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< Stewards
This page is a translated version of the page Stewards/Elections and the translation is 67% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
Other languages:
- Informação de verificadores de contas
- Bloqueios e trancamentos globais
- Direitos globais
- Direitos locais de robô
- Direitos locais
- Renomeação de conta
- Pedidos diversos
- Lista negra de URL
- Lista negra de títulos/nomes de usuário
Para Stewards
Quadro de avisos
Novos stewards são eleitos aproximadamente a cada ano, numa sistemática que existe desde o início de 2005. Para serem eleitos, os candidatos devem obter pelo menos 30 votos a favor e pelo menos 80% de apoio, ter mais de 18 anos e assinar o Confidentiality agreement for nonpublic information com a Fundação Wikimedia. Requisitos adicionais para candidatos ou eleitores (com base na contagem de edições) existem desde 2009.
Confirmação e discussão sobre os Stewards existentes foram realizadas inicialmente em 2007. Essas confirmações acontecem simultaneamente às eleições e são usadas para determinar se os Stewards devem manter seus direitos.
Eleições | Confirmações |
Quadro de eleições e desconfirmações
- User:Jimbo Wales
- User:Walter
- User:Suisui
- User:Romihaitza
- User:Rdsmith4
- User:Paginazero
- User:Jon Harald Søby
- User:Jon Harald Søby
- User:Ausir
- User:Aurevilly
- User:Ascánder
- User:Yann
- User:Waerth
- User:Snowdog
- User:Sj
- User:Shizhao
- User:Shizhao
- User:Oscar
- User:Datrio
- User:Danny%7Emetawiki
- User:AstroNomer%7Emetawiki
- User:Mav
- User:Looxix
- User:KarlWick
- User:Fantasy
- User:ArnoLagrange
- User:Anthere
- User:Angela
- User:Andre Engels
- User:Andre Engels
- Stewards/elections 2006
- Stewards/elections 2005
- Stewards/elections 2004
- User:Mike.lifeguard
- User:Meno25
- User:Meno25
- User:Mardetanha
- User:Leinad
- User:Laaknor
- User:Kylu
- User:Erwin
- User:Dorgan
- User:Alexanderps
- User:Zirland
- User:Wojciech Pędzich
- User:Wojciech Pędzich
- User:Thogo
- User:Thogo
- User:Spacebirdy
- User:Nick1915
- User:Millosh
- User:Lar
- User:Jusjih
- User:Jusjih
- User:Dungodung
- User:.anaconda
- User:DerHexer
- User:Shanel
- User:Redux
- User:Pathoschild
- User:MaxSem
- User:Magister Mathematicae
- User:M7
- User:Guillom
- User:Effeietsanders
- User:Dbl2010
- User:Darkoneko
- User:Cspurrier
- User:Bastique
- Stewards/elections 2009
- Stewards/elections 2007
- Stewards/elections 2006-2
- User:Wikitanvir
- User:Trijnstel
- User:Quentinv57
- User:Quadell
- User:Bennylin
- User:Bencmq
- User:Axpde
- User:Vituzzu
- User:PeterSymonds
- User:Matanya
- User:Manuelt15
- User:Lofty abyss
- User:Jafeluv
- User:Fr33kman
- User:Eptalon
- User:Barras
- User:Ruslik0
- User:Bsadowski1
- User:Wutsje
- User:Sir Lestaty de Lioncourt
- User:Mercy
- User:Melos
- User:Melos
- User:Jyothis
- User:J.delanoy
- User:Avraham
- User:MarcoAurelio
- User:MarcoAurelio
- Stewards/elections 2011-2
- Stewards/elections 2011
- Stewards/elections 2010
- User:TBloemink
- User:SPQRobin
- User:Shanmugamp7
- User:Savh
- User:Rschen7754
- User:Hoo man
- User:Ajraddatz
- User:Ajraddatz
- User:MF-Warburg
- User:Mathonius
- User:BRUTE
- User:Amqui
- User:MarcGarver
- User:Snowolf
- User:Pundit
- User:MBisanz
- User:Luckas Blade
- User:Elfix
- User:Billinghurst
- User:Teles
- User:Teles
- User:Tegel
- Special:MyLanguage/Stewards/Elections 2014
- Special:MyLanguage/Stewards/Elections 2013
- Stewards/Elections 2012
- User:XXBlackburnXx
- User:MdsShakil
- User:KonstantinaG07
- User:Daniuu
- User:AramilFeraxa
- User:1234qwer1234qwer4
- User:Yahya
- User:Johannnes89
- User:JJMC89
- User:EPIC
- User:Albertoleoncio
- User:Xaosflux
- User:Superpes15
- User:Mykola7
- User:Vermont
- User:Hasley
- User:AntiCompositeNumber
- User:Stanglavine
- User:Wiki13
- User:Operator873
- User:AmandaNP
- User:MusikAnimal
- User:Krd
- User:BRPever
- User:BRPever
- User:Tks4Fish
- User:Sotiale
- User:Sakretsu
- User:Martin Urbanec
- User:Wim b
- User:Schniggendiller
- User:Jon Kolbert
- User:Base
- User:Rxy
- User:TheresNoTime
- User:TheresNoTime
- User:-revi
- User:Cromium
- User:علاء
- Stewards/Elections 2025
- Stewards/Elections 2024
- Stewards/Elections 2023
- Stewards/Elections 2022
- Stewards/Elections 2021
- Stewards/Elections 2020
- Stewards/Elections 2019
- Stewards/Elections 2018