was always meant to be - a free source of limitless information.
  • Thanks for all you do to make my work easier and my life more fun and interesting!
  • A great reference. Let's keep it always free.
  • The aim of education is not knowledge but action
  • thanks for all the helps on the school and non school works
  • Great concept! Clearly not meant to be a sole source of info - but a terrific launching pad for deeper research!
  • wikiawesome! Great for wasting (in the sense of spending) my time learning! yaaaargh i'm an irate pirate!
  • I couldn't have managed my translations without your help, nor would they have been as interesting for me. Thank you very much.
  • Wikipedia has aided my two sons and myself through school and university while distance learning and travelling across the globe. We are in awe every time we log on.
  • I know its just a token amount but I enjoy Wikipedia a lot :-)
  • greatest site ever, you have helped me a lot in my schooling thank you
  • If information is knowledge and knowledge is power, then sharing information is sharing the power of knowledge, a power we all must have in order to defeat ignorance and sustain peace. -C.C.Villareale
  • I am unfamiliar with your site but I will donate 25ドル for a start. Should I feel you site is invaluable to me I will revisit my donation.
  • Wikipedia has become my real-time online University. I sit here educating myself on Western Civilization as I read Proust.
  • The best place to get the most out of knowledge. This is the best sie to get ALL the information a person can obtain for SCHOOL, WORK and PERSONAL. I am HAPPY to donate to the Wikimedia Foundation.
  • Our ancestors destroyed Alexandria's. Now it's up to us to rebuild it, and make it accessible to everyone.
  • Use the donation well, great resources as always

Group 14

[edit ]
  • and on the 8th day god created wikipedia, but jimmy stole it.
  • I have had so much pleasure from Wikipedia that I would like to give a little back.
  • Not Much but im a poor young person! LoL but thanks for your works and a great modern marvel of the internet! Peace.
  • Keep up the good, independent and reliable information resource.
  • Knowledge is power, and knowledge should be free. Therefore power should be free.
  • I love this site thank you to all who keep us all informed
  • keep up the Info Equality Endeavor
  • Just read a story on your IP scanning tool - good work exposing corruption!
  • I should have done this long time ago, paid with thanks!
  • Hats off to the most useful and innovative technology
  • Thanks for such depth of knowledge and keep up the good work
  • wikipedia is educating me more than school ever did
  • Thank you so much for this wonderful encyclopaedia! Keep on the good work!
  • right now i can't imagine the world without wikipedia
  • Wikipedia has got to be the BEST website ever made. Thank God that it exists. Its the most useful resource for work. Its also one of the only fun sites my company doesn't block.
  • Thank you very much for your great project, especially Wikipedia. I wish you continued success and prosperities.
  • The knowledge always should be free. Thanks for cooperate to the world knowledge.
  • Looking for a good cause there's none beter, information readily available for free.
  • Innovation needs support from many. A soft rainfall regularly distributed helps to grow plants, while a big and fast splash of water ends up in a flooding.
  • wikipedia has helped me so much with school it's crazy
  • No greater single online source of encyclopedic information exists, I am compelled to support.
  • keep it up! this is my main reference resource. woof woof
  • Thanks for this brilliant site. I'm so impressed by the depth and breadth of the information here!
  • 5 € a year is nothing 4 what we get in return from Wikipedia !
  • Whenever i want to learn about something i go to wikipedia :-)
  • For extraordinary good work. Most helpful resource on the internet. Thanks.
  • Simply great! Thanks to all of you. Keep going.
  • Information is education. High quality for everyone!
  • You guys always have the answer on the most obscure subjects...
  • Wikipedia was extremely helpful in my research for a job interview
  • Sigan con esta excelente obra
  • Love your site - helpful with my study as a Methodist Local Preacher. Will continue to support you. Thanks
  • I don't google as I used to, it has thankfully been replaced by Wikipedia
  • The very best example of our world community working together for the benefit of everybody. Thanks.
  • Awesome source of knowledge in any field. Some articles though are poorly written in terms of grammar, etc. Please edit those. Otherwise, simply awesome, have learnt so much about everything.
  • thanks for succinct and accurate explanations on different terms
  • Probably the most important information site on the internet
  • Lots to find out in such a short time Wikipedia makes it easy when definitions are put into correct context with a broad range of information regarding the subject you require.
  • thank you for your generosity
  • We always turn to Wiki for our definitions!
  • I'm a poor college student. But I wanted to give something!
  • Love to poke around for hours just following links, great site
  • To keep it alive, you need to donate to feel that somebody else getting benefits who they realy need vital information when it needs.
  • I use you guys almost every day; thank you!
  • i am very happy to donate to such a great site
  • You are without a doubt the most wide spread source of information on the 'net'. Your sites are accurate, thorough and concise. Thanks for a great resource!
  • come on, guys, each give 10ドル and they'll have it covered!
  • Because knowledge should be free
  • Wikipedia is my first stop for most information. Fabulous resource.
  • I am very much pleased with your service and it forced me to donate a very small amount
  • I always find here info (easy!) I find nowhere else
  • Very important effort, knowledge is power. Keep up the good work!!!
  • Excellent publication I appreciate its existence very much
  • Wikipedia is fantastic! If you use wikipedia, consider donating as it has made life so convenient. You can find practically ANYTHING on here! Thanks to those who contribute articles or make donations.
  • This site is always able to satisfy my curiosity.
  • Thanks for helping to make the internet as important as the printing press.
  • This website helped me a lot, I found many useful articles to cater my assignments. Thank you!
  • Thank you, Wikipedia, for enriching my world of knowledge.
  • Absolutely super and indispensible this century!
  • Great site with all kinds of information
  • This has helped me gain more knowledge than I could possibly imagine.
  • you guys are doing a great job facilitating the free sharing of knowledge i hope you can remain as unregulated as possible and that my humble offering may help you in some way
  • Knowledge Unpulgged - Its our encyclopedia and I am proud of it.
  • Thanks for being there.
  • Hugely valuable resource I unashamedly and frequently consult. . . .
  • I am proud to contribute to such an outstanding free source of knowledge.
  • Wikipedia is the best way of using the Internet. Only and only the knowledge can save sanity of the World.
  • its not much, but its the remaining funds from my last purchase...
  • It is the best resource in the world. I appreciate those who make contribution to it!
  • Wikipedia is a great idea, and I use it often, so I want to help fund it. Thanks for this great web site.
  • It is the most invaluable site on the internet. Great work!
  • May we always have the strength to defeat internet corporatization. Three cheers to Wiki !
  • very useful, highly corganized, and fairly reported
  • Once agian, helping me and helping the world!
  • Thank you wikipedia for making my workday bearable.
  • ddefinately the best site on the web.
  • Wikipedia saves time and broadens my horizon. Keep this Website up and running!
  • donald grim and i find you so useful for nothing very important but I still need to know so I look <g>
  • Thanks for being so great - keep up the fantastic work!!
  • Glad to give something back. Ownership of information is a cancer in our society and a reflection of our own insecurities in life.
  • Invaluable. Every entry I've read has been densely written and very informative.
  • God let this be available to every person for ever.
  • When I am famous ... I'll donate more. Wikipedia is one of the best research tools on the web!
  • I will continue to support Wiki and appreciate their help
  • How wonderful to be knocking down the Tower of Babel and starting again! When reading other nationalities' words, let us not forget to read the good between the lines, as well as the words themselves

Group 14a

[edit ]
  • The thing the web has to offer!
  • This is a truly incredible resource that is helping me learn so much. I thank you. Keep expanding!
  • I should have done this long time ago. Great Work!!!
  • I find information on Wikipedia I couldn't otherwise find. Thank you!
  • Good stuff for college kids
  • Wish it were more; this is a great service
  • Thank you for providing such a wonderful service!
  • Every time I really want to find something out and do a search, up pops Wikipedia. You guys are great!
  • The Internet has finally accomplished what I dreamed of years ago... 'Imagine a world in which every single person can share freely in the sum of human knowledge... WOW! What a mission statement!
  • Where's my password,if I help you then you can help me?
  • The greatest invention that happening in 21st century, it's this site!
  • Thank you for all who are sharing their knowledge.
  • What a great resource. This is what the web should be!
  • More than a encylopedia , a social comment.
  • great resource; refreshingly straightforward, well-organized and smart :))) thank you *I would be glad to use paypal subscriptions feature if wikipedia would only implement it
  • Great SERVICE to make knowledge available to nayone with a computer and Internet access. Thank you.
  • become indestrucible and get a mirror off this planet. knowledge should not be lost, even if it was wrong.
  • Sites like this makes the Internet an asset to the World - Martin Shutkever
  • I applaud you and your dillegence in providing a free, totally free research tool
  • Wikipedia - The greatest invention of all time!
  • "The general interest of the masses might take the place of the insight of genius if it were allowed freedom of action" - Denis Dedirot
  • I rely on Wikipedia for my research for my job and my random, "free-time" research. It is my "Go-To" resource!"
  • My internet experience would be much poorer without Wikipedia. I only wish I knew enough about anything to contribute more information... money will have to suffice for now.
  • Information is quite handy. All mankind should have information.
  • The sort of thing the Internet was made for... may Wikipedia always responsibly educate the citizens of the Earth.
  • Where else could I find an article on "mise en scene"? Wikipedia has changed my world
  • thankyou for putting in the effort to make a fundamental requirement reality
  • "Belief is the death of intelligence"
  • I'm happy to support this wonderful, grass-roots enterprise. I use it regularly
  • the least i can do to say thank you for all the info you provide
  • This planet is not 6,000 years old God damn it!!!
  • keep up an excelent work!
  • Donations made possible by Alan R Damhorst 65 Smoke Tree Dr Fenton, MO 63026
  • Together we can achieve anything.
  • I very much value your service, thanks.
  • Wikipedia is a great resource. The sum of all knowledge is built a little at at time. We should all contribute something.
  • Greatly Useful Project !!
  • Wikimania Sponsorship 2007
  • For Michael Strauss who showed me the site via Erich von Manstein and all engineers at SEW in Bruchsal. They taught me a lot.
  • Hats off to the guy who came up with the idea
  • Excellent website. Best around for info on absolutely EVERYTHING!!. Thanks
  • Wikipedia is the best thing that ever happened in the internet!
  • Thanks for the great resource. I get answers to many of life's questions on this wiki.
  • Wikipedia is not accessible from my home country, but I recently moved to Singapore. Cheers! Love this site! Plz keep up the great work
  • This service deserves public funding!
  • I believe that Wikipedia is the best site to have ever graced the cyberworld!
  • Wikipedia is the most significant of my web experiences in the last ten years... Thank You!
  • This site is great, and I hope it never becomes commercial
  • I don't have much, but Wiki has changed my life
  • Wikipedia is what the web was invented for.
  • I love having the entire encyclopedia on my phone. Thank you all for contributing your time and content!
  • This is THE tool to reduce the knowledge gap in the world.
  • Thank you for saving me many hours in my research!
  • The internet isn't going away. This could be the encyclopedia of your grandchildren. How much is that worth?
  • you guys are doing a great job...keeping knowledge free...please continue
  • The 1st place I come to for any subject . One of the most important reference souces of any kind ever made.
  • I like your work, keep it independent and keep it out of the hand of big intresets. be a true servant of the people of the world
  • I warn people about this site. When you look something up, three hours later you'll still be here, and will have learned more about your subject than you ever imagined! Amazing.
  • I very much appreciate your Wikipedia encyclopedia. I am in the process of writing a biography and have referred to Wikipedia several times - of course, I will cite and give credit to Wikipedia.
  • Excellent site, though you may be trying to do too much thereby not giving insignificant knowledge too much work (Who's to say?)
  • The beginning starts with Gaius Notarius Vetidianus Secundus...try to do a better world...
  • Great content, easy to read entries and relevant links provide an excellent research source for general and academic knowledge. Thanks.
  • Heal n Cure. Primary Care Physicians in Chicago, USA. Sudhir Malhotra
  • Thanks for providing invaluable information for FREE!
  • what a resource this has been for me and my kids!! i use it regularly when they ask me questions i don't know the answer to!

Group 14b

[edit ]
  • Every one should donate .. at least once!! Outstanding Resource!!!! Thanks to all contributors, in both ways
  • Without you Wikipedia, we would be failing High School. WE LOVE YOU!
  • Wikipedia is certainly an asset to those who know how to use it properly. It is a great internet tool and nothing can compare to its capabilities.
  • Proud to be a Wikimedia supporter.
  • I have used this more than regular encyclopedias, thus, I felt OBLIGATED to donate. Thanks for such a great service!!!
  • Invaluable resource!!! I use wikipedia several times each and everyday!!!
  • A small appreciation for your efforts.Keep up the good work :)
  • This is one of the greatest endeavors of our time
  • I turn to Wikipedia for things I do not know about, and to wiktionary for words I do not know. These are tremendously helpful tools. Keep up the good work!
  • Thank you very much for what you've done so far and for your future efforts!
  • Keep this great source of information available!
  • For the common good, our common wealth, the wealth of knowledge.
  • fantastic initiative. knowledge for everyone.
  • Wikipedia is a wonderful resource. I am in medical school and Wikipedia helps me get an overview of concepts as I study. THANK YOU WIKIPEDIA!
  • Thank you for being a bastion of free information. Providing information to all is the one thing that will truly change the planet for the better.
  • I enjoy, wiki deserves the pay. Please encourage others to do so too
  • I really like wikipedia....it is a miracle....Bigger than biggest...
  • Greatly appreciate the work being done here. More power to the wiki!
  • Thank you!! I wouldn't of been able to get an A in my Western Civ class without this site!!
  • Knowledge means EMPOWERMENT! There is a difference, as almost any feminist knows. I have accessed Wikimedia free services without thinking about funding, and now I feel good about contributing.
  • i have no credit card anymore and this is last money my paypal account.For the freedom
  • You guys have given me specific info jus the way i wanted. Thank you guys
  • Wikipedia has become my source of choice on essentially hard questions of fact.
  • most informative read of the day more important than any local newspaper
  • I consult Wikipedia every day. It is a fantastic resource which I think does more than any other web tool to educate and inform.
  • Thank you so much for what you do, hope you never have to go commercial. Wish I could do more, you are the best!!!!
  • It's great to have this resource available for quick answers and fascinating information!
  • Why not donate to one of the best things on the internet?
  • I use wikipedia all of the time. It is a great resource, so I am happy to support it
  • Anytime I need to know something, I go to wikipedia
  • Wiki enriches my life and has helped me find the time to learn about the subjects that have always truly interested me.
  • I support open world too. This world cannot exists without volunteers and fundraiser
  • I am here with my donation for the wikipedia efforts to promote the Telugu language.
  • We all appreciate your hard work at spreading knowledge, and hope you can continue doing so for all. We all must grow with our knowledge and source of information everyday.
  • Wikipedia is the best thing on the face of the planet - You deserve my money!
  • Please support Wikimedia with a donation.
  • Wikipedia is superior to other encyclopedias. Its diverse sources, and the opportunity for anyone to dialog on the subject presentation, ensures the highest quality.
  • Organize in reference to the digits of your hand. A good perspective,
  • Long Live Wiki-Paving the Way to a "Global Consciousness"
  • Wiki is better then College
  • This is a great resource, congratulations. Money well spent!
  • My token appreciation for your good work. Keep it up.
  • A worthy and successful service supporting free-flow of information
  • Thanks for a wonderful service. It's the best thing on the internet. I use Wikipedia almost every day.
  • Thank you for this wonderful dictionary. It's really amazing! Keep up the good work!
  • Has been useful more than Anything Else!
  • Thanks, I use Wiki-Project tools everyday
  • please don't allow software looping submissions to abuse the algorithms which rank based upon re-edits. Fact writers get bumped to the bottom much like Altavista when they ranked based on keywords.
  • This is but a small token of my appreciation. For years it has been a source of reference, edification, and even entertainment. Truly one of mankind's greatest achievements.
  • Consulted by me at least once daily - I've learned a lot. Thanks
  • I love Wikipedia! I hope it lasts forever, and can continue to give free information to anyone who wants it.
  • Thank you for all your hard work and sharing.
  • I envy the work you have accomplished
  • Hope you are the first woman president. You have my vote.
  • What an incredible resource for all!
  • I always check Wikipedia before doing an internet search. Usually, I find the information I was looking for and so much more! I figured it's time to give back for all I've taken. Thanks!
  • Wikimedia is surely one of the greatest of all possible uses for the internet and should be appreciated as such.
  • Thank you for the good service you offer in all matters.
  • Information from Wikipedia about HSBC landed me a job with the company. They were impressed with my knowledge about them at my interview. Thank you Wikipedia, and Wikipedia users.
  • I appreciate your efforts and please give to mankind further free knowledge. Amin.
  • If there is a tool that's got knowledge closer than ever, then it's wikipedia.
  • I am very glad that there is no commercial on Wikipedia pages just informations i am looking for !!! Good luck and Keep going!
  • Wonderful effort - lets keep knowledge free and give everyone access to it
  • I use wikipedia for reference at my work all the time. It's extremely helpful. I use the math and networking articles. Thanks!
  • Wikipedia is Cornucopia of useful information. Tks to all your effort to make this happen.
  • Wikipedia is without a doubt the greatest collection of knowledge in history. Magnum Opus!
  • The New Library of Alexandria
  • Wikipedia furthers the well being of society. Few things do so much for so many.
  • I give my life to you, knowledge.
  • Thanks, Wikimedia for continuing to supply us with the Wikipedia world!
  • I benefited, want everyone to benefit
  • Thank you for a GREAT RESOURCE
  • keep the digital information age flowing :D
  • love your site - keep up the great work

Group 14c

[edit ]
  • I love this website!!! It is THE Encyclopedia for me.
  • Excellent - keep at it.
  • Just checking to see the exchange rate :-)
  • I love Wikipedia. It helps me and inspires me to learn more and more.
  • This is a great site and should be upheld by the users of it so that it may enlighten those in years to come. Looking for a good cause there's none beter, information readily available for free.
  • Wikipedia realizes one of my ideals - knowledge for everyone who cares to seek it.
  • wikipedia is possibly the most important site on the web
  • Keep up the good work
  • small donation but if all users did likewise.............
  • this site rocks!
  • Good information on almost any topic unavailable anywhere else! For that alone it deserves our support. A donation of today's lunch money is the least I could do.
  • Hope your free world approach will remain seamlessly joint to the one we're all living in
  • My little contribute to this great (everyday greater) project
  • Wiki is Great Great for knowedge.
  • This is my second gift/donation to Wikipedia -- although your service is far from perfect, it is very egalitarian!
  • Brilliant resource which is fantastic to living up my Flickr posts.
  • Wikipedia has been of great help to me.
  • wikipedia has given a lot to the people
  • Wikipedia is a very important project, that must be free for everyone!
  • Wikipedia is a testament to the greatness of the Internet. An inspiration!
  • Well done, "Wikipedia" is a great source of knowledge!
  • I love the accuracy and succinct nature of your encyclopedia entries! You are revolutionizing the information age for student and scholars alike. I have been to med and grad school. I learn frm u daly
  • I appreciate your efforts..It helps to get more dates and I can give small talks now. Also helpful for less informed people to improve their Knowledge which in turn helps analytical intelligence
  • This website has helped in many different ways, especially for students. Thank you and keep up the good work.
  • The BEST site on the internet, PERIOD!
  • I donated another 20ドル a few weeks ago but hey, I find your facilty/site extremely compelling - it's just such a wonderful resource. Many thanks!
  • Mark Tebbutt, Deep air diver limit 80.5 meters, Also a inspriation reabreather diver.
  • Over recent times, Wikipedia has frequently provided me with the facts I sought after; I am eternally grateful.
  • For the hundreds of hours spent on reading Wikipages and broadening my mind. A student.
  • Thanks inspiration & most accessible learning tool! A refined guided learning route with certified learning tool would make the site invaluable!...
  • Not authoritative, but certainly a very worthwhile first step in research.
  • Keep up the good work! Wikipedia is an invaluable resource!!!
  • Wikipedia editing and availability is one of the best usage of the Internet (like in the old days)
  • This site is what the internet was supposed to be about, sharing knowledge.
  • An invaluable resource for those forced to teach themselves
  • A fine example of how the combined knowledge and efforts of many can produce a level of quality unlike individual effort. Very in keeping with the 'open source' concept originated in the 1960s
  • Thank-you for all your hard work and I hope that my contribution will help, as I find Wikipedia so useful in my studies
  • Donated in hopes of a world at peace and where knowledge is shared to help all.
  • My uncle Bill loves the information on this site particularly because he's very knowledgeable and interested in celebrities... especially classic actors..
  • Thanks to all for allowing me to waste time so intelligently.
  • Wikipedia is a global treasure -- let's keep it going!
  • Thanks for the world's best collection of knowledge.
  • Thank you,the knowledge I've learnt from you is very useful.
  • What on earth did we do before Wikipedia? It's more convenient and comprehensive than a library.
  • I don't know what the world did before Wiki. Going to the library was not as easy and owning books was restrictive. My donation was precipitated by becoming aware of Conservapedia!
  • this site is the best. Couldn't have made it through high school without it
  • A big thank you. May Wikipedia continue to be at the heart of the ongoing transformation of education!
  • It just feels good to know that I can access an honest source of fair information gathering. I am a huge fan of Wikimedia.
  • I read every article on this site every day... Im an addict. But your great!
  • im skint but owe alot to wikipedia, so i guess i owe somthing. will continue to donate when i feel like it :)
  • In any different manner, boy, just raise up your banner
  • Thank you! Wikipedia is like my personal library. The internet would not be the same without Wikipedia, thank you again very much!
  • For me the Wikipedia has become the single ultimate source of knowledge! Keep it on!
  • I use wikipedia daily so I thought i'd made a contribution
  • Thanks for great (global) public service
  • a huge thank you to the creators and administrators of wikipedia!
  • Mobile phone, microwave, Wikipedia ... no life without 'em
  • Way to go 'W:...thanks for all the work by all of the people....keep the 'transparency' of edit going
  • Can't think of a worthier cause
  • I very strongly support the idea behind Wikipedia. Keep up the good work!
  • At Last!
  • Thank you for this indispensable research tool. Over and over again, I find the information I need amongst your pages.
  • A remarkable institution for all of mankind. May you continue the good work.
  • Thanks to all who made Wikipedia possible. You deserve more.
  • Great work from you all. Keep up the spirits and its this place where I learnt alot about so many things
  • Superb site. Incredible coverage and highly educational
  • Excellent source of information on any subject.
  • Free knowledge for everyone, long live Wikipedia!
  • A noble endeavour. Humans at their best.
  • because you concisely elucidated the origin of "The Way to Happiness" as a Scientology-related book - information it's oddly hard to find elsewhere on the web
  • it'ssometimes even usefull
  • you would miss wikipedia if it didn t exist.
  • knowledge makes a better world
  • free information is important
  • spread knowledge -fead the world
  • good luck, guys.
  • knowledge transfer
  • knowledge is power -power for everyone
  • thank you for all my knowledge.
  • because i use wikipedia so damnoften
  • united knowledge base
  • thank you for giving the world sucha big chance.
  • free info for free people :)
  • your (our) project will change the world
  • wikipedia saved my day more than once !
  • i'm using it, i'm loving it
  • for the planets most important education project.
  • for all the information i got through you
  • contribution is just bit but every little bit helps
  • wikipedia shall remain accessiblefreely.
  • thank you for all your great work.keep on doing your thing
  • thanks for not using wikipedia for making money
  • donation for the survival of wikipedia
  • i owe you much more - thank you for all the information.
  • wikipedia, use it wisely
  • i just want to contribute to this great thing

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