* Stewardship of my Memorials: Liz Gowanlock, member (48766670) has consented to be my Stewart and to manage the memorials in the future when required.
Thank you, Liz, greatly appreciated. Bruce Nuckowski : (48121957). Sunday, August 1, 2021
Canada Is Not for Sale / Le Canada n'est pas à vendre
The candle in the window a symbol of hope.
Long As I Can See the Light. We will remember our Loved and departed Family and Friends with fond memories. A person's name represents a personal history, Family background, and connection to their culture and community.
Let us not forget our Canadian, American, and International Soldiers, as they continue in many parts of the world to maintain peace and stability within the nations. It is a reminder of a task that does not end.
I pray for Ukraine. For all of humanity distorted by war.
For all the lives lost, homes seized, Families displaced, and peace broken.
My heritage is 65%: East European, 14%: Balkan, 8%: Scandinavian and 12% Baltic. People of Eastern European descent trace their roots to Russia, Ukraine, Poland and Hungary.
Thank you to contributors who have found errors and were thoughtful to send a notice", Greatly, appreciated. All the memorials are "work in progress" meaning corrections / additions.
* (Privacy, rules require that Living relatives' information should not be published). I believe the obituary should honor all members of the Family, if this is not the case, please let me know and we can work out what is agreeable.
*Also, I will acknowledge contributor's edits/suggestions with only your FAG number, but not your name. (unless given permission to do so).
In memory of: The Royal Canadian Air Force Captain Jennifer Rose Casey, killed in Snowbirds crash. The journalist turned Air-Force Officer was 35. Halifax, March 1, 1985 - Kamloops, B.C. May 17, 2020.
In perpetual memory of my parents, Antoni and Janina Nuckowski, also my Mother-in-Law, (Mum) Margaret Ellen (Edwards) Alton, her sons Robert "Rob" Charles Alton, Richard "Den" Dennis Alton, Elizabeth "Liz" Alton Ruegg, her daughter Amy Ruegg, Gerry Hodge and his wife, Phyllis Jean (Edwards) Hodge.
Also, John and his wife, Elaine Brawley, Marie and her husband Dr. George Chrzan, my Uncle's Joseph and Walter Makos, Neil Peart, John Parr Weston, Larry McCormick, Chief Ralph Akiwenzie, Kathy Hopson, Paul Thomson (the teacher), Fred Pearce (the mover), Robert Pointon, Alan Bernier (army buddy), Phil McCann (stock car buddy), Viktor Lobodzinski (biker buddy)
The ancestors of all North American First Nations people (First People), crossed over on foot to North America from Asia at the end of the last ice age, about 12,000 years ago.
Remember Those Lost and Harmed While Serving Their Country. Also Remember Those Who Have Served and Returned and for those presently serving in our national Armed Forces.
PTSD Veterans sadly under served by All the nations, "military veterans suffering from PTSD" (post-traumatic stress disorder) and being homeless and living on the streets.
In memory of our To All of our Nation's Veterans, American and Canadian, we recognize their courage, hard work and we are humbled by their sacrifice. Thank you, all on Remembrance Day and every day.
*Any errors are mine and corrections welcome. I gather material from everywhere on the faith that its correct, sometimes not. (those entries will be marked as not verified).
"Stories must be told or they will die and when they die, we can't remember who we are or why we are here". - (author unknown)
Under the Canadian Protection of Personal Information and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), a cemetery headstone and any information on it are considered to be in the public domain. Therefore, information obtained from these sources are considered as "open" information which may be released. This is true regardless of whether or not the people mentioned are living or dead or how long they have been dead.
*If there are memorials that I have posted and you want them "removed", I will do so. (covering your essentials with paper). To ensure we have the correct person in question. Thank you.
* Stewardship of my Memorials: Liz Gowanlock, member (48766670) has consented to be my Stewart and to manage the memorials in the future when required.
Thank you, Liz, greatly appreciated. Bruce Nuckowski : (48121957). Sunday, August 1, 2021
Canada Is Not for Sale / Le Canada n'est pas à vendre
The candle in the window a symbol of hope.
Long As I Can See the Light. We will remember our Loved and departed Family and Friends with fond memories. A person's name represents a personal history, Family background, and connection to their culture and community.
Let us not forget our Canadian, American, and International Soldiers, as they continue in many parts of the world to maintain peace and stability within the nations. It is a reminder of a task that does not end.
I pray for Ukraine. For all of humanity distorted by war.
For all the lives lost, homes seized, Families displaced, and peace broken.
My heritage is 65%: East European, 14%: Balkan, 8%: Scandinavian and 12% Baltic. People of Eastern European descent trace their roots to Russia, Ukraine, Poland and Hungary.
Thank you to contributors who have found errors and were thoughtful to send a notice", Greatly, appreciated. All the memorials are "work in progress" meaning corrections / additions.
* (Privacy, rules require that Living relatives' information should not be published). I believe the obituary should honor all members of the Family, if this is not the case, please let me know and we can work out what is agreeable.
*Also, I will acknowledge contributor's edits/suggestions with only your FAG number, but not your name. (unless given permission to do so).
In memory of: The Royal Canadian Air Force Captain Jennifer Rose Casey, killed in Snowbirds crash. The journalist turned Air-Force Officer was 35. Halifax, March 1, 1985 - Kamloops, B.C. May 17, 2020.
In perpetual memory of my parents, Antoni and Janina Nuckowski, also my Mother-in-Law, (Mum) Margaret Ellen (Edwards) Alton, her sons Robert "Rob" Charles Alton, Richard "Den" Dennis Alton, Elizabeth "Liz" Alton Ruegg, her daughter Amy Ruegg, Gerry Hodge and his wife, Phyllis Jean (Edwards) Hodge.
Also, John and his wife, Elaine Brawley, Marie and her husband Dr. George Chrzan, my Uncle's Joseph and Walter Makos, Neil Peart, John Parr Weston, Larry McCormick, Chief Ralph Akiwenzie, Kathy Hopson, Paul Thomson (the teacher), Fred Pearce (the mover), Robert Pointon, Alan Bernier (army buddy), Phil McCann (stock car buddy), Viktor Lobodzinski (biker buddy)
The ancestors of all North American First Nations people (First People), crossed over on foot to North America from Asia at the end of the last ice age, about 12,000 years ago.
Remember Those Lost and Harmed While Serving Their Country. Also Remember Those Who Have Served and Returned and for those presently serving in our national Armed Forces.
PTSD Veterans sadly under served by All the nations, "military veterans suffering from PTSD" (post-traumatic stress disorder) and being homeless and living on the streets.
In memory of our To All of our Nation's Veterans, American and Canadian, we recognize their courage, hard work and we are humbled by their sacrifice. Thank you, all on Remembrance Day and every day.
*Any errors are mine and corrections welcome. I gather material from everywhere on the faith that its correct, sometimes not. (those entries will be marked as not verified).
"Stories must be told or they will die and when they die, we can't remember who we are or why we are here". - (author unknown)
Under the Canadian Protection of Personal Information and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), a cemetery headstone and any information on it are considered to be in the public domain. Therefore, information obtained from these sources are considered as "open" information which may be released. This is true regardless of whether or not the people mentioned are living or dead or how long they have been dead.
*If there are memorials that I have posted and you want them "removed", I will do so. (covering your essentials with paper). To ensure we have the correct person in question. Thank you.
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"Mae" Craig, of Walkerton, her Family of Ontario
8 Memorials
"The Devil's Brigade"-First Special Service Force
13 Memorials
A verification work in progress
11 Memorials