
Carbon Neutral Vision 2050

Next-generation power transmission and distribution network (grid)


Expansion of interconnection of renewable energy.(Wide-area operation of electricity transmission and distribution network)

  • In order to maximize Kyushu's renewable energy potential, we will work on wide-area operation of the transmission and distribution network, such as developing/enhancing interconnection lines and backbone systems based on the government's master plan, and maximizing the use of transmission capacity, etc.

Wide-area operation of the transmission and distribution network

Wide-area operation of the transmission and distribution network

Boosting the rate of network use (advancing technologies for demand-supply administration and grid stabilization)

  • Kyuden will apply digital technology, etc. to advance technology for supply – demand administration and grid stabilization in order to utilize a high-volume of renewable energies and maintain electricity's quality at the same time.

Advancing technologies for demand-supply administration and grid stabilization

Advancing technologies for demand-supply administration and grid stabilization


Introducing Connect & Manage
  • Kyushu Electric Power Transmission and Distribution has introduced"Connect & Manage," which maximizes the use of available capacity of its existing transmission and substation facilities. This allows a larger quantity of Kyushu’s renewable energy to be connected more quickly, without the need to expand transmission and substation facilities.
  • Specifically, we have secured the capacity to transmit power stably even in the event of a single failure of a facility (N-1 failure), and have introduced an "N-1 power system" that instantly limits power generation in the event of an N-1 failure.
  • In addition, we have started to accept "non-firm" connections on the backbone grid, in which electricity is generated during the hours when transmission and substation facilities are available and electricity generation is curtailed during the hours when they are not. (From January 2021)

Utilization of available capacity using Connect & Manage, etc. (image)

More accurate prediction of renewable energy output
  • In order to maximize the use of renewable energy, Kyushu Electric Power Transmission and Distribution is working to improve the accuracy of forecasting the output of renewable energy.
  • We are trying to improve the accuracy of solar radiation forecasting, which is necessary for forecasting the output of renewable energy, by subdividing the forecasting points to obtain a detailed understanding of the forecast of solar radiation at each point in Kyushu and reflecting it in the output forecast.
  • We are also working to improve the accuracy of our solar radiation forecasts by using forecasts that integrate multiple weather forecasting models.

List of predicted solar radiation points in mainland Kyushu

List of predicted solar radiation points in mainland Kyushu

Output forecast image by integrating multiple weather forecast models

Output forecast image by integrating multiple weather forecast models

(Note)The transmission and distribution business has been carried out by the wholly-owned subsidiary, Kyushu Electric Power Transmission and Distribution別ウィンドウ, since April 2020 for added neutrality.

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