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Fundraising 2007/comments/2007-11-28

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  • Information is like air. It must be free for all. Forever.
  • La tarea de difundir el saber humano gratuitamente es inpagable
  • OWNED - one penny, hahahaha—lisa lacek
  • To grow in knowledge, curiosity, and wisdom—Sara Taylor
  • Thank you for creating and maintaining this useful tool!
  • Knowledge is power.—Bill Hand
  • why should i share all my knowledge ? - To make them understand my sense
  • I know the money i contributed is not a big deal, but thousands of peop
  • Wikipedia is one of the things that is so great about the internet !!!
  • Eric W. Metzler—ERIC METZLER
  • Thanks a lot for your useful information—Anonymous
  • For the creators, not the destroyers.—Anonymous
  • bless—Anonymous
  • für eine gute Sache—Jaroslaw Zdrzalek
  • Knowledge is the true currency of mankind.—Anonymous
  • Pozdrowienia dla autorów!—Piotr Maj
  • Great work—Anonymous
  • Thanks for continually getting me out of a jam.—Anonymous
  • Wikipedia is the ultimate repository of knowledge!—James Anderson
  • All i have.. im just 14.—alisher igamberdiyev
  • Keep the ball rolling. Knowledge is everything. That is terrifying yet
  • This one's for Evan 9/18/07!—Jason Hines
  • we so appreciate you! thank you very much--marty and bob—Anonymous
  • I really appriciate this service.Wish I had more to give.—Anonymous
  • thank you!—Anonymous
  • Wikipedia rocks my socks off!—Anonymous
  • Truely visionary—Shaun Wood
  • Knowing is half the battle—James Harrison
  • Don't stop.—Anonymous
  • Thank you.—Anonymous
  • извиняюсь что так мало в следующий раз �
  • Libera kulturo (Esperanto)!—Anonymous
  • Triumph of the commons!—Steve Finucane
  • wikipedia is unrivaled!—Anonymous
  • This site rocks! Keep it up.—Anonymous
  • WIKIPEDIA ROCKS!—Anonymous
  • Donation made in the hope and promise of bringing access to knowledge to
  • Just a little support, thanks—Anonymous
  • This is the most informative place on the web or in the world. PLEASE do
  • best project after internet forums—Jaroslaw Bonifaciuk
  • Thank you for providing the most comprehensive, up to date, and least bi
  • Wikipedia is a splendid source of information ... about everything!
  • Donate ppl Donate!!—Alana Jung
  • The power of collaboration!—Anonymous
  • If you use it, then donate!—Chris Jones
  • I refer to wikipedia more and more everyday. I think knowledge is our on
  • Let there be light... light of knowledge—Chitrak Gupta
  • good luck, Wikis—Anonymous
  • Thank you Wikipedia!—Anonymous
  • Wikipedia is the future—Leonard Rodman
  • Thanks for all the hard work Tony.—Anonymous
  • Well a drop in ocean on my behalf, i know a lot is due for this vast re
  • wiki rocks, but im a poor college student, i'll give more once im out in
  • great site, my family uses you all the time—Anonymous
  • I love you Wikipedia, you have become a part of my daily learning.
  • Wikipedia has become indespensible - a constant reference!
  • Wikipedia is the best idea, ever, including expensive idea—Anonymous
  • Good Knowledge is BAD ASS!—Anonymous
  • The power of freedom!—Emanuelis Norbutas
  • Carlos Trevino in Deer Park—Juan Trevino
  • Who is Anon?—Philipp Protschka
  • Who is Anon?—Philipp Protschka
  • Wikipedia,priceless—Antony Day
  • I use it everyday! thanks so much.—Eric Holmberg
  • It is time to pay back. Good job and please keep up!—Meng Teck Tan
  • Thanks—Nigel Pinnell
  • Chamillitary mayn—fanor lacayo
  • www.myspace.com/crastpc—Anonymous
  • why be ignorant?!!—Anonymous
  • use it a lot. Renews my faith in human nature—Anonymous
  • Your one donation from changing the world—Daniel Moore
  • good luck WikiCbrown1023 talk —Anonymous
  • 1,2,3 por todos los del TEC Tijuana—Jaime Aaron Sanchez Lizarraga
  • Fantastic resource; absolutely indispensible for beginning a search for
  • En remerciement pour mon travail de traducteur—Anonymous
  • Vive Wikipedia !!!!!—thibault GASSMANN
  • All the Best Wiki, you have helped many childrens to do there Project in
  • For your admirable project—Guido Werner
  • Free knowledge for a better world. "If I have seen further it is by sta
  • From Tej Kohli Foundation to Wiki, Navtej Kohli—Navtej Kohli
  • Keep the good work guys.—Frederic Besson
  • ...—Alex Walls
  • Die Welt wäre eine Scheibe ohne Wikipedia—Anonymous
  • Great sorce of good info.—Anonymous
  • Passion is the key—Aurelian Iancu
  • Wikipedia is brilliant—Anonymous
  • Eccezionale! Ogni volta che consulto la trovo eccezionale.
  • Yeah—Anonymous
  • viva—Anonymous
  • no es mucho pero—Anonymous
  • The best invention since sliced bread.—Anonymous
  • Witty comment in praise of Wikipedia goes here.—Anonymous
  • good job! carry on!!—Wiktor Kuc
  • What an amazing foundation, what an amazing resource—Anonymous
  • Keep it up! No ads, be independent!—peter
  • I'm using Wiki also for skill enhancements i.e. java knolwlege. I want
  • The best site for information I've found!—Anonymous
  • Wikipedia is the future.—Jeremy Andreani
  • LiewCF.com readers support Wikimedia!—Liew Cheon Fong
  • if i had more to spend i definitely would spend more, cuz anybody has th
  • Knowledge is ours, let's make it universal!—Daniel Martinez Romero
  • Grandes idéias vem de Grande conhecimento, Wiki is such a great idea!!!
  • gute sache—Stephan Winter
  • merci—Alain Gattegno
  • Thank you very much, wiki!—Maurizio Cannella
  • Kleiner Beitrag für ne Super Idee—Uwe Preukschat
  • Thank you! Wikipedia is the first place I go to find impartial answers :
  • Tak for alle tiders opslagsværk, som vi bruger meget!—Sabine Richter
  • danke wiki—sebastian mey
  • Kennis is macht!—J P van de Watering
  • Thanks for helping me get through college—Gerard Ryan
  • www.urlrewriting.net—Albert Weinert
  • Wikipedia ROCKS!—Anonymous
  • Chant "Hare Krishna" and be happy.—Anonymous
  • Wikipedia made me love history!—Sergey Manukyan
  • Este projeto não pode morrer.—Walderson Shimokawa
  • užitečná věc :-)—Anonymous
  • Pour que mes enfants puissent continuer à consulter cette ressource ind
  • supporting AD-FREE information—Anonymous
  • Thanks for the great service to mankind!—Markus Weimer
  • Grow, Wikipedia, grow!—Stephan Paukner
  • I use Wikipedia daily for information. Thank you.—George Herold
  • Well worthwhile, priceless !—Michel Y Bedard
  • Open source & crowdsourcing have become popular due to Wikipedia. Love t
  • Wikipedia provides a wealth of free information for a free world. Thank
  • let's get bigger and better -- power to people, ride on!
  • Thank you!—Gábor Molnár
  • entropie, anthropie, l'aventure continue...—francis LARUE
  • La libertà non ha prezzo, inclusa quella di imparare.—Anonymous
  • Thanks for a great service and effort...keep up the good work.
  • One valuable complementary free open resource!—Nicolas Bredeche
  • "stone by stone we can build the house" (arabic proverb) I hope that my
  • Steve thinks this is twoddle.—Anonymous
  • The best thing the Internet ever invented—Joe Cross
  • learned a lot - thanks! = )—Mathias Queißer
  • Wikipedia is an incredible resource. We should do ourselves a favor and
  • :-))—Yongbo Jiang
  • Un euro symbolique... pas grand chose... le début de la fortune peut ê
  • Grazie Wikimedia—Anonymous
  • Thanks for a great service—Anonymous
  • Hello—George Cottrell
  • Thank you!—Anonymous
  • tnx wiki=great—Anonymous
  • wikipedia is indispensable to continued learning. Keep up the good work
  • Danke!—Heiko Kuhlmann
  • Wikipedia rocks!—Kaiping Ma
  • I hate you—Anonymous
  • tnx!—Anonymous
  • Knowledge is powerful let it spread everywhere.—Anonymous
  • Wikipedia is an enormous benefit to society—Todd Carnahan
  • You are my brain. Thanks—Karol Svitler
  • Thank YOU wikipedia!—Anonymous
  • muy util para mis dudas personales—GUILIBALDO BUENROSTRO
  • grüsse aus dem appenzell!—Anonymous
  • Keep up the good work guys and gals—John Bridges
  • Im so generous.—Alen Burnside
  • If you use wikipedia donate - not everyone has easy internet access
  • nous souhaitions qu'un jour tous les ordinateurs de la planète soient r
  • Porque juntos podemos hacer este sueño realidad...—Anonymous
  • Great knowledge base—Dev Mukherjee
  • Simply amazing.—Anonymous
  • Merci beaucoup, danke schoen, muchas gracias! Every information search b
  • Pourvu que ça dure...—Pierre-Emmanuel et Eva Reb
  • Keep up the great Work!!—Bruce Langworthy
  • Long live Wikipedia!—Anonymous
  • The more funds Wikipedia and its assorted projects have access to, the b
  • voor het goede doel—Vedaprakash Somair
  • Keep up the good work..—Rohit Joshi
  • Every bit counts :)—Diana Kotlyar
  • Freedom of information - Aptly reinforcing the evolution of humanity.
  • power of the herd!—Anonymous
  • Wikpedia is the reason I got through British Literature. Thanks for eve
  • Sorry for the ammount. i hope i will do more in the future
  • Even though I'm almost 60, I can't imagine there was a time I lived with
  • Das Wissen, was Wikipedia jedem schenkt, sollte doch jedem etwas Wert se
  • great service—Anonymous
  • Who hasn't used Wikipedia? :-)—Anonymous
  • Almost heaven -- information on demand—Anonymous
  • One of the best things to have happened to the internet.
  • We need to help Wiki! Wikipedia hat mir oft geholfen, also helfe ich auc
  • Rock On Wiki -- Use you tube more to get your message out
  • Gracias Wiki, nunca me defraudas y me enriqueces—Anonymous
  • Of shoes -- and ships -- and sealing wax ...—William Sherman
  • Perfect articles are a pleasure to read. Imperfect articles are a pleasu
  • Emperor Moses appreciates Wikipedia. He doesn't donate much, as he is un
  • Who would have thought this would work?—Anonymous
  • Encyclopedia Wikipedia: a whole world of knowledge!—Patrick Haseldine
  • Grazie per quello che Wiki fa per una conoscenza diffusa.—Diego Gerace
  • Tolle Idee—Thomas Gutbier
  • Thanks a lot for a great service—Omar Saiyid
  • Good Work—Anonymous
  • pascal wanner says: rock on wiki! knowledge that can be accessed by more
  • Harnessing a universe of brainpower to make knowledge accessible
  • We need a new word: Wiki-ing—Anonymous
  • Well done !!!—Jonas Zilionis
  • Wonderful Wiki—Anonymous
  • Knowledge is the key to a better future.—Anonymous
  • I learned a lot of things from this Website. It is awesome site to learn
  • Good Thang—Anonymous
  • Thanks wikipedia—Anonymous
  • Without Wikipedia, I wouldn't know where to go—Anonymous
  • Many thanks!!—Anonymous
  • Wiki is the purest and most democratic form of knowledge.—Anonymous
  • Wikipedia is Freedom of speech—Anonymous
  • Best website on the internet—Anonymous
  • Elbow macaroni for all!—Anonymous
  • The Wiki must go on!—Anonymous
  • Hvordan klarede vi os før Wikipedia?—Klaus Ole Kristiansen
  • My dreams come true—Can Berk Bingol
  • i love you—Jules Dupont
  • The single most valuable internet resource.—Larry Kaplan
  • I Love Wiki!!—Mansi Gandhi
  • Ist zwar nur ein kleiner Betrag, aber ich hoffe, es hilft trotzdem...!
  • A liitle gift for more than my parents could ever afford—Harry Longman
  • An excellent website with an excellent design idea the greatest database
  • Just great, keep Wiki going.—Anonymous
  • ein spannendes und erstaunliches projekt!—Anonymous
  • My donation is a little star among the many others stars of knowledge in
  • reading wikipedia is like what school could never give me—Anonymous
  • I use Wikipedia more than any book I own.—Gautam Dewan
  • Good Luck! Wiki!—Igor Katz
  • No, thank YOU wikimedia foundation!—Anonymous
  • Many thanks for the greatest help from Wiki and hope more people can sha
  • the most important element of the "Web"—sam chapple

CJK quotes

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  • これぞ "ネットワーク" のチカラ。—YAMAJI Tokihiro
  • 知の質を高める—Anonymous
  • 長く続けて欲しいです。—YAMAMURA SHINSUKE
  • 喝水不忘挖井人—Wenjie Zheng

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