Goat herder

Member for
6 years 5 months 22 days
Find a Grave ID


Hello, and I hope you are having a great day!

I live near London, Ontario - I love wandering through cemeteries and getting lost in the stories the tombstones tell. My home town is Port Hope, Ontario and I spend a lot of time there as well.

If I make an edit suggestion - it is because it is on the cemetery stone, burial records, transcriptions, or I have researched that family tree. Do I make mistakes, absolutely- sometimes late night Find A Grave(ing) isn't a good idea. At the same time you can trust my edits aren't coming out of no where or from just someone's family tree online. I like accuracy!

If I can help you in anyway with locating a memorial in my area - feel free to contact me. Cheers!
Hello, and I hope you are having a great day!

I live near London, Ontario - I love wandering through cemeteries and getting lost in the stories the tombstones tell. My home town is Port Hope, Ontario and I spend a lot of time there as well.

If I make an edit suggestion - it is because it is on the cemetery stone, burial records, transcriptions, or I have researched that family tree. Do I make mistakes, absolutely- sometimes late night Find A Grave(ing) isn't a good idea. At the same time you can trust my edits aren't coming out of no where or from just someone's family tree online. I like accuracy!

If I can help you in anyway with locating a memorial in my area - feel free to contact me. Cheers!
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