
Site terms of use and disclaimers

Thank you for your interest in Kyushu Electric Power services and for visiting our website.
This website is operated by Kyushu Electric Power Head Office.
Upon using our site, we ask that you do so while bearing the following in mind:
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In regards to copyright

  • The copyrights and other related rights of every single article, picture, illustration logo, design, audio and video posted on Kyushu Electric Power’s website are the property of the original authors and right holders.
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    • Any links that are imbedded making it unclear that Kyushu Electric Power is the source of the information, such as frame functions.
    • Fraudulent links that could damage the reputation of Kyushu Electric Power.
    • Links that violate public orders and morals.
  • Kyushu Electric Power has no control over links created by other sites that direct to the Kyushu Electric Power homepage. Kyushu Electric Power assumes no responsibility for possible damage incurred through the use of third party sites.


If you have any enquiries regarding Kyushu Electric Power homepage or the use of links, please fill out the form below.

*It may take time for us to get back to you via mail or telephone. We appreciate your patience. Any enquiries made outside of working hours, on weekends, during national holidays or end of year holidays (Dec 29 – Jan 3) will be handled the next working day.

Form for enquires about our homepage
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