Awards and Honors[edit | edit source ]
Things I got for doing stuff[edit | edit source ]
Your good nature is praised & envied.
–Premier Tom Mayfair
Thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read articles for me for no pay. Sir ENeGMA (talk) GUN WotM PLS 20:27, 27 July 2007 (UTC)
This (削除) Stool Pigeon (削除ここまで) User is hereby cited for
sterling work on Ban Patrol and/or QVFD.
This user has done something or other which has earned them enough of RAHB's respect, for RAHB to give them an award template. Ironically, this template is rather generic, and despite the fact that RAHB thought this user deserved an award, he couldn't be arsed into personalizing it for them. Perhaps he'll explain the reason you got it, if he feels like it.
Golden Shower Award
For donating high quality material to the Pee Review.
This user has been a good uncyclopedian,
and therefore gets pie.
One Kind of Award/Honor[edit | edit source ]
The Other Kind of Award/Honor[edit | edit source ]
Now go play in traffic.
For your reluctance to succumb to the power of Hello Kitty, Demon General of the Abyss, DiZ has awarded you by killing a martyr in your name! Don't feel guilty, he didn't pay his taxes anyways.
-- DiZ the Great
Suresh has awarded Modusoperandi a Princess Cake!
Now go play with the Royal Guard.
Your blessings are increasing exponentially. In the name of Sophia, the Church of Uncyclopedia and the Universal Church Triumphant of the Apathetic Agnostic , kneel and receive the melding of Zim's holy axe and your wetware. Now go write me a good UnNews article. Cheers! Zimbuddha.jpg Rev. Zim_ulator (Talk) I am the dirt under your rollers 03:48, March 15, 2010 (UTC)
Now go play in traffic.
has awarded you a Nuclear missile
Now go and destroy the The Zionist Entity
This Template Will Self Destruct in Countdown.gif seconds
You have now officially been an Uncyclopedia member for one full year.
Must suck to be you!
Sir Cornbread has done awarded you a whole plate of cornbread fo shizzle! You should feel really special. Now, go get some pork chops and fried chicken, and have yo' self a nice home cooked meal. --Sir Cornbread
I would congratulate you, but this isn't anything to be proud about.
Now go play in traffic.
Now go play in traffic.
NeedABrain has awarded you a test tube!
...for clever edits on The Black And White Man
Don't worry, it's just Jägermeister (hiccup)... Zheers!
This User is hereby cited for helping kill bad ideas by blocking them noobs' rears until they asplode!
Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz wish to read for you one of his poems
as a token of gratitude..
Alas, you are not expected to survive the experience
He is pleased with your work, and hopes
that you prosper in your endevours.
He extends a hand of friendship, should you need it.
I hereby bestoweth on thee, the Doug Memorial Cow Award
Yellow Cow
Just because I felt like it.
--The.original.joe.shmoe blah Selfportrait.jpg MUN fritter!!
Spacer.gif Spacer.gif PremierTomMayfairChe.png RedPhone.png Unsoc.png Hammer and sickle.png 09:57, 01 July 2007
103,947 users have been burninated, or have asploded from its sheer awesomeness so be careful. And once again, congratz for being the funniest person on Uncyclopedia, as appointed by b0n b0ns. This announcement brought to you by The cabal The cabal (There is no cabal)
~Jewriken.GIF 09:07, 3 September 2007 (UTC)
Mrs. Edwin Standish of Shaker Heights Ohio
Wife, mother and Daughter of the American Revolution
appreciates your good works and attention to detail.
Graciously yours, Mrs. Edwin Standish
Gert5 Award for 3XCELLENCE V3RBALLY 2008
Yay, go you! Under User has decided that you are "quite a decent sort",
which is apparently one of his highest terms of praise!
This is therefore a good thing, and in accordance with this,
he's throwing a party down the manhole to celebrate. Look at him go!
You're not invited though. Don't take it personally.
MrN9000 could not help but notice that you are not pants.
As such, you have been awarded the Titanium Trousers by way of recognition.
Any suggestion that this is a pants award will be treated accordingly...
Yes - it's Purim already, so be like
Mike and eat some ears today!
It's the only time of year when being a Jew is fun!
Chag Purim Sameach from Rabbi Techno
In appreciation for tolerating me when PMSing
I wish to thank you by handing you this lovely sample of potted cactus erectus, found in my backyard.
For your enjoyment and pleasure.
Love and respect ~ Heart anim.gif Huggybear Heart anim.gif
Quick bask in glory. Now get back to work administratorisiationing!
If this is thy talk page, please note that thou art deceased.
The great and noble knight GBA2005
hath killed Modusoperandi with their Ghostbusting gear
because Modusoperandi is a ghost.
Thank you for your help in general and don't play in traffic
Yet another kind...[edit | edit source ]
Thanks for voting for my son, even though he is clearly going to lose. Normally people just kick him in the shin and fill him with balloons. I know I do.
They voted for me. And I didn't even have to bribe them.
Thanks for the vote for Writer of the Month. I've been waiting for this for months's probably the thing I most wanted out of my time here. -- Bradaphraser
They voted for me. And I didn't even have to bribe them.
Medical Malpractice -- Severian
Many thanks for voting for me as Writerie of ThE Ear. These things mean a lot to me.
Indeed, I recall the words of my old dad, who said:
Son, writing is just like shooting. You aim, you shoot, you watch the rodent explode and then you wander home with a strange feeling of regret. And you know what? ... He was totally wrong.
has awarded you the
Neat Order of the Closet
for voting
HowTo:Convince People You're a Heterosexual Male
Wear It With Pride!TM
You big homo.
And so the motherland would like to thank him.
The motherland would also likes to thank him for voting for My Journeys with the GPS.
voted for me for Uncyclopedian of the Month.
–Spacer.gif Spacer.gif PremierTomMayfairChe.png RedPhone.png Unsoc.png Hammer and sickle.png NoCorn.png
Lord of the Flies.
Weasels Rule!
Sliffy thanks you!
I so totally stole this box
Thank you for choosing
The Red Pill
You've exhibited the capacity for the
divine truths of existence
(*even if you were originally just trying to shed some poundage before the big cruise).
Thanks a Bundle | ||
Alfred.jpg | Thanks for voting for Mad TV. Not that it was stressing me out. What, me worry? | SNL32NEWLOGO.PNG Whoops. Wrong logo. |
Mr. Kearsy so cool, he doesn't have to say anything in order to thank you. Just look into his eyes and you'll know.
You're still here? I thought we told you that this was generic! There's nothing more! GO AWAY!
Codeine bestows upon you:
One shiny new quarter. Now you can make a homeless guy very happy.
I thank you humbly for the opportunity to impose myself upon the tiny box marked Today's featured article . My own little box in this dark corner of the interweb. My welcoming visage, greeting all who visit this cartoonish funhouse of crazy people. The depravity, flowing like gravy down the chin of a senator. This is my honor.
Much appreciated, you bastard.
Yours always,
(dictated but not read. Transcripted by your pal, THINKER 04:33, 8 August 2007 (UTC).)
THE has granted you an express invitation to Skippy Leadwell's Funeral. The eulogy will be delivered by Leviticus, one of his favorite blades of grass who is being flown in first-class from Africa. Mr. Leadwell will be laid to rest on a pile of grass clippings. There he will lie with his brothers for eternity. Or at least until he starts to smell.
They failed.
Let's Eat!.
Those bizarre triangle-shaped dough stuff. What the hell are those anyway?
Oh, and thank you for voting!
Oh, never mind...
By swelling our already formidable ranks, you have helped ensure that our voice will not go unheard!
Glorious success will yet be ours!
Sorry dear, I will keep the noise down.
Thanks for your vote.
He also advises you to check your eyes in the mirror, just in case they may happen to be bloody, blind, or a combination of the two. Seek immediate medical attention if any of those symptoms appear.
Thank you for voting. Oh,
and you might want to drink that oil fast, before the United States government declares war on you.
You know, we're all winners here at the NotM nominations, but I feel so especially honored that you chose me. I will donate the award money to charity, doing my part to stop world hunger by giving an African child one quarter of a full course meal. Thank you, thank you. You know...
"Please ma'am, hand over the deed. No ma'am, I'm not joking, I'm somber, which is the only emotion I'm capable of experiencing."
Ooooh...too bad about your house...still, thanks for voting for UnNews:Record percentage of children dressed up as mortgage foreclosure bankers this Halloween!
I... just...
Christ. Thanks for voting for HowTo:Mail a Letter to the first featured article of 2008. Maybe I'll just call you next time.
a friendly message from your local post office.
by giving you the promotional tie-in cup o' joe with donuts,
available at your local franchise donut or coffee emporium now, probably.
GRAAH! Gavin thanks you for voting to publish his memoirs. Just don't let any trannies read it.
Thanks for voting.
finding her image of
to be just right for Featured Photo Status
Fondly, PP
So you liked my tale of displeasure, huh? That's nice. Hey, maybe I could write a book about it! Before long I'll be outselling Pelzer!
Your vote was very appreciated, and I am very grateful that you thought of me.
I've always found it to be polite to thank people for the things they have done for you, especially when it is a vote for a fine literary work. People don't say "thank you" that much anymore. Instead, they say "thanks" or "tyvm". That frustrates me, because I don't know what "tyvm" is even supposed to mean.
Thanks for voting.
You voted for an article about me.
This means that you're entitled to a free slice of laver pizza
from Lloydios, the greatest pizzeria in all of Caernarfon.
which entitles you to this FREE copy of the 1921 hit single I Wouldn’t Take Her To a Dog Fight, 'Cause I’m Afraid She’d Win
by Brigadier Billy Bell-Ende and his Jazz Rhythm Orchestra
which is only slightly scratched.
This past vote on VFH has been an emotional one for our wiki. The people have spoken, and I am honorated to accept the privilegitude to servify the Uncyclopedia front page for another eight years.
What do you mean, articles are only featured for one day?
Thank you for voting. Much love, —Sir SysRq (talk)
You have been awarded a Certificate guaranteeing you safe passage within Uncyclopedia's borders if Zionist domination is eventually established.
Oh, by the way, before we begin todays session, I'd like to thank you for supporting my recent featured article.
Now, tell me about your childhood.--You know what the music means... Our time is up.
~ Todd Lyons
You gived your voice to make za interfiew on za front page. So I want to say sank you... Want to see my brobelor? I also take you to za byramids and show you good time, and for you only 10 American dollars. No, wait! Come back! I want money! What do I tell to little Ahmad when he says ya baba, get food?...
Which is given to those who have demonstrated remarkably excellent judgement,
impeccable good taste and faultless, all-encompassing wisdom
(by doing something like voting for ME to win WotM).
Well done and thankyou, from Rabbi Techno.
Thank you for supporting my motherfucking article.
You are clearly a badass motherfucker.
Thank you for supporting my recently featured article.
Your support is greatly appreciated.
—Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 16:31, November 3, 2009 (UTC)
Ve haff rekorded your viße decision to pürchase der Mutter - Mein Endlosung collectible doll und are überjoyed to be able to inform you dat as a reßült you haff earned der gratitude of der Party.