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Fundraising 2007/comments/2007-12-25

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
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  • To honor my father's birthday and ring in the holiday season!
  • Thanks—Anonymous
  • I'm a student, so aint got much to donate, but wikipedia has been so use
  • Thank you, please continue.—Stephen Franklin
  • I've bougth many expensive reference books, but the most useful one is W
  • What a wonderful service, enhancing life and helping us better understan
  • only fair to pay for value—Anonymous
  • I Love Wikipedia -- Thank You!!!—Anonymous
  • In honor of David J Black—Michael P Selmer Jr
  • Keep up the good work!—Anonymous
  • woot—Anonymous
  • bps—Benjamin Sun
  • This site is a must for those who want to know.—Deryl holliday
  • What I'd pay for an offline version!—Peter Jacobsen
  • Una pequeña donacion de un chileno agradecido de Wikipedia.. y no soy e
  • Knowledge is the key....—Dion Patelis
  • I use Wiki almost every day. Thanks for providing such a useful and vita
  • Tonia Tiffany Timothy—Tonia Ho
  • A place to learn—Anonymous
  • In honor of my mom, Meg Willison.—Robert Willison
  • poco propenso in genere alle donazioni ma perl'informazione fatta bene
  • Best Project I ever knew about , never a day goes by without visiting it
  • i am proud to contribute to a non-profit that actually delivers results!
  • i am proud to contribute to a non-profit that actually delivers results!
  • www.WMLB.de sagt DANKE / THANK U !!!—Markus Beier
  • I love Wikipedia. It rox my sox.—eric hill
  • It's not about x-mas, it's about freedom in the world.—Anonymous
  • Long Life wikipedia—Xavier Bruzaud-Grille
  • La conoscenza è VITA.—Reno Sellan
  • merci de vos efforts—Paul Ryzman
  • Test—Anonymous
  • Wikipedia, nothing else...—Johann Elis
  • Wikipedia muss frei von Werbung bleiben!—Pablo Wildhaber
  • libre knowledge for a libre world—Anonymous
  • Just my support—Anonymous
  • Information is Power—Tom Storey
  • good work, keep on going—Stefan Hufnagl
  • I'm sorry I donate this little money but I hope they help.
  • Ihr seid es wert, dass man spendet. Danke!—Johann Götz
  • Jordan Loves Wikipedia—Maan Abu Taleb
  • 1ドル is not too much. but.. what the heck. it's better then nothing
  • This is such a great resource for information. I am very grateful to th
  • De Arash isch schwul—Daniel Speich
  • Taka wiedza powinna byc doceniona!!—Maciej Tomaszkiewicz
  • ottimo sito grazie—franco artoni
  • Go Wikipedia !—Anonymous
  • It is one of the most power tools on the internet. I'm proud to be invol
  • Happy holidays!—Anonymous
  • Thank you, Wikipedia!—Anonymous
  • Functor? I barely know her!—Anonymous
  • Love Wikipedia!!—Manil Uppal
  • spero che qs mia piccola donazione possa aiutarvi—Anonymous
  • In honor of Michael L. Jones—Bradley Jones
  • Kudos—Anonymous
  • Keep on doing this my friends, and never stop! One day all the human kno
  • Wikipedia...an excellent online source for information and tidbits...K.R
  • This is a great concept, a wonderful way to use the internet—Anonymous
  • Thank you for Wikipedia. Many of my projects would not be possible witho
  • Wikipedia is a wonderful gift to humanity - Thank You!—Anonymous
  • In the spirit of changing the world for the better...—Chris Russo
  • Danke an Alle, die dieses Werk zum Leben erweckt und/ oder dessen Lebens
  • a very worth while project—Anonymous
  • Jonathan Tochon—Jonathan Tochon
  • Daha iyi bi bilgi hazinesi için sizde bagış yapın.—Özlem YILDIZ
  • Donated on behalf of Paul M. Merry Christmas from Jason B.—Anonymous
  • J'ai trouvé dans votre librairie l'argument 'PUNCH' pour la conclusion
  • El conocimiento te hará libre.—Fernando Ortega Postigo
  • Thank you for all you've done to help our children. Steve Trautwein, Gr
  • Nick Holcomb—Nick Holcomb
  • Gute Arbeit,vielen Dank—Milko Trapp
  • universitedeki en buyuk yardimci kaynagim oldu, dedim ben de karsiligini
  • Wikipedia is the greatest human invention—Anonymous
  • So many uses - so little money in exchange for clear conscience. Thanks
  • Wikipedia is an excellent Educational website and thats why i feel like
  • Float the wikistream of conciousness!—Anonymous
  • ! !—Anonymous
  • Keep up the good work.—Anonymous
  • Thanks for the gift of sharing knowledge!—Anonymous
  • Wikipedia good!!!—Ali Moezzi

CJK Quotes

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  • 意義ある実験だと思っています。—Anonymous
  • 知の宝庫たるウィキペディアが、今後も多くの人々に
  • ありがとう!—Anonymous
  • 理念に共感します。—Anonymous

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