
IR policy & calendar

IR basic policy

Basic philosophy

  • We strive to enhance shareholder and investor satisfaction by continuously improving corporate value and management quality.
  • We disclose information proactively and sustain interactive communication so as to be evaluated fairly by the capital market and to establish mutual trust with shareholders and investors.

Action guidelines

  • Timely, accurate and proactive communication: Transparent disclosure
    • We conduct disclosure in a timely and accurate manner, in compliance with laws and regulations.
    • We disclose corporate information contributing to investment decisions in a proactive and easy-to-understand manner.
    • We ensure fairness in opportunities for accessing disclosed information.
  • Appropriate reflection of shareholder and investor opinions: Emphasis on interactive communication
    • We value not only for disclosure of corporate information, but also for interactive communication with shareholders and investors.
    • Voices of shareholders and investors are appropriately reflected in our business operations.
  • Company-wide commitment: IR activity by the entire organization
    • We recognize that IR is an important aspect of management; the entire company engages in IR activities under the leadership of its top management.
    • We strive to improve company-wide IR awareness, which is the basis for effective interactive communication.
Quiet period
  • In order to prevent any leaks of the financial results and to ensure fairness, the Company shall define the 3weeks prior to the announcement of financial results as the "quiet period". During this quiet period, the Company cannot comment on or answer any inquiries about earnings results.
IR calendar


January 2025 Announcement of financial results for the 3Q of FY2024
November 2024 Meeting on financial results for the 2Q of FY2024
October 2024 Announcement of financial results for the 2Q of FY2024
September 2024 Publication of the Integrated Report 2024
August 30,2024
Publication of the ESG Data Book 2024
July 31,2024 Announcement of financial results for the 1Q of FY2024
June 28,2024
Publication of the Financial Data Book 2024
June 26, 2024
The 100th annual General Meeting of Stockholders
May 10, 2024 Meeting on financial results for FY2023
April 30,2024 Announcement of financial results for FY2023


Note:The dates shown might be changed.

Please note that in case of discrepancy in interpretation, the Japanese version shall prevail.
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