Press Releases

Current Press Releases
No. Date Image Title
070 13.09.2024 2024_070_Wie ein Fjord in Groenland ein globales seismisches Signal erzeugte_72dpi How a Fjord in Greenland Generated a Global Seismic Signal
Researchers from KIT in a Multinational Collaboration Use Realistic Numerical Models to Solve Mysteries about Earth Vibrations of Unknown Origin
069 11.09.2024 2024_069_Innovatives Wearable_Koerperhaltung nachhaltig verbessernBild1_72dpi Innovative Wearables: Improving Posture Sustainably
KIT Spin-off StraightUp to Relieve Posture-related Back Pain in the Long Term
068 09.09.2024 2024_068_Thessaloniki International Fair_Robert Habeck informiert sich ueber nachhaltige Technologien aus dem KIT_72dpi Thessaloniki International Fair: Robert Habeck Catches Up on Sustainable Technologies from KIT
New Technologies and Sustainable Development: Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action Visits KIT Pavilion
067 05.09.2024 2024_067_Eine Woche Tage der Demokratie_72dpi One Week of "Days of Democracy"
Various Event Formats for Interested Citizens around Karlsruhe's Kronenplatz from 15 to 21 September

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Margarete Lehné

Chief Press Officer (acting)

phone: +49 721 608-41105
margarete lehne∂does-not-exist.kit edu