Doctoral Programs

As part of the University of Excellence concept at KIT, doctoral programs are important building blocks to ensure optimal conditions for doctoral candidates at KIT. Doctoral programs offer the opportunity to do a doctorate in an interdisciplinary research environment and within the framework of a structured qualification and supervision concept. Doctoral programs focus on qualifying doctoral researchers in promising research topics and supporting them in their personal career development and scientific independence. In addition, doctoral programs promote internationalization, early networking and interdisciplinary cooperation among early career researchers.

At KIT, early career researchers can conduct research and gain qualifications in various types of doctoral programs. For example, in graduate schools and research training groups. These differ primarily in the range of topics and in their size (number of doctoral researchers). In addition to graduate schools and research training groups, there are also various other doctoral programs at KIT.

Graduate schools are characterized by a broad, usually highly interdisciplinary field of research and comprise a large number of doctoral researchers (approx. 50 - 100). As part of the University of Excellence concept, six new graduate schools (KIT Graduate Schools) were established at six KIT Centers in strategically important research areas in 2021 with the "Graduate School Support Program" (GradeUP). Together with the existing graduate schools at KIT, including two Cluster of Excellence graduate schools, there is at least one graduate school at each KIT Center.

funding title (funding period) contact

Within the "University of Excellence" funding program

CyberSec: KIT Graduate School Cyber Security (2021-2026)

TT.-Prof. Dr. Christian Wressnegger

KASTEL - Institut für Intelligente Systemsicherheit

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Strufe

KASTEL - Institut für Praktische IT-Sicherheit (PS)

Within the "University of Excellence" funding program

KCDS: KIT Graduate School on Computational and Data Science (2021-2026)

Prof. Dr. Martin Frank

Steinbuch Centre for Computing (SCC)/Institute for Applied and Numerical Mathematics (IANM)

Within the "University of Excellence" funding program

ENZo: KIT Graduate School Enabling Net Zero (2021-2026)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Sauer

Institute of Catalysis Research and Technology (IKFT)

Within the "University of Excellence" funding program

KSQM: KIT Graduate School of Quantum Matter (2021-2026)

Prof. Dr. Markus Garst

Institute of Theoretical Solid State Physics (TFP)/Institute for Quantum Materials and Technologies (IQMT)

Within the "University of Excellence" funding program

UpGrade Mobility: KIT Graduate School Upgrade Mobility (2021-2025)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eric Sax

Institute for Information Processing Technologies (ITIV)

Within the "University of Excellence" funding program

CuKnow: KIT Graduate School Cultures of Knowledge (2021-2025)

Prof. Dr. Ingrid Ott
Institute for Economics (ECON)

Prof. Dr. Darko Jekauc

Institute of Sports and Sports Science (IfSS)


GS-EES: Graduate School "Electrochemical Energy Storage" within the Cluster of Excellence "Post Lithium Storage" (POLiS) (2019-2025)

Prof. Dr. Rolf Schuster

Institute of Physical Chemistry (IPC)

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Behm

University of Ulm

apl. Prof. Christine Kranz

University of Ulm


HEiKA Graduate School "Functional Materials" within Cluster of Excellence 2082 „3D Matter Made to Order" (2019-2025)

Prof. Dr. Martin Wegener

Institute of Applied Physics (APH) and Institute of Nanotechnology (INT)

Prof. Dr. Uwe Bunz

University of Heidelberg


KSOP: Karlsruhe School of Optics & Photonics (since 2006)

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Lemmer

Light Technology Institute (LTI)


KSETA: Karlsruhe School of Elementary Particle and Astroparticle Physics: Science and Technology (since 2012)

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Nierste

Institute for Theoretical Particle Physics (TTP)


HIDSS4Health: Helmholtz Information and Data Science School for Health (2019-2029)

Prof. Dr. Ralf Mikut

Institute for Automation and Applied Informatics (IAI)


GRACE: Graduate School for Climate and Environment (since 2011)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Hinz

Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (IPF)


BIF-IGS: BioInterfaces International Graduate School (since 2011)

Prof. Dr. Nicholas Foulkes

Institute for Biological and Chemical Systems - Biological Information Processing (IBCS-BIP)


MPSP: Max Planck School of Photonics (2019-2025)

Prof. Dr. David Hunger

Physikalisches Institut (PHI)

Prof. Dr. Christian Koos

Institut für Mikrostrukturtechnologie (IMT)

Prof. Dr. Uli Lemmer

Lichttechnisches Institut (LTI)

Prof. Dr. Uli Nienhaus

Institut für Angewandte Physik (APH)

Prof. Dr. Carsten Rockstuhl

Institut für Festkörperphysik (TFP)

Prof. Dr. Martin Wegener

Institut für Angewandte Physik (APH)

Research Training Groups are home to a medium number of doctoral researchers (approx. 10 – 25) working within a more narrowly defined research topic. In addition to the doctoral researchers directly funded by the research network, doctoral researchers funded in other ways can also be members of the Research Training Group and benefit from its offerings (as associated doctoral researchers).

funding title (funding period) contact


RTG 2450: compnano: Tailored Scale-Bridging Approaches to Computational Nanoscience (2019-2028)

Prof. Dr. Marcus Elstner

Institute of Physical Chemistry (IPC)


RTG 2739: KD2School: Graduate School on Adaptive Systems (2021-2026)

Prof. Dr. Christof Weinhardt

Institut für Informationswirtschaft und Marketing (IISM)


RTG 2561: MatCom-ComMat: Materials Compounds from Composite Materials (2020-2024)

Prof. Dr. Martin Heilmaier

Institute for Applied Materials – Materials Science and Engineering (IAM-WK)


RTG 2229: Asymptotic Invariants and Limits of Groups and Spaces (2016-2025)

Prof. Dr. Roman Sauer

Institute of Algebra and Geometry (IAG)


RTG 2218: SiMET: Simulation Mechano-Electro-Thermal Processes in Lithium-Ion Batteries (2017-2025)

Prof. Dr. Thomas Wetzel

Institute of Thermal Process Engineering (TVT)


RTG 2153: Energy Status Data – Informatics Methods for its Collection, Analysis and Exploitation (2016-2025)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klemens Böhm

Institute for Program Structures and Data Organisation (IPD)


HIRSAP: Helmholtz International Research School for Astroparticle Physics and Enabling Technologies (2018-2024)

Prof. Dr. Ralph Engel

Institute of Nuclear Physics (IKP)

The Collaborative Research Centers (CRC) funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) are long-term research institutions at universities in which scientists collaborate within the framework of an interdisciplinary research program (sometimes across locations). The structured promotion of young researchers is one of the central goals of Collaborative Research Centers and they may therefore also have Integrated Research Training Groups offering excellent research opportunities for doctoral researchers.

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions are international research networks of at least three European institutions. These doctoral programs usually include a small number of doctoral researchers (approx. 2 – 4) per location, who have the opportunity to spend up to one third of their doctorate at one of the partner institutions.

funding title (funding period) contact


CAARE: Characterization and Recovery of Bionanoparticles for Vaccine Delivery and Gene Therapy

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Hubbuch (BLT)


EURIdoc: Eucor Upper Rhine Immunology Doctoral Programme (2021-2026)

Prof. Dr. Frank Breitling

Institute for Organic Chemistry (IOC)


QUSTEC: International, Interdisciplinary and Intersectoral Doctoral Programme in Quantum Science and Technologies (2019-2025)

Prof. Dr. Mario Ruben

Institute for Nanotechnology (INT)


ML4Q: Machine Learning for Quantum (2024-2028)

Prof. Dr. Anja Metelmann

Institute for Theoretical Condensed Matter physics (TKM)


NanoRAM: Emerging Nanotools for Soft Matter Characterisation and Manipulation (2024-2028)

Prof. Dr. Joerg Lahann

Institut of Functional Interfaces (IFG)


RIDERS: Training In cutting-eDge battERy technologieS: high-performance materials and researchers for future electrochemical storage (2024-2028)

Dr. Dominic Bresser

Helmholtz-Institute Ulm (HIU)


eNargiZinc: Towards innovative and affordable sodium- and zinc-based electrochemical energy storage systems composed of more sustainable and locally-sourced materials (2024-2027)

Dr. Alberto Varzi

Helmholtz-Institute Ulm (HIU)


PhotoCaM: Photosynthetic Antennas in a Computational Microscope: Training a new generation of computational scientists (2024-2027)

Prof. Dr. Marcus Elstner

Institute of Physical Chemistry (IPC)


HEAT4ENERGY: Magnetic ENERGY conversion for waste HEAT

Prof. Dr. Manfred Kohl

Institute of Microstructure Technology (IMT)


Inter-oPEn: Interoperability of the Power Electronics dominated grid by openness

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Leibfried

Institute for Electrical Energy Systems and High Voltage Technology (IEH)


ISLANDS: Integrated Sensing and communications for future vehicuLAr systems (2024-2027)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Laurent Schmalen

The Communications Engineering Lab (CEL)


QuNEST: Doctoral Training Network for Quantum Enhanced Optical Communication Network Security (2023-2027)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Laurent Schmalen

The Communication Engineering Lab (CEL)


RAICAM: Robotics and Artificial Intelligence for Critical Asset Monitoring (2023-2026)

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Neumann

Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics (IAR)


CLOUD-DOC: CLOUD Doctoral Network (2022-2026)

Dr. Ottmar Möhler

Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research - Atmospheric Aerosol Research (IMK-AAF)


CO2Valorize: Valorization of CO2 for Low Carbon Cement (2022-2026)

Dr. Peter Stemmermann

Institute for Technical Chemistry (ITC)


HIPO: Integrated High-Speed Power Systems for Industry and Mobile Applications (2022-2026)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Doppelbauer

Institute of Electrical Engineering (ETI)


SMARTGYsum: Research and Training Network for Smart and Green Energy Systems and Business Models (2021-2025)

Dr.-Ing. Giovanni De Carne

Institute for Technical Physics (ITEP)


EDIPI: European Weather Extremes: Drivers, Predictability and Impacts (2021-2025)

Prof. Dr. Joaquim Pinto

Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research (IMK)


NIPU: Synthesis, Characterization, Structure and Properties of Novel Nonisocyanate Polyurethans (2021-2024)

Prof. Dr. Michael Meier

Institute for Organic Chemistry (IOC)


HIDDeN: Hunting Invisibles: Dark Sectors, Dark Matter and Neutrinos (2020-2024)

Prof. Dr. Thomas Schwetz-Mangold

Institute for Astroparticle Physics (IAP)


POLYSTORAGE: European Training Network in Innovative Polymers for Next-Generation Electrochemical Energy Storage (2019-2024)

Prof. Dr. Stefano Passerini

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU) for Electrochemical Energy Storage

KIT is strongly networked within the (international) scientific community as well as industry. KIT cooperates with its partners in particular in the area of doctorate, for example in the form of double degree doctoral programs, doctoral research groups with applied universities, and industrial doctoral programs.

funding title (funding period) contact


KLIREC: Climate, Resources, and Circular Economy – Interrelations, Synergies, and Tradeoffs (2022-2027)

Prof. Dr. Armin Grunwaldt

Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS)


KATE: Barrierefreiheit durch KI-Basierte Assistive Technologien (2022-2027)

Prof. Dr. Rainer Stiefelhagen

Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics (IAR)


IFU Graduate Program (since 2021)

Prof. Dr. Hans Peter Schmid

Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research Atmospheric Environmental Research (IMKIFU)

versch. Lehrstühle

Promotionskolleg AISTHESIS (2021-2024)

Prof. Dr. Oliver Jehle

Institute for History of Art and Architecture (IKB)


DDEIT: Double Doctoral degree in Electrical engineering and Information Technology (2018-2024)

Prof. Dr. Marc Weber

Head of Division 5


DDAp: Double Doctoral degree in Astrophysics (2014-2026)

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Johannes Blümer

KIT Distinguished Senior Fellow


KSOS: Karlsruhe School of Services (since 2010)

Prof. Christof Weinhardt

Institute of Information and Market Engineering (IISM)


Graduate Program Service Research (since 2008)

Prof. Dr. Stefan Nickel

Institute of Operations Research (IOR)