The editors of Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases (JJID) request experts in the field of infectious diseases to review papers submitted to JJID. The quality of the review process is crucial to maintaining the peer-reviewed journal. The editors would be happy if you would accept our request to review the attached paper for JJID. Reviewers are requested to complete the review within 2 weeks through the JJID website ( If you cannot review the paper before the deadline stipulated in the invitation, please contact the editorial office of JJID (このメールアドレスはスパムボットから保護されています。閲覧するにはJavaScriptを有効にする必要があります。 ).
1.The study described in the paper should be within the scope of JJID as described below:
A) Research on pathogens (bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites) in terms of virulence, morphology, biochemistry, diagnostics, physiology, and genomics and vectors associated with these pathogens
B) Vaccinological, immunological, pathological, and medical entomological
research on infections
C) Epidemiological research on infectious diseases
D) Research on quality control of biological products such as vaccines, blood products, toxins, and diagnostic agents
E) Patient reports are acceptable if the value of the report is considerably
significant to public health.
2.Reviewers are requested to review the paper based on the following criteria:
A) Performed under ethical compliance?
B) Scientifically correct?
C) Originality significant?
D) Study plan and methods acceptable?
E) Statistically correct?
F) Nomenclature of pathogens correct?
G) Citations appropriate?
H) Conclusion acceptable based on the results obtained scientifically?
I ) Length of the paper appropriate?
J) Title and summary appropriate?
K) Figures and tables appropriate?
L) English usage correct?
M) Others
3.General considerations:
A) If you have any potential conflicts of interest in the review process, you should disclose all items to the editors or decline from reviewing.
B) The comments for the authors should be aimed at improving the quality of the paper. Reviewers are requested to adopt a positive and
impartial but critical attitude toward the manuscript. Criticism should be presented dispassionately; please avoid offensive remarks.
C) The reviewer’s comments should be as specific as possible. Do not include personal opinions. Comments should be numbered to facilitate the revision process for both the editor and the authors.
D) Do not make statements about the paper’s acceptability in the comments that will be sent to the author. The final decision rests solely with the editors.
Please advise the editor of your recommendation using confidential comments to the editor if necessary.