Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency of Japan(ERCA)

History of ERCA

Date of establishment

April 1, 2004

History of ERCA

ERCA was established on April 1, 2004. The predecessors of ERCA are two special public institutes, the Pollution-related Health Damage Compensation and Prevention Association (PHDCPA) and the Japan Environment Corporation (JEC). PHDCPA was established in 1974. Its operations were to collect levies from industries and pay them to local governments as compensation for victims of public pollution, and to provide and assist pollution prevention programs. JEC was established in 1965. It carried out relocation of factories, building of green spaces and others for the prevention of industrial pollution. In 2001, based on"the Reorganization and Rationalization Plan for Special Public Institutions"(Cabinet Decision on December 19, 2001), their administration and organizational structures underwent reformation and the two special public institutions were reorganized into ERCA. ERCA inherited their operations.


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