
ご覧いただいているのは国立国会図書館が保存した2014年5月9日時点のページです。このページに掲載されている情報は過去のものであり、最新のものとは異なる場合がありますのでご注意下さい。収集時のURLは http(s)://www.coe.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/chemistry/en/resources/introductions.html ですが、このURLは既に存在しない場合や異なるサイトになっている場合があります。






ご覧いただいているのは国立国会図書館が保存した2014年5月9日時点のページです。このページに掲載されている情報は過去のものであり、最新のものとは異なる場合がありますのでご注意下さい。収集時のURLは http(s)://www.coe.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/chemistry/en/resources/introductions.html ですが、このURLは既に存在しない場合や異なるサイトになっている場合があります。


The University of Tokyo Global COE Chemistry Innovation through Cooperation of Science and Engineering

Human Resources -Introductions-

Messages from students and postdoctoral researchers of COE programs
Dr.Kishimoto Dr. Kishimoto (SONY)

Research Assistant (2003-2004, 21th COE program)
Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology, (Prof. Kato lab.)

I was financially supported by 21th COE as a research assistant during 2003 to 2004. In order to join conferences, 21th COE program also supported my travel and accommodation fee. It was very helpful for me. After getting PhD, I am working for SONY Corporation. There are also many PhD researchers in SONY Corporation. When I was a student, I felt that getting a PhD should be greatly worthwhile for a researcher in private companies. Actually, now I can feel and confirm it. The experiences through my PhD course give me a power to develop new technologies.

Message to students

Not only concentrate on your theme but also challenge several fields of science and open the doors to your brilliant future.

Dr. Juan Carlos Castro Palacio Dr. Juan Carlos Castro Palacio (Cuba)

Postdoctoral researcher (2007-, GCOE program)
Department of Chemical System Engineering, (Prof. Yamashita lab.)

I am financially supported by GCOE as a postdoctoral researcher from November 2007 to November 2008.

Message to postdoctoral researchers

I found here a very nice place to open doors to the very challenging fields of science. I am now developing new types of nanostructures for different possible applications, such as nanowires and interfaces. Do not lose the opportunity to take part in this technological revolution that will change and make the lifestyle more comfortable for each one of us.

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