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Fundraising 2007/comments/2008-01-01

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  • I like wikipedia—Anonymous
  • Knowledge is freedom!—Leon Mintz
  • It's alive! Thank you for brilliant concept...—Anonymous
  • WIKIPEDIA.ORG is a democratically evolving concept and needs popular fin
  • Wikipedia is right up there with the Magna Carta and the Declaration of
  • Hail, Wikipedia! Thy mission is holy! That's coming from an evangelica
  • Wikipedia restores my faith in the human race.—ryan perry
  • Viva la enciclopedia libre.—Marco Leon
  • The most important project of humanity deserves all of our support.
  • Excellent—Anonymous
  • My Mom finally gets WikiPedia!—Anonymous
  • "Let us not forget that each particle of knowledge that we gain helps us
  • It'd be a shame not to donate, given how much I use Wikipedia
  • We really really apreciate what you do. We consider you a first source
  • Keep up the good work!—Anonymous
  • Thank you Wikipedia—Maneesh Sahu
  • Its a level playing field.—Anonymous
  • Keep on trucking—Matt Dykeman
  • Knowlegde is necessary for democracy and socialsim to work
  • merci pour votre service non payant...souvent trés utiles et tellement
  • Because knowlage can never be too free.—Jeremy Colangelo
  • Very useful site with different levels of information on various topics.
  • It makes good sense to donate when one's contribution will be doubled!
  • Thank you! Wiki.—Algane Jong
  • Wikipedia: one the most outstanding demonstrations of the radically demo
  • お年玉です—oota toshiya
  • Thank you Wikipedia for setting the record straight consistently. :-)
  • Excellent resource - we should at least give what we use in bandwidth he
  • a great idea and a worthy cause—Anonymous
  • thank you!—Anonymous
  • знанието е сила—Iliya Manolov
  • I get more than 50ドル worth of value from you guys every week! Here's some
  • boom chicka wah wah—Christian Martin
  • Free information is far better than sliced bread!—Anonymous
  • keep up the fantastic work—Clement Yong
  • Education is the path to freedom.—Barbara Murray
  • Of the making of many books there is no end, and in much study there is
  • Free education to all people is the key to global peace and unity.
  • Knowledge is a source of energy that will never run out.
  • i love wikipedia—Shama Rangwala
  • The world is already changed!—Michael Martin
  • Donate to keep Wikipedia commercial free.—Anonymous
  • Trying to donating every month.—JaiMallesh Babu KR
  • This is democracy and education in its truest form. Thank you for lettin
  • use it all the time—Anonymous
  • Go Wiki - Equalizer—Anonymous
  • Looking forward to seeing all those chemistry stubs expanded... ;)
  • 集合知の共有、この試みがこれからも続きますように
  • Wikipedia.org: One of the best things going in the 21st century! - sklat
  • Please continue to make it easy for the people of the world to share the
  • I am happy to give to something I use every day.—Anonymous
  • WIKIMEDIA provides extraordinary sources of knowledge, friendly to use a
  • The preservation of the means of knowledge among the lowest ranks is of
  • Hope all goes well. and God Bless—Anthony Shoo
  • Keep increasing all the good content Thank you!—Anonymous
  • Undoubtedly one of the greatest & most useful sites on the web. Keep it
  • Wikinews is knowledge!—Ilya Haykinson
  • Wikipedia is one of the greatest resources in the world. Thanks to all t
  • The BEST site on WWW—Anonymous
  • Wikipedia is so delicious and moist.—Anonymous
  • Dié droom verander die wêreld—Anonymous
  • The value Wikipedia provides is worth my donation many times over!
  • how many pages is 1ドル—Paul Preston
  • Thank you Wikipedia, you are making a difference—Thomas Courtney
  • This is the future.—S F
  • Keep up the great work!—Solomon Matthews
  • 知識の共有が、平和を創ると信じて—匠 中村
  • To make a difference, to have to educate. Wikipedia helps to do the educ
  • Best Website Ever—Anonymous
  • Wikipedia statt Böller =)—Christoph Dabruck
  • to the most progressive source of knowledge—Kaspars Melkis
  • Thank you for the knowledge.—Anonymous
  • dar—Anonymous
  • Support Support --Cbrown1023 talk 01:06, 2 January 2008 (UTC)—Dusan Koudela[reply ]
  • Sehr hilfreiche Seite—Timo Mechler
  • Wikipedia helps me a lot. So I give it back a little.—Anonymous
  • one for all, all for one—Anonymous
  • Mr. Wales with this work you deserve the peace nobel price :-)
  • Tom Ross—Tom Ross
  • L'utopie se réalise—Anonymous
  • Merci wiki pour mettre la disposition de tous la plus précieuse des ric
  • This site has answered many questions I had about the world and life in
  • Rock on, Wikipedia!—Chris Ferebee
  • thanks!!—Anonymous
  • i,ve watch you grow from an idea into an Ikon...keep growing !
  • Peace to all!—Anonymous
  • Essayons d'oeuvrer ensemble pour la liberté et le partage—Anonymous
  • Keep it coming—Anonymous
  • 最も楽しませてもらっているWebコンテンツのひとつで
  • Congratulations! Please, keep going—Anonymous
  • You aere doing a very great job. Carry on.—Serge MOULIN
  • いつもお世話になっているので。—Katsutoshi Hara
  • いつも活用させて頂いています—Anonymous
  • Happy New Year!—Anonymous
  • el conocimiento es herramienta, pero no te define—jorge mario roldan
  • Wissen ist Macht. Danke.!—Horst Schunk
  • well done!—Anonymous
  • Sponzorský dar—Tomáš Kulda
  • Thanks for the best knowledge tool ever available—joel roussel
  • Enjoy it.—Anonymous
  • www.askdrbill.info—Anonymous
  • Keep it free, hope this donation helps.—Anonymous
  • Bon courage. Continuez ainsi.—Daniel CID
  • Für freies Wissen—Thomas Bartelmess
  • Tara und ich lieben Spenden—Piero COSTANZO
  • Don't know how I'd manage my studies without all these articles and imag
  • I Heart Wikimedia!—Anonymous
  • Heppy new year!—pitel
  • いつもウィキペディアで楽しんでいます—Anonymous
  • Wikipedia ist erst am Anfang—Anonymous
  • Viva a Wikipédia—Felipe Araldi
  • always again—Gerhard HJ Fruhmann
  • Vielen Dank für die tolle Arbeit—Alexander Kloss
  • Great, great, great!—Massimiliano Scalerandi
  • A resource on the web as it was meant to be—Akira Yamanita
  • Happy New Year from a friend in Philadelphia!—Anonymous
  • Je ne peux pas m'empêcher de faire un 2e don—Anonymous
  • You are getting better & better , please do not stop.—Anonymous
  • Je pro mě symbolem kvalitní informace—Svalb Michal
  • Continuate così, non lasciatevi scoraggiare da eventuali concorrenti, �
  • hoffentlich hilt es!!! robi—Anonymous
  • Happy New Year—Anonymous
  • Wikipedia is a great service upon which I depend.—Step Williamson
  • Ánimo a todos los que hacemos la wikipedia. Que no decaiga—Anonymous
  • Fantastic Initiative.. Great Source of Information.. Kudos to all the Co
  • Hats off to all the Wiki workers!—William Stott
  • wikipedia rulez!!111!1—Andreas Baumgartner
  • una goccia verso chi vuole sapere—Giuliano Storti
  • Oui à la lutte contre la marchandisation de la connaissance !
  • 人類の叡智のために—Anonymous
  • Gracias Wiki—ariadna ribera marsal
  • 暇つぶししながら知識が蓄えられる!—Anonymous
  • thank you—Anonymous
  • Viva Wikimedia—Anonymous
  • un piccolo euro per un grande progetto—Anonymous
  • congrats on the initiative! go forth!:)—Violante Medeiros
  • Thanks Wikipedia!! You have helped me out greatly!!
  • Toutes les grandeurs de ce monde ne valent un ami. Voltaire
  • thanks—Anonymous
  • Thanks for this tremendous endeavor - can't wait to see where it all lea
  • Wiki, the exact way to develop the world.—Tanin Sammanee
  • Merci—Anonymous
  • Thanks to all wikipedians—Christian Unterweger
  • Thank you. I think you are our brightest hope!—Anonymous
  • for my kids...—Anonymous
  • Thanks to Wikipedia's team. You have changed the world!—Wooi Keat Lee
  • Thank you!!!—Raoul Hecker
  • thanks for everything—Anonymous
  • please chip in to support what we all enjoy and have come to rely on!
  • « Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est » (Francis Bacon)
  • Keep up the good work!—Anonymous
  • Knowledge enriches us, and liberates us from ignorance—Michael Redican
  • La seule encyclopédie où l'on peut trouver des infos futiles mais util
  • use for good!—Anonymous
  • vi ringrazio di esistere—giuliano valla
  • Сколько есть...—MIHAIL TVOROGOV
  • wikipedia represents all that is good with humanity. i think it is so
  • EatNooBS.net—jeremy rosenthal
  • Freies Wissen für eine freie Welt!—Matthias Berkhahn
  • Here is a great site! Thank you.—Anonymous
  • L'unione fa la forza—Stefano Fiorini
  • Je soutiens ce projet de diffusion libre du savoir !—Anonymous
  • My first source.—Anonymous
  • you be the model for fully potentialized trUtH dissemination.—henry OZ
  • grazie di esistere—Luciano Cioni
  • Grazie per quello che avete fatto. Thank you for what you have done. :-)
  • Vive le savoir libre!—Anonymous
  • Thanks for all the knowledge available free for all people in the world.
  • Einfach genial gut!—Thomas Gerhardt
  • Libera la conoscenza!—Massimiliano Cerutti
  • Let us create even distribution of the world's knowledge and wealth acro
  • Vive le partage du savoir !—max
  • Keep up the good work Wiki! You've helped me enormously.—Anonymous
  • Wikipedia is the most spectacular achievement of civil society
  • You donate too, please!—Anonymous
  • Thanks for all the hard work!—Anonymous
  • Let's continue with that idea—Anonymous
  • very hilfreich und informativ—Anonymous
  • Here in Michigan's Upper Peninsula we understand the importance of the i
  • I have used it, and its great, there should be more sites with free reso
  • thank you for your information—Jeff Tomes
  • I love Wiki!—Anonymous
  • If Knowledge is Power then Wikipedia's a thunderstorm.—Anonymous
  • Wish it remains without undue influence from mainstream media
  • The most worthy charity I know of.—Alexander Powell
  • if every user donatged 10ドル...—Patricia Wilson
  • It is amazing how much I use this site. Keep up the great work - and th
  • Stay Free & Keep Commercial Activities clearly separate.—Anonymous
  • Thank you very much for your job. You helped me a lot during my studies
  • Thanks from the users of GoalsClub.org—Anonymous
  • Wiki satisfies my intellectual thirst at least 5 times a day. A few buck
  • This is a great resource.—Anonymous
  • A life of purpose includes using our gifts to assist others. Here all ma
  • immer sehr hilfreich—Anonymous
  • Go Wiki, Go!—Swetlana König
  • I like Wiki—Anonymous
  • MountaiN RadiO—Artem Laptenkov
  • THNX WIKI / GNU Linux—Anonymous
  • Here!!—Anonymous
  • L'immensità degli oceani non è forse fatta di gocce d'acqua? Ecco la m
  • Goo!!—Giacomo Lo Giusto
  • Wikipedia's role as a brain extension is really cool.—Anonymous
  • I use this resource every day.—Michael Horansky
  • salsa forever—Anonymous
  • Per la libertà delle idee e del sapere.Grazie Wikipedia Thankyou Wiki f
  • HOKACHINE 2008—Anonymous
  • Probably the best thing I ever encountered on the internet. It's fun to
  • By the people for the people paid for by the people—Michael Harris
  • Keep up the good work!—Kate Stuart
  • B & K Farms—Richard Fruits
  • Wikipedia has been a wonderful. Thanks—Anonymous
  • I hope Wikimedia will bring more and more valueable knowledge to this ne
  • speriamo che wikipedia continui per sempre!—Dario Tonesi
  • Wikipedia brings out the best and worst of humanity. I take great comfo
  • One of the best ideas on the Web!—Anonymous
  • Keep the good work up—Lucky Singh
  • Happy New Year's, anonymous donor!—Matthew Flaschen
  • I use Wikipedia several times a day.—Jane Milliman
  • I've written over a thousand references to it!—Frank Nemec
  • you have started a marvelous dream the dream of unlimited knowdledge for
  • voglio che andiate migliorando!!!! evviva la cultura libera!!!
  • Wikinews is a great tool for getting the news the local media doesn't co
  • one of the best web pages—Anonymous
  • Wiki - becoming an everyway part of everyday life. Thanks.
  • Denn dein ist das Reich und die Kraft und die Herrlichkeit in Ewigkeit.
  • Keep freeing the data!—Anonymous
  • 少しではございますが。—康友 草皆
  • Thank you for everything (warts and all)!—Anonymous
  • It ain't much, but I know it will help!—Anonymous

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