
Our Sharing of Your Personal Information

Details Related to Electricity Services

The Extent of Sharing Your Personal Information

Your personal information may be shared with the parties below (Note 1):

  • Retail electricity utilities (Note 2)
  • General transmission and distribution companies (Note 3)
  • Electricity transmission and distribution companies (Note 3)
  • Organization for Cross-regional Coordination of Transmission Operators ,Japan (Note 4)
  • Demand suppression contractors (Note 5)
  • Electricity distribution companies (Note 6)

The Purposes of Sharing Your Personal Information

  1. To conclude, modify, or terminate a contract for wheeling services or regulated supply (hereinafter referred to as a "wheeling service contract")
  2. To provide intermediation to terminate a retail supply contract (including contracts concerning isolated island supply and final guaranteed supply) or an electricity supply contract (hereinafter referred to as a "retail supply contract") (Note 7)
  3. To confirm information on the point of supply (receiving electricity)
  4. To read electricity meters; to maintain, inspect, and replace facilities; to survey facilities in the event of blackouts or disasters, and to enable general transmission and distribution companies or electricity distribution companies to perform other duties under wheeling service contracts
  5. To carry out tasks related to negawatt transactions

Items of Information to be Shared

  1. Basic Information: your name, address, telephone number and the retail supply contract number
  2. Point of Supply (Receiving Electricity) Information: the service area of the general transmission and distribution company or distribution company with which the wheeling service contract is concluded, subject to an isolated island supply agreement; the specific number of the point of supply (receiving electricity); information on the wheeling service contract amount; current ceilings, the interconnection transmission service menu, power factors, supply systems, the method of determining the wheeling service contract, meter information, towing pole numbers, the existence of grid interconnection facilities, the date of any modifications to the wheeling service contract, the date of the meter reading, the contract status, and the method of termination.
  3. Negawatt Transaction Information: the sales amount of electricity generated, the amount of procured demand, the amount of curbed demand, and baselines (Note 8)

Parties Responsible for Managing Joint Use of Information

  1. Basic Information: Retail electricity utilities with whom we have a retail supply agreement (However, the basic information on customers receiving an isolated island supply or a final guaranteed supply will be provided by a general transmission and distribution companies or an electricity distribution companies)
  2. Point of Supply (Receiving Electricity) Information: General transmission and distribution companies or electricity distribution companies with service areas covering the service point
  3. Negawatt Transaction Information: demand suppression contractors
  • (Note 1)Your personal information will only be shared with a limited number of service providers, as needed for joint use. It will not necessarily be shared with all retail electric service providers, general transmission and distribution companies, demand suppression contractors, or electricity distribution companies.
  • (Note 2)A "retail electricity utilities" is a business operator that does not fall under the grounds for refusal of registration prescribed in Article 2-5, Paragraph 1 of the Electricity Business Act (No. 170 of July 11, 1964) and has been registered as such by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry (including a business operator deemed to be registered as such under the Supplementary Provisions of the Act to Amend the Electricity Business Act (No. 72 of 2014). (Please consult the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy website for the utility's name, address, and the name of its representative.)
  • (Note 3)The "general transmission and distribution companies" include: Hokkaido Electric Power Network, Tohoku Electric Power Network, Tokyo Electric Power Grid, Chubu Electric Power Grid, Hokuriku Electric Power Grid, Kansai Electric Power Transmission and Distribution, Chugoku Electric Power Network, Shikoku Electric Power Transmission and Distribution ,and Kyushu Electric Power Transmission and Distribution ,and Okinawa Electric Power Company . (Please consult the website of each general transmission and distribution company for their names, locations, and the names of their representatives).
  • (Note 4)An "Organization for Cross-regional Coordination of Transmission Operators ,Japan" is established for managing its electricity business over a wide region, under Article 28-4 of the Electricity Business Act. For the names, locations, and name of the representatives of relevant organizations, please see their website .
  • (Note 5)A "demand suppression contractor" is a business operator that has concluded a demand suppression adjustment supply contract with a general transmission and distribution company or a member that is an electricity distribution company (including those that have obtained a business operator code before concluding the contract). (For the company name, location, and name of the representative, please refer to the Organization for Cross-Regional Coordination of Transmission Operators website .)
  • (Note 6)Please see the website of the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy for the name, location, and name of the representative of the electricity distribution companies.
  • (Note 7)"Intermediation to terminate a retail supply contract" is when a business operator receiving a new application for a retail supply contract from a customer makes an application on behalf of the customer to terminate the retail supply contract with the existing business operator.
  • (Note 8) "Baseline" refers to the amount of electricity that would have been consumed without a request to curtail demand.

Details Related to Gas Supply Services

The Extent of Sharing Your Personal Information

Your personal information may be shared with the following parties: (Note 1)

  • Gas retail suppliers (Note 2)
  • General gas pipeline operators (Note 3)

The Purposes of Sharing Your Personal Information

  1. To conclude, modify, or terminate a wheeling service contract
  2. To provide information on the safety of gas appliances in connection with the intermediation to terminate a retail supply contract (including a contract for a guaranteed last gas supply) (Note 4) or a switchover to a new supplier
  3. To confirm information regarding service points
  4. To read the amount of gas consumption; to maintain, inspect, and replace equipment; to respond to gas leaks and other emergencies; and to perform other duties of general gas pipeline operators under a wheeling service contract
  5. To notify gas service suppliers of the results of gas appliance surveys (Note 5)

Items of Information to be Shared

  1. Basic Information: your name, address, telephone number and the retail supply contract number
  2. Service Point Information: the service point identification number, meter information, the presence or absence of load meters, the location of gas meter taps, meter reading information, supply pressure, any modifications to the wheeling supply contract, and building information
  3. Gas Appliance Safety Information at the Service Point: information related to the notification prescribed in Article 159, Paragraph 4 of the Gas Business Act (Note 6)

Parties Responsible for Managing Joint Use of Information

  1. Basic Information: Gas retail suppliers with whom we have a retail supply agreement (However, the basic information on customers receiving a final guaranteed supply will be provided by general gas pipeline operators whose service area covers the service point)
  2. Service Point Information: General gas pipeline operators whose service area covers the service points (including the service points of specific gas pipeline services conducted by the general gas pipeline operators)
  3. Gas Appliance Safety Information at the Service Point: The gas retail suppliers with whom the retail supply contract is concluded (However, for information on customers receiving a final guaranteed supply, the general gas pipeline operators whose service area covers the service point)
  • (Note 1)Your personal information will only be shared with a limited number of service providers, as needed for joint use. It will not necessarily be shared with all gas retail suppliers or general gas pipeline operators.
  • (Note 2)"Gas retail suppliers" is a business operator that does not fall under the grounds for refusal of registration prescribed in Article 6, Paragraph 1 of the Gas Business Act (Note 6) and has been registered as a gas retail supplier by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry (including a business operator deemed to be registered as a gas retail supplier under the Supplementary Provisions of the Act to Amend the Electricity Business Act (No. 47 of June 24, 2015). (Please consult the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy website for the name and address of the gas retail suppliers.)
  • (Note 3)"General gas pipeline operators" is a business operator licensed under Article 35 of the Gas Business Act (Note 6) (including a business operator deemed to be licensed as general gas pipeline operators under the Supplementary Provisions of the Act to Amend the Electricity Business Act (No. 47 of June 24, 2015). (For the name and location of the general gas pipeline operator, please refer to the Japan Gas Association website .)
  • (Note 4)"Intermediation to terminate a retail supply contract" is when a business operator receiving a new application for a retail supply contract from a customer makes an application on behalf of the customer to terminate the retail supply contract with the existing business operator.
  • (Note 5)Pursuant to Article 159, Paragraph 4 of the Gas Business Act, the general gas pipeline operators providing a gas wheeling service which is used as gas retail suppliers shall be notified of the results of the gas appliance survey by the gas retail suppliers.
  • (Note 6)The Gas Business Act (No. 51 of March 31, 1954) is meant as the version amended by Article 5 of the Supplementary Provisions of the Act to Amend the Electricity Business Act (No. 47 of June 24, 2015).

Details Related to the Kyuden Group's Integrated Management and Internal Control

The Extent of Sharing Your Personal Information

Your personal information may be shared with the following party.

  • Kyushu Electric Power Transmission and Distribution Co.

The Purpose of Sharing Your Personal Information

Your personal information may be used to conduct business management and internal administration, including the Kyuden Group's integrated compliance and risk management, as well as to exercise rights or perform obligations under laws and regulations. However, it will not be used to the extent that regulations under the Electricity Business Act are affected.

Items of Information to be Shared

Your name, address, birthdate, telephone number, occupation, email address, and contract information

Party Responsible for Managing Joint Use of Information

Mr. Kazuhiro Ikebe,
Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer, Kyushu Electric Power Co.
2-1-82 Watanabe-dori, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka City 810-8720

Details Related to the Kyuden Groups' Integrated Transactional Disbursement Process

The Extent of Sharing Your Personal Information

Your personal information may be shared with the following party.

  • Kyushu Electric Power Transmission and Distribution Co.

The Purpose of Sharing Your Personal Information

It may be shared to process the Kyuden Group's integrated transaction receipts and disbursements.

Items of Information to be Shared

Your name, address, birthdate, telephone or fax number, your company or group name, your department or division, your official post, and your bank account information

Party Responsible for Managing Joint Use of Information

Mr. Kazuhiro Ikebe,
Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer, Kyushu Electric Power Co.
2-1-82 Watanabe-dori, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka City 810-8720

Items Related to the Kyuden Group's Provision of Comprehensive Services

The Extent of Sharing Your Personal Information

Your personal information may be shared with the following parties. (Note 1)

  • Each company in the Kyuden Group (Note 2)

The Purpose of Sharing Your Personal Information

Your personal data may be shared to provide information on various products and services offered by Kyushu Electric Power Company or other Kyuden Group companies, to grant set-rate services and other benefits to conduct various surveys and data analyses to develop and improve our products and services, to formulate and maintain our assets and facilities, to respond to inquiries, and to perform other related tasks.

Items of Information to be Shared

  • a.Basic Information
    Your name, address, telephone number, birthdate, email address, payment methods, contract numbers that serve to identify customers, and information obtained when you register with a member of the Kyuden Group (such as the date of admission, gender, residence type, and the number of people in your household).
  • b.Your Records
    Contracts for products and services, billing records, usage and service point information, surveys conducted by Kyushu Electric Power Company, data collection and analysis, use of our website, your customer service history, purchases, sales (including leases and rentals) and installation information or repair history related to our products and services (such as repair details and results, or malfunction causes)

Party Responsible for Managing Joint Use of Information

Mr. Kazuhiro Ikebe,
Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer, Kyushu Electric Power Co.
2-1-82 Watanabe-dori, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka City 810-8720

  • (Note 1) Your personal information will only be shared with a limited number of businesses to the extent necessary for the purpose of joint use. It will not necessarily be shared with all Kyuden Group companies.
  • (Note 2)For details on each Kyuden Group company, please refer to the "Introduction to the Kyuden Group" on our website.
Please note that in case of discrepancy in interpretation, the Japanese version shall prevail.
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