The Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases (JJID) is the official bimonthly publication in English of the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Japan from February, 1999.
The Japanese Journal of Medical Science and Biology (JJMSB) had been the officialpublication of the National Institute of Health, Japan since 1952. It came out with the title of the Japanese Medical Journal in 1948 and was renamed the Japanese Journal of Medical Science and Biology in 1952. The journal published original papers, reviews, and epidemiological and otherreports dealing with fundamental aspects of medical science and biology.
In April 1997, the National Institute of Health changed its name to the National Institute of Infectious Diseases. The functions and responsibilities of the institute are clearly defined in the enactment pertaining to its establishment:
1. To conduct and co-ordinate research projects of national importance on causative agents and pathogenesis of infectious diseases and their diagnosis, prophylaxis and therapy and various other projects necessary for public health and welfare.
2. To serve as the national reference laboratories for diagnosis andepidemiologic investigationsof infectious diseases, maintenance of reference materials such as microbial pathogens, antigens and antibodies and distribution of such materialsto prefectural public health institutes and other related institutions, and standardization of diagnostic methods, etc.
3. To serve as the information center for the surveillance of infectious disease agents in Japan and other countries, collecting, analyzing and distributing laboratory information concerning the detection of infectious agents, in collaboration with prefectural public health institutes, health centers, and designated hospitals and in providing information of incidence of infectious diseases to the whole country and other countries.
4. To conduct potency assay and safety tests of vaccines, blood products, interferons and other biologic products, antibiotics, disinfectants, insecticides and antirodent drugs related to prophylaxis, therapy, and diagnosis of infectious diseases and to carry out basic research concerning quality control of those products.
5. To serve as WHO collaborating centers and other reference centers for various internationally cooperative medical research.
To focus clearly on basic research in infectious diseases, the journal is changing its name to the Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases (JJID) and modifying its scope.