
Home > How we handle your personal information > Guidance on Procedures for Requesting Disclosure of Your Personal Information

How we handle your personal information

Guidance on Procedures for Requesting Disclosure of Your Personal Information

(1) Regarding retained personal information (Note 1), the following are the procedures for the notification of purpose of use and disclosure (Note 2), the correction, addition, deletion, cessation of use or joint use (Note 3) as well as the deletion and cessation of its provision to third parties.

1Detailed Procedures

  • A.How to Make a Request
    To make a request in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law, please fill in the required information on the dedicated request form and send it to us by mail.
    Please use the download button below to download the electronic file of the request form. Upon request from our call center, we can also mail it to you.
    • (Note 1)Matters concerning retained personal data (related to Article 32, Paragraph 1 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information)
    I ) The Name, Address and Representative of the Business Handling Personal Information
    Mr. Kazuhiro Ikebe,
    Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer, Kyushu Electric Power Co.
    2-1-82 Watanabe-dori, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka City 810-8720
    II) The Purposes of Use of All Retained Personal Data
    In principle, they are the same as the purposes of use described in "Purposes of Use of Personal Information (related to Article 21, Paragraph 1 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information)
    • (Note 2)Please apply for disclosure of electricity rates and usage by using the "Request Form for Disclosure of Electricity Consumption Records".
    • (Note 3)For reasons beyond the provision of comprehensive services within the Kyuden Group, the sharing of such information is essential to providing electricity, gas, and other services to customers who have contracts with us. If this joint use of information is stopped, we will be unable to offer such services to our customers.
  • B.Methods of Verifying the Identity of Individuals or their Representatives
    • a.Individual Identification Verification
      When making a request for your own information, please enclose a copy of your driver's license, health insurance card, passport, or certificate of residence with your request form.
    • b.Representative Identification Verification
      If the request is made by a legal representative or an agent authorized by the individual concerned, please enclose the following documents with the request, in addition to the identification documents as described in (a) above. (For the following documents, [a] may be a photocopy, [b] is the original)
      • (a)Identification for a legal representative
        A copy of the family register or other document proving the right of legal representation and a document confirming the identity of the legal representative (such as a driver's license, health insurance card, passport, or certificate of residence)
      • (b)Identification for an agent (attorney-in-fact)
        A letter of power of attorney with the agent's seal (if necessary, agents may be asked to affix their own seal and submit a certificate verifying their seal impression)

2 Our Response to Your Request

As a rule, we will respond to your request in writing (including electronic data), but with your consent, we may respond orally.
Please note that, in the following cases, we may be unable to respond to your request. In such cases, we ask for your understanding in advance.

  • a.Failure to follow our request procedures specified in (1) 1 Detailed Procedures above
  • b.If we are unable to confirm your identity or that of your representative by the methods of identification verification as described in (B) of (1) 1 Detailed Procedures above
  • c.Cases where a request for disclosure is made by someone other than the individual concerned
  • d.When there are other legitimate reasons, besides the above, based on laws and regulations

(2) Handling Fees

A designated handling fee may be charged for requests for notification of purpose of use and disclosure of retained personal data. Please note that a fee has been charged for the disclosure of electricity consumption records since March 1, 2017.

(3) Contact for Inquiries and Requests for Disclosure of Electricity Consumption Records

(4) Contact for Inquiries and Disclosure Requests, besides the above (3)

Please note that in case of discrepancy in interpretation, the Japanese version shall prevail.
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