
Carbon Neutral Vision 2050

Electrification (demand side)


To electrify energy consumption and to contribute to the reduction of emissions on the demand side

Combining eco-friendly energy and the resources of the Kyuden Group, we will strive to electrify sectors to the fullest extent possible particularly within Kyushu, which is a region that has great potential for going electric.

Kyushu’s energy consumption(FY2018) Kyushu’s energy consumption(FY2018)
(Source) Calculated by Kyushu Electric, based on data from the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy's "Energy Consumption Statistics by Prefecture"
Change in electrification rates (FY1965–2018) Change in electrification rates (FY1965–2018)
(Source) based on the data from the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy's "Comprehensive Energy Statistics" and "Energy Consumption Statistics by Prefecture"

Maximizing Electrification

We will contribute to going fully electric by 2050 by promoting all-electric homes in the residential sector and electrification of air conditioning, hot water supply, and kitchen equipment in the commercial sector, while enhancing our electricity rate menu.

Residential sector

through the use of IoT, AI, and other technologies based on all-electrification we propose "a lifestyle that is both smart, safe, comfortable, economical, and environmentally friendly".

Industrial sector

propose a heat pump system that is energy efficient and can handle various temperature ranges based on the facility operation and energy usage.

Improvement of electrification rate

Image of total electrification in 2050Image of total electrification in 2050

Contribution to improving the electrification rate in Kyushu

2030 KPI
Household sector: Incremental electricity 1,500 GWh(2021-2030 total)
2030 KPI
Commercial sector: Incremental electricity 1,600 GWh(2021-2030 total)

By combining environmentally-friendly energy sources with the Kyuden Group's resources, we will maximize electrification in Kyushu, where there is great potential for electrification , and contribute to reducing GHG emissions in society as a whole.

Household/commercial sectors

  • In the household/commercial sectors, we have been promoting all-electricity and enhancing our electricity tariff menus to maximize our contribution to increasing the electrification rate in Kyushu.
  • We will continue to promote all-electrification in the household sector as well as the electrification of air-conditioners, water heaters, and kitchens in the commercial sector, and will contribute to realizing a 70% electrification rate in the household sector and 60% in the commercial sector in 2030, with the aim of achieving a 100% electrification rate in Kyushu in 2050.
  • Specifically, in the housing sector, we will propose all-electrification, which is "safe, secure, comfortable, economical and environmentally friendly," by strengthening cooperation with housing-related businesses.
Contribution to enhancing the electrification rate of Kyushu Contribution to enhancing the electrification rate of Kyushu

Maximizing Electrification

  • For the industry sector, research technologies of energy conversion equipment such as heat pumps and endeavor to electrify the heating demand in production processes across various temperature ranges (e.g., hot water, steam, heating).
  • Conduct on-site surveys and studies with customers, and promote energy-saving proposals to improve efficiency.
  • Consider business potential in such areas as hydrogen supply for heat demand.
  • In the transport sector, we will provide businesses and services that are aimed at promoting EVs. Examples include EV-sharing services, charging infrastructure, and EV energy management.
Further electrifying the production process (Industry sector)Further electrifying the production process (Industry sector)
Popularizing EVs (Transport sector)Popularizing EVs (Transport sector)

Contribution to improving the electrification rate in Kyushu

  • The industrial and transportation sectors are currently facing a number of technical challenges in promoting electrification, but they must be overcome if we are to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, and we will take on the challenge of maximizing electrification while keeping a close eye on trends in technological innovation.
  • In the industrial sector, we will conduct technical research on heat source conversion equipment such as heat pumps, and take on the challenge of electrification of heat demand in a wide range of temperatures (hot water, steam, heating, etc.)
    in production processes. In addition, we will conduct on-site surveys and studies together with our customers and propose energy-saving measures to improve energy use efficiency.
  • In the transportation sector, we aim to convert 100% of company-owned vehicles to EVs by 2030. We will also provide businesses and services such as EV sharing services, expansion of charging infrastructure, and energy management using EVs in order to promote the spread of EVs.


New electric vehicle (EV) charging service for housing complexes
  • A new service that provides a comfortable EV recharging environment for residents of condominiums and other housing complexes by installing individual EV recharging facilities in each section of the parking lot. This new service will be launched in the Tokyo metropolitan area and Fukuoka City in fiscal 2022.
  • In the future, the shift from gasoline-powered cars to EVs is expected to continue as part of the global trend toward decarbonization, but the fact that housing complexes lag behind detached housing in the provision of EV charging facilities has become a social issue.
  • The Kyuden Group will promote the shift from gasoline vehicles to EVs by solving this issue through this service.

New EV charging service for housing complexes

New EV charging service for housing complexes

Together with Local Communities create a Zero-carbon Society

  • Strive to create a zero-carbon society with local communities, by contributing to the construction of a regional energy system that optimally manages and controls energy by combining grid power, local and urban renewable energy sources, and storage batteries.
  • By maximizing the use of the Kyuden Group's strengths in energy, real estate, information and communication technologies, we will work to enhance the added value of cities and regions, such as carbon neutrality, improvement of energy resilience, development of smart cities, and other efforts.

Creating a zero-carbon society with local communities

Creating a zero-carbon society with local communities

Promotion of carbon neutrality in local governments

  • The Kyuden Group will contribute to resolving regional/social issues and co-create a zero-carbon society by providing solutions to meet the collaborative needs of local governments for promoting carbon neutrality and strengthening resilience in the region.

Provision of total solutions

Provision of total solutions Provision of total solutions

Overview of agreements with local governments (energy-related)

Overview of agreements with local governments (energy-related) Overview of agreements with local governments (energy-related)


Conclusion of a partnership agreement with Kumamoto Prefecture regarding measures against global warming
  • On August 18, 2021, Kyuden Group concluded a partnership agreement with Kumamoto Prefecture regarding global warming countermeasures.
  • Through this agreement, Kumamoto Prefecture and Kyuden will work together to achieve carbon neutrality by promoting energy conservation and energy shifts centered on electrification in the residential, industrial and commercial sectors.
  • At the same time, we are supporting Kumamoto Prefecture's efforts and strengthening our collaboration by dispatching our employees to the prefectural government, using the corporate version of the hometown tax program (temporary staffing).
  • [Collaboration items]
    • The promotion of energy shift (electrification) in the industrial/commercial sectors
    • The promotion of energy conservation and energy shift (electrification) in the household sector
    • The promotion of energy conservation in prefecture-owned facilities, procurement of renewable energy, and the promotion of energy shift (electrification)
    • Other matters that contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gases

Partnership agreement signing ceremony (August 18, 2021)

CO2 absorption through adequate forest management
  • Kyuden owns a total of 4,447 hectares of forest in Oita, Kumamoto, and Miyazaki prefectures, and the amount of CO2 fixation by the forest is approximately 1.3 million tons, thanks to proper forest management led by the Kyushu Rinsan Corporation, which is part of the Kyuden Group.
  • The Kyuden Group will continue its efforts to form a sustainable, recycling-oriented society by absorbing CO2 and conservation of biodiversity, thereby contributing to the realization of a carbon neutral society.

Overview of forest owned by Kyushu Electric

Overview of forest owned by Kyushu Electric

Company-owned forest "Lake Yamashita forest (Oita Prefecture)"

J-Credit creation/utilization project using forest resources
  • We will support the creation of J-Credit from forests owned by municipalities, and use the J-credits created to offset carbon emissions from sources where it is difficult to achieve zero emissions.

    * Under this system, the government certifies the amount of CO2 emissions reduction through the introduction of energy-saving equipment and the use of renewable energy, and the amount of CO2 absorption increase through appropriate forest management as credits. Purchasers can use the credits to adjust their own CO2 emission reductions.

  • In June 2021, we started a demonstration project in a forest owned by the town of Hisayama, Fukuoka Prefecture, to confirm the effectiveness of the project. In the future, based on the results of the demonstration, we will establish a method and expand it to other areas.
(Right) Hisayama Mayor Nishimura (Left) Kyushu Electric GeneralManager Eguchi

J-Credit creation/utilization project using forest resources

J-Credit creation/utilization project using forest resources J-Credit creation/utilization project using forest resources
Provision of a renewable energy/CO2 free plan
  • We have been offering the "Renewable Energy ECO Plan" for business customers since September 2018, and in order to respond to the growing and diversifying needs for renewable energy and CO2-free energy due to the accelerating decarbonization trend, we have expanded the number of renewable energy and CO2-free plans to three since November 2021.
  • In addition, in March 2021, we began offering the "Whole Renewable Energy Plan" to enable residential customers to use electricity derived from renewable energy sources.
  • We will contribute to a low-carbon society as a whole by utilizing the income from non-FIT non-fossil certificates through the Renewable Energy Plan for the maintenance and expansion of renewable energy sources.

For corporate clients

For corporate clients

For household clients

For household clients

For corporate clients

For corporate clients

For household clients

For household clients
Creation of power demand using Kyushu’s renewable energy
  • With regard to the acceptance of renewable energy, we are promoting maximum efforts such as effective utilization of the backbone grid and refinement output control. In Kyushu, it is expected that the amount of connected renewable energy will further increase than the demand for electricity. It is necessary to create electricity demand in order to maximize the use of renewable energy in Kyushu.
  • The Kyuden Group is working to create demand for data centers and other facilities in Kyushu, and is examining ways to maximize the use of renewable energy.

Necessity of power demand creation in Kyushu

Necessity of power demand creation in Kyushu Necessity of power demand creation in Kyushu
Fostering momentum through a "Zero Carbon Challenge Declaration" by Kyuden Group employees
- Promotion of lifestyle innovation (behavioural change) -
  • As a member of the local community, Kyuden Group employees will declare the energy-saving/ electrification efforts they have been making in their homes and other places, with the aim of achieving carbon neutrality in the Kyushu area. ("Zero Carbon Challenge Declaration")
  • These declarations, etc., will be widely spread and shared among the community/society through our homepage and SNS, etc., and will contribute to fostering momentum towards carbon neutrality.
Zero Carbon Challenge Declaration
Please note that in case of discrepancy in interpretation, the Japanese version shall prevail.
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