
KIT – The Research University in the Helmholtz Association – combines university tradition with program-oriented research. In 2009, the Technical University of Karlsruhe and Karlsruhe Research Center merged to KIT. The framework conditions presently offered to KIT researchers are accordingly unique in the German science system. Nowhere else can researchers use the infrastructure of a large-scale research center and collaborate at a university of excellence across the disciplines of natural sciences, engineering, economics, the humanities and social sciences. Research at KIT is aimed at creating new findings, applications, and solutions to master the global challenges facing humankind with pathbreaking contributions – in particular in the areas of energy, mobility, and information. The only German university of excellence with a national large-scale research sector offers unique education and training options for students and early-stage researchers.


Successful in the Excellence Strategy Competition of the Federation and the Federal States

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Helmholtz Programs

Involved in 11 programmes of the Helmholtz Association in the research fields Energy, Earth and Environment, Matter and Key Technologies.

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Research Networks

Networked structures encourage interdisciplinary cooperation between scientists on current issues.

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Knowledge for society and the environment - from basic research to applications in natural sciences, engineering, economics, humanities and social sciences.

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Research infrastructure KIT
Research Infrastructures

From modern laboratory equipment to extraordinary large-scale facilities.

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Wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs
Young Scientists

Excellent conditions and development opportunities for outstanding young researchers.

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The scientific disciplines of the KIT are organized in five divisions.
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KIT Centers
At the KIT Centers, scientists are working on division-overlapping research and innovation topics. In this way, interdisciplinary cooperation is supported at the KIT.
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Research from fundamentals to application - in about 150 institutes at KIT.
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Good Scientific Practice
Two ombudspersons act as contact for the employees of the KIT as persons of trust in supposed cases of scientific misconduct.
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Research Office
With a comprehensive service, KIT's Research Office supports the acquisition of research funds and the coordination of research projects.
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Young Investigator Network
The Young Investigator Network promotes the networking and advanced training of junior research group leaders and junior professors at KIT.
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KIT Experts
From architecture to economics - KIT experts provide insight and background information on many topics. They can be reached via a central portal..
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International Scholars & Welcome Office
With various measures and activities, the International Scholars & Welcome Office supports foreign researchers planning a stay at the KIT.
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KIT Library
The KIT Library ensures the information supply of KIT and offers a wide range of services to support research and publication processes.
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