Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency of Japan(ERCA)

Outline of ERCA

Authorizing law

Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency Law( Law No. 43 of 2003)


To create and conserve a healthy environment through the compensation for and prevention of health damage caused by public pollution, the support of activities related to environmental conservation by private organizations, the assistance and facilitation of PCB waste disposal, the management and administration of the fund for final waste disposal sites, the supply of the Asbestos-related Health Damage Relief benefits, as well as research and development concerning environmental conservation that utilize research Institutions' abilities..

Description of operation

  1. Operation of the Pollution-related Health Damage Compensation program, in accordance with the Pollutionrelated Health Damage Compensation Law and Other Measures( hereinafter called the Compensation Law)
  2. Operation of the Pollution-related Health Damage Prevention Program, in accordance with the Compensation Law
  3. Subsidization and promotion activities related to environmental conservation by private organizations (Japan Fund for Global Environment)
  4. Assistance for the disposal of PCB waste
  5. Management of the Maintenance Reserve Fund for final waste disposal sites, in accordance with the Waste Disposal and Public Cleaning Law
  6. Operation of the Asbestos-related Health Damage Relief program, in accordance with"the Asbestos-Related Health Damage Relief Law"
  7. Provide research expenses and other operations involved in the ERDF
  8. Investigations and researches, gathering and providing information and training on environmental conservation without disrupting its operations from 1) to 7).
  9. Duties relating to management and collection of loans of the construction and transfer project and loan project

Competent Ministers


Muza Kawasaki Central Tower, 1310, Omiya-cho, Saiwai-ku, Kawasaki City, Kanagawa 212-8554, JAPAN
Tel : +81-44-520-9501(main number of Administration and Planning Department)
Fax : +81-44-520-2131
E-mail address : erca@erca.go.jp
Contact to the other officies


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