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This page is a joke. You might be looking for the actual list of award templates.

Uncyclopedia editors can be awarded several awards for their writing and editing, and in the case of users who aren't funny and don't know how to take credit for other people's work, there are also maintenance work awards.

To keep awards at Uncyclopedia prestigious, the Uncyclopedia tries to keep the number of awards at a small number like 42535 or 632890x1014.

The code for each template is provided beneath it; just copy and paste it into your award receptacle of choice.

Awards[edit source ]

Here is just a sampling of the many thousands of awards offered at Uncyclopedia.

ARFHOW Award[edit source ]

Everyone knows a couple of tightasses. This award probably won't amuse the person you give it to, but the rest of us should get a chuckle out of it.


Anal Retentive Fun Hater On Wheels Award

This user makes even a Wikipedia Admin seem as good humoured and amusing as Fred Rogers in a tutu.


Bastard/Bitch Admin Award[edit source ]

The Bastard/Bitch Admin Awards celebrate the highest honor an Admin can get - to find out that a user has emailed another admin to complain about them.

Award.png Bastard Admin Award

This admin is such a bastard, users who have been caught in their wake have had to complain to other admins.

Award.png Bitch Admin Award

This admin is such a bitch on wheels that users who have crossed their path have had to complain to other admins.


Better Than You Award[edit source ]

Are YOU better than all your friends? Let them know!


Categorizer[edit source ]

Every thing has its place, and every place has its thing.


CloroxQuest Award[edit source ]

For those prestigious users who have completed Clorox's quest.

Award.png CloroxQuest award

This user has successfully found Clorox's hidden links.

{{Uncyclopedia:Awards/CloroxQuest Award}}

Extreme DUHligence[edit source ]


Award.png Fucking DUH!!!

This user has stated the obvious.


Grammar Nazi[edit source ]

If you've ever had your then/than, there/their/they're, your/you're, to/too/two, its/it's, or loose/lose corrected, you know these guys.

Award.png Anal Retentive Grammar Nazi

This user has made it there quest to find grammar errors and point them out, rather then just fix them. Than they go to you're talk page and than tell you about it at length, even if your minding you're own business. Its somewhat annoying that their so keen about it, up with which you may or may not put.


Least Awards Award[edit source ]

The "Least Awards" award is given to users who have less awards than everyone else. While it has been awarded in the past, it becomes invalid immediately, as the recipient no longer has the least amount of awards.

Award.png Least Awards Award

This user has the least number of awards at Uncyclopedia. Whoops, not anymore.


Mean Administrator Award[edit source ]

The "Mean Administrator Award" is presented to those administrators and bureaucrats who often delete pointless redirects, stubs/work in progress/under construction pages that haven't been updated in months, vanity, one line pages, and test pages, without reason!

Award.png Mean Administrator Award

This administrator has often deleted perfectly good user created redirects or one line articles, undone very funny multiple moves, banned users who only blanked a couple of dozen pages, or otherwise abused their powers.


MetaAward[edit source ]

A fill-in-the-blanks template that can be used to give someone any award you like. If you've spent your whole life looking for the perfect way to congratulate your friend for stuffing a dozen strips of bacon up his nose, you are in luck.

{{{image}}} {{{title}}}


To use this template copy this to your victim's userpage or talk page:


With the following variables:

  • bordercolor: Color of the template's border. Can be expressed as a color name ('black') or through a web colors value ('#000000')
  • bgcolor: Background color of the template.
  • textcolor: Text color, of course.
  • titlecolor: Color of the text that makes up the template's title
  • File: A small image to include in the award. Expressed as [[File:Filename.type|XXpx]] (since you probably want this image to be small)
  • width: Width of the template. Expressed in pixels ('300px', for example)
  • title: The award template's title text.
  • text: The body text of your award template.

Example[edit source ]




Most Awards Created Award[edit source ]

The "Most Awards Created" award is given to the user who has created the most awards. Not surprisingly, the user who created the award is also the winner.

Award.png Most Awards Created Award

This user has created the most awards at Uncyclopedia, which is already so full of awards that they have no value. Way to go user, have an award!


Plural Hater Award[edit source ]

Awarded, obviously, to users who famously hate unnecessary plurals.

Award.png Plurals Nazis

These users ares wishings tos nevers haves pluralizeds words whens unneededs.


PMSing Admin[edit source ]

Awarded to admins that are unreasonably pissy for no reason whatsoever. For instance, they might join the #uncyclopedia IRC channel and say something like this:

* UnnamedAdmin has joined #uncyclopedia
<UnnamedAdmin> Hello.
<UnnamedAdmin> Anybody here?
<UnnamedAdmin> FINE YOU JERKS
* UnnamedAdmin has left #uncyclopedia
Awardpms.png PMSing Admin Award

This Admin is pissy for no apparent reason; a veritable fountain of bad karma.


Presentation Nazi Award[edit source ]

If you see this award on someone's userpage, editing their page to disrupt their carefully constructed layout could mean death. You can also give this award to anyone who needs it- but God help you if it doesn't fit their feng shui.

Award.png Anal Retentive Presentation Nazi

This user is so particular about the presentation and design of their page(s), that they are very much prone to issuing Death threats to you if you don't adhere to their particular standards. You may possibly even cause them to foam at the mouth and cause their head to asplode, don't cause this; we won't clean up the mess for you.


Quantity Not Quality Award[edit source ]

The "Quantity Not Quality" award is given to people who aren't funny but still manage to have an average of over 500 edits per day. These users allow the Uncyclopedia to expand quickly yet still keep a standard of humor low enough that it can operate as a wiki.

Award.png Quantity, Not Quality award

...where have you been for the last 6 months?


Spellin Aword[edit source ]

Given to any outstanding Uncyclopedian who either refuses or is unable to spell!

SpellinAword.JPG Spellin Aword

This uzer cant spel. Pleaze shoote them ore bye tem sum spel-cheking softweare.

{{Uncyclopedia:Awards/Spellin Aword}}

Super Power Amulet Award[edit source ]

Uh... well, if your friend doesn't have enough super power amulets, you can fix them up with this.

Bio instable sm.jpg Magic Magnetic Healing Superpower Amulet

You are hereby awarded the superpower amulet. It has the power to cure just about anything and you need to get your head fixed.


User eaten by grue[edit source ]

Awarded to users who have made the supreme sacrifice, parting with their lives in the line of Zork upon one or multiple occasions on Uncyclopedia.

This user has made the supreme Uncyclopedia sacrifice, donating a life in the line of Zork only to be repeatedly eaten by a hungry grue.


XHTML Nazi Award[edit source ]

Awarded to those tireless Uncyclopedians that try to keep us XHTML compliant, though we refuse to go quietly.

Award.png <P><center>Anal Retentive XHTML Nazi</center></P>

<P><center><blockquote>This user has made it <i>their personal quest</i> to seek and destroy elements and attributes that have been deprecated, <br>as well as <u>the users</u> that <B>insist</B> on <shadow>still using them</shadow>.</br></blockquote></center></P>


Bronze Medal Award[edit source ]

For newbie who is interested in talking and contributing well, they must need this to be leveled up in a very new level, que pro.

Award.png Bronze Order of Uncyclopedia

I'll give you this medal as an awards for doing a good contribution to the project.


Signatures[edit source ]

To compensate for having a small penis (or not having one), many Uncyclopedia award winners add a list of the awards they have won or given themselves to their Uncyclopedia signatures. These are usually shortened so that no one knows what all the little letters mean. For example:

--NormalUsersName 05:83, 28 Jan 2005 (UTC)



Awards, Decorations and Honours
Top Ten

2024 · 2023 · 2022 · 2021 · 2020 · 2019 · 2018 · 2017 · 2016 · 2015 · 2014 · 2013 · 2012 · 2011 · 2010 · 2009 · 2008 · 2007 · 2006 · 2005

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