
Sustainability development is a challenge for humanity. KIT contributes to mastering this challenge in its core tasks of research, academic education, and innovation as well as in its daily business. In its Mission Statement, KIT commits to work sustainably by creating knowledge for the society and the environment.

At KIT, we are conducting cutting-edge research relating to climate protection and sustainable life and economy in order to develop knowledge-based contributions and solutions that will be incorporated in new climate-friendly and sustainable technologies and applications. Moreover, our academic education addresses the topic in a detailed manner. We are qualifying and sensitizing young people on the highest level in the relevant disciplines. In their academic life, their profession, and their social activities, they can use this knowledge in a gainful way and contribute to sustainable developments.

Sustainability in Strategy and Governance

At KIT, we are committed to sustainability in research, teaching, transfer, administration, infrastructure, and every day working life. The 2022 – 2026 Structure and Development Plan (SEP) includes a range of structural measures to implement it. KIT’s contribution to a sustainable transformation of society is based on a participative process with an integrated view of all areas of action. Consequently, KIT has included the topic as sustainability strategy in its KIT 2025 Strategy that is the basis for KIT’s further structural development.

The new portfolio "Digitalization and Sustainability" of Vice-President Kora Kristof coordinates KIT’s sustainability activities to further enhance visibility and effectiveness of research, academic education, transfer, technologies, and and the ability to enter into dialogue with society on climate protection and other aspects of sustainable development. The Vice President is supported by the Sustainability Office (SO). As the central office for the sustainability management work of all stakeholders, it pushes KIT’s sustainable development in a pluralistic, integrated approach. To identify and refine sustainability issues in science and administration, the round table on sustainability was established as an internal discussion platform.

Cooperations in Karlsruhe and the Upper Rhine Region

At the local and regional level, KIT promotes sustainability issues together with its partners.

Within the framework of the Karlsruhe Climate Pact, KIT works together with all seven Karlsruhe universities and the city of Karlsruhe on comprehensive climate protection measures. The Climate Pact was initiated by the Karlsruhe Real-world Lab for Sustainable Climate Protection with the aim of using synergies and bundling expertise.

The Sustainability Innovation Campus, launched by the University of Freiburg and the KIT, and funded by the state of Baden-Württemberg, focuses on transdisciplinary sustainability research in the innovative fields of climate protection, resource efficiency, and well-being. Excellent research results are combined with concrete implementation and the establishment and expansion of effective innovation systems. Ecologically sound solutions are combined with economically successful and socially appropriate solutions.

Further Information
