




  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3.
  1. ホーム >
  2. 政策について >
  3. 分野別の政策一覧 >
  4. 他分野の取り組み >
  5. 戦没者遺族等への援護 >
  6. 寄せ書きのある日章旗や千人針など戦没者の遺品をお持ちの方へ




1.調査の依頼方法 2.返還までの流れ 3.オークションについて
4.軍刀の取扱いについて 5.お問い合わせ先 6.よくある質問(FAQ)

1 調査の依頼方法

「遺留品調査依頼票」にご記入のうえ、「遺留品の写真」を添えて、当課あてに送付して下さい。メールで送付する場合は、件名に「遺留品調査」と記載して下さい。 (クリックすると「遺留品調査依頼票」のダウンロードができます。)

2. 遺留品の写真(文字がはっきりと読み取れる鮮明な画像)


2 返還までの流れ






3 オークションについて



4 軍刀の取扱いについて


5 お問い合わせ先



6 よくある質問(FAQ)

Q. 遺品整理中に出てきた戦時中の日章旗など、親族の持ち物を保管して欲しい。
A. 遺品の保管業務を受け付けておりません。また、どこの資料館や博物館が遺品の寄贈を現在受け入れているかについても把握しておりません。

Q. 回答までにどれくらいの時間がかかるか。
A. 現在は遺留品の調査依頼及びお問い合わせが大変多く、また個々の遺留品の元の所有者を特定する調査についても相当程度の時間を要していることから、順番に対応しておりますが、回答までに少なくとも半年以上の期間を要しております。

---For Overseas Applicant---

For those of you have memento of Japanese war dead, such as Nisshoki with messages or Senninbari

Nisshoki, a Japanese National Flag with personal names written on it and Senninbari (a cloth with one thousand stitches) were presented from families and close people to Japanese soldiers as they departed for war, and the soldiers cherishingly kept such relics close to them during the war. For some bereaved families who have no memento or remains of their loved ones, the lost Nisshoki and other artifacts may be the only memento that they will have of their loved ones.

We, Ministry of Health Labour and Welfare (MHLW) try to identify the original owner of the wartime relic or their bereaved family by collating evidence from the relic, such as name of the owner, or name of the military unit to which the soldier belonged, with the data at the MHLW, working in cooperation with prefectural and municipal governments in Japan.
Once the original owner's or the bereaved family's intention to accept the relic is confirmed, we will receive the relic from you and return it to the original owner or the bereaved family.

1. Application for the Research 2. Flow chart for Returning Process
3. Trading the War Time Relics Online 4. Military Swords in Japan
5. Contact Information 6. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1.Application for the Research

In requesting research on wartime relics, please fill out the application form and send it together with photographs of the relics to the Planning Division of Recovery of the Remains of War Dead, Social Welfare and War Victims' Relief Bureau, MHLW. If you submit your application by e-mail, please enter “Research on Wartime Relics” in the subject line.

Click here[31KB] to download the application form

2) Photographs of Relics

Please attach photographs of the relic in jpg, png or pdf format (including the full shots, shots of the top, bottom, right, left, and reverse side of the relic, and any evidence that could be used as a lead for the research, such as any names, etc. on the relic).

2.Flow chart for Returning Process

Please fill out the application form and send it together with photographs of the relics to our division.

We conduct the research and identify the original owner and his bereaved family by using the name of presumable original owner and/or the name of military unit he belonged to written on the relics as key information, and based on the materials kept by MHLW in cooperation with relevant local governments.

We contact the applicant to inform and explain about the results of research and process onwards.

4)Delivery of the Relics:
Once we can confirm that the original owner and/or the bereaved family’s willingness to receive the items, we contact the applicant to request to send the items to us and explain how to do it.

5)Return of the Relics:
We return the relics to the original owner or bereaved family through the local government. Then, we will inform the applicant that the relics have been returned to the original owner or bereaved family.

3.Trading the War Time Relics Online

If the wartime relics such as the Nisshoki with the personal name of war dead are traded online, it may hurt the bereaved family’s feelings. There are some bereaved families who have neither received memento nor the remains of their loved ones. For those bereaved families, it is unbearable to see the items being sold on auction. We would sincerely appreciate it if you could consider the bereaved families’ sentiment.

If you are not sure how to treat the items, please share the information of them with us, MHLW. We may identify the original owner of it (them) from our data.

4. Military Swords in Japan

Military sword is subject to our Ministry’s research only when it has the certificate of registration prepared by the prefecture of residence in Japan. If you would find any military sword without the certificate, please report it immediately to the police station.

5.Contact Information

Planning Division of Recovery of the Remains of War Dead (PDR)
Social Welfare and War Victims’ Relief Bureau
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

Tel: 81-3-5253-1111 (Main)
Ext. 4523 to Investigation Group
Email: suishin@mhlw.go.jp

6. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q. I would like you to keep my deceased relative’s possession such as a Nisshoki, which I found during sorting out the deceased’s belongings.
A. We do not accept to store such items. Also, we do not know which museums or archives may currently accept this kind of donation.

Q. How long does it take to receive the reply for research result?
A. Since we have received numbers of similar requests, it takes quite a time to identify the original owner. We handle the applications in order, and it would take us more than 6 months to reply to the applicants.

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