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If by "SysRq" you mean "Anus" then yes
Status: (削除) Retarded (削除ここまで) Retired; IRC?: No; Currently: Going back to bed. Wake me up next year, Chris you bastard.
Responding: No; Last updated: 06:35, June 28, 2010 (UTC)
THIS JUST IN! SysRq has a Twitter! Sign up now for up-to-the-microsecond reports on his bathroom tendencies!

"My opinion of him can never match his own."

~ My mom on Kanye West

Aye, time to write myself another self-serving, asshole style bio. VANDALISM!!!

So, my name is Alex. People seem to like to call me SysRq, though, seeing as how that's the username I registered here. They also like to call me Sissie, SisReck (only on IRC, though), and Faggator, Bane of Sis-Wreckia. Whatever you end up calling me, just don't call me late for dinner.[1] I first arrived at this god-forsaken site in late 2007 with the name "Gustavo Chapman 3rd of Normandy." I don't think anybody cares about that fact anymore, though; I did nothing noteworthy as Gustav. I barely do noteworthy things now, though, so I guess it's all the same.

Around here, I like to write,[2] pee, fix things up,[3] talk to my friends[4] , v o t e,[5] and welcome new users. If you're a noob, and whether I've welcomed you or not, I'm more than happy to help with any issues you may be having. Just leave me a message on my talk page.
A Werks

Articles I claim to be mine

Terrible articles that I'd rather were NOT mine

Articles that used to be mine (2007 articles written before the name change)

UnNews Stories I claim to be mine

UnNews Audio Talkie Show Thingies

Songs I wrote

Articles I have WIP'd here on the namespace

{{WIP}} it. Into shape. Shape it up. Get it straight. Go forward. Move ahead. Try to detect it. It's not too late. To {{WIP}} it. {{WIP}} it good.

Awards I've made

This is a list of (削除) reasons to be nice to me (削除ここまで) awards I've made.

A Words

Pee Reviewer of the Month Reviewer of the Month March 2008
Author of the Month UnBooks Author of the Month June 2008
Useless Gobshite of the Month Award Useless Gobshite of the Month June 2008
Writer of the Month Award Writer of the Month December 2008
Uncyclopedian of the Month Award Uncyclopedian of the Month March 2009

Potatohead.png Featured Article: Charles Lindbergh
This person wrote an article which became one of the
Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia.
Potatohead.png Featured Article: Threads Of Our Existence: Excerpts From the Secret Writing Journal Of F. Scott Fitzgerald
This person wrote an article which became one of the
Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia.
Potatohead.png Featured Article: Why?:Blame Hitler
This person wrote an article which became one of the
Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia.

Collab with Leddy

Potatohead.png Featured Article: Veteran
This person wrote an article which became one of the
Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia.
Potatohead.png Featured Article: UnBooks:My New Life as a T-Rex
This person wrote an article which became one of the
Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia.
Potatohead.png Featured Article: Dishwasher
This person wrote an article which became one of the
Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia.
Potatohead.png Featured Article: America is the best!!!
This person wrote an article which became one of the
Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia.
Potatohead.png Featured Article: Andy Rooney
This person wrote an article which became one of the
Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia.
Potatohead.png Featured Article: :Category:My sojourn
This person wrote an article which became one of the
Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia.

Collab with various others, my contribution was the best though

Ic bead.png Featured Colonization: Al Gore
This person contributed to a Colonization which became one of the
Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia.

Bff.png World's Best Friend April 2008

Merited UnProvisation: Historical Drama
This user helped create an UnProvisation which was
merited on Uncyclopedia.
Merited UnProvisation: High School Drama
This user started an UnProvisation which was
merited on Uncyclopedia.
UnNews Audio Ninjastar
For a fine job on your audio. Your character, wit and smarm have lulled the masses into a false sense of security. Nice job! –Rev_zim
GoldenShower.jpg Rejoice, SysRq! You have been entitled to the
Golden Shower Award
For donating high quality material to the Pee Review.
GoldenShower.jpg Rejoice, SysRq! You have been entitled to the
Golden Shower Award
For donating high quality material to the Pee Review.
GoldenShower.jpg Rejoice, SysRq! You have been entitled to the
Golden Shower Award
For donating high quality material to the Pee Review.
GoldenShower.jpg Rejoice, SysRq! You have been entitled to the
Golden Shower Award
For donating high quality material to the Pee Review.
GoldenShower.jpg Rejoice, SysRq! You have been entitled to the
Golden Shower Award
For donating high quality material to the Pee Review.

(Yepp, x5 of em.)

Chaos star.svg
Encourage the n00b star
I award You this star, because you're foolish enough to encourage a n00b's Uncyc addiction and increase it's chances of making a career in HumourTM and/or Visual GagsTM.
You are awarded an extra +11⁄2 Bonus*
*Bonus awarded for being good to the n00b.
(Added bonus of +2 available in exchange for cookies).
Lady Viktoria
Cake.gif Under User has blessed you with cake for being friendly and/or useful.
Eat it quickly before he changes his mind.

Warning: cake prepared in an environment which also processes nuts,
and contains lactose, gluten, ground glass and arsenic, which gives it a lovely tang.
Under-used Ninjastar
I award you an under-used Ninjastar. Rust may have dulled its cutting edge, but it is still a potent symbol. Yes. – UU.
UUpartay.jpg Woo!
Yay, go you! Under User has decided that you are "quite a decent sort",
which is apparently one of his highest terms of praise!
This is therefore a good thing, and in accordance with this,
he's throwing a party down the manhole to celebrate. Look at him go!

You're not invited though. Don't take it personally.
You've Been Awarded The Order Of The Flying Communist Turd , 2nd Class.
You Must Have Done Something Really Special For Me ! Woo! Lucky You!
From Comrade YesTimeToEdit
Optimuschris has been informed that you have recently helped him in some way.
Therefore he has asked his assistant to create a thank you template for you.
He trusts an appropriate image has been included. An image
every bit as unique and personal as he's assured his recent interaction
with you has been.

Goldurinal.gif Golden Urinal
You have been awarded this coveted Golden Urinal in recognition of having completed over 25 in-depth pee reviews. Thanks for the hard work.
Now have a rehydrating drink, and get back to pissing - there are still articles out there that need your help, dammit!
Platinumpisser.gif Platinum Pisser
Rejoice! Your colossal achievement of completing over 50 in-depth pee reviews has been recognised with the provision of this luxury micturitional accessory. You will be the envy of your friends. Or you would be, if you hadn't ignored them for ages while you were reviewing.
Sucker Ninjastar.png
Sucker for Punishment Ninjastar
This user is a complete sucker for punishment, and has now completed over 50 pee reviews. Awesome! –UU
Whirling Star of Outstanding Vigilance
For your consistent commitment to Stephen Colbert, and my joke that 10 people understand. –THINKER
MShippo37915.jpg Jolly Good Show!

MrN9000 could not help but notice that you have been doing some spiffingly good deeds of late.
As such, you have been awarded this rather nice boxy type thing by way of recognition.
A Use Boxes

User goodthink U.W.P member.
Helper of needy, destroyer of ungood.

Hanshaketiny.jpg This user is a member of the Welcoming Committee, because no other Committee would take them.

ThinkerToilet.jpg This user is constantly PEEING. S/He apologizes for the mess.

Spellingnazi.png This user is a spelling Nazi. Beware their grammarsteeq.
Finder.png This user is a Mac User.
Eat up.
(List of Mac-Using Uncyclopedians)
The most loved of us all.

This user is a honourific member
of the UnHoly Sisterhood.
He worships Sophia
and so should you, <insert name here>.

US flag.png This user is American
...and unabashedly proud of it!
(List of American Uncyclopedians)
DogNewspaper.jpg This user subscribes to the UnSignpost: The Newspaper 4 out of 5 Dentists Agree On!
en -N This user is a native speaker of English .
sp -1 This user is able to contribute with a basic level of Spanglish .
ns -3 This user is able to contribute with an advanced level of Newspeak .
es -1 This user is able to contribute with a basic level of Español .
enr -4 This user speaks Engrish at a near-native level.
AAN.jpg This user has adopted The SOAD Fan.
AAN.jpg This user has adopted Flare.
NO This user doesn't care.
Clock.gif This user has been on Uncyclopedia for
18 years, 4 months and 4 days.

Blogger logo.jpg This user maintains a Blog at
DrSkull.png This user misses Dr. Skullthumper.

How dare you consider this user not awesome! How dare you not recognise the awesomeness of this user! This person uses the power of "How Dare You"!
MUP.svg This user is a part of the Missing User Project . You may refer to them as a MUPpet.
AAN.jpg This user is proud to have been the Adopter of Tagstit.
"Anus" If by "SysRq" you mean "anus" then yes.
IC This user is a member of Imperial Colonization.
The most loved one of the Sisters. Worship her.

This user is a spoiled
Mummy's little darling.
Observe their cuddliness.


  1. This is the extent of SysRq's humor. How he ever gets a bloody feature is nothing short of immaculate.
  2. ...unfunny things.
  3. More like, breaking shit and then spending the rest of the day fixing what I did and apologizing to all parties involved.
  4. You have friends? Don't you mean people who vandalise your userpage? UU.
  5. I may not necessarily vote for your article, in fact I've probably made a point not to if I haven't already so don't whore me.
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