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Steward requests/Global permissions

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This is an archived version of this page, as edited by Jackattack1597 (talk | contribs) at 14:56, 22 May 2021 (Global rollback for Neriah ). It may differ significantly from the current version .
This page hosts requests for global permissions. To make a request, read the relevant policy (global rollback , global sysop , global rename , ...) and make a request below. Explain why membership is needed for that group, and detail prior experience or qualifications.

This is not a vote and any active Wikimedia editor may participate in the discussion.

Global rollback and global interface editor requests require no fewer than 5 days of discussion while abuse filter helper and maintainer requests require no fewer than 7 days. Global renamer and global sysop requests require no fewer than 2 weeks of discussion. For requests that are unlikely to pass under any circumstances, they may be closed by a steward without further discussion (after a reasonable amount of input).

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Requests for global rollback permissions

Please be sure to follow the instructions below:
Your request might be rejected if you don't follow the instructions, and not doing so would reflect poorly on your suitability.
Please also review the Global rollback policy.
Please note that Global rollbackers discussions are not votes. Comments must present specific points in favor of or against a user's approval.
Instructions for making a request

Before requesting, make sure that: You have sufficient activity to meet the requirements to be allocated the global rollback flag

To make a request
Copy the template below to the bottom of this section and explain of why you need the access and why you're suitable.
=== Global rollback for {{subst:u|{{subst:REVISIONUSER}}}} ===
 |status = <!-- don't change this line -->
 |domain = global <!-- don't change this line -->
 |user name = {{subst:REVISIONUSER}} <!-- don't change this line unless you're nominating another user -->
::''Not ending before {{subst:#time:H:i, j F Y (T)|+5 days}}''

The request will be approved if consensus to do so exists after a period of consideration of no less than 5 days (with rare exceptions , no matter how obvious the result may seem). This is not a vote, and all input is welcome. Stewards will determine whether consensus exists; when doing so it is likely that the weight given to the input of those involved in cross-wiki work will be most influential.

Global rollback for Neriah

Status:  In progress
Not ending before 21 May 2021 11:51 UTC

About two months ago I applied for permission, and was told to wait two months and apply again, when I gain more experience monitoring small wiki sites. Since then I have toured quite a bit, and it was possible to see me a lot in SWMT (I toured a lot in the old username, which can not be seen in the log there). I want the permission so that I can be more comfortable reproducing, and also so that the local monitors on all wikis do not have to mark my edits as checked every time I restore an edit. Neriah (talk) 11:51, 16 May 2021 (UTC) [reply ]

Requests for global sysop permissions

Please be sure to follow the instructions below:
Your request might be rejected if you don't follow the instructions, and not doing so would reflect poorly on your suitability.
Please also review the Global sysops policy.
When you give someone global sysop rights, please list them on Users with global sysop access and ask them to subscribe to the global sysops mailing list.
Please note that Global sysops discussions are not votes. Comments must present specific points in favor of or against a user's approval.
Instructions for making a request

Before requesting, make sure that:

  1. You have a global account ;
  2. You are logged in on this wiki, and the account is part of your global account;
To make a request
Copy the template below to the bottom of this section and explain of why you need the access and why you're suitable. If you previously requested that right, please add a link to the previous discussion(s).
=== Global sysop for {{subst:u|{{subst:REVISIONUSER}}}} ===
 |status = <!-- don't change this line -->
 |domain = global <!-- don't change this line -->
 |user name = {{subst:REVISIONUSER}} <!-- don't change this line unless you're nominating another user -->
::''Not ending before {{subst:#time:H:i, j F Y (T)|+2 week}}''

The request will be approved if consensus to do so exists after a period of consideration of no less than two weeks (no exceptions are allowed no matter how obvious the result may seem). This is not a vote, and all input is welcome. Stewards will determine whether consensus exists; when doing so it is likely that the weight given to the input of those involved in cross-wiki work will be most influential. Please note: Since 2019 all global sysops are required to have two-factor authentication (2FA) enabled.

Requests for global rename permissions

Steward requests/Global permissions/Global renamers

Global rename for acagastya

Status:  In progress
Not ending before 23 May 2021 06:14 UTC

Hi, I have been seeing both CptViraj and Deepfriedokra handle rename requests multiples times a day (via the RC), indicating there is a backlog and the GRQ could use some help. I would like to volunteer and help out. I am a member of OC, an agent of VRT, LR and rollbacker on Commons and hold admin, I-admin, reviewer and accredited reporter bits on enwn. If granted the permissions, I will help reduce the backlog here.
acagastya 06:14, 9 May 2021 (UTC) [reply ]

I would appreciate if you would elaborate.
acagastya 19:45, 19 May 2021 (UTC) [reply ]

Requests for global IP block exemption

Please be sure to follow the instructions below:
Your request might be rejected if you don't follow the instructions. Please review Global IP block exemption. You may request Global IP block exemption via stewards(_AT_)wikimedia.org if you can not edit this page.
Please note: Global IP block exemption does NOT make one immune to locally-created blocks of any sort, only global blocks.
If you want to edit the Chinese Wikipedia, usually global IP block exemptions will not help you. Please see this instruction to request a local IP block exemption.
Instructions for making a request

Before requesting global IP block exemption, make sure that:

  1. You have a global account ;
  2. You are logged in on this wiki, and the account is part of your global account;
To request global IP block exemption
Copy the template below to the bottom of this section and explain why you need the access and why you're suitable. If needed, link to relevant discussions.
=== Global IP block exempt for {{subst:u|{{subst:REVISIONUSER}}}} ===
 |status = <!--don't change this line-->
 |domain = global<!--don't change this line-->
 |user name = {{subst:REVISIONUSER}}
<Add an explanation here>, thanks, --~~~~

The request will be approved if there is demonstrated need for the permission, such as bypassing a global block from someone who is not the intended target.

Global IP block exempt for Brycehughes

Status:  In progress

I had a global IP block exemption up until last month, when it expired after a year. If possible, I would like to restore it for at least another year. My reason remains the same as last time: I travel frequently and often edit using a VPN I have sitting on one of the larger cloud services. Thanks, Brycehughes (talk) 14:21, 21 May 2021 (UTC) [reply ]

Requests for 2 Factor Auth tester permissions

Please be sure to follow the instructions below:
Your request might be rejected if you don't follow the instructions.
Testing this service may result in the loss of your access and is not recommended for inexperienced users.
Instructions for making a request

Before requesting 2FA tester global permissions, make sure that:

  1. You are logged in on this wiki;
  2. You have read the help page about two-factor authentication and understand how it could lead to irrecoverable loss of access to your account ;
To request 2FA tester global permissions
Copy the template below to the bottom of this section and INDICATE you have read the Help page.
If the request page is currently protected, please file as an edit request on the talk page.
=== 2FA Tester for {{subst:u|{{subst:REVISIONUSER}}}} ===
 |status = <!--don't change this line-->
 |domain = global <!--don't change this line-->
 |user name = {{subst:REVISIONUSER}}
<Add an explanation here>, thanks, --~~~~

The request will be approved if there is no reason not to grant one. A steward will review the request.

2FA Tester for Owlf

Status:  In progress

Recently my account was hacked and my email was removed but thankfully I got it back from the Wikimedia T/S team. I want 2FA in my account so it'll be prevented from hack/account compromise in the near future. thanks, --Owlf (talk) 09:26, 21 May 2021 (UTC) [reply ]

@Owlf, can you please tell me if you have read H:2FA? Wiki13 (talk) 09:30, 21 May 2021 (UTC) [reply ]

Requests for other global permissions

Please be sure to follow the instructions below:
Your request might be rejected if you don't follow the instructions.
Instructions for making a request

Before requesting additional global permissions, make sure that:

  1. You are logged in on this wiki;
  2. No specific section on this page exists for the permission you want to request;
To request additional global permissions
Copy the template below to the bottom of this section and explain what kind of access you need and why. If needed, link to relevant discussions. If you hold, or have previously held, the right and are asking for either a renewal or revival of that right, please add a link to the previous discussion.
=== <Add requested permission here> for {{subst:u|{{subst:REVISIONUSER}}}} ===
 |status = <!-- don't change this line -->
 |domain = global <!-- don't change this line -->
 |user name = {{subst:REVISIONUSER}} <!-- don't change this line unless you're nominating another user -->
<Add an explanation here>, thanks, --~~~~

The request will be approved if consensus to do so exists after a short period of consideration. A steward will review the request.

abusefilter-helper for Hasley

Status:  In progress
Not ending before 22 May 2021 23:53 UTC

Hello everyone, I am Hasley. I am requesting AFH rights in order to be able to view private GAF log entries—which I patrol regularly—without needing to come to Meta from wikis where I do not have (global) sysop access. I also have been working on developing filters against a couple of LTAs that have caused severe disruption on eswiki (namely, GRP and Joaquinito01). Having access to the AF code of other projects, particularly the specific filters, would help greatly. Sgd. —Hasley 23:53, 15 May 2021 (UTC) [reply ]

Abuse filter maintainer for Leaderboard

Status:  In progress
Not ending before 24 May 2021 06:59 UTC

I'm running into cases where multiple wikis have requested that I add/modify/comment on private filters, which I cannot do as an AFH (where I can only see them). Explicit examples include (I've also been asked to help, or have helped, on some other wikis):

I was wondering, as a result, whether I could get AFM. For reference, I do indeed satisfy the requirements, as someone who has modified filters for Wikibooks and MediaWiki. Note that I expect to use this permission only sparingly in general (because this right is supposed to be used only on the request of the community), but when needed I expect it to be very useful. Thanks in advance.

P.S: do let me know if I should be applying for something else, I don't think there's an alternative in my case but I could be wrong. --Leaderboard (talk) 06:59, 17 May 2021 (UTC) [reply ]

  • Support Support Leaderboard is working with abuse filter on home wikis according to the logs. He/she contact with users on other wikis about abusefilter as I see sometimes. Already is a global abuse filter helper, so I think Leaderboard might help on this issue. --Uncitoyen talk 09:42, 17 May 2021 (UTC) [reply ]
  • Support Support trusted user- कन्हाई प्रसाद चौरसिया (talk) 16:02, 17 May 2021 (UTC) [reply ]
  • Oppose Oppose Given their manner of interacting with other users I would rather not give them a global right where communication skills are required. --Rs chen 7754 18:06, 17 May 2021 (UTC) [reply ]
    • Besides [1] and [2], User:Leaderboard/GS attempts shows a bull-in-the-china-shop approach to working with medium-sized wikis. Also see [3], [4], [5]. Sorry, but quite frankly this would be a PR nightmare for Meta (not that it isn't already). --Rs chen 7754 18:13, 17 May 2021 (UTC) [reply ]
      @Rschen7754: Sigh. For the interaction aspect, I have actually made an explicit note on my userpage with respect to communication. As a non-native speaker I am well aware that I am not the best in translating my thoughts to words, and I did apologise for that one mistake that was pointed out then (your second link). If there are further mistakes I've made, please let me know - I try my best in that aspect.
      And can I know what mistake I've made with my GS attempts page? For every single wiki in that list, I have done due process - explaining the benefits of having global sysops around, answering the concerns or questions of anyone at that wiki, and being very clear that it is the community's decision and not mine. Personally I think my attempt is a good thing instead, for different reasons. If you think I should not be doing I would appreciate if you could let me know why on my talk page (linking from here if necessary) so that I can reconsider if needed. Leaderboard (talk) 18:37, 17 May 2021 (UTC) [reply ]
      • The ability to effectively communicate across different cultures and languages is a requirement for most global roles. I'll admit that I am a native English speaker - but most stewards are not and they somehow are able to communicate with other communities in an effective manner. It is certainly within my rights under "due process" to go to en.wikipedia and ask if they want to be part of the global sysop group. Whether that is a wise thing to ask is another. Because medium-sized communities, especially those with CUs, can see this as an attempted power grab, you need to be very careful if you make such a request, and point to a specific problem that needs solving. On the contrary, many of your comments especially on en.wikisource were borderline combative and badgering, bludgeoning the discussion. --Rs chen 7754 00:10, 18 May 2021 (UTC) [reply ]
        tl;dr: you can't argue a wiki into the global sysop group. --Rs chen 7754 00:20, 18 May 2021 (UTC) [reply ]
        • I don't know what more I can do with respect to your communication concern. I know I made a mistake, I have freely apologised for it and even disclosed my weakness on my user page. The AUC (area under the curve) of my precision-recall graph in communication is lower than yours at the very least, and the reason for that has not only to do with my being non-native EN, but other historical factors I am unable to disclose at this time (except that the concerns you raised are true outside of wikiland, and hence I hope you understand the difficulty I face).
        • As for your second point, en.wikipedia is one of the few communities that has a large enough admin population to support itself (though I'd still support such a proposal if someone comes up with one). It is a firm belief of mine that most wikis in the opt-out list will benefit from global sysops, and I'm seeing wikis with >= 50 sysops benefit from GS. Notice that for medium-sized wikis, global sysops are unlikely to make use of their rights most of the time, however, when they do need it becomes very helpful. I've been trying to be careful while discussing this with wiki communities, and would welcome any feedback to improve on that aspect. "combative and badgering" was not my intention at all - I try to sense when it becomes clear that a community does not want GS, and leave them at that point. But then I do also need to clear some misconceptions about global sysops that people raise - keeping this balance is tricky. Leaderboard (talk) 08:45, 18 May 2021 (UTC) [reply ]
  • Comment Comment It is good that you are assisting wikis with AF interpretation. I would note that you have asked today to exclude a specific IP address from a global filter, and typically I would not think that is something that we would be wanting to do unless truly truly truly necessary. Occasional FPs are okay where there is no harm being done. If users have to modify some of their behaviour on some occasions, I am okay with that in non-content spaces with certain filters.

    We're probably at the point with this growing community (c.2014 Stewards => c.2018 Stew + Meta admin => 2020 Stew + Meta admin + AFM) to set out some principles and expectations for those undertaking the global AF role. To now it has been somewhat implicit and come from people familiar or practised in global roles.  — billinghurst sDrewth 11:22, 18 May 2021 (UTC) [reply ]

  • Oppose Oppose per Rschen7754 * Pppery * it has begun 20:22, 18 May 2021 (UTC) [reply ]
  • Support Support --Novak Watchmen (talk) 04:32, 19 May 2021 (UTC) [reply ]
  • Oppose Oppose per Rschen, but also I see no demonstrated valid need. —Thanks for the fish! talkcontribs 17:18, 19 May 2021 (UTC) [reply ]
    @Tks4Fish: I think I did? As noted, if a different permission would satisfy my need (namely to edit filters crosswiki by the request of the community), please do let me know; I'm not aware of one. Leaderboard (talk) 17:22, 19 May 2021 (UTC) [reply ]
    That's for two wikis. This right is a truly global one. Frankly, I don't think you have the communication skills required to handle such a permission globally, in wikis such as enwiki, for instance, as demonstrated by Rschen. —Thanks for the fish! talkcontribs 18:05, 19 May 2021 (UTC) [reply ]
    @Tks4Fish: I can show more examples if required (here's a third one, yet another; some are done off-wiki as well) - I just gave two examples and did not mean that I was only working on two wikis.
    I don't know why you're referencing enwiki - I don't think Rschen said that I did anything (let alone wrong) on that wiki. Did you mean another wiki? Also I wish to point out that his opposition, to my understanding, was based on one mistake which I've freely apologised for. Leaderboard (talk) 18:50, 19 May 2021 (UTC) [reply ]
    Certainly not, the multiple diffs I provided (plus your replies to comments here) shows a disturbing pattern. --Rs chen 7754 05:01, 20 May 2021 (UTC) [reply ]
  • Oppose Oppose--WikiBayer 👤💬 19:00, 19 May 2021 (UTC) [reply ]
    @WikiBayer: Is your opposition solely based on Rschen's? Leaderboard (talk) 19:02, 19 May 2021 (UTC) [reply ]
    No, I know you from other discussions in the metawiki and I have read the discussion in dewikinews. WikiBayer 👤💬 19:10, 19 May 2021 (UTC) [reply ]
    @WikiBayer: What was the mistake I made in dewikinews? Also if you could elaborate on "other discussions in the metawiki" I would be grateful. Leaderboard (talk) 19:13, 19 May 2021 (UTC) [reply ]
    The discussions do not show that you have the skills to take on this task.
    Before you make such a high right that can cause damage even unintentionally, you should study the subject very carefully. WikiBayer 👤💬 18:13, 20 May 2021 (UTC) [reply ]
  • Support Support. Neriah talk 19:04, 19 May 2021 (UTC) [reply ]
  • Support Support. Has experience with filters, has a good reason for getting it and I can trust the user. --Ferien (talk) 21:05, 19 May 2021 (UTC) [reply ]
  • Oppose Oppose I don't see enough x-wiki experience here, also recent filter work such as in b:en:Special:AbuseFilter/history/66/item/402 where deprecated parameters are being pushed isn't something I'd want to see being used to maintain other projects from a technical level. — xaosflux Talk 16:39, 20 May 2021 (UTC) [reply ]
  • Oppose Oppose too many opposes from people I trust. Plus, [6] doesn't really convince me – it looks to me that the requestor considers AFM to be a free card to edit all filters arbitrarily, while that's not the case. --Martin Urbanec (talk) 18:20, 20 May 2021 (UTC) [reply ]

abusefilter-helper for LPfi

Status:  In progress
Not ending before 25 May 2021 11:04 UTC

I would like to nominate LPfi for the 'helper role. They are an admin at English Wikivoyage who writes and follows its abusefilters and its logs. They are having the need to look at our global rules as they impact their wiki and having that local access rather than having to always come and ask about any issue from the global space. Local admin at enVoy since 2018, knows their way around an abusefilter. Also admin at svWP, svWB and has been editing WMF for 12 years. I do not see an issue with knowledge, competence or trust. Also will help with their local management of xwiki LTAs to view other filters that we have in our LTA management. -- — billinghurst sDrewth 11:04, 18 May 2021 (UTC) [reply ]

Just noting that I do accept the nomination and that I'd be glad to answer any questions. –LPfi (talk) 11:13, 18 May 2021 (UTC) [reply ]

Abusefilter-helper for Jules*

Status:  In progress
Not ending before 26 May 2021 17:35 UTC

Hi. I would like to be able to read private global filters, mostly in order to remove duplicates/make maintenance on fr-wp abusefilters (where I work with user:Supertoff). I am an abusefilter editor (and also bureaucrat, sysop, OS) on frwiki.

Best regards, — Jules* Talk 17:35, 19 May 2021 (UTC) [reply ]

See also

AltStyle によって変換されたページ (->オリジナル) /