Uncyclopedia:Writer of the Month

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Writer of the Month trophy

This is it. The big one. The Oscar of Uncyclopedia. Writer of the month. The "Chronies", if you will. And it is the Voting page.

Eligibility Requirements[edit ]

To be nominated, you must:

  • Be a registered member.
  • Not nominate yourself. You can vote for yourself, but you can't nominate yourself.
  • Have written at least five "full" articles.

Whom should I nominate?[edit ]

Nominate the member who has written the funniest, highest-quality stuff in the past month.

Nominations and Voting Process[edit ]

Nominations end one week from the end of the month. Over the course of the month you may vote ONCE for your favorite writer. Do your research! Vote for who makes you giggle immensely. On the first of the next month, the winner will be announced.

Fabulous Prizes[edit ]

Winner will receive:

  • Spotlight on front page.
  • Fancy template to put on your user page.
  • 1 gallon of ice cream!
  • Only 1 gallon? What a rip off!
  • We can make it a pint.
  • No cone though
  • Sprinkles are optional.

Vote Or Die!![edit ]

Nominate now! Only signed votes will count. Please use the level two headline format for the name of the nomination with an optional comment and mandatory signature underneath.

You must get a minimum score of +5 to pass muster. Crowdsource, call in sexual favors, whore to your heart's content in order to get this number. Just don't make socks or vote twice. Or whore. Sorry I said that the first time.

Past Winners[edit ]

stillwatersRadicalXLeeHarveyKennedycarlbFamineCap'n BenRangeleyKPSavethemoosesDavid GerardTodd LyonsDougMhailleHindleyiteBradaphraserTompkinsHardwick FundlebuggyImrealizedProcopiusSquiggleENeGMAModusoperandiOne-eyed JackPrettiestprettyBraydieShandonElectrified mocha chinchillaLjlegoThe ThinkerTheLedBalloonZombiebaronSo SoCajekTHE15Mickey20MordilloThekillerfroggy (2) • Dr. SkullthumperDJ IrreverentUnder userRAHBHyperboleThe UnIdiotGerrycheeversSysRqAn Ape that Only Exists on ThursdaysDrStrange (2) • SycamoreGuildensternensteinRabbiTechnoOrian57Sog1970GlobalTourniquet (2) • NecropaxxMacManiaPuppyOnTheRadioZim ulatorZana DarkNameableAsahatterMadMaxAleisterFredd The MahmauscherMatfenDexter111344NachladerBlack flamingo11MrthejazzFunnybonyRomartusSPIKE (2) • The WoodburninatorSockpuppet of an unregistered userManiac1075Matt lobsterSkinfan13NoNamesLeftChiefjusticeDSMattsnowMagic manXamralcoLyrithyaNikau (2)• BizzeebeeverMrN9000ShabidooJocke PiratWeebilsZarbagWinstanley1Ptok-BentonicznyLeverageMnbvcxzScottPatMacboswellPhrank PsinatraAnton199Captain gullEveryotherusernamewastakenChunklesEStopSog1970

For full details, see Past Winners

Official nominations[edit ]

Awards, Decorations and Honours
Ranks &
Prix citron
Events citron
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